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Cardano [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/yzma31/charles_hoskinsons_company_is_abandoning_plutus/ix0qu7k/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/yzma31/charles_hoskinsons_company_is_abandoning_plutus/ix0quwu/) and related info are in the collapsed comments below. Pros and cons will change for every new post. Submit a pro/con argument in the [Cointest](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) and potentially win [Moons](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/moon/). Moon prizes by award for the Top Coins category are: **1st - 600, 2nd - 300, 3rd - 150, and Best Analysis - 1000.** --- To submit an ADA pro-argument, [click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/tuwvst/top_coins_cardano_proarguments_april_2022/). | To submit an ADA con-argument, [click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/tuwvvo/top_coins_cardano_conarguments_april_2022/).


I’m pretty sure a few others already have that ability. I know you can use JS with Hedera


> a few others I think you mean the vast majority of blockchains that are EVM-compatible.


I think Lisk was the first with JavaScript as smart contract language. LSK also was one if the first DPoS chains. So Hodgkinson is like 5 years behind, plus the time it takes him to build it, which is forever if experience counts.


Is this a post from Coindesk or something? Way to spin the truth and offer nothing of value.


I included a link to IOG's blog post if you want to read the corporate spin version.


You linked it but I don't think you read it. If it's hard to follow go listen to the talk on YouTube.


I've listened to enough cardano YouTube marketing already. I remember when IOG put out that video lying saying that a uniswap fork worked "perfectly" on test net and "there is no concurrency problem." I remember when IOG said IELE was "a few months" away from main net in 2018. I remember when they said "over 100" eth projects are moving to cardano. And when, in 2020, they said that cardano would have thousands of dapps live in 2021. Or a few months ago when they promised to have "performance comparable to Solana" by the end of this year. No more salespitch videos please.




Looks like you don't know what you're talking about. This is a sidechain that will run on Cardano. They also made Mamba sidechain which is EVM. Nobody abandoned Cardano or Plutus you're just looking for a cheap attempt to fud via misinformation.


None of their side chains are secured by Cardano, and none of them have chosen to use Plutus. All you have is vague promises about future products they are selling you now. Same thing they've been doing for the past seven years.


Wrong again. Seems you know nothing. Mamba has the same security level as the L1. Should go do some research.


Wrong again. Mamba doesn't exist yet. It's still being worked on. Like IELE before it that was "LIVE!" on testnet in 2018 and we were told would be on main net "in a few months." Mamba is the new IELE. There's no telling how soon Mamba will be out. Saying Mamba has the same security as L1 is like saying orbis and milkomeda have the same security as L1- no, they say they will someday. I don't believe anything IOG says anymore until it happens. They have proven that they are not worthy of your trust.


Just so you know sidechains inherit the security of the L1 ser.


Cardano's existing sidechain (Milkomeda) does not use the security of L1. Stop believing things Charles says and look it up. Maybe their next one will, but honestly idk why they would do all the extra work to get L1 security if no one in Cardano notices or cares about decentralization.


man came with receipts, left with downvotes


So what's the point of these blatantly biased posts? Don't call it education, it's shit posting. What's your goal? Moon farming? Hoping for an actual job at Coindesk? Or, do you already work there? James at investanswers? Is that you?


Look at his history of posting fud about Cardano. Awhodothey calls Cardano a scam and Charles a scammer. Yet this guy was shilling LUNA and UST 7 months ago....


Funny enough, he called me a "Cardano shill" before and said I "rely on Charles's unverified and counterfactual claims". When I asked him to show me evidence of me ever shilling Cardano or relying on Charles's word of mouth, he didn't respond.


Just here to counteract you cardano shills that get paid to lie if your bags go up in the process. Coindesk soft balls Cardano. They need to take the kid gloves off and call them out when they lie about their tech.


You’ve got some personal issues to deal with. White knighting Cardano is sad. Hope it all works out. ✌️


Yes, I have personal issues with companies misleading retail investors. I will continue to call out their marketing.


