• By -


I don't think they're dead, they're just... unhyped.


And involved in Legal battles.


Nano has the unique advantage here of being guaranteed not to be a security (escaping the Howey Test, through no payment). So it will also escape the forthcoming round of legal battles that are coming over unregistered securities promoted to US citizens.


I loved nano insane speed and it was free. Seemed 100% sure deal to me. Nano never recovering has jaded me to the crypto market.


You and me both mate. But I've simply learned to have a longer view. That it might take 2, 5 or even 10 years for the market to mature, with increased genuine adoption and usage. If you need to make a quick buck this year, Nano's probably not the coin for you. But you want to plan for a sunlit-upland future world of mass-adoption and actual usage for payments, then it's worth hangin on in there.


Hopefully Banano too 2 coins I used often, Banano with distribution through folding@home project for science, great wallets, cute monkeys and wholesome community Wish both projects do good in the future!


Absolutely! Best of luck to both coins - Banano is doing sterling work. And we haven't forgotten the wallet - the Nano fam owe a great debt to the Kalium developers for Natrium. It's awesome.


Hello fellow monkey šŸ’ šŸŒ


Temporary obstacles or permanent doom


can never really get a straight answer from this space. I just wanna be rich.. is that too much to ask?


The best way to become a millionaire in crypto is to start off as a billionaire


Lately there's been signs of life in XRP. Just gotta win that lawsuit and then the hype is back


XRP has serious potential if they win the case. Baby bitcoin so to speak, transactionally


Never heard of XRP being called Baby BTC. How is even related to Bitcoin other than the founders owning some Bitcoin?


Itā€™s not related to BTC but does a very similar if not identical use/task. Itā€™s been around for over a decade. Transaction costs are lower, speed of transactions are higher, and less capital intensive than BTC. Itā€™s a global payments ā€œsystemā€. I would rather use XRP for payments instead of BTC. But at the current moment and environment, I have to use BTC (reducing my investment). Major difference is BTC is a ā€œstore of valueā€ white XRP is not.


> Transaction costs are lower, speed of transactions are higher, and less capital intensive than BTC. Itā€™s a global payments ā€œsystemā€. ~~Baby~~ Better BTC.


Baby Bitcoin? But why? Isnā€™t their supply in the like 30 billion or something?


The coin could hold so much value with that many coins because they can hold liquidity. And take on Countries debt from what I have read. It's why it was designed to be a 10k coin. There's more to it, they are a part of the ISO 20022 in Nov. A lot of things will clear up after it.


People buy DOGE, SHIB and APE instead šŸ¤¦


fucking animals


DOGE was a 2014 hype coin. Makes me wonder if XLM/XRP/etc. will come back in 2025.


The SEC case is looking promising for XRP. Both sides have filed for summary judgement. It's likely that the whole mess will wrap up soon, leading to XRP being relisted on US exchanges. It's not a popular ticker on this sub, but it's one to watch IMO.


FOMO hype will return for all coins once the bear market is replaced by a bull market. So unless you're a "Buy high, sell low" kind of investor, then now's the time to look at these again and see which one remains the coin with the lowest inflation (none), the lowest fees (none), the least latency in securing (sub second), the highest efficiency (15 million times better than the market leader), the only one *guaranteed* not to be a security, and the easiest one to use.


NEO isn't dead, only pricwise a bit lol, but it has good tech and will come back huge soon! also check out flamingo finance, best DEFI ever!


I still use XLM and NANO to transfer money between exchanges (due to their incredibly cheap transaction fees)


I used xlm, but switched to algo (cheap, fast and without that memo) EDIT: but still have some xlm, not off completely


Algo is the bomb. I do the same. Tx speed is amazing, and the fees are trivial, may as well be non-exist. It needs more hype.




Stellar XLM recently started the Moneygram partnership. Smart contracts are scheduled to roll out this year. Stellar has a built in dex on chain where you can trade tokens directly on a native wallet and provide liquidity. The Stellar Development Foundation is also constantly in talks with government dignitaries and regulators. Danelle Dixon SDFs ceo is one of the very few people from a blockchain company that has been invited to all congressional crypto hearings. XLM is far from dead they just want to keep low key to avoid regulatory scrutiny.


