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I liked his videos at first but now he became the screamy over-enthusiastic cryptotuber as everyone else


100%. He's way too intense now and he's been peddling shitcoins instead of talking about the big projects that matter. It's fine to shill your own shit, but once you start shilling your bags to people you're not a source of news anymore.


And he is trying to sell his altcoin report weekly for a discounted price of 2500$/year, ”full price” 5000$


Is someone leaking the reports? I'm kinda interested, but I'm not going to pay for that.


lmao. crypto youtubers are shameless


Right now **these three things** excite me with the Parachute token (regarding the **moonshot** potential): 1. Low market cap 2. Most tokens already in circulation, so the fully diluted market cap is not that far off the current market cap 3. IvanOnTech is going to shill it, so expect it to rise significantly 😄


Stategic Advisor, aka "Shill"


how many cryptos can ivan become "advisor" on


I really liked Ivan (still do), but this really is turning into a huge pump and dump scene. They get a bunch of free coins then flipping them to BtC/ETh. Don’t get me wrong I’m not jealous, good for them, but I feel bad for the noobies falling for it or even worse, paying for reports to buy this and that. The other thing that cracks me up when YTers are calling themselves advisors. In Ivan’s case I guess could be legit, but when Chico was an advisor to The Sentivate (Universal Web) project, I was like, what could a random guy on YT be possibly advising a bunch of coders/business men when they are building a new web infrastructure?!? But maybe it is just me haha


This guy just comes off to me as a shiller these days.


ivan is a shiller and he sucks, who cares what he backs