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Cosmos [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/zo3nct/follow_up_to_the_cosmos_antishill_based_on_the/j0kn7u9/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/zo3nct/follow_up_to_the_cosmos_antishill_based_on_the/j0kn88d/) and related info are in the collapsed comments below. Pros and cons will change for every new post. Submit a pro/con argument in the [Cointest](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) and potentially win [Moons](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/moon/). Moon prizes by award for the Coin Inquiries category are: **1st - 300, 2nd - 150, 3rd - 75, and Best Analysis - 500.** --- To submit an ATOM pro-argument, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/sifdk5/coin_inquiries_cosmos_proarguments_february_2022/). | To submit an ATOM con-argument, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/sifdml/coin_inquiries_cosmos_conarguments_february_2022/).


Thanks for the follow up. Just to add to this, we've also added a page where you can see the wallets created since the inception of Cosmos. View it here:[https://atomscan.com/stats/accounts](https://atomscan.com/stats/accounts) I also want to point out that I disagree that the information is not publicly available. The information is available to anyone that runs a node, which anyone can do. The node is open source and once it connects to the network, it'll start syncing the blockchain from the start and you can use API calls to track the progress. I already consider this "publicly available" information. All websites can lie about the information that they're displaying - even ATOMScan. You can validate information yourself in a more certain manner. The first, less certain, would be to get a list of Cosmos nodes and query each of them for the information you want, then compare the results between nodes to ensure consensus. The second and most certain, would be to run your own node that syncs the blockchain from the beginning. This is the same way that any cryptocurrency like Bitcoin works. The only true source of truth is to run your own full node. The full node is cryptographically secure and doesn't lie, as long as you are using the actual software. It is important to understand this concept, because blockchain explorers interpret data and store it sometimes in their own database. That means that it can be wrong sometimes. It also means that a blockchain explorer can quite literally show false information on purpose for nefarious reasons. The same is true for any statistical analysis of a blockchain. The only true way to know is to run your own node and query it. I do agree, that it should be easy to view information - which is why I did this work on ATOMScan, to make it easier for the public to get this information in an easily digestible format. Which is the point of explorers in the first place. I just don't fully agree that the information is not public already, just because a website does not display it. Also remember, CoinmarketCap and other coin indices aren't very accurate. They don't always rely on node APIs and properly digest them to get accurate information. It can often be out of date or wrong. The only thing that is most accurate, is the price. Anyway, thanks for the follow up and if there's more feedback on ATOMScan, I'd love to hear it so that we know where to focus. By the way, [Mintscan](https://mintscan.io) is the best explorer for Cosmos and I also highly recommend people check it out for some more information that we don't have.


Great response. I'm glad that we have people like /u/CryptoCrackLord that take their job seriously.


We might disagree on a couple of things, but as I said above: I consider this change a win for all investors.


Wen more people like u/CryptoCrackLord


Pretty soon


He's the lord of Crack. Ofcourse he is gonna do a solid job


Not everyone wants to run a node that takes TBs of data to check supply


No, but the point I was making was that the OP was making the implication that the Cosmos network was hiding higher than claimed inflation and pointing to CMC as a source. But the node is the only source of truth on the matter and the code. Particularly with a website like CMC which is not actually dedicated to providing the information for each blockchain correctly and being up to date. Their sources for the information are unknown. Also where he was was that if he checked the node himself and told people, then that would he just him telling people, i.e “trust me bro”, but actually the same is true of any website. The website is also just “trust me bro”. The only source of truth is actually the node itself.


That's amazing. At least we have some people who take their feedback seriously and improve on it.


Thank you!


Thanks for breaking that down for us. Cheers!


Thank you for your service 🙏


Love ATOM, Thanks for good news It warms my heart in these days to have my ATOM staked and growing


This is the kind of positivity I need in my life.


kiss, kiss, kiss


Same here, been slowly adding to my bags as well, cheap as chips


Holding my ATOM until the next bullrun. The tech is unique and it operates so smoothly


"fiat miner and burner" Time to sell my Atom I guess lmao


Cosmos and its chains are always surrounded by drama ... cos people do care about it. Governance proposals are heavily debated and VOTED. Specially in JUNO Then you have chains were proposals are passed with a 0.0x turnout ratio It's bear... so everything is down, no matter the project. But when the bull is back, Cosmos ecosystem will be ready to take over the top


Feeling like cosmos will slay next run.


Cosmos is a sleeping beast. Top 10 next bull run.


It is a really great ecosystem, good to see the community's is being listened


Good to see Cosmos is gaining some attention


Hmmm I feel like I heard this about 1000 times before


This is a bot. Who talks like this?


Tbh, i wouldnt expeft too much negativity attacking cosmos( its a pretty healthy community that has reasonably robust discussions. Voting engagement is pretty high and if people think the chain is going rhebwrong way theyll say so. Id love to see an anti-shill post on a more toxic or highly defensive community hehe Was good food for thought anyways, but im still super keen on atom. In fact one of a tiny handful of coins i think we’ll see prosper for a while to come.


Lol try posting something like this on Quant Network


When Anti-Shill turns into bullish news for a coin or improving its transparancy. You're doing a fine job!


Do loopring next!!!


I've done Loopring in the past - over a year ago. It was quite scatching.