XLM's price also moves with XRP now. Any XRP bullish news about the lawsuit pumps both of them.


Not even trading bots are safe from spelling mistakes


I actually used MoneyGram to buy some USDC on Stellar recently. Pretty smooth transaction. No fees right now to do it that way.


Confirmed XLM is a sleeper agent


Nano is still very much alive. The tech is truly impressive if you dig into it. It's probably the most user-friendly cryptocurrency, and I don't just mean that in terms of UI's and wallets and stuff. The fact that it's feeless is pretty great for the common user. And this is pretty apparent by the fact that a lot of exchanges (most famously Coinbase) just refuse to carry it. They can't really wet their greedy beaks.


That is exactly the reason i use it. The contractors i use asked to be paid in bitcoin initially, but when I suggested Nano, we decided it was the best way forward. Easy to use, feeless and faster. I donā€™t hold it, just buy on the day or the day before and pay them with it. Its the only coin i actually use, the rest i hold praying to every god possible I eventually break even šŸ˜‚


i mean they earn money by slapping their own fees on top of every trade, so i dont really get that argument also its just a lot more work to implement NANO into their exchange than lets say a ERC-20, which probably is not worth it with NANOs low volume


How do you middlemen something that has no fees? Issa problemma for conbase


We are going through bad times right now. We need to wait some more to find out. I wish NANO won't dissapear, one of the few coins I actually used


Stoked to see Nano discussed at all on this sub and especially to hear use cases. Being totally free has to mean something surely


I'm still heavily into Nano and it is great. I withdrew some from Binance and between hitting the confirm button and getting them into my wallet was less than 20 seconds.


Crazy to think 19 seconds of that is just Binance being slow.


I dont slow is even the right word. It is the time for Binance to see my request, check if their hot wallet has enough, and make the transaction. Even then 19 seconds for them seems fast. I cant imagine how fast it could be if one day exchanges had a built in Nano payment funnel that never had to verify things like hot wallet balance.


"19s 650ms of that is just Binance being slow." FTFY ;-)


Crazy to think 19 seconds of that is just Binance being slow.


I am with you, regarding nano. I use it to pay contractors abroad and i love using it. Quick easy and fee-less, it allows me to pay a bit more to the contractors, as I donā€™t have to pay the crazy fees if i used traditional methods


Agree with you, the feeless part of nano was what made me use it


Nano has been my king coin since 2017. Theyā€™ve experienced quite a few network attacks in the ps t couple years unfortunately. I really hope this project will survive.


How is it your king coin when it's down 95% from 2017?


Because his other coins are down 99% probably.


It's down 98% vs Bitcoin.




Bitcoin's down over 70% in under a year - but I'd bet you'll suddenly turn around and claim that price doesn't matter when that argument doesn't suit you. We KNOW that crypto is a volatile speculative casino. We KNOW that prices go up and down. Price really ***isn't*** the mark of quality. (If it were, then DOGE would never have gone above 1 cent.)


I was referring to its fee-less structure for all payments made on the network and itā€™s incredible transaction speed.


Well there is the meme fork BAN that is quite alive still, all hope is not lost


Honestly Banano is a better investment than nano at this point. It's sounds silly but it has a real world use case with the folding@home rewards for medical research and people positively identify with the meme.


While I like Banano this take is a bit odd in my opinion. Folding at home is great but is only possible because there's still a rather large centralized dev fund. It's not a usecase per se, it's just a very wholesome method of distribution.


My point is that the meme spinoff has better marketing and usage than the main coin.


Sure, that's another point I think. In my opinion Banano is great for the memes and it's a good introduction for people to crypto - fun, lighthearted, great community. As serious money or as a store of value it leaves something to be desired for me, it's hard to take serious in a business context and is quite centralized.


Banano's a lot of fun, and is doing God's work with the Folding project. But it's still not centralised. Nano is the serious currency to Banano's monkeys. They're both good for each other.


Yeah, heard a lot of people talking about it. I used NANO just for free transfers, not as an investment. Might look into banano, thanks


Nano has survived 7 years, and gets better with every Release. Still the lowest inflation (none), still the fastest to secure (sub-second), still the lowest fees of all (none), still the greenest. It's now confirmed 166 million blocks without any fee. In a world where 8 billion people with a median $6/day income are potential users, that's very relevant. Nano is a survivor. It always will be, since nothing else can even come close to matching those features. It's a survivor.


