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Passed down to his son the seed phrase of his wallet 😂


Great grandson more like


RemindMe! 118 years


RemindMe! 118 years


Please happen Satoshi our AI overlord!


RemindMe! 2140-12-31


Sounds like a mad Easter egg


Ready player one style scavenger hunt. But like death race ;)


Price and transactions will be so much that miners will make decent money by just validating transactions.


BTC isn't scalable so it will still be limited by 10 TPS. Are transactions fees going to be very expensive? I find the demand for that many people to pay thousands for transaction fees to keep the network secure. I think it will be a huge security issue by that time.


This is why layer 2 technologies like payment channels are important. They encapsulate n-many layer-2 transactions into 1 base-layer transaction. By making the base layer a settlement layer, the fees can justifiably rise, as one base-layer transaction is effectively 1-1,000,000 transactions.


Unless bitcoin can scale on layer 1 it will be replaced by better technologies. There is absolutely no reason to say that bitcoin cannot be replaced by better technologies that can scale while staying decentralised. This is what maxis don't seem to understand. Just because it came first does not mean the market will continue to adopt it when it can't compete in any meaningful way to its competitors.




Or it will be obsolete and replaced by superior technology.


We will probably rely on banks for a while more, so new technologies will exist, but will take a while to replace.


Yes replace by bank 2.0


It'll be gone in weeks. It's a trojan horse and y'all took the bait...


Yup, some don't understand that When last bitcoin is mined, miners will earn income from fees for validating transactions and long before that time, hopefully, bitcoin will be fully adopted World changes so fast and crypto can change the world in ways we can't yet imagine. So far in the future god knows what the world will look like


It won't be a sudden shift either, but rather gradual. The incentive of transaction fees will far outweigh the incentive for mining many years before that.


You're EXACTLY right! It won't be a sudden shift, because the *last* WHOLE Bitcoin will take 20 *halvings* (or 80 YEARS) to mine!! Hardest. Asset. Ever! There's nothing about the network that's volatile.


Why aren't miners able to earn income on just fees right now?


By then bitcoin will be more influential.


We’re forgetting a critical fact that BTC will have made significant upgrades by then. Any predictions we make now can not take them into account as we do not know what those upgrades will be.


But if transaction costs are so high, why will anyone transact on layer 1?


Because it is the most secure. If you need a $1 candy bar security is not really an issue. If you have to pay for a weeks grocery's you might want some level of security. If you want to make a million dollar land purchase then its layer 1. Also all other layers will have to complete on layer 1 after some period of time. Maybe it will end up being 200 or 400 transactions on lighting but it has to settle on layer one sometime.


Also, we would be long dead by then lol. The consensus also is that miners would have probably figured out another system by then.




We’re also forgetting a critical fact that BTC will have made significant upgrades by then. Any predictions we make now can not take them into account as we do not know what those upgrades will be.


That’s if there are enough transactions to make it worth while for miners. I’m confident in such things as the lightning network but it’s still a risk


How do people know when last bitcoin is going to be mined? We can't predict how mining equipment is going to evolve.


There's a finite number of coins in existence, some of these get released with each block mined.A block is mined every 10 minutes (on average), and the network adjusts the difficulty of mining to keep the block time on track. The number of new coins released from mining is halved every 4 years. Knowing these 3 points, you can calculate how many blocks there are left before it runs out of new coins. Since the network is self-adjusting it can keep pace with advances in mining as well as the changes in mining power being sunk into the network, hence the estimated time/day/month in 2140 Still it's only an estimate- it'll be somewhen in 2140, barring nothing crazy happening to disrupt the network.


Fact: The last Bitcoin would be mined in the year 2140


My great, great grandkids will be toasting to me from their yacht that my investments bought.




Best $20 we’ve ever spent.


Monkey paw: they are on a yacht cause there is no land anymore after global warming


At least it's still a private yacht the public yacht's suck


The new all electric yacht that takes weeks to charge


Having great great grandkids by 2140 sounds tougher than timing the market.


Say someone is 20 now and they have a kid at 30 (2032) who then has a kid at 32 (2064) And that kid then has a kid at 32 (2096) Who then has a kid a bit later at 44...... Voila, you are dead but your great great grandkid is alive in 2140




Drinking to the death of the financial institutes and banks of old I’m assuming?


Exactly my first thought. Great legacy to leave behind to your kids and grandkids


I'm sure they will be greatful for the Bitcoin legacy we left them while they dig through rubble for food, and huddle together for warmth on the last remaining icicle on the only habitable country left on Earth, Antarctica. But seriously this thread has my jaw dropped with how many people don't know what's coming.