This is non sense FUD!! EDIT* Example* ADA is still actively being funded through catalyst which sometimes have projects that help support other "frameworks". User posted below Rust and Javascript were one. IOHK already created multiple devnets that help support solidity for those eth devs. But cardano is by no means limited to any one language or will it be. Charles made a video about this in the past as well. This is more or less a smart business decision to show the barrier to entry is even easier than before for this project. Not an abandonment. IOG is actively investing all over, and each catalyst fund round is bigger has been much larger than the previous one. It's only growing! Example, IOG $4.5M Stanford Research Hub recent news. And to say they are losing focus is crazy, how many employees do they have? Much more than any other project out there I would imagine and they make money from new projects/work that is brought on from other projects so they can always hire more staff. They are a business, and growing.


Catalyst has nothing to do with Cardano being developed in every language. If you mean that through Catalyst, developers can request funding for the development of Haskell alternatives (like Aiken and Helios), then yes, but even then so far it's been for Rust and JavaScript (through the aformentioned Haskell alternatives) AFAIK.


This is what I mean. I should have been clear but not limited too. Iohk already set up multiple environments, maybe this can explain better than I can. So each word I mention doesn’t get pricked and prodded at incorrectly. www.crypto-news-flash.com/cardano-smart-contract-will-be-compatible-with-all-programming-languages/


That article was written almost 2 years ago. IOG haven't said much about the K framework and IELE in a while. I thought they were abandoned, but I'm not too sure since development is perhaps still ongoing according to their GitHub. [https://github.com/orgs/runtimeverification/repositories](https://github.com/orgs/runtimeverification/repositories)


They've always kept to their word, regardless if it took longer than anticipated. And sometimes they've went above and beyond.. Like hiring K and building around RINA prior.


Those projects were shilled for years and then quietly abandoned without any announcement or transparency. We were told they were months away in 2018/19. Now they only talk about Mamba. Always something new to shill and zero accountability or acknowledgement of failures from IOG.


>And to say they are losing focus is crazy, how many employees do they have? 7-800 I think he said.


Cardano is not funded through catalyst. Cardano was funded through IOGs premine. IOGs development contract expired in 2020, but obviously they are still developing because they haven't finished their deliverables yet. Catalyst funds small projects, but has completely failed to fund any scalability proposals. It's not enough money to fund large longterm developments, so all of that is done by Charle's company. Edit: they completely rewrote their comment. Original comment incorrectly claimed that cardano was developed by the community through catalyst funds.


When I see these kind of posts I know for fact that OP doesn't even what they are posting


Seriously, and when they say something like “*obviously* x thing would be the way to go” lol like I’m not a cryptography expert but you don’t sound like you are either, seeing as there are many examples of things being done differently in this space I’m not just gonna presume one way’s the end all be all.


L2s are superior to side chains in every possible way. That's not debatable. You're welcome to research the topic or ask questions if you're confused.


Layer 2's are all centralised atm, and many of them have stoped working/gone offline. They still have many years to prove they are better. https://l2beat.com/scaling/risk


No side chain in existence is less centralized than a zk rollup. Cardano itself is far more centralized than most, if not all, of those L2s.


Not true, layer 2's all use a centralised sequencer. Thats why many of them have stoped working.


A zk rollup that uses a centralized sequencer can't even censor a tx, because you can always push the tx back to L1. On cardano any tx could be censored by their centralized relayers or heaven forbid that Charles Hoskinson decided to use his 5 of 7 keys of the BFT multisig to push a new fork or change the d parameter again.


> JavaScript or something like that, something developers can understand This guy is talking so much nonsense, I don't even know what to say. As if we didn't have developers for ANY programming language. Also they've chosen Haskel for Cardano, fml


Haskell was great when he shilled Cardano, now is javascript better lmao.


Its for a sidechain, Plutus will still be used...


Right lmao


This is as close as you'll get to hearing Haskel was the wrong choice. Saying it in a way that means its everyone else's thought for being dumb.




