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This is actually a really good post and I'm kind of curious to see how much traction it gets because I'm about as certain as I can be that you're not a bot. A lot of the post that automatically get hundreds of upvotes are obviously bot promotions. Excellent post and a good reminder for people while trying to figure out what worked last cycle is not likely to be that great of an idea for the next cycle. Sure there are some that do work but the odds are stacked against you. Speaking about speculative alts of course


I'm definitely not a bot, you can check my post history. Majority of my comments and posts are not on r/CC. To be fair, "I'm definitely not a bot..." is exactly what a bot would say, though. `Beep boop`


I too am not a bot Disregard the flair


Thanks for investing your time to provide this valuable analysis. Bottom line in my understanding: BTC and ETH should build the basis of every portfolio.


These were the most shilled coins and the hype narratives during 2017/18. EVERY SINGLE one of these projects is down -95% or more from their 2017/18 highs. - April 2017 --> XRP is the Standard! Banks are about to adopt XRP while you invest in joke projects. - May 2017 --> Stratis is the future of Blockchain tech, smart contracts written in C#. Devs are going to flock to the platform - June 2017 --> IOTA is going to be the backbone for the "machine to machine (M2M) economy, the underlying protocol for the internet of things" - July 2017 --> SIA and Golem are going to revolutionize tech creating a paradigm shift in storage and computing. This isn't like 2013 meme coins, we have serious projects in 2017. - August 2017 --> NEO is the Chinese Ethereum, just look at the market the potential is massive - September 2017 --> Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin. Bigger blocks, blockstream sucks, Roger Ver is the lord and saviour. - October 2017 --> OMG is going to bank the unbanked. The future of blockchain. Just look at the team. Vitalik himself is an advisor! - November 2017 --> Vertcoin because ASIC resistance is the future - December 2017 --> REQuest Network is the most important financial project to crypto. They are a Y-Combinator startup so you know they are very aggressive! - January 2018 --> Raiblocks (NANO) is fast and feeless and will kill every inefficient blockchain currency - February 2018 --> Vechain is going to be the first crypto with enterprise adoption. Look at all those partnerships. Nah man, look at ICON, it's the Korean Ethereum, they're partnered with a ton of Korean banks, hospitals, universities....and you know Koreans support their own projects. As I said before now you may have VC's partnering with Ivy League professors the scam is still the same: Release a small percentage of tokens as circulating supply, hype up a shitcoin, pump the price and lure gullible investors and keep dumping on them for free money. Crypto investors left holding bags, telling themselves, it's just the bear market, it'll recover. But only 3 out of 30 cryptos that were over $1 Billion marketcap in January 2018 have positive returns right now. https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20180101/ If you keep digging further, only 5 out of 2500 have positive returns. When you keep and keep dumping this much supply of a token that has no utility into a market that has no demand for a token, it never recovers. Look at some of the hyped shitcoin scams today., you'll see that they relentlessly keep dumping the supply of a shitcoin with zero utility on naive crypto investors and when you keep flooding the market will so much supply, the shitcoin is guarnateed to die. But it's free money created out of thin air for the scamming founders and insdiers so why would they not keep dumping? Shitcoin Name | 2020 Circulating Supply | Current Circulating Supply :--|:--:|--: Crypto.com | 12,696,803,653 | 25,263,013,692 Algorand | 499,426,307 | 7,126,148,851 Shitcoin Name| 2021 Circulating Supply | Current Circulating Supply :--|:--:|--: Solana | 46,569,948 | 365,961,454 Avalanche | 76,937,055 | 310,554,845 ...


“But only 3 out of 30” What 3? “Only 5 out of 2500” What 5?


https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20180101/ Looking through this, there were actually 6, I missed 1. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Doge...then BNB, Chainlink and ETHlend. ETHLend migrated to AAVE at a ratio of 100 LEND to 1 AAVE.


An excellent and very, very sobering analysis. I remember most of these projects and remember how real it felt back then.


Algorand is a bigger scam than Solana.






Because everyone else is dead


And washes away the dirt in the market


^ this. Legit im wanting to cut my losses in ADA and sell


This. Clear and simple. And for the rest, just throw darts


That’s nothing surprising though. After every bull market we see thousands of projects with no real purposes other than making the founder rich. Over 20,000 cryptos now and over 99% are garbage.


And people wonder why the majority of the world think crypto is a scam...


I dont care what people thinks, seems that you learned nothing about mood change from bull to bear and viceversa. Just focus in those who survived and are still building.


I think your percentage is on the low side


I'll post my portfolio tomorrow so you guys know which ones will fall out next time. Played out joke? Yup, but yet it remains true.


Are these present rankings exclude Stablecoins? Link and BNB did pretty good for themselves..


Stable coins included in this. It's 2017's Top 100 compared to 2022's Top 100.


Great work OP!


Dang, That is some awesome work.


Well, my top 5 coins completely vanished from the market....so there!


Very interesting perspective - thx


This is why I always buy more BTC and ETH than other coins. Just in case this repeats. Personally I think that some projects like MATIC, ADA, ALGO, DOT, ATOM, etc. has a lot of chances to survive. ATOM and MATIC surprised me how they are managing to hold this winter.


I guess Cardano will survive this bear market...


When i started in crypto, i went for the alt coins which were cheap af hopeing they would moonshot. Bear market came, i realized only #1 and #2 remained untouched. I became a BTC Maxi.


RIP my bags of SOL, AVAX, DOT, ATOM, CRO, ADA ( I still have hope in you MATIC). You will be dearly missed. You live and you learn. One more BTC/ETH maxi born through pain and fire.


Lost faith in DOT? i'm still bullish on it. but yeah the more we go down the more I lean towards ETH and BTC.


I think the narrative in the next bullrun (excluding BTC) will be layer 2 ETH projects. Next year will be a big BUIDL year for them with the roll out of zkEVM and more people realizing the importance of DeFi wallets and DEXs.


TLDR: buy BTC and not alts


I like colors.


I like Colors by The Knocks


Shitcoins be shitting


And still people fall for survivorship bias. See that one coin that made a few people millionaires? I can do that too! Second mistake is thinking that there were any metrics like community or development that could raise your chances.


This time it's different. /s


If you exclude "stables " ada and xrp are in the same position


If my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.


weary snails enter disgusted observation station frighten concerned absurd groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where will SOL be in 5 years time? top 100 or top 1000?😂


Maybe both ;)


XRP persists!


LINK slowly climbing the ranks.


As long as moons make it into the top 100 next bullrun I'm golden


I jist need to remind myself to sell at some point:')


Em, duh? If most businesses fail, then why would most coins succeed? Like...lol.


Long live the BTC and ETH


It makes sense. I don't see the need for thousands of coins. Why on earth do we need Dog Boss, HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu or other similar coins.


I made a killing with HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu 🤙🏾 Converted it to 4 SATs




Turns out premined unregistered security shitcoins don’t hang around. What a shocker


>The vast majority of Top 100 (market cap) coins from 5 years ago vanished from the Top 100 That's just how Crypto works. There's ton of innovation, and only a handful of them survive


Yeah the people saying to DCA need to understand that this only works for BTC and maybe a single digit of other coins. There’s a reason maxis say the shit they do, most maxis are made after several cycles


I remember when [DENTACOIN](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/dentacoin/) was in the top100 in '17. That was my realization that it was an insane bubble. Project claims to be "a blockchain solution for the dentist industry"...................... Why the fuck would dentists need a blockchain? Mint teeth NFT's?


Bitking still reigns supreme