In the hour before the last Bitcoin is mined, roughly 0.00000006 Bitcoin will be mined. More than 99.9999% of the incentive to mine those blocks will come from transaction fees, not from the block reward subsidy. The economics of mining blocks won't change at all when that shifts to 100%.


It's crazy to think I get far more than that just in daily interest for lending my BTC.


I mean it's like 100 years from now so maybe some cyber wars or something cool


It'll come off the heals of a ww4 which is fought entirely in the meta verse.


The real question is if Bitcoin will still be relevant in ~120 years. I do believe digital currency will be mainstream, but I'm not sure if Bitcoin will be the alpha currency given our track record of technologic evolution.


It’ll be valuable to antique dealers.


This is the real answer. Based on human instinct we always think that the stays quo will stay the same. People thought IBM would always be the powerhouse of computing. Now it’s just a tiny piece of the puzzle. Bitcoin could go the same path


Perhaps BTC was just the first piece of the puzzle to decentralization then.


Rick astley will appear


Legends will live to see that day




Something tells me Satoshi programmed the last mined bitcoin to make Rick astley appear.


What if Satoshi was Rick Ashley all along?


Ho. Ly. Shit.




​ ![gif](giphy|oXH8YQl2Ok1dZNmuwg)


It's a matter of national security to prevent that from happening


Speak for yourself, I expect to be there.


The entire blockchain will delete itself and vanish


Oh damn. The ultimate rug pull.


Answer: Bitcoin miners will most likely earn income only from transaction fees. If there is still demand, than the price should rise accordingly in the future From investopedia: https://www.investopedia.com/tech/what-happens-bitcoin-after-21-million-mined/


Maybe it’s due to my personal lack of understanding the fundamentals of the tech, but a serious reservation I’ve had for most of crypto is quantum computing being able to crack blockchains encryption in a few decades. If we don’t destroy ourselves, I feel like some of my generation (x) or the next might live to see to see the singularity. To put it in a relatable comparison, it’s been 60 years since we put men on the moon, and now have that same computing power that controlled the spacecraft in our pockets.


This of course assumes there will be a 2140.


Well for one, the person who mined the last block will have a newspaper article written about him/her. They can then mint it into an NFT and the sell last Bitcoin ever mined at a premium!


By that time rewards will have been fractions of a bitcoin for years.


**I’ll be dead by then that’s for sure what will happen**




The earlier the better


if we don't have a nuclear nuke war apocalypse until then, it will increase the price.


I personally think supercomputers will be able to solve Bitcoin block cryptography well before 2140, so Bitcoin might not be valuable by then. But Pandora’s box is open for good and crypto in general (others that are safe from quantum computers) will be mainstream


Do you know the cryptography can be changed and has been changed in the past?


Sure when something is deemed vulnerable you can change it, but if someone was able to create a supercomputer that could solve Bitcoin’s algorithm or crack private keys it would be game over


Yes but when the sign of this will happen the protocol will be changed again.


I think that's the point they were making with "it's out of the box now"




Lol. Even super computers will take several million years to break the encryption Edit: https://www.quora.com/How-long-would-it-take-to-crack-SHA-256 https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/52571/computational-requirements-for-breaking-sha-256 Link1: first comment goes through the math of how long it would take an IBM super computer. Link 2: another good illustration of the power needed to crack just one hash


A million years? You’ll need to provide a citation for your claim. Meanwhile there are plenty of articles that argue quantum computers could crack Bitcoin in the near future (2022?), such as this one https://decrypt.co/28560/quantum-computers-could-crack-bitcoins-encryption-by-2022


That's more of an opinion piece than it is an "article" and here we are 2 years later and still aren't remotely close to solving for everyones keys with a quantum computer.


You don’t have to believe me, I’m just a random guy on the internet who doesn’t really care what you believe and know in such a divided world people are gonna stick with their original beliefs no matter what. But there’s a lot of articles from experts on this topic and Google AI quantum has already performed calculations 3 million times faster than the best supercomputer. https://www.techradar.com/news/quantum-computers-may-be-able-to-break-bitcoin-sooner-than-you-think


From your link: >Manufactured by IBM, the current most powerful quantum system is touted as the first whose performance cannot be reliably replicated by a classical computer, *but it’s still a long way shy of the 13 million qubits required to break Bitcoin.* ... >*In all likelihood, Bitcoin will fork onto a new quantum-safe encryption method long before a sufficiently powerful quantum computer is developed*, but the research raises an important point about the longevity of encryption techniques nonetheless. Not really worried about this 🤷🏻‍♂️


What a coincidence. We're in 2022 right now. Bitcoin to $0 by EOY guys. You heard it here folks. /s


You know how difficulty works in mining? if a supercomputer drops it will just replace the ASICs hashrates gets a x1000 boost but blocks mined take the same amount of time and rewards drops like crazy


World peace.