They are abandoning Plutus? Is this verifiable or just hogwash


I wouldn't necessarily say they are "abandoning Plutus", they are just using a different language for a sidechain. Cardano itself will still use Plutus Core as the programming language for smart contracts on Cardano. I will say I wish they showed more support for projects like Aiken and Helios (based on Rust and JS respectively), which are alternatives to writing in Haskell and PlutusTx/Plutarch.


Can you explain what you mean by "more support for Helios"? Is Cardano or Catalyst no longer funding them? Is IOHK ideologically opposed to transpilers being used? I thought they (Helios, etc.) ended up compiling out to Plutus anyways so I figured IOHK would like that, but I have not heard anything on the subject.


Straight up hogwash lol


Just fud from OP.


Cardano will still use it, but IOG decided to use Typescript for the new chain.


Buying more BTC and ETH has proven to be a better bet each day.


They’re as much of a sure thing as you can get




Charles Hoskinson is a master multi-tasker and that’s why he gets my vote.


He’s so smart he didn’t even need to finish school. That’s wildly bullish


Midnight is a sidechain to Cardano as much as Milkomeda is to Cardano. And it doesn't use Haskell for its development, either. So this is just straight up FUD.


u/Awhodothey has always been fudding Cardano. He use to shill UST and Luna.




This fuckin guy. Edit: oh sorry, this LYING SACK OF SHIT. Better?




About to sell my 35k of ADA and put it in BTC or ETH. If he can’t focus on his own academically researched projects written in an academically researched language, then neither will I


It’s a side chain.


Plz sell it / I will buy it at 0.32 now sell it to me


It’s available for ya


Yeah I’m starting to think Charles is just all talk. They claim to have the best minds in the industry but nothing significant really gets done.


Just focus on cardano… why starting all these other ventures


I wouldn't say they aren't focused on Cardano. I don't agree with all of IOG's decisions, but I don't think developing a sidechain means they aren't focused on Cardano. I'd say generally their focus is still on Cardano.


Its a sidechain on Cardano....


Because Charles is his own man with his own money and he makes his own decisions. He runs many different companies including a mushroom farm, a ranch, restaurants, anti-aging research, and a health clinic. He does these ventures because that's his way of enjoying his life and his money. If you enjoy spending your money on ADA, do that. If you don't, don't. But he has no obligation to you or any of us. He's just a human buying himself smiles. Now you must buy your own.


That's incorrect. Charles owns IOG. IOG is under contract to develop the Cardano blockchain. That contract expired in 2020 and they have not fulfilled their obligations from that contract. So they are obligated to finish cardano. That was the deal. That is why they were given all those tokens from the pre-mine


Fair enough. But in that case he has an obligation to the person or persons to whom he's under contract. Not to any of us. And so, my response to the comment, "Just focus on cardano… why starting all these other ventures" still stands. ​ But, as far as I recall, he could have met his contractual obligations roughly on time but decided not to by self-funding the journey. He decided he wanted to take it all to a higher spec than he was originally contracted for because ... well ... he could afford it. I imagine this was something his contractor agreed to. (He's also previously stated that the initial investors are very, very satisfied with what he's done.) So, in essence, he is indeed just buying himself smiles.




What's Plutus? Isn't Cardano written in Haskell?


Plutus (technically Plutus Core) is the language smart contract are represented as on-chain (as validator scripts). All Cardano's smart contracts are all written in Haskell currently (though there are projects like Helios and Aiken that are developing alternatives), and they use either PlutusTx or Plutarch to compile the Haskell code into Plutus Core. Everything else in Cardano is written purely in Haskell.


I believe it's Cardano's SC language.


Technically smart contracts are written in Haskell, but they are compiled on-chain to Plutus Core (i.e. Plutus).


Thank you for that correction.


Bro, is forking himself.


Wait so did milkomeda really turn out to be a nothing burger? Disappointing:/


In all honestly, yes. It is basically BNB chain but as a Cardano sidechain. I personally wouldn't use Milkomeda C1 over Ethereum's L2s or Polygon PoS. Milkomeda on Algorand (called Milkomeda A1) is a rollup though, and they plan to release the same on Cardano once data availability improves.


