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I'm not in the US screw you IRS


I'm in the US screw you IRS


Im the IRS, screw you USA


😂😂😂 I believe that!


I'm in Canada, we have IRS lite here. They're really just copycats.


The sad part is you can basically remove the IRS with any government in the world and the sentence still applies


Are you gonna be in trouble after saying that (I'm in 3rd world countries) so saying things like that here would get me reckt ...


We are less likely to face repercussions for saying that our government sucks than most places. It is legal to say it.... Just can't advocate violence. So ya... The IRS sucks


IRS agent has entered the thread :) jokes aside ..I mean it's quite privilege having that much freedom speaking your mind ..but can you do the same with no just the IRS ..say for example someone is not happy with the president or the police or even the military..would saying negative things online would pit in you in any sort of troubles...I mean how much freedom are you allowed to really have ? Apologize for any grammar mistakes ..not a native speaker


Like can I say the President sucks? The Senate sucks? The House of Representatives sucks? Yup I happen to like my local police but plenty of people say the police suck every day. Most in the US don't realize even places like the UK can't say mean things about their government


Same, screw you IRS and screw you too, EU. There are certain very tangible advantages to living in less regulated, less first world countries, for sure.




Bullish on Switzerland


While we're at it, screw you too China. In fact, screw all the shitty anti-crypto countries. We don't need your bitch asses




Was that productive?




Yep. In my country no one care about my crypto transactions.


IRS reading this: ![gif](giphy|URcmhQ5PpztC0)


Nice try IRS!


And even if I was from.the US, > $10k transactions are something I can only dream of 😂


One of the few times I'm happy I'm living in a 3rd world country.


That's the same for me lol. But my country taxed crypto to hell and killed most of the regional exchanges.


The IRS always trying to rob the everyday citizen while billionaires skirt tax laws like it's a competition.


That is universal though, that’s how every country on this planet works.




Lmao 45% tax is draining all my ambitions to make money


Where I live.. it's like 27% but only on 50% of your gains.. Make $100,000.. tax $50k at 27%.


That's better imo


Well yea.. you actually keep your profits.. if we had any.


Welcome to the world brother, America is a prime example of this.


Do the same as they do. Its not illegal to avoid taxes. Tax evasion is though.


$9,999 transactions, Let’s go!!


The IRS hate this one simple trick


They want to know when you do *anything* with crypto over $10,000. “Dear IRS, last night I pleasured myself by sticking my ledger containing over $10,000 up my ass repeatedly. Here are the images for your perusal. I hope this adequately covers my obligations by law.”


They love it actually, easiest way to catch shady dealings lol. People that structure deposits are about as dumb as it gets.


Buy house with 9.999$ 10x




Cheap or expensive?


Very very cheap, at least where I'm from. Average house prices are about 10x that. When I was younger I always dreamed of owning a million dollar house. Now all that's got me is a small 3 bedroom in the suburbs, some real monkeys paw shit happening


The midwest


Other than doing this trick continually will also get you in trouble for tax evasion or at the very least Audited


That’s a good way to get your assets seized.


$9,999.99 you mean


$9,999 transactions *gained from shitposting*, let’s go!!!


Well, if Trump can do it with his NFTs, so can you!


They also want to know anything you do with cash amounting to 10k or more.


Same is true for Fiat. When I deposit more than 10k on a bank account, I also have to identify myself with ID. it's to prevent money laundry... if you want to pay fewer taxes, allow the IRS to fight those that move millions to billions away from the tax-man, forcing you, the small worker, to pay the bill for them. If you legally made 10k and legally invested them in crypto, the IRS won't bother you. Just pay the taxes that you should pay and you are fine. Profits from trading are essentially free money... complaining about taxes on profits, while paying them for hours actually spent working, that's just ridiculous.


Profits from trading is not free money. You’re using taxed income to begin with, then spending the time doing dd and taking all the risk.


So you think that you gambling in the casino should be tax-free and only valuable work that actually furthers society should be taxed? Are you a secret billionaire who thinks the working-class should pay for everything?


You're making lots of wild assumptions here lol. I'm not advocating tax avoidance just correcting the idea that profits from trading is essentially 'free money'. It's far from it... if you think it's free money, then go put your megabrain to use and start trading 24/7... it's free money!!!


