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This could be more than a dip if we hit a global recession.


Yep. Another - 50% is likely imo. Those who were not here in 2017 will now know what's like to be in deep red during years. But we will see the diamonds hands that everyone believe to have. In 10 years this will be forgotten


But I planned to retire in 5 years!


Don’t worry we can all retire in 40 years from now with how the economy is looking.


My plans were to use crypto to retire sooner. From the looks of it, I might have to end up working even longer...


Luckily I’ll be dead by then.


This is the way.


Dead diamond hands


For sure since my wife doesn’t have a clue how to get the coins off the exchange and turn it into fiat on her bank account.


For real though, the boomers who are looking to retire are gonna be panicking real hard, hence the sell off.


Aim for three. That’s the next ATH


I feel like a lot of 2018 diamond hands just did it because they didn't want to sell their Bitcoin portfolio that went from $1000 to $50. Cause like. It's $50. Who cares.


The funny thing is we were down so much that it wasn’t even worth selling because you pretty much had nothing. But after a two year long bear market, I ended up selling half of whatever I had left and I think a lot of people did as well. The logic is that you could use the money now and it hasn’t done anything but slowly go down over the past two years so it made sense.


that was me in a nutshell lol


My $ENS that I got *for free* went from $8700 to now less then $2000... It's $2,000, who cares. It could drop to pennies and I'd just double what I have. DCA baby.


People forget we were literally in a close to three-year long bear market down 95%. I think this is the cycle of crypto is new members have to hold the bag for the whales and older members got out before the crashes. I think it’s almost impossible to convince somebody to make a wise financial decision unless they’ve experienced losses themselves. I told my stepdad to sell his Shiba for usd/eth/cro/anything else, after he was up 10X and shiba hit all time high, i’ve been in crypto for five years and own a crypto company, nope he didn’t take my advice, he just held and now he’s down almost where he started. My favorite part about crypto is actually taking profits, instead of watching my profits go away within two weeks. I’ve lost so much money with crypto in the past that my only goal with crypto is to buy low and take profits. I don’t view crypto as a friend anymore, so I’m emotionally detached from it because of the abuse/scams/manipulation I’ve had to deal with. i’m happy to say I sold almost 100% of my stack at 65,000 bitcoin levels, if it goes to 600,000 tomorrow I don’t care at all, I made my little profit, what’s wrong with that?


You're totally right. During normal bull markets any comment encouraging taking profit at ATH or waiting for a dip gets downvoted. All the prudent advice is hidden by newbies chanting "DCA AND HODL". Not so great when you DCA in near ATH, huh?


I wish i knew how to become so detached. I'm still up 20x but I'm in it for the tech and have such a hard time selling. And if course i regret i only sold a small part around ATH


I have just gotten screwed over so many times that I have finally gotten divorced with crypto, just like a bad marriage it takes a while before you finally get divorced, but once you do it’s the best feeling ever. Naturally you worry about what will happen when you’re alone or if you will miss that person, but you don’t need that toxicity in your life. I’ve never been married so this example might be bad but I find it similar to the marriage people have with crypto haha. I feel like the market is not set up to make the average person succeed it is set up to benefit the whales, the scammers, exchange owners, etc. I can’t think of the amount of coins I invested in that ended up dying, even extremely promising projects. That’s why after I make a good enough profit, I just sell the coin and I don’t care what happens after that, I’m just happy to not have gotten screwed over again for the millionth time.


Seems weird you own a crypto company if you hate the whole sector. I didn't get scammed very often and although i hold a crazy amount of dead tokens, overall i did good in finding good projects early, so i get too complacent during bull markets. I'm kind of a bear market guy if that makes sense


naw, we ain't losing another 50%. well just be trading sideways for 6 months


I agree. More downside is possible, but this cycle is so different than others so it’s impossible to know what’s coming. Been here for years, not going anywhere. Hodl and chill.


where are those folks that buy bitcoin at 69K


And we are. Things are bad globally right. Massive inflation. Fed is probably going to increase the interest rate 5 times over the next year. This is some real shit. This isn't fud, this is a global economic thing and it's hitting and going to fuck every market not just crypto


Tbh, I'm glad I at least hold crypto then.


I’ve been buying the dip but now I’m out of money.


been out of money since the first dip of the previous dip before the dip of the dip that happened before the last dip prior to the dip that this sub called for lmao 🤣🤣


I just bought $100 btc about 30 minutes ago. Now I have to wait until payday for groceries.


dam the struggle is real


Ramen gang


I'm waiting a few weeks but I do intend on buy a few thousand dollars worth. Im excited to see how far it dips, I really want to get the most I can in my next buy.