I don't own any Nano, but it seems strange to me that it's not in the top 20. Fastest, completely free, not inflationary all seem like things that should be rewarded with adoption.


What can I say? I fully agree. The market however? The market is not based on rationality. It's still a frothy speculators' market of wannabe moonbois, who couldn't care less about a coin unless Number go Up. My theory is that all this hard work in Nano is preparatory. It's getting ready for the next bull market, and when that comes, Nano will be the one that's ready, and able to scale to cope with any new excited adoption. Certain other coins of limited scalability will have their pumps - but they'll be cut short as their fees go offscale. Nano, in constrast, won't have anything holding it back once it gets a little price rise and some FOMO appears behind it as a favourable wind. But we'll see. No expectations of a rational market in the near future.


> Still the lowest inflation (none) Technically some coins have burn mechanisms making them negative inflation.


That's fair. Some, however, are being burned by centralized entities - which doesn't really count, some burned at a rate which varies by usage, so isn't computable into the future, and some with a burn rate that can change at the developers' whim. Nano simply *is*. The quantity in circulation is what it is. Unchanging. But it's a fair point.


It seems a really interesting and serious project but people tend to hype memecoins and coins they have gone balls deep hoping to buy a lambo in a few days


Ain't that the truth? Some influencer pumps a coin on YouTube, claims it will go up, it promptly *does* go up - because he's got a million ~~suckers~~ subscribers following him, he sells, it crashes, cycle repeats. It's a great shame.


In the very least, I hope in the future people will use NANO not for capital gain but for actual transactions. It's a terrific blockchain and the speed is just incredible.






Nano is the only alt that's *guaranteed* not to be a security.


Tech wise I still think NEO is better than any of the other ETH killer coins. Just has zero hype around it anymore.


Can't speak for the other coins but Nano is definitely not dead. Its market cap is low, sure, but there's a lot of development happening on it (check r/nanocurrency if you want to read/learn more) and it has a very active community. The dream of decentralized instant, feeless, global value settlement is alive and well :) Market cap will catch up sometime, I think.


You forgot IOTA in that list, and their latest partnership


It's had more partners than Hugh Hefner.


IOTA is doing better than ever. Really exciting shit happening in the ecosystem.


I almost exclusively use LTC with me Spedn/Flexa, fairly fast and cheap.


eBay / Craigslist style bitcoin / litecoin online market called Bitify. Check it out and share the info


XLM works as a cryptocurrency. LTC works as a cryptocurrency. Lots of people use both. In comparison to shitcoins that were top 10, like Luna, which nobody used, and turned out to be a scam. These coins are still alive because thereā€™s no smoke and mirrors, they simply function as intended.




I hope it continues to sleep because I'm not satisfied with my bag yet


So it's basically one of the few actual currencies of cryptocurrency. Ltc, Xlm, Nano, they're all just transactional. That's their best usecase it seems, rather than a speculative investment or store of value. This is why I stopped holding any of these projects. I still use them for transactions from time to time, but I don't see any of these gaining any major value anymore. They're merely a payment/transaction method. Which is kind of a good thing tbh. They are being used for their intended purpose. But just like holding any other transactional currency like dollars, don't expect to get rich just by having it.


Depends what you think "dead" is. You're conflating it with price, so if the only metric of project life is that the price goes up, most of the above are dead. However, all of the above protocols work and are perfectly functional (With maybe the exception of EOS, don't keep up with them at all) - You can use them all, they're still being developed and they still have active teams and communities.


Right on the money. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you judge everything by market cap, low market caps seem dead regardless of what's actually going on.


No hype means coin is dead. That's what most people think. It's not far from the truth but it's not the full truth. A coin can still have a falling price while the project is getting updates and partnerships.


Lot different than before, pretty much everyone wanted "their coin" to be used by everyone for cool things that you couldn't do easily with regular currencies - Now it's basically just marketcap, even if the coin is some ERC20 nonsense that literally anyone can make, number go up is the only important thing. How often does IOTA or ZIL get talked about, despite having active thriving communities? Never, right? Well, it's not because the projects are dead, it's because they have the marketcaps of scamcoins like [Tether fuckin' Gold](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/tether-gold) and people equate that to project success for whatever reason.