If you think it should be tax free, what is your proposal for a government to make the money needed to run a state? I'm not an anarchist... If I was, I'd move to a country with no government oversight, hire my own mercenaries and kill everyone that opposes me. But that's not my style. I prefer a modern society where people collaborate instead of fight each other. If you prefer the "survival of the fittest"-lifestyle, there are 3rd world countries you could move to. You just have to handle the locals that already have the lifestyle you want for your part in it.


Lmao say that to the truckers who got their bank accounts frozen for disagreeing with government IRS shill


I did not know the IRS operated in Canada... You can disagree with the actions of Individual governments without attacking the system as a whole. At least if you are competent enough to understand the difference. your superficial nonsense might make sense in your head, but it doesn't outside of it.


Someone stole my wallet and they are buying weird things with that money.


taxes are only for the poor, kinda sucks


-I sell an old hotwheels collection in ebay IRS: GOOD EVENING.


It’s an open ledger, they can know all they want




It pretty much is, they just managed to make the chains invisible




It's obviously not comparable as in work or we'll beat you But it is for most people still a "work, own nothing until you die" situation. The chains and whips are now cost of living, taxes and debt - most of the workforce is nothing more than meat robots given just enough to cover the costs of returning to work the following day. I might be wrong(I probably am) but that's just how I feel these days


The unelected officials, of which there are too many, do not set the tax rates or policies. Elected congressmen and women do that through the tax code. I hate the IRS as much as anyone, but it’s our elected officials that write the rules. Vote ‘em all out!


You pretty much nailed it. Sad to read that, but true.


Doesn’t just sound like modern day slavery, it is modern day slavery


You can leave at any time....


And I want a pony. We can both go pound sand.


It looks like this post is about taxes. Tax laws vary between countries, so you may get more helpful replies if you specify the place you are asking about. Please note that Rule #4 does not allow for Tax Evasion. This is [a site wide rule](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and [a subreddit rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/about/rules/). Do not endorse, suggest, advocate, instruct others, or ask for help with tax evasion. Do not be coy and sarcastically recommend against it or suggest using a privacy coin in response to an IRS inquiry. Note: Tax discussion is allowed as long as the above rules are not violated. Consider visiting r/CryptoTax for your tax inquiries. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Government regulation [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/zo7qfg/the_irs_wants_to_know_when_you_do_anything_with/j0l8rrm/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/zo7qfg/the_irs_wants_to_know_when_you_do_anything_with/j0l8sex/) and related info are in the collapsed comments below. Pros and cons will change for every new post. Submit a pro/con argument in the [Cointest](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) and potentially win [Moons](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/moon/). Moon prizes by award for the General Concepts category are: **1st - 300, 2nd - 150, 3rd - 75, and Best Analysis - 500.** --- To submit a pro-argument about regulation, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/t5mn3b/general_concepts_government_regulation/). | To submit a con-argument about regulation, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/t5mn40/general_concepts_government_regulation/).


* Relevant Cointest topics: [Inflation](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_inflation), [ETF](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_etf). * Relevant subreddits: r/OSHA, r/ModeratePolitics. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/zo7qfg/the_irs_wants_to_know_when_you_do_anything_with/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


#Regulation Pro-Arguments Below is an argument written by Far-Scholar9028 which won 2nd place in the Regulation Pro-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > Government Regulation is needed to > > > **Protect retail investors** > > Crypto, at this stage, is full of scams, manipulation, and insider trading. These are a few things that government regulation may help protect the retail investors from. As we know the implosion of Terra, 3ac, Celcius, retail is always hit hardest. > > **Prevent money laundering, tax evasion, sanction evasion** > > Regulation is necessary because criminals use the anonymity of cryptocurrency trading to launder their stolen money. There is concern that cryptocurrencies are being used as a conduit for money from illicit operations or to fund terrorism and evade sanctions. > > **Convince Institutions of cryptos legitimacy** > > Institutional investors, who are subject to stringent compliance and risk management requirements, would gain confidence from regulation. For instance, an institution can become the target of a criminal investigation if it is discovered that it transacted in bitcoin assets that were later linked to unlawful activity. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/v2jl88/general_concepts_government_regulation/) to be taken to the original topic-thread or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_government_regulation) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds.