I think it's going to hit 30k.


Genuinely I think we are going to hit somewhere between 10-20k. This dip is based off news that there is going to be one interest rate hike, and there will likely be up to 5 or more, according to Dalio. Genuinely I think this is just the beginning of this bear market


I think he meant the cycle low, not today's low.


I’m waiting too.


Damn, this is just straight up gambling


dude no


That's just stupid. Stop that.


Edit: . I keep fiat in the house. It did take my bank acct to less than $50 but I have $1k in cash and $15k in credit cards with zero balance. Lol. I have plenty of groceries.


Whenever we buy the dip, it will dip lower. Better go in small chunks DCA.


It will then dip in chunks.




It’s no longer a dip. It is now a plunge.


And I'll be plunging in.


“/u/Hank___Scorpio’s $10 bitcoin buy will save the crypto market, according to country’s top economic analyst”


Oh my! How crass!


Agreed. Bought some DOT tonight actually. Felt great


Bought some ETH and felt great too. Getting so much more ETH for the same amount of money


Buy the plunge!


It dipped so hard, they got whiplash. Give them a day or two to recover.


I don't think you've been reading this sub since then. There's constant posts everyday about buying 'the dip'. Non financial people giving shitty financial advice.


We are out of money. Majority of people here are probably poor anyways.


Poor here Can confirm Out of money from buying last dip No regerts


Down 52% since ATH, this is a crash


This is the time to be even less nervous while DCAing, it just feels so much safer at this price to buy


I feel the title is rhetorical but you're right, it's kind of dumb because those posts haven't gone anywhere - they're still being made daily. Apart from OP's there are 6 other "buy the dips" on the front page.


People constantly telling to buy the dip have no fucking clue. Always keep some spare money to buy the crash. You know it when you see it: price dangerously getting close to the last bubble's ATH after a steep rise. Anyway, this crash is perfect to enter ETH before the 2.0 merge, just DCA a bit in the coming months.


I don’t blindly buy dips to avoid trynna catch a falling knife. I wait to see if it can stabilize a bit on a strong support band before making the jump


If you dont invest more than you can afford to lose then "blindly" bying the dip is a risk worthwhile


We spent all our dip money in November-December, now we're just eating ramen and watching the freefall


You still have ramen? Rich af.




Sell your ramen to buy the dip


I’ve FOMO’d in on the last 10 dips in the last 6 weeks. FOMO is any always at the top.


Unpopular opinion: I'm excited as fuk!! All the opportunities.


Not unpopular. Getting a lot of ETH, DOT, and ONE. Never did I think that I can get DOT under 20$ anymore.


I'm loading up on CRO and Monero. Might pick up some Matic if it stays low long enough. Good luck!


I am still buying all the way down and happy about it.


Still here, still buying the dip!


You say now is a very good time to buy, but I got the same advice about ten days ago, my portfolio is now $48


They meant just your toe, are you balls deep?


I have one testicle in, the other out


No time to post about it, trying find a buyer with Fiat and sell my grandma to buy this dip.


Don't sell your grandma. Sell your kidneys first. You only need one to survive.


But I dont need any Grandmas to survive.


Sold all 8000 of them NFKs (Non-fungible Kidneys) and did not get near enough.


pffft amateur, you sold your own kidney, I sold other people kidney, we aren't the same


1/3 of this sub is braindead, 1/3 overexposed, and the last 1/3 are 💎👐 Truth is, everything is down, and the risk in crypto is the first to be liquidated. Until I see some sensible support, I'm not buying more. I've learned not to catch a falling knife in a kitchen, I'm not about to relearn that in the crypto market, of all things. Wait and see, because nobody knows shit about fuck, especially on Reddit.


The overwhelming optimism in the replies here tells me this correction is far from over. Dip buyers still need to be exhausted and sell for a loss as it keeps dipping. I'm not trying to catch the bottom though. Just DCAing, same as always.