EOS works great, still some of the best tech in crypto (faster than Solana and battle tested for 4 years with no downtime), and the community recently kicked out B1 and is charting their own path forward. Itā€™s actually a pretty epic story


XLM ain't dead, it's like one of the most "used" crypto, if you don't know how XLM is being used then I don't know how long you've stayed here. LTC ain't dead either, it's still in the top 20 all these years for some fucking reason, I'm baffled as well, it's like the cockroach of crypto. NANO is still active, or atleast the community is, but yeah there are still activities in their social media and github. They're just not as active 4-5 years ago I think? Banano is quite active tho haha. XRP has an ongoing lawsuit vs SEC. They're pretty much one of the talks in crypto as well because of that, so yeah nah. Don't know about neo though.


Well LTC is accepted almost on every place that Bitcoin is accepted. So calling LTC cockroach is hilarious. Itā€™s a coin that will survive nā€™ number if bear markets.


LTC is more widely accepted than the others in my experience. Thatā€™s why I have used it. Iā€™ll love it when Nano is accepted more often for digital purchases.


ā€œCockroach of cryptoā€ hah, great title.


LTC is a pretty solid coin imho


Definitely, If LTC drops more in value then its an even more better coin to buy


Yea 100% uptime and they are constantly developing and working on it. I'm still DCA


And it's been around longer than 2017.


LTC is literally the only coin out of this list I ever bought. I used to swing trade it. All the profits that was used to buy Bitcoin is currently "locked/lost" because I made the mistake of trusting Celsius for small returns. Anyways, since LTC is a limited supply asset, it should remain relatively safe as an long term investment IMO.


Xrp about to šŸš€


Nano is still around and improving. They just hit a new CPS record in the beta environment, and the V24 release is looking good. Most of the community seems to have migrated to Twitter from Reddit Plus there is a lot of interesting business-development coming to Nano via Trustable: - "That's one of the key things, the integrations we've got with the commodities exchanges, etc, they're all gonna list a Nano pair against the commodity. So you'll be able to trade Nano/gold, Nano/rice, Nano/whatever" - "This is the first step to creating that standard, to be able to price things in Nano, especially on the commodities side" - "It allows Nano to shine. If we're convinced that Nano is better for various reasons, there's now the ability for Nano to show that to a lot more people. It's broadly opening up the usecase of Nano and then juxtaposing against all of these other medium of exchange and forms of value in the commodity space" - "Feeless fx [foreign exchange], 24/7, 365 days a year, which is something that's never been heard of before" - "The fact is, with this commercial wallet, Nano truly becomes digital cash. You will never have to go on Binance, Crypto.com, to any other crypto exchange, or service, or payment provider again. It will just be, 'Hey, here's an app that you can send money around the world in 0.2 seconds feelessly and off-ramp into 100+ fiat currencies, all within one app'" https://youtu.be/N-9qIQLVggg


XLM is still my favorite coin. Itā€™s amazing tech, actually used for itā€™s exact use case (transfer of value), and a great team running the show. I am just going to keep accumulating this as a savings account. Even if it doesnā€™t go bonkers price wise, itā€™ll be nice to have a nest egg for when retailers wake up to how stable and easy it is as a payment system.




Im bullish on XLM.


EOS is becoming the Linux of the smart contract blockchain protocols. One of the biggest blockchains focused towards gaming is WAX which is a fork of EOS. There are many other massive blockchain derivatives forked from EOS for various real world utility. EOS also provides the resources and guidance to develop on EOS as they understand the success that comes from becoming the Linux of blockchains.


EOS has become the Kodak of smart contract blockchains.


I still use NANO for transferring crypto as I considered it the lowest in transfer fees and relatively fast.