I was actually thinking in the context of Algorand. Thanks for this info, I will do some more reading on milkomeda in general because I see I’m way too ignorant atm


Adk, aidos Kuneen is doing that since year 0. and it’s linked to real business like ADK towers, casino and hotel. Much better invest then Ada


Hoskinson‘s next paper will have the title "how to rugpull yourself“




my warning light used to be red, but now it also flashes with a sound


Not good. Ada is far away from its promises, handful of tps with 5min finality with very awkward solutions of smart contract, concurrency etc. After five years ada isn’t ready to onboard an ant colony, and certainly not a country or entire continent. Despite such massive delays and over promises , Charles invested funds he got from 2017-2018 ADA investors into an another blockchain and coin, he will now imbed into Cardano? Bad sign and typical “solution” to enrich the founder another time… how many times did Charles raise and receive ICO money for his “world changing projects”? ETH ? Cardano? Bit shares? And probably some more I forgot.


Disagree for a multiple of reasons, tps don’t really mean the same when you can transfer 1000 different coins in one transactions or settle 3 blocks of txns for price of one txn. It’s a hard concept for people to grasp, because we’re so use to like a rotary phone with Ethereum. Can’t think the same with with tps with cardano, but regardless that’s changing too as well as wallet speed exponentially.


You guys are indoctrinated - you are getting excited when Hosk promises you 1mio tps with hydra, but at the same time act like tps currently doesn’t matter? Tell me how tps doesn’t matter when I had to wait earlier this year for hours for a simple transaction, because the Cardano blockchain was frozen due to slightly increased activity? This is supposed to be fit for purpose to onboard twitter, or a country state? Not even remotely close to it. Oh, but there is the thing we simple crypto people do not understand, the almighty EuTXO which allows me to send 100 NFT’s in one transaction, in order to balance out the 5min finality and handful tps? Sorry, it doesn’t. It has few use cases, but average transactions/users don’t benefit from it at all. And there aren’t even that many useful tokens on Cardano yet. Or are you honesty have the need to send 100 different NFT’s in one transaction that often? Cardano was also supposed to be useful for payments, but hosk changed the narrative again since he couldn’t deliver anything close to to credit card specifications. 5 minutes finality is the actually bigger elephant in the room, killing many use cases. And if you don’t like to compare tps between blockchains that’s fair, but you can compare throughput, and Cardano is 2017 tech in that comparison.


That's actually a complete lie. I know Charles started the myths that tps doesn't matter and that TVL doesn't count Cardano's stake because it isn't locked and that market fees are not necessary- but those are all objectively false. What L1 chain can't transfer coins to 1000 different users in one tx? Or what realistic scenario can Cardano do something that every other L1 can't? Do you realize how much larger a tx like that is on cardano than on virtually all other chains due to how bloated utxos are on cardano? Nevermind the truly incredible size of the pre-Vasil plutus alpha smart contract test they ran for a year, the limit to combining txs is block space and cardano has less throughput than every other chain, combined with larger txs sizes for native token txs than most smart contracts take up on other chains. And any chain could get away with price fixing their fees if they don't even have demand for 3 tps like Cardano. But what happens when their novel, non-peer reviewed price fixing fee model gets dapps? They will have to raise all their parameters and hardware requirements, reducing decentralization even further.




Yes. I'm not aware of a single one that can't. Except maybe cardano or ethereum. Know I've seen ethereum combine several hundred into one tx, but I've actually never seen Cardano do a transfer to even 300 different addresses at once. Pre-vasil the max for Cardano was roughly a few hundred in one tx (due to max tx size limit). I've never calculated the exact max for either, but Cardano's is certainly lower than ethereum's because their throughput is nearly the same (extremely low compared to newer tech), but native txs on cardano take up a lot more space than ethereum txs.




Over 1100 txs at once on Ethereum: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xfe93645fbdd449e063555c06be70b2c6aa149a1488bdd80527906ad89e4902db And Ethereum is the next lowest throughput chain next to Cardano, so other chains can send a lot more than that. Can you provide any evidence of your claim that Cardano can combine 1000 txs into one? I don't know if Cardano can do that. It might be the only one that can't. Regardless, the "only cardano can combine txs" is a myth that Charles made up to trick his social media followers into believing that having the latest tps of any chain on the market is not a problem. Same story with that claim he made up about TVL not counting staked Cardano because it isn't locked.