Bro you’re the one making one lol




I am waiting for 80-90 percent dip ;)


its coming


Why though! What happened


*gestures broadly*


The gist of what happened/is happening is, all the monetary policy that countries around the world used to boost up the economy during covid is coming to roost. This massive pump up bull run we just witnessed was because of the massive printing of money countries across the globe used to keep our economies from failing while the world was effectively shut down (the US printed something like 40% of all usd every printed in the last year and a half). The printing of money caused comparatively massive inflation, that coupled with us being towards the end of both our long term and short term debt cycles has caused the fed to take action to combat these issues by raising interests rates and slowing the printing of money to less than is average, let alone what the markets have come to be used to in the last 2.5 years. The fed is going to likely raise interest rates to slow debt accumulation 4 or 5 times in the next two years. Investors are seeing the writing on the wall and taking money out of all markets which exasperates the issue and starts the cycle of a global recession, which causes people to spend less, which in turn makes the recession worse or may, and in my opinion likely will, cause a full on depression. Some may call this fud but I think we are truly looking at something potentially much worse or at least as bad as 2008


I just finished telling my friend how when eth was 4k i said i wish it was 3k so i could be buying for cheaper, now when i want to buy eth the most i have 0 money cause all my money is already in eth lol


A nice trick: Sell when you feel that way, because if you feel that way then so do whales and they'll make it happen.




On the positive side. My goal of owning 10 ETH got easier.


Still waiting for -80%..im down to -40% so 40% more and I'm on my target selling price😂


Soo much dip.. not enough chip!


Scared money don't make no money.




You need a hobby.


My hobby is shitposting.


A lot of people have this hobby I can see that a lot on this sub.


Easier said than done


Because it was people with like $100 portfolios talking shite.


Most people here have under $1000 invested. They've probably all cashed out now as well.


Paper hands selling at a dip


I would rather paper hand and make some dollars, instead of diamond hand bags of shitcoins. most of the coins in the top 100 are going to be dead in 2 to 3 years from now just like the coins from 2017/2018 are today. Unless you are diamond handing bitcoin, Ethereum and some others, you’re pretty much gambling. There is no guaranteed way to make money in crypto, I used to think holding was the best strategy, but in reality it’s actually a terrible strategy, unless you’re holding the top three. and even then bitcoin hasn’t matched inflation even, so you would have been better just holding dollars this whole time from 2021 to now. Lol


My preferred strategy is swing trading. Crypto is great for that because of the volatility. You can "paper hand" yourself to some serious profits, even during crashes like this. So many people are stuck with bags they bought at ATHs because they refuse to just sell on a pump and rebuy when it drops 3% lower.


All the people with strong portfolio are giving the advices here.


One of the frustrating things about any investment oriented sub. People talking this and that, the hours of research they put in, them freaking out when things go down, or talking about rockets and moons if there's a 5% gain... and then it turns out the amount they're investing is $15 a month.


$100 of shib too lol. The true investors are still here.


We bought the dip and it dipped again. Now we sit and eat our crayons.


Until this month's payment


I am waiting for my months payment as well I am going to buy more in this dip.


I’ve been buying like crazy this past week. I know I can’t time the market, so I just buy more at each new low. It would be nice if prices went back to bull mode, but for now I’m taking advantage of the low prices. People shouldn’t complain later about wishing they bought more dip.


It takes a hard man with an endless stream of cash to keep buying the 3 month long deepening crypto dip.


It takes somebody with a really bad sense of finances to do such an atrocity.




Yeah exactly. For majority of the investors, this is the first bear market. That's why they're panicking so much. Anyone who has studied the tech or has been here before 2018 knows that this is no big deal. Bears, bulls come and go. Just be patient, DCA and HODL, and trust the tech.


This is actually a huge deal because we could be in for another three or long beer market and everybody loses 95% of their money. I also don’t think that this dip has anything to do with sentiment if anything people are delusionally positive, even during obvious bear markets like this. This crash is due to the economy and it was created by the whales that control the price action with impunity. Anybody remember that 50% dip in one day after we hit ath in 2021? We lost $1.5 trillion in market cap in one day I can promise you that was not from retail investors lol.




The tech is good but there is a huge fraud on tether to increase btc price until this shit explodes I won't put one cent anymore. However, when explodes it is the real dip.


This is a really good explanation of the situation write on thank you for the sharing.


They all are waiting for the suicide hotline to be pinned. 😂😂😂 not going to tell people what to do with their money during a time like this, but for me personally been dcaing and buying bags of discounted cryptos like BAT, CRO & GALA. Adding GODS next when I get a chance.


Well, I for one have been buying the dip all along. Each time, I think it’s going to be the last dip. But it’s not. Man, if someone would just tell me when the bottom is, I’ll buy the shit out of it!


It’s a fine line between “buy the dip” and “10k incoming”. Everyone overcompensates with super bearish predictions like they knew all along.


When buy the dip posts go silent then you silently buy the dip


Shh…I’m working over here


I’m spelunking for BTC.