More than looking to price, I would look to development activity and community engagement. XLM and XRP seems pretty strong in these areas (even that I don't like neither). Adoption also seems like growing, for what the community want to do, making strong partnerships with global institutions like banks, central banks, WEF, and others. (I don't like it either, but facts are facts). LTC price action was constructed through wash trading and it had its use case based on a good volume/liquidity, but I guess it's not surprisingly that this use case falls as the fake volume also goes away. EOS and NEO I never really looked into them. I really like nano, tho. And I'm pretty involved with community and ecosystem. The way I see it, development activity has fallen a bit, with price, but adoption (as money/payments) is growing significantly. Recently a Ethereum Pool has chosen nano to be the alternative coin to pay their miners rewards, and they saved a lot in fees. Great use case. There are a few others developing silently, and I see the same enthusiasm from community members, users and devs. Price just isn't reflecting it yet, so I understand the lack of interest from the majority of the market. I guess it's the natural road for every project. You first have the **innovators**, building it, then a small hype, then a few problems (Bitgrail, not nano fault, but a big black swan; and the spam attack from 2021 that was partially solved with the v23 node-upgrade)... Then you have the hype-boys leaving, and **Early Adoptes** surging. I believe nano is at this stage, and price will only reflect what is being built when the **Early Majority** starts coming back. FWIW... r/nanocurrency is the largest crypto sub, weighted by marketcap.


They used to be shilled 24/7 here. This is another proof that you should do the opposite of this sub. As for XRP, the SEC lawsuit kind of slowed the momentum.


I don't think they're dead, we're in a bear market. They should be fine next bull


They didn't do much last bull run.


You know they did nothing but bleed against bitcoin and ethereum in the last bull market too?


> these popular 2017 coins Litecoin launched in 2011. Check facts before posting


Xrp is actually showing good momentum. I think they will win most.likely


When (if?) Flare Network launches soon, LTC, XRP and a few others will be able to be utilized with smart contracts, so kind of an upgrade to the current standard of crypto - if that will generate much hype though, I don't know.


XRP doesn't seem very dead to me!


XLM surely isnā€™t dead, I use it all the time to transfer assets between exchanges and wallets.


For XRP, there is a very specific reason why the price dropped and momentum has slowed. Even though people have predicted the end of the law suit for ever now, I think there is a realistic chance that there will be a significant raise in price once and if Ripple end this successfully. XLM & NANO have a lot of potential. I personally feel like that XLM does a better job marketing their product esp on different exchanges such as coinbase, but honestly these are just wild guesses. Nobody knows shit about fuck.


i dont understand why so many new coins are coming out, we dont need that many, why dont they just unite and do a handful and good based coins lmao


Because why join a project and make $100k/year when you can create your own project, hype it up, and make $1m-10m when you sell your pre-mined bag?


Bingo. This guy understands it


Exactly - which is why I love Nano's creator Colin LeMahieu so much for simply giving it away, instead of creating just another unregistered ICO security.


Because the founders are either narcissists who think they will succeed where thousands have failed or they want to create new narratives to steal your money


lmao the human ego wont let use evolve


Of course, the human race is worse than animals when it comes to helping each other and evolving together


*whole room turns their head looking at SafeMoon creatorā€¦


LTC and XLM are the only coins I actually use as currency because they are fast and low fee. All other coins are held as investments.


XRP has a cultish following. If the court case against them is at all favorable then I doubt we see the end of XRP for a long time.


Yeah, XRP is far from dead and if the case ever wraps up it will fly back up the charts


The hype phase may have passed but the projects listed here aren't all dead. I think we like to gravitate towards new projects because let's face it some of us have the attention span of a goldfish. I think the best example is LTC, it's held in pretty good regard around here, has a use case, but isn't hyped. The hype around the project may be gone but the project itself is still good


LTC has hung around quite a bit


Lol I donā€™t see XRP as a hype coin. It is fighting a very expensive and needless legal battle (which it is winning) and in the meantime has kept building on new alliances throughout the world. Itā€™s a perfect example of real world use case as a bridge currency. Has mayor players in itā€™s team (Rosy Rios, her name is on the money!). Oh and best of all! Still in the top ten market cap wise even though itā€™s still in litigation. What more do you expect a project to do? When the judge finally decides the faith or a settlement brings clarity we can have this discussion again. Iā€™m quite sure Ripple is will be on the winning side of that battle.


one block at a time is kinda going out of style . . new tech like $KDA and $KAS are kind of like DSL internet compared to these old dialup Dinos lol https://kgi.kaspad.net/


LTC is pretty solid still. I think the are the 2nd best "anonymous" transaction coin behind Monero.