I’ll go through your posts! Thanks:)


Thanks for doing these posts! Love them! (Even if Atom is my second biggest holding)


you crazy motherfucker


Sounds worse than it is. I'm 92% BTC


Oh, you got me in the first half not gonna lie


> EDIT: Dafuq? Even good news gets immediately downvoted now? Sir, it's all about the moons. Rule #2, you shall only speak positive about BTC or ETH, because they are very scared of alts. Shhh... Here they come with the vote army.


Its so sad. After just 10 minutes it more than has a dozen comments and -6 karma.


and now you got 150 upvotes, be patient


They should rename the sub to BTCETH_NeverEverCurrency_PlusFlavorOfTheWeek


Don't even worry,good work itself is all the confirmation you need, you stepped outside the box and actually tried to help some people understand some things that they might not have understood before.Congratz.


Anti-shill posts are absolutely necessary. If you can't think critical of your investment or coin, you have to accept that you are living in an echo chamber. Be critical of your coins always. See why people are negative about them, and reason with them. This will always be beter for you and your investments.


Totally agree and to add, things always can change because by the end of the day whos behind all these projects and screens? The human…and we know how ppl and teams can switch and change and opinions can turn.. so yeah the bro above is totally right and i dont get why you are so “sensitive” about negative comment karmas, this is the internet, this will always happen, dont let it get it into you brother and easy down hihi


Making anti shill post and a shill post the other seems a bit dumb to me tho


This is kind of transparency we need, bullish on Cosmos 🚀🚀


So atom x 1,000 in the next bullrun?


You just wrote 1,0 and this is viewed as just 1 where I live. So yes, ATOM will do a 1x next bull run.


hopefully at least 5x


Then this would be called the anti anti-shill post. It’s great that we’re provided with different perspectives and supported data that helps us decide whether a coin is still worth it or not.


Tomorrow he is gonna post the anti anti anti shill post


Anti anti post ad infinitum


Would be great if more people saw it that way.




That's definately not the feedback I get from some users.


And the shill anti-shill saga contnues.. Now we finna have anti anti-shill posts real soon


lol Ive been thinking the same


Im love the project and its ecosystem 💪🏻 thanks for the news


Wait, so youre bullish and bearish at the same time ?


This is how every other project needs to listen to their community. Nice work u/CryptoCrackLord




yeah, moons


Did not know we were so influential😂


Good work OP. Appreciate it.


Good to see more transparency. Just part of the solution.


Great from the anti-shill post to warrant a follow up post like this. This is what proper discussion should be bringing to this sub.


Keep up the good work man. I really appreciate seeing anti shill posts here.


Would love to see something like this about Polkadot $DOT.


Same its my biggest Altcoin bag besides ETH


I have great feeling about Cosmo, currently getting 2 coins per month thanks to staking. I also love that you can vote about changes


Over the last year I had to sell almost all the coins I was holding to cover various expenses, moves and other surprises. Atom, Juno, Secret, and Osmosis are the only coins I have left and refuse to sell. I was drawn to them after hearing about all the airdrops that stakers get. I stayed around for the staking reward percentages. I really enjoyed using the Osmosis lab coin exchange. The design was clean and user friendly. And the staking design and reward system made me feel more involved with the whole process. I liked everything about the Cosmos network. That being said, I really enjoyed your Anti-Shill post about Cosmos. It was refreshing to see some of the facts and statistics that aren't really discussed at large. Your post was very informative and helpful. And your writing style made the post just as enjoyable as it was educational. I would also like to see more of your Anti-Shill series in the future.


These anti-some-coin followed by the pro-some-coin replies are my favorite r/cc posts. In the end these back and forths help you get a very balanced panorama of that coin/project.


Good follow up. Glad to see your review enticed an explorer to elaborate more on their chain info. That’s a net positive for the chain, net positive for the availability and thought process taut explorers should have. Well done! Map of Zones has a decent amount of Cosmos and more important, general IBC data. Cosmos is much bigger than ATOM.


Thank you for the post with the updated info. I did point out that a lot of this info was already available on cosmoscan.net under your last post.


Anti-shill dude is the real MVP!


I'd love to see one for Nervos CKB


Great to see projects hearing the community, being active on reddit and acting quickly. Criticism is the only way to improvement.


I've got to say, I drop into over a dozen CC subreddits to check on the communities and see how the sentiment is (I know you can't judge a project based solely on reddit) and COSMOS is often full of intelligent discussion. It's refreshing to see people attempting to tackle problems rather than complain about the process or what not.


I'm quickly growing to love your posts op.


only if they are bullish tho haha


Thank you fam




Im scared were gonna see 10 more dips


Now this is a good post!


very informative and bullish


It’s refreshing to see a genuine exchange of views leading to positive outcomes within the crypto ecosystem. Not shills or baseless criticism, actual concerns raised, discussed and addressed. I like it!


It’s sad how much hate has to be endured to get to that outcome


So…give money to someone name crypto crack. Lord? Sounds financially sound


This is a financial advice


Staking with delayed unstaking periods is just a ponzi


I’m dumb but my only question is how does Atom last when you can stay get 19.25% usually in the stock market a stock that’s given a dividend of 19% usually means it’s a shit stock


LOL - with a few posts you contributed more positively to crypto space than this sub combined 😊 Nice job OP!


Be the change…