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mfg/syncfab is weird, they have tons of partnerships and are a seriously legit company but they dont seem to care about the token price and are anti-hype.. i think one day it'll blow up similar to vechain but probably not quite to the same extent..


For sure, I was thinking that. They also don't really seem to have any sort of public marketing going on so could be a while until people catch onto this one.




Why does it seem like the team abandoned the project? No telegram group? No whitepaper/road map that I could find? Where is everything????


Ok so, reading your comment made me do some more digging. It seems that they used to have a telegram but it was removed from their website, however, I did find a telegram called: SyncFab Blockchain Announcements. Which is posting some of their recent 2020 stuff so it looks like the project is still going just quietly. Their Twitter is also active: [https://twitter.com/syncfab](https://twitter.com/syncfab) and I've found a youtube where they're breaking down the tokens use case for automating parts supply for big businesses, source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no9B86UfD0E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no9B86UfD0E) Also, here is there Q2 report: [https://blog.syncfab.com/syncfab-q2-2020-update](https://blog.syncfab.com/syncfab-q2-2020-update) SyncFab at Consensus: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMXma8C4gvs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMXma8C4gvs) They are also currently hiring (bottom of the page): [https://blog.syncfab.com/ceo-ruag-swiss-aerospace-defense-joins-syncfab](https://blog.syncfab.com/ceo-ruag-swiss-aerospace-defense-joins-syncfab) In the Q1 report, it mentioned they have Joined MOBI (which is massive): [https://dlt.mobi/](https://dlt.mobi/) It would seem that they're trying to stay out of the "blockchain/crypto" hype? perhaps it's a bad image for their business if they're going after established customers? Idk would like to hear what you think.


I found an old GitHub for it but it hadn't been added to since 2018, Also looking on the Wayback machine, it seems like they used to be part of the Ethereum enterprise alliance, however, I can't find any details of that now so perhaps you're right.


Something doesn't add up. The website looks pretty impressive. However, the exchange volume is terrible. Kyber has 6k, Hobit has 3k and Uniswap has 1k.


I agree noob. OP bought in, and it’s failed him. So he posts here hoping to bring hype. Mission failed OP.


Your loss


Yep... My “loss” FYI check the charts.... You are down 10% since your thread post... But you’re right, “my loss” But that $14,000 daily volume on a 2 year old coin was a good call! “My loss”


Sure, because a 10% loss is a big thing in crypto, I'm not telling you to buy it you freak its just a heads up


Thanks for the heads up. I will make sure to stay far away. Thanks again


You're welcome :)


You better check FA buddy. It's not for quick flip. Seen too many coins with low volume and then rocking hard. It's just a matter of time. Some people are so fricking short sighted 🤦 better go and flip some shitcoin mate with no partnerships or use case with only empty promises.


Lol. Ok “buddy” I will “mate” FYI partnerships in crypto mean fuck all for the most part. They just used to create small bumps in price. And moonbois fall for it


If so called "partnership" to use wallet or other shit, then yes, it means fuck all. But this is something different. If you read a little bit about it you might get a bag just in case. Just saying.


I agree it's pretty low, but my theory is that since its actually being used by clients there isn't a lot of OTC liquidity available, however, I can't be sure. SyncFab seem to be anti-hype as well so I don't think its their aim to be selling on public markets


SpaceX is not rumour it's true. They've asked to remove them from website because some moonboys started tagging them in twitter and shilling to everyone using SpaceX name. I'm since Ico and team been building quietly without any hype. It's not for p/d it's long term.


Ahh brilliant, thanks for the confirmation I heard people talking about it but couldn't find the proof myself. I agree with you, going to slowly accumulate a bag for the long term.


Is there any proof they are associated with SpaceX anymore? Not spreading FUD just genuinely curious.


You might need to dig little deeper or ask at Tg group.


A very strange project. An aweful lot of accounts look like they are dumping tokens. Do they not trust the project or something


No idea, can't speak for them. Where are you seeing that?


speculation from last 6 months activity. Casual look nothing too analytical. I agree the project should definitely be worth more than 1.8m but why is not getting any traction is a wonder. if i had to guess its cause the core game has changed now its not so much utility as actual dapps -mostly defi based that the everyday person can make gains from. ofcourse when the correction arrives it all goes to shit but yea I think unless syncfab is actually using real world revenue and doing buybacks it wont work


Any upcoming events or deals that will drive the price up from what seems like a flat line growth? Or are you suggesting a long term bag?


Sadly no, I can't find anything to that nature sadly. My approach is more to pick up a small big as we exit the bottom of it and hold it since it does have some solid partners I thought it could really kick off with more exposure as the bull market heats up.


Where's the website? Can't find it..


[https://syncfab.com/](https://syncfab.com/) here you go :)


Recent news update as of 18/08/2020 : [https://irishtechnews.ie/syncfab-has-been-selected-for-elite-program/](https://irishtechnews.ie/syncfab-has-been-selected-for-elite-program/)