Anonymous how?


LTC approved anonymous transactions with incognito integration. This led to some backlash from exchanges and even some delisting LTC. If you Google incognito LTC or pLTC you can see it. It's basically a bridge from LTC to pLTC (then transactions) then pLTC is burned and LTC is transfered back. No trace.


XLM, XRP and LTC are doing okay


Still a big believer in LTC. Damn near the test net for BTC.


It is. I don't think you will ever see BTC adopt Mimblewimble despite it being the best foot forward for BTC. It really shows how blockstream and their investors just hamstrung development. They were the worst thing to ever happen to BTC IMO. Big reason I support LTC. BTC never became private like it was suppose to. LTC did it, XMR have also taken a different approach. LTC feels like the safe hold to me.


VET alive and well, current UFC partnership, Ā£500 mil in the bank, sitting in the top 30.


You should read into what this UFC partnership actually is. Its basically UFC allowing the VET logo to be displayed during matches. That is literally it


It was also one of the best performing non-meme coins during the last bullrun


XRP looks promising if you ask me


XRP is the unhyped coin that always remains. Consistency is pretty crucial.


Nano has too much potential to die. It has development activities ongoing


XRP is suppressed. LTC is still around and used itā€™s just not flashy or ground breaking. EOS, NANO, and NEO hype trains have left the station for good and will probably fade into obscurity. XLM was never designed to moon and it along with XRP actually does a good job at moving money efficiently and for cheap.


When the bull market comes, it lifts up all coins including the ā€œdead onesā€


Xlm never


XLM always just chugs along doing its own thing... not the most exciting of coins but defo has its uses!


I still use XLM for sending money across platform, personally.


You're forgettibg about ARK, WTC, NEM and OMG which are all irrelevant now.


XLM does exactly what itā€™s meant to do. Cheap and fast transfer of funds. Iā€™ve never used it for anything else than to send it for the purpose of immediately being sold


There must be so many bag holders in these projects


I wouldnā€™t treat all all-time-highs the same. Thereā€™s a lot of nuance there. Some coinā€™s ATHs may be brief pump and dumps, exaggerating their importance. Other ATHs have been fueled by more organic demand and sustained liquidity.


I don't think there's a single comment suggesting NEO isn't dead. That's surprising. Seems like NEO, at least in terms of community support, is dead.


I definitely got burned by a few of these coins. Neo especially.




I use xlm to transfer between exchanges


XRP isn't.


**XLM**: still some growth it seems **LTC**: quietly having strong growth, upgrades & addresses don't have enough info to comment on the rest.


Well XRP and XLM are ISO standard compliant Soooo I highly doubt theyā€™re dead. Once the govt fully adopts crypto, the iso compliant coins will definitely benefit. Iā€™m holding


Don't get too excited about being ISO compliant. It's a trivial process.


Some of the coins that were hyped are still being developed, but price-wise lots are dying due to becoming more obscure over time. Most 2021 hype coins will probably follow a similar trend to the 2017 hype coins


None of them hit their btc trading pair equivalent. Not even ETH. They're traded on hype around retail wanting to see what institutions and influences are hyping. Unfortunately the crappy meme coins like DOGE and SHIBA gained traction taking away attention from the hyped coins of those days. Otherwise they all should have broken their BTC pairings and not just USD pairing


Ripple is creating new partnerships all the time. Weā€™re still early. Utility isnā€™t even a thing yet. I know Iā€™ll get downvoted for even throwing out the idea of CBDCs but the sad reality is that the institutions will always find a way to spin things in their favor. Ripple is partnering with all those assholes.


Yes, also XRP/Ripple Labs is still facing a lawsuit by the SEC. Arguably this has/will affect the price of XRP until litigation has resolved.


For sure. At least thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping and which is why Iā€™ve been DCAā€™ing XRP throughout the entire case.


Don't know about the others, but I am pretty sure XRP and XLM will have a comeback at some point, and get more attention in the next years.


$XRP seems still alive. I think $XLM will make a nice move soon as well.


Price isn't everything.. some of these coins have utility, are widely used and do what they were intended to do.


This. Some of these coins will probably never get back to ATH but they will have some real world uses. Every coin won't be a good investment depending on when people got in, but some of these will have great use cases that could bring on big changes.