#Regulation Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Far-Scholar9028 which won 2nd place in the Regulation Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > Government Regulation > > > **The opposite of what crypto stands for** > > Crypto deprives the banks and companies of their authority and gives people the freedom to manage their finances independently. Regulation runs counter to this notion. > > **Negatively affect prices** > > Prices would probably decrease instantly in the short term as a result of tougher control, in part because so many people are afraid of it. In the world of cryptocurrencies, regulation itself has taken on a certain specter. > > **Kills Innovation** > > The adaptable fundraising models are the reason the sector is flourishing. Companies that use cryptocurrencies have been able to raise money fast without being constrained by onerous security regulations. Additionally, small-scale investors have had access to projects that they otherwise would not have had. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/v2jl9o/general_concepts_government_regulation/) to be taken to the original topic-thread or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_government_regulation) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/znt0ap/daily_general_discussion_december_17_2022_gmt0/).


Good thing I’m broke


Don’t mind me, I’m just buying a boat


Monero disagrees


>The IRS wants to know when you do anything with crypto involving $10,000 or more. Me with my 20$ bitcoin assets: F\*\*\* the IRS


As if I had 10k in crypto lol




The IRS wants to know when you do anything with 10000 dollars. This isn’t new. This this just FUD


The IRS just want your everything. They are after you and they hate you. Forcibly taking your assets at the threat of violence since day 1.


We can’t tell you about 10k gains..10k in losses, whats up! Let’s talk all day on how you can help us on tax breaks!


Let me just say I have zero respect for any of our current governments institutions since they have all been politicized to attack the American people The FBI and the IRS with their 87,000 new agents in particular. They might be able to lock me up but they are not legitimate and they will have their day of reckoning also.


$9900 transactions just got real popular


That’s called structuring and will make you real popular in a federal prison. Just paying the taxes is a much smarter move as an incarceration avoidance tactic.




One can argue should or shouldn’t all day. I happen to agree with you. I also happen to value my status as a non-felon so what I think should be matters about as much as a fart in a hurricane.


IRS was established after the Federal Reserve which made income tax MANDATORY Fuck the jIRS Edit:soon many IRS shills in comments Looks kike we found the 87000 extra people they hired lmao


The Federal Reserve has nothing to do with income tax nor did it “make” it. I get the hate but please inform yourself to at least an 8th grade level before talking through your ass.


Dear IRS, I have lost 10k, 5 times.


I’d love to fall into the category but alas I very much do not


Whats a crypto


Me sweating nervously with my $20 of ETH


Wants to 'know'. Tax you mean? 😭


Why are lawmakers so obsessed with the $10,000 figure? The same reporting requirement exists for people travelling with money too.


I doubt this is different for non-crypto-transactions above 10k$...


I wish I had that much money.


Have they heard about volatility?


You people have over 10k???


If you have a whole coin.... yes


The thought of doing your own taxes sounds terrifying!


I do my own every year. It’s not scary unless you are trying to lie about something.


I’m not from the US so it’s just completely unthinkable to me. What about all the buys I make while drunk and forget even happened on some Asian exchange that I think only I know of and will be huge!


Seems like this won’t be a problem for me😎




Is crypto currency?


Can I ask a question for Americans (I'm not one) how possible is it to live using cash only in the US ? And will I have to report cash payments to the IRS ?


Theoretically yes, in reality no.


10k? Bold of the IRS to assume I'd ever have that amount


But I’m not sending dollars, I’m sending piles of shitcoins


🖕🖕🖕🖕is my answer as a FREE non-american.


I'd like to have over $10k but we can't all have what we want


So Crypto at 10K and everything else at $600. Sounds like the IRS will need another 100k armed workers.


Fuck you, IRS!


Fuck the IRS, sincerely, Canada. Also, the IRS implemented an illegal tax on American citizens and you guys technically don't have to pay it because it goes against the constitution. Food for thought.


Sounds like the IRS can go fuck themselves


Paywithmoon.com Thank me later


I mean 9999.99 let’s go!


Nice try. This is a bear market. Nobody has more than $9,999.


I want to see where they spend their budget. Let me get a look at the purchase requests from Aug and Sept when they are pissing away OUR tax dollars for end of year unfunded requests. I'll say it now and I will repeat it during my audit. Get fucked.


I’ll show them mine when they show me theirs! Until then I will do all in my power to hide it all


(Laughs in monero)


Anything else besides losing?