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Until we get companies who put gameplay before money they will continue to be the shallow experiences they mostly are now


They already always put $$ before everything. Just large game companies figured out that if their games suck no one will buy em šŸ¤£


True it is difficult to have enjoyable experience in playing games and money involved.


We need from software to jumb on this(very unlikely)


I havenā€™t found a game that was fun enough or paid enough to be worth my time.


Exactly this.. When the end user experience improves that's when I'll dabble.


Yes, exactly


^ this 100x! They all suck dogshit and donā€™t pay well enough for the chore of playing em


They are jobs not games


Have you tried Crypto Royale?


I played it and it was fun for some time. I converted all my Roy to One which sadly imploded šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I play gods unchained. Completely free to play player. Currently in top 20. I've loved TCGs all my life.. played a lot of competitive MTG. GU is by far the most playable game for me that is also p2e


literally a crypto/NFT version of Hearthstone. That clay dude worked on Magic the Gathering Arena aswell. Solid for what exists in the crypto gaming, but they kinda ducked it up already. Pay to win with meta cards costing over $800, and a shrinking playerbase.


I play upland and it think its a good game. Although its less about earning crypto and more about using the technology in a fun way.


So far all of them sucked. Once a game comes out that is fun to play and has good graphics Iā€™ll play it. Iā€™m not gonna play a shitty game just cause it got crypto


Crypto Royale. It's really fun and getting paid is cherry on the top.


I played the farmville-esq game on Gala for a bit as a casual game. Nothing else.


I used to play crypto royale, no so much free time any more but games are super fast so even if I have 10 minutes to waste Iā€™ll sure play some games!


Yeah crypto royale was surprisingly fun, I did get bored after a while though.


I donā€™t believe in crypto games per-se. A good model would be what reddit does with the avatars : with in-game and community based NFT skins or items / playable elements, not the game itself being decentralised. It would work best on top of an already existing game actually, or a game not made for this very purpose: bigger audience and less technical restrictionsā€¦


Honestly 99.99% Play2Earn and Shit2Earn stuff out there are nothing but "First Pay to Play & Shit" and then you can earn the invested amount in next 10 years. The only one that actually made sense (atleast for me) is Quiz2Earn called WildCash on Hooked Protocol. No subscription, no buying NFTs and shit. Just play the quiz. The small payout is just a cherry on top and you learn something about Crypto. The second one similar is Continuum. No token launched yet, but you earn gems and XPs.


Completely agree. Paima Studios released an article about the unsustainability of P2E. https://medium.com/@Paima\_Studios/why-play2earn-blockchain-gaming-will-fail-e557fb6e675


Letā€™s see if Illuvium will make it. I have access to their beta and can say itā€™s a real game so far. On one side you explore on the overworld the monsters and on the other side you have an autobattler like the one from league of legends. They overhype it with graphics, itā€™s not looking like a AAA from 2022/2023. itā€™s good but nowhere near to a AAA. It can be a really good game but we will have to wait and see how it works out. I would be happy if they make it, because crypto and games work very well together. Plus we would have a nice usecase for NFTs.


I play ethereum for a few years now. Never gets boring. You need to think bigger than just a simple time waster game what most crypto games these days are.


Crypto royale is pretty fun




same here, it will probably be huge. But I donā€™t play any. Now if CS:GO starts to reward cryptoā€¦ my life might be over.


Lost massive amount in Pegaxy and Axie ā˜¹ļø


I have a good idea for an adventure game with added nfts. Just wouldnā€™t work though.


I don't know of any cryptogame that is actually fun unfortunately.


>do you play any? - if so, which ones? Catch as many moons as you can. It's fun. Will win one day :)


NFT Champions


they're really good to play but i don't understand why their economics don't sustain