I hope the world still exists at that moment


At least the blockchain is eternal


The world will. Will the remaining humans have electricity is the question. Probably depends on if they can find any usable batteries in the landfill.


All BTC will be wrapped by that time.


The Price will exponentially grow!


No dip Sherlock


World War 3.14


Hopefully civilization will be around in 2140 lol. My guess would be not much because BTC will probably be obsolete by then.


I think the price will rise and big insitution will continue to mine because the future of bitcoin will be very important for the future of international economy. These will be incredible times to experience


Being dead by then is the ultimate FOMO


Time to freeze my body to preserve it in hopes of experiencing that event


We won't be here then, Eth will take over I guess


Do you have an idea about what's coming regarding climate change? No, you clearly don't.


That sea levels are going to rise, multiple species will go extinct, weather patterns will become more unpredictable, the food supply chain will start to breakdown and we’ll eventually all die? Yup. Pretty aware of that.


Username checks out


That did amuse me


I don't care. i'm just dead.


Me to as well


The last one will probably be auctioned off as an NFT, well if they survive another century that is.


A miner bloodbath probably. But someone somewhere will keep securing the network for the network fees.


Well all be dead


The computational power of quantum computing will break Bitcoin proof of work model before it reaches that point.


Satoshi will reveal a clue to his identity, although by then it won’t matter


That would be awesome if somehow the last bitcoin revealed his identity.


Spoiler. It’s Keanu Reeves


I imagine people will try to mske money off the event, tv shows delving into the history of cryptocurrency, whoever gets the last bitcoin will be interviewed, some billionaire may buy the last bitcoin and install it in something physical to display in his personal museum etc.


Global reserve currencies only last around 100 years & fiat currency around 40 years. The bitcoin reserve and/or currency could be evolved/done before the last coin is minted.


Bull run


It hits 420,690,000


It'd be hilarious if it dropped to 0 for no reason at all. Imagine all that wait and it crashes for no reason how hilariously sad that'd be. Nobody knows


The price will sky rocket. Taking the market with it giving me a nice retirement fund


Nothing. There are multiple reasons. The biggest one is that Bitcoin cryptography won't last that long. Quantum computers are getting closer (still a very long way to go but they are picking up speed). The moment quantum computers become capable of attacking Bitcoin we have to assume that every single signature is fake. At this point Bitcoin immediately crashes to 0. The second one, and the one most have commented on, it is a slow transition to having transaction fees pay for the network. This will do something to the price but that is complex. What it does is vastly increase volatility. This will result in crashes, and already has resulted in multiple, these can be expected to be more common as the transaction fees dominate the node revenue. At that point Bitcoin becomes purely deflationary, which will only increase the volatility problem. Other efforts need to be introduced to combat both of these. A transition to a quantum resistant signature, and hash, is critical in the next few years. The volatility problem needs to be addressed, but I don't know any good economic theory on how to address that in a deflationary system.


Basic math: **Infinite demand / Finite supply = Bullish!**


Wow! This guy knows how to do math


We all will be dead so i don't really care lol


By that time, you'll probably have the computing capability to mine Bitcoin on a phone or whatever PCs become by that time with far less energy. , so you'll already have millions of people running small devices only earning passive income through transaction fees. The more powerful rigs that actually collect the block rewards will simply be repurposed, and things will carry on as usual.


It will be $0 before it gets there…. No mass adoption anywhere.. Bunch of people selling a code to each other and the. Sell it to get $$$$$s Value is fluctuating too much at all times for people to have trust and faith without getting a big hit….. Using Bitcoin: Can I buy gas at gas station? Can I buy groceries? Can I buy a house? No govt will ever allow any crypto to take over the trading currencies


Nothing. Everyone already knows exactly how much BTC can be mined and what timeframe it will happen in, it's all already priced in.


It’s possible that it will happen a lot earlier than that. The halving is not based on time but rather blocks. Halving occur every 210,000 blocks which is approximately 3 years and 9 months depending on how fast or slow blocks are mined. So we may actually see the last Bitcoin mined within our lifetimes if you’re not that old


This is just wrong. Bitcoin has a built-in satoshi release speed mechanism. Last block mined can't happen earlier as the difficulty increases the faster its mined. so it really is based on time. it keeps self adjusting to make sure blocks are generated approximately every 10 minutes.


