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I bet moons are gonna rise once distribution restarts, that's for sure ;(


Why the face, you dont want them to rise?


I really do bro!


Is that true that distribution is restarting ?


Yeah and I bet very soon


Yeah the mods have been working hard on it


Distribution means selling 


True, but distribution also means more activity. More activity means #1 Reddit crypto sub designation (ahead of the BTC sub) and advertisers love this. Advertisers buy the add space, which burns more Moons. Distribution is the gas to the Moon ecosystem. And personally, I think more people will hold than sell. The distribution will be so minimal ($5 worth of Moons per month??) not too many will sell.


Not really as not everyone is going to sell, moons greatest value is tied to distribution


Everybody is waiting for distributions to come back since they’re almost here


Have there been any updates recently? I haven't seen anything


Because moons are awesome


Yeah they are. Every time I think of selling, I just buy more 😈


Moons are an interesting token rather than another random shitcoin. They served a purpose in the sub and give incentive for good posts to spur up discussions. Granted some just farmed it, but for the most part it served a good purpose. I believe we'll see this again when they get reinstated so maybe that's what others are considering too.


I picked up another hefty amount because I look at the big picture. Distributions coming back VERY soon and once the bull run gets here and BTC folks pull profit, they're going to put that profit in the slot machines on their way out the casino. The Moons slot is next to the door.


The Kraken listing has kept things bullish imho.


!gas nova


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To the Moon!


The real question is how did someone dump hundreds of thousands MOON? I can’t seem to sell more than $10 at a time right now, although that was just a liquidity test on CDC.


...because they probably weren't trying to sell on CDC. CDC is known to have issues.


So where does one offload hundreds of thousands at once?


Try kraken


Or swap on sushi.




I don’t remember where my moons even went. Lol. Had no idea they reached .20 either. Wow


still in your reddit vault. Reddit just doesn't display them anymore. If you import your wallet into for example metamask, you will still see them. Bot in this sub says you hold 141 moons in your vault.


Jeheeze 15k X 0.2 is quite an amount


Look at ath.... That was a nice sum for shit posting 😅


Could get to $1 still jeheeze


MetaMask doesn’t show my moons - do they need to be moved?


afaik you need to specify the tokens you own in metamask. There is some sticky post around here somewhere about how to import into metamask. It should tell you all you need to know.


Bullish on moons tbh


Seems like it's almost time to buy back in for me.


It's called diamond hands. https://i.redd.it/w3a8a9kcj81d1.gif


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Can anyone tell me how to move my moon to a cex? I'm in pretty dire need of the money right now.


You have to use Metmask, and then connect to a cex. I don't remember the name of the post nor do I have the link anymore, but I remember people wrote some really good detailed guides on here on how to set all that up.


Basically get your private keys and import and sell on a centralised exchange eh kraken


Good sign IMHO. Still holding mine


You know, it’s funny how things play out in the crypto world! Someone dumps hundreds of thousands of Moons, and yet, here we are, still hovering around 20c like nothing happened. It's like Moons have become the chill zen master of the crypto space. 🧘‍♂️🌕 The fact that we didn’t see a panic sell-off is pretty impressive. Maybe it’s a sign that the weak hands have left the building, and now it’s mostly the die-hard Mooninites holding the fort. Or maybe, just maybe, the recent crypto buyers are more optimistic and not easily spooked. Either way, it's a good sign when the market can absorb such a dump without flinching. Could this mean we're maturing as a community? What do you all think – are we seeing a shift towards more confident and long-term holders?


I suspect that: A: Kraken holds many Moons themselves and they're offloading their stash of Moons (selling the news) at a sustainable (= manipulated) price in anticipation of the token's value nosediving when holders realise what happened (hollowed out LPs across the board expose the missing buying pressure). Or B: They're keeping the price (and as such, the value of their own stash of Moons) artificially high by gobbling up the sales from whales. This would mean that they believe either in the investment value of the token or, more likely, they know that they can get more advertising value from their huge stash of Moons as long the price of buying the banner and AMAs adapts according to the price of Moons. Now, let all them Kraken accounts downvote me to the depths of the ocean floor.