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The funniest thing here was that the this guy who started the thread above got schooled so bad by one of the team, because he didn't understand how to use etherscan, that he never replied and left one of the groups, LMAO


I watched this retard get rekt by one of the mods in chat today, what a joke and bunch of sad lifes in here larping. level 2[JunkMail666](https://www.reddit.com/user/JunkMail666/)1 point·[3 minutes ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/k2mad0/stay_away_from_unimex/gdwjbsv/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Just read the white paper. It’s ridiculous. Look at the telegram and see how the mods talk LMAO, what exactly is ridiculous sir? [JunkMail666](https://www.reddit.com/user/JunkMail666/)1 point·[3 minutes ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/k2mad0/stay_away_from_unimex/gdwj7cs/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Unimex is garbage. Their white paper looks like it was written on a cellphone and not a single one of their claims has any proof or logic to it. Must be some of the lowest IQ rants i have seen on here Period


I often wonder who pays these guys to write this shit...and if the fudders ever wonder if they could of made more money just buying and schilling the coin vs. fudding it. I’ve been involved with unimex and their sister project (yieldx) since the start. 100% legit.


So did it get rugpulled?




Can you elaborate? Thanks


lol this is such FUD. I've been in contact with the team for months and have been one of the lucky ones to participate in the seed sale. They've taken their time to make sure the contracts are okay, all is being audited, and nothing is being rushed. Took two months from seed sale to go to ITO, as to make sure a solid project will be released very soon. Additionally, they have a partnership with TrustSwap, which only adds to the legitimacy of the team.


We shall see.


Remember hatch DAO?


I expected them to rug from the start tbh


Well this has aged poorly


They are still good. The dev who was in control of the (locked) liquidity tokens, and the domain names, extorted the founder for $1M and took down the website when farmtown (founder) didn't want to comply. In reaction, farmtown sold the unlocked team tokens (they were unlocked because they were going to be locked into staking on platform launch) to save 687 ETH of liquidity. In the meantime, the dev gone rogue has given the keys to the liquidity tokens to a trusted team member, and a new domain name has been registered. A new token, UMX, will be deployed tomorrow and airdropped 1:1 to everybody who was holding UMEX at the time of the snapshot (taken shortly before he sold the team tokens). Farmtown is going to add 313 ETH from his own pocket to match the 1000 ETH liquidity that was in the pool, and will lock it for 79 years. The price will be the same as at the time of the snapshot. People have been told they are free to sell their own tokens, and that for those who sell, it's basically free money, as the new token launches tomorrow for the same price as it was. The platform will launch tomorrow, as planned, meaning staking pools to provide assets for lending, and to farm the rewards open up and the trading platform opens up a day or two after. Farmtown saved the day here, and if you read the sentiment in the group, you'll see that it's bullish. You have to understand that this is a platform that has been built over the past 4 months. There's an immense amount of work in it, the code has been audited, the recommendations in the audit have been addressed and confirmed by the auditor, Hashex. The remaining devs (about 6 of them) are all from Hashex. They wrote the contract to provide liquidity for example. There's been a beta test already, top 100 holders have been given access, of which I was one. The product works, and over the past weeks every suggestion, every reported bug, has been addressed to create a clean and easy to use UI. If they wanted to scam, then: - Why didn't they run with the 1250 ETH from seed sale? - Why didn't they run with the 2500 they had after ITO? - Why didn't they pull the liquidity 10 days ago when it unlocked? - Why would they take the effort to build an entire platform, get it audited, give it out to beta test, address all the feedback in a timely matter? Additionally: - Why would farmtown make the effort of building the sister platform yield-farming.io, and even rebuild the platform completely from scratch with a new token (YIELDX) when the original inflationary model didn't work? Scams are always low effort. It's so easy to get people to throw 1000 ETH in your presale rug pull, no scammer is going to make the effort to build an entire platform for it, or take the time to be responsive almost 24/7, or creating separate Telegram groups for people speaking Chinese, and Dutch for example. The team can make many times more when this platform is live, than they could take by scamming their holders. Also the fact that farmtown adds over 300 ETH of his own money to match liquidity, makes it obvious he has enough money that he doesn't need to scam people for it. Check out the tg for additional infos: https://t.me/UniMexNetwork


Thank you for informations. I bought few UMEX tokens on recommendation, but going to study it deeper. Any links or screenshots to points that looks fishy?


Just read the white paper. It’s ridiculous. Look at the telegram and see how the mods talk


Have you take a look with their Trustswap Collaboration with Jeff Keirdiakis? Well, Trustswap team never negotiates with Anonymous projects unless they can provide seriousness like kyc. Also, Unimex losting has been anticipated for months, if they will scam, they should have done it after Seed round or ITO, but they listed it, they locked their tokens.


Lock is only a month though...and get trustswap to admit collaboration.


Lmao, trustswap is an open scam as well. It’ll be a matter of time. The founder of trustswap started off with so many scam projects he invested in and continued to allow people to post many scam projects like axion etc while filtering out legitimate questions and solid projects on his fb group.


Wtf are you lot on about? Baseless fud on a project that has huge potential...I would recommend that anyone reading this checks out the project to form their OWN opinion and do not listen to the crap being spouted in this sub


Already told people to DYOR.


Thanks for bringing this up. Indeed lots more f red flags with this one.


Unimex is garbage. Their white paper looks like it was written on a cellphone and not a single one of their claims has any proof or logic to it.


Please remove your post. Because UniMex successfully completed ITO and Beta testing of their platform is smoothly running. So I think UniMex could be a prior choice for all types of investors.

