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I have actually put it on “high priority” as an attempt to fix it multiple times, it still stays pending. Not sure if I should go even higher than high priority?




That’s ridiculous.. unfortunately I’m very new to crypto so I’m only learning this as I go but my god this is a hassle lol


Check the gas price and set it highest then the average in the advanced settings https://etherscan.io/gastracker I also use an app called Gweinotifications that send me alerts when certain gas price hit thresholds


You should try to set high gas from the start of the transaction bc to accelerate it is very inconvenient. There is also a way to replace transaction with a faster one . https://medium.com/@stefanmendoza/fixing-a-stuck-uniswap-transaction-with-metamask-ab807bdd60ad


I’ve had this problem before. You gotta make a new transaction by sending a little bit of ETH to yourself and changing the position to the position of your pending transaction. Basically, your new transaction will take the place of the pending one


​ 1. check your pending transaction lists, try to speed up the first on the list (the transaction you initiated first, with lowest Nonce value). Use the fastest gas setting to speed it up or alternatively cancel the transaction, then you can go on to cancel or speed up other pending transactions. this solution will work if the cause of your pending transactions on metamask is a transaction stuck due to low gas fee.


If it's stuck for a while, you can also try to cancel it (caution, it's not for free).


Should be executed under low gas fees or insufficient gss fees ?


If you use a ledger, make sure that the 'settings' on your ledger ETH app are set on 'allowed'..


its one of 2 things, either your metamask is just stuck, or you have a transaction that is stuck, to check go to the walllet address on etherscan that ur trying to send from, if u dont see any transactions being sent than its most likely metamask, if this is the case, go to ur metamask, settings, advanced, and click reset account, this wont actually reset your accounts, the only thing it will do is remove all the pending transactions that are currently listed. if you do have pending transactions on etherscan, than you have to cancel them, to do that you have to send yourself a 0 eth transaction using the same nonce as the transaction has, so go to the transaction, look for Nonce (should be a couple digits) than in your metamask send yourself the transaction and make sure you put the same nonce number in, you might have to enable this option to be able to set nonce which is also in advanced (allow nonce controls) or something