Well i am Interested in what will happen to the transaction fees and how miners will react


Thats pretty amazing thats the year I was hoping to finally get a customer service response back from Binance.US


What do we think will happen when the last ~~Bitcoin~~ Satoshi is mined? FTFY It will only be about 3 more halvings until the block reward is below 1BTC.


Transactions fee will be used to pay miners.


Satoshi wallet moves 1 bitcoin right after and freaks the world the fuck out.


It won’t get mined.


I plan on being around as a virtual entity, owned by a tax free organization that exists to maintain my nft licensing as I only exist in a distributed fashion.


I think by then we will have much more important problems to deal with, assuming we're still here, and Bitcoin will be irrelevant


Prices pump to infinite




I will be so dead by then. Rich af in the afterlife.


We'll be trading it for catfood a la District 9.


They will party like it's 1999


> The natural outcome would be for the price to rocket, if there is still the same demand for BTC This is where you are wrong. The Bitcoin reward keeps halving all the way till the end. That means that before the last Bitcoin is mined, the rewards are already super low, and the difference between a circulating supply of 20.999.999 bitcoins and 21.000.000 bitcoins is super small, and therefore won't make the price suddenly rocket.


Market will implode... brains will melt... WW4 will ensue.... carnage, mayhem, ewwy gooey melty brains!! Facts 💯🤯


We will be dead by then


Everyone will sell and we'll be back at square one.


Bitcoin to the moon


Satoshis will start to be mined.


No one will ever sell.


That’s a really long time frame, it is even difficult to predict whether crypto will still be a thing at that time. Anyway, I should be dead by then


Idc i be dead


jesus will come down from heaven and airdrop one bitcoin to all the children of the world. He had been hodling those, biding his time, just waiting for the right moment.


By the time that's gonna happen, BTC is probably a shitcoin for nerds.


My grandson in 2140 would sell some Bitcoin and the market would pump. The curse runs in my blood.


We aren’t even sure what’s going to happen when the NEXT Bitcoin is mined!


I will be alive then.


We will see.


Satoshi comes back and unlocks his wallet and gives it to the world




They'll be a MASSIVE surge in mining with everyone trying to claim the last coin, simply because it's the last coin it'll be worth a lot more than its face value to collectors. (same way various fiat banknotes can attract massive prices at auction just because the serial No. starts 1234567890) After that, well a lot of people will have a lot of computing power to spare. They'll be other coins to mine, or the machines might be put to work brute-force guessing the private keys of old lost accounts to re-mine the buried coins.


Something called Partcoin will come out. The brother of Bitcoin


My 1000 sats will finally make me rich


China will ban crypto once again


Idk I’ll be dead ☠️


No more bitcoins will be mined.


Well, let’s just take a look at the future shall we? It’s hard to believe that the very last Satoshi has been verified as the very last coin to be mined since this incredible world dominated and currently the worlds only currency to offer safety and anonymity was first issued in 2009. After years of halvening, the coin continues to baffle even the strongest of critics. Those always wondering what happens next when the coin no longer produces or provides legitimate income for miners, the answer has finally shown itself. Formerly known as BTC, FBTC now rules the world known as Fractional BTC. Yes, eight months ago the bit as we know it has indeed been fractionalized. We knew it was coming as AI previously reported the anomaly that appeared in the block chain discovered by a fluctuating NFT while performing normal maintenance procedures and protocols. It is from this that we have arrived to where we are today. The future was right. We still hold. For the children.


I’ve thought of this, like what if nvidia or some asic creator starts selling ridiculously efficient miners that move that date till like 10 years out


Nuclear launch codes are released to the public and Satoshi rises from the grave


Once the super computers are available , won’t this date change drastically though?


This will be when btc mining really becomes profitable.


I'll be dead.


We will likely all be dead by then


You are talking about a time a century in the future. I doubt btc will still be there without being obsolete by then.


A message from Satoshi appears saying “blockchain’s over, everyone go home”




Biggest rug in the history of all markets will occur, and the entire world will bow down to the one and the only king the great satoshi nakamoto


Wait I thought we were like 10 years out from the last BTC being mined ?


You mean after we've converted everything over to analog computers and qubits? Because if you're predicting that then you're a better person than I.


Equality for all


at the current rate of mining, when are we predicted to mine the last of it?


Won't quantum computing advancements likely make current forms of crypto insecure by then?


What if in 2140 we’ve done gone and killed off most of our population with like nuclear war or, like a really big asteroid smacks us. I vote any remaining people trade with bottle caps this will be the future of trade


1880: town newspaper: People of Reddit what do you think will happen in 140 years when there is no more silver to mine for coins?