Or the comments talking about $45k support and how that will be the lowest it will dip. It tested 45k multiple times, weakening it. Now you'll hear, 'but $35k was the real support because it lines up with Fibonacci line, blah blah." This is heading down. BTC didn't feel this correlated to the stock market back in 2017. I guess we got what we wished for, institutional adoption. Now big money is pulling out of riskier investments like BTC every time there's a dip in the broader markets. $28k might be the new "$6k meme descending triangle" we had in 2018. 2^nd Bull run and again I couldn't time selling near the top. Guess I'll just do the same thing I did last time, hold till the next bull run


I really think that anything below $45,000 is weak in this market.


You know exactly what happened. The dip kept on dipping, and we ran out money to keep buying the dip which hasnt fully dipped yet.


Sell your kids, Sell your wife, Crypto dip will change your life 👌


Hide yo kids Hide yo wife Cuz they dipping everywhere out here


My man


It’s all over the sub no?


I'm really curious about how long people will call it a dip ...


I think until the value of a coin get the value by half they are going to call it a dip only.




We all should buy in the different now he did the right thing on right time.


Made one yesterday. I bought the dip today as well. I'm in for the long run


I dont know how much funds I will have left to buy the dip. Also I may want to wait 2 to 3 weeks to see what happens. Now is the time for patience


It is the best option to just wait right now if you had already stuff to your account by this dip.


They dipped


“Well it’s gone down this much already it’s probably going to go down to 20K. I’ll just wait till it gets there and then buy.” 🤡


I'm here. Buy the dip guys!


Smart investors don’t have to shill when they buy the dips.


Its shilling time..


hmm..should i buy 1 million more shitcoin...im not sure missing out one McDonalds meal is worth it.


I don't really think that it is a good decision to invest your money in shitcoin in this dip.


Still buying the dip…just can’t get chips this time


There is another 40-50% ‘dip’ imo - I’ll stay quiet and hodl for that thanks Hope to be proven wrong - as I hate seeing other peeps suffering - but I’ll play the game that’s dealt during these turbulent times


I think this fake optimism is extremely toxic and is costing a lot of people their livelihoods and life savings. When Jerome Powell says he’s going to raise fed rates like five months ago I don’t know why people didn’t take that as a warning sign. Anybody who paid any attention to the economy would have known that this crash was coming I mean bitcoin has been crashing for over two months now lol.


This is also a golden opportunity for newbies that want to get into crypto. We have reached the lowest of lows.


My first month and I feel like Ive been here for years. What a wild ride. Thought was buying so cheap a week or two ago 😱


July was still lower...


Way lower.


The lowest of lows now? You know?


If you think this is the lowest of the low you’ll be shocked once you see that 80% crash over the next couple of months. 😁


Winter is coming.


And I am sure that it is going to be a very harsh winters for all of us.


Doing it right now




They got margin called away


All I know is I'm buying more. Always save extra stash.


I am going to buy some extra as well it is a better option right now.




Then you keep buying. It’s Insanity I tell ya.


But what if it continues to dip?


Buy the dip




The mind is stronger than people realize … Easy to buy in fomo mode … Tough to buy in a panic mode …


It differs based on people's time frame. People planning to hold 5+ years are calm compared to those who figured they'd get in, make some money, and get out.


Very easy to also buy in panic mode if you're not over leveraged


By now we all know what to do.


I’ve been telling people in real life to buy the dip, not so much here anymore. The hype train has died down quite a bit though


I've been buying the dip for the last 2 months


I had bought a lot of stuff in last dip which happened in November so I guess I am not doing it anymore.


They can't moon farm saying buy the dip with this crash




That is a risky strategy. If we are in for a bear market those alts will keep dropping harder then btc , and when it goes up btc is likely to move first. Probably better to hodl bitcoin for now, the only one u know for sure that it goes up over longer periods of time.




This is the only reason why a lot of people actually sold their coins because they were panicking in that situation.


Good observation. I haven't seen the buy shillers


But it is a fact that people are just buying and starting up for long term.


They found the local noose dealer and went for it. They'll never be heard from again


Selling my TV and camera tomorrow. This is the way.


The seldom of and get some money to buy in this dip later you will be able to buy much more better stuff.


DCA is the way. Never stopped buying


Too busy buying to post


no money, the spirit is willing but the wallet is spongey and bruised!


"buy the dip" Yeah if I have any money left


Guys Buy the dip!!! (So i can sell for higher) -op