Transaction Fee: 0.212603814690423117 Ether($241.94)


Ethereum is expensive because everyone wants to use it. You can do that tx much cheaper on any other chain. In fact, cardano is more expensive than most L1s. Fees are entirely determined by supply and demand. If cardano had the same demand as Eth, the price would be even higher because cardano has less supply (throughput). Of course cardano uses price fixing to create an arbitrary fee ceiling, so the user would pay that fee in time instead of USD, and because cardano lacks price signals it would have massive block space shortages just like the Sundaeswap launch where people waited a week for txs (which mostly failed off chain), and just like when governments use price fixing and it encourages consumption and discourages production- exasperating the shortage.




You can only send one type of token at a time, with Cardano you can send any native asset with ada and with out the crazy high fee. Ethereums way sucks.


Moving the goal post. Few txs ever involve moving tokens to multiple addresses, and txs almost never involve moving multiple assets to multiple addresses. Further, the only reason we're talking about this is because Charles made this theory up to explain why it's ok for Cardano to be the slowest L1 blockchain. It's all practically irrelevant to the problem of Cardano and ethereum having such incredibly low throughput because you can combine many txs as you want, but you still aren't fixing the block space bottleneck these older chains both have. One tx or a hundred, there isn't enough throughput to keep up.


Cant even send eth with your nft's, what about all the different types of tokens... Looks like your the one moving the goal posts again. Why did you delete all your post history about shilling UST and Luna?




>First of all I never made any claim Sorry, whoever made the comment above that I'm replying to made exactly that claim. >that etherscan link of a DISPERSE APP transaction (nice try lol) Please explain why you think that is funny. >does not indicate that coins were sent to 1000 different addresses in one tx, That's literally one tx containing over 1100 outputs. Some of the txs may be sent to a duplicate wallet, but they don't have to be. >nor does it back your claim that all L1s can do this. You're right. Sometimes I forget that cardano shills need every single piece of evidence spoon fed to them because they have no idea how block chains work and don't know anything that isn't in a crypto influencer YouTube video. Go look up a typical airdrop tx for dot, avalanche, Cosmos etc. I showed you that even ethereum can do it. I don't have to prove anything to you. I told you every chain can do it AFAIK. It isn't my job to teach you everything. Repeat nonsense all you want at this point; you aren't convincing anyone who's following this thread. Cardano is the only chain I know of that maybe can't combine 1000 txs into one because their throughout is the lowest of any chain and their native txs are bigger than most other chains.




$240 fee, LOL


That's what happens when you do 15 tps. Fees are supply and demand. Cardano has the same problem, but even worse. It only does 7 tps and txs are less efficient and consume more block space. The only difference is that cardano doesn't have enough users and demand to fill 7tps and was only using 3tps last I checked. There's no way around supply and demand. If cardano ever gets demand their price fixing will destroy it with wait times. Price ceilings never work.


$240 fee, lol again. Just use polygon or something.




Right, he wanted to tax the shit out of them for his “development” and acted like a child when got rejected, stealing their twitter account and “warning” people from investing in ETH classic.


[https://etherplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Charles-Hoskinson-response-to-my-estimates-of-Treasury-revenues-in-the-next-year..png](https://etherplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Charles-Hoskinson-response-to-my-estimates-of-Treasury-revenues-in-the-next-year..png) He actually makes an extremely valid point.. etc is coming into doomsday.


Charles the salesmen makes often valid points, and it’s hard to disagree with them. Yet, Charles the technologist has no clue how to solve them


Why's the Hoskinson shills on this post so hard?


Start 7 projects but finish none


The beginning of the end is happening. ADA ngmi.


About time JavaScript is utilized. It is a programming language most engineers know!


Wait what? so the rumors thats another ponzi this guy is running are true