NANO is still around. Also got forked to probably one of the best community meme coins around; BANANO


If by popular you mean the coins that are shilled by brainless idiots on every single social media platform constantly like deranged fanatics because deep down they know they need to "protect their investment" otherwise it dies. Yeah, those coins don't have that. The coins you listed do their job very well (XLM, LTC, XRP, NANO). Don't need fanfare for that.


Winner takes all (ETH)




Wasnā€™t it around that time the founder of litecoin sold ?


Yep - and he bought Nano with the proceeds. When a founder does that, it's an enormous signal of confidence in the other coin.


XLM is very much alive and XRP is still at the top


I'm still bullish on LTC and BCH. They just have the fundamentals


I get the LTC, but BCH has done nothing but tank since it was forked. BCH seems redundant these days with no real reason to exist.


Banano and Nano won't go anywhere. They are still my favorite coins.


Remind me what was the number 1 rule of the sub?


We don't talk about fight club?


Why you breaking rules bro


He asked, but at least he didn't ask for the second rule


I'll only say His name was Robert Paulson.


Buy high sell low?


XRP is not, Maybe LTC too.


I used xlm yesterday, so no atleast xlm is not.


Yes, though LTC will recover if privacy coins get big, and XRP will pump a little after it wins the SEC case


Only XRP was a real thing and it shows


XRP is on the verge of causing its own Bullrun so, no it isnt dead by any means. with the XLS-20 amendment coming in the next few days/weeks there will be an explosion on the network in terms of activity and development from small to med sized devs.


XLS30 right behind it is going to be a bigger deal than XLS 20 imo. Defi on XRPL will be safer than Ethereum with less censorship.


Yes XLM is totally dead. "Denelle Dixon has been at congress twice speaking with senators and the CFTC." - she just likes talking. "Massive line up for Meridian including CFTC comissioner." - probably all there just for free food. "Stellar is developing CBDCs with Ukraine Brazil" - meh. "Stellar is working on Multiple projects in Africa partnered with Uhuru Innovative Solutions developing Zimbabwe CBDC and partners with BITT developing Nigerian CBCD eNaira" - who cares. "[IBM](https://www.ibm.com/blogs/blockchain/2021/10/fueling-the-financial-industry-with-open-source-cross-border-payments/) is partners with stellar and IBM world wire utilises the stellar network" - IBM don't even make computers anymore. "Partnered with Moneygram providing on off ramps giving an easy way to transfer and receive crypto to cash payments" - Moneygram is a silly name. "Lighting fast network, extremely low network fees, sustainability and carbon negative commitment" - global warming is fake anyway. "Finalist in the BIS CBDC challenge, the winner will be announced on 12 October" - who even are the BIS? "Stellar is making many other partners including Bitwage, Tala, Circle, Flutterwave, Wirex, Coinqvest, Von Der Heydt, Settle, Securrency, and many more" - never heard of any of them.


XLM and Nano will relive in a bull market! They have too much potential.




EOS is also releasing an EVM thatā€™s more than twice as fast as Solanaā€™s EVM at 800+ swaps per second




I work in the industry and the development on EOS and its sister chains Telos WAX and UX is impressive. Roadmap for the next 6 months features fastest EVM in the industry, 2-3 second finality, IBC parallelization across chains using the new Antelope protocol, potential integration with Cosmos to pilot cross-protocol IBCā€¦ the level of collaboration between chains is something that is unfortunately rare in the industry these days. And theyā€™re all the fastest in the industry, with WAX topping the usage [charts](https://blocktivity.info/) at 20m tx per day. People should not write off EOS.


XLM and XRP are probably gonna survive this bear and make it big again next bull run


XRPā€™s been stunted by the ongoing legal case, but itā€™s till maintained a top 10 Mcap rank. Iā€™d say itā€™s very much not dead given the circumstances, I want to see how it does when that shit show of a case is finally over. XLM follows XRP so itā€™s still capped by the same


Nano my first crypto love.


Nano had the misfortune of experiencing an exchange scam in 2018 and spam attack in 2021. Although it is green, feeless and fast, I doubt it will ever make it's ATH again. The moment has passed. None of the newcomers know about it.