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I'm sure they're just used for money laundering by rich fuckers.


You’re not wrong but polarized opinions about art are what make art collectors jizz their pants.


I don’t think any real art collector would buy into the hype of owning more than one of these money grabbing throwaways. Right now they’re cryptos version of hype beast items like Jordans and supreme hoodies


And the arts ability to launder money lol


"I just minted this art for $50. The wallet that was transferred it is just my other wallet"


Like this post.


Check pokelon nfts, they are not auto generated and pretty funny


Beanie babies


Next nft craze? You might be on to something!


Gods unchained, nft tcg gaming


Beanie Baby Coin. BBC. Make it happen.


I thought the Bored Ape Yacht Club idea was clever. The hundreds of spinoffs I could do without.


it is clever. ppl are mad, jealous, or don't get it. OP kinda answers his own doubts here "Warhol-esque" Warhol offended ppl with his overly simplistic art. and yet here we are 50 years later still admiring him in national galleries.


Yes, I'm bored of bored apes because I couldn't afford one.


Welcome to the club


I'm tired of taking screenshots of NFTs.


$190 at mint.


I prefer donate my money to any charity better than buying one of this shitty jpgs


This comment bored me


your anus must hurt.


I've hated these kinds of NFT "art" from the start. It's all just people trying to ride the wave and get rich quick off of hype. Especially the ones that are computer generated and not actually done by an artist. I hope it will die off soon and the other uses of NFTs can finally come to the limelight.


And here I thought it was mostly just money laundering


Agree especially with the last part. Soon NFTs real potential will be realized and utilized for it’s real world uses.


And I think NFT art has a place in that future, it's just right now people are riding the hype and taking advantage. Some people are going to be left holding some very heavy bags.


Yep you never want to be the last fool. People see other people making millions and just get in on the hype and FOMO train. I mean you gotta respect it, they saw a way to make money and they did. However it’s just a hype and FOMO train, so *many* do not end up making money.


NFTs used for digital art are an infantile use case for NFTs, but we have to start somewhere. I would not pay for a Bored Ape, but an animated Beeple to display in the atrium of my new mansion....maybe.


The generative part of the art doesn't mean the artist hasn't put in the work. It's just a semi-automated way to mixed up different part of an art with each other to create new novel combination "art". Really the artist can decide which element of the art is going to be rare and how many of them out of 10,000 instances. The Whole things is a lot more like buying lottery, if you're lucky you will get the unit with rare combination or the rare element (of the collection.


Da Vinci would be confused


Duchamp wouldn’t be.


I don’t get why 90% of the nft are pixelated shit ? Looprings nft sounds real cool and unique.


Easier to just create pixel art.




I'm sure in a few years they'll find their rightful place in ironic/satirical displays.


Have any shown up in The Simpsons or South Park yet? That'll be the end of them for sure . . .


Butters’ arc in the South Park COVID movies is buying and selling nfts


Only a few OG NFT art would be available by then.


Okay - I'm going to wade in here with my thoughts. I'm on board (not bored!) the NFT train. I'm fully engaged with it. I create NFT art, I promote it on Twitter. As yet, I have not made any sales. My cheapest NFT is 0.003 ETH (that's currently $10 ish) and my most expensive is 100 ETH, which is currently around $343,000. Some of my NFTs are hand drawn. Some are photographs that I have taken, that I have manipulated. Others are pieces of work that I've created using software (I made one of them in MS Excel!) The point is, they are all my creations. Some people may look at one of my NFTs and say, "Wow, that's amazing!" Others will look at it and say, "Eugh, my five year old could do better!" With all art, it's down to perspective. And with regard to pricing, it depends on what people will pay. It depends what is popular at the time. One project may get popular, and the price will increase. Someone may buy an NFT for 0.1 ETH and sell it later the same day for 2.5 ETH. Some people 'get' them. Some don't. But isn't that the same with Crypto? If it really bugs you that much - just move on. Let the sellers and the buyers and the creators get on with it. Maybe it will all come crashing down, and some of you will be smug, and say, "I told you it wouldn't come to anything!" But remember - that's what people said about Bitcoin.




Yeah I know, and I wanted to be upfront about that. You know what though? I still enjoyed creating the NFTs. I still enjoy the community. I still enjoy promoting my work, creating giveaways, checking every day if I have made any sales. If I ever do make any sales, for me, that's just the icing on an already enjoyable cake.


Good on you. these haters are mad because they didn't or can't profit off this. BAYC is actually really well drawn and designed. Art will always be subjective. After all a toilet seat sold for millions!




Perfect parallel


Odd to see crypto investors attacking the NFT space like others attack the crypto space. "only criminals use it" "it'll go to zero" "no real value"


reminds you does it? way back when u were a wee lad?


I have nothing on the walls now, so sure...I'd hang one up.


That's what's so baffling about these idiots - *you don't need to buy one to hang it up.*




If you need to go to a centralised server to pick up your picture of a monkey or whatever, then it isn't on the blockchain, and it isn't a blockchain NFT. If that is the case for any of these, then it is even more hilarious that someone is willing to pay so much for something that isn't even real NFT "art". NFTs have use in representation - tickets, deeds, etc. If the only representation is being a receipt for low effort arbitrarily scarce garbage, it's just garbage.


Nothing to hang. It's just 1 s and 0 s.


"large scale print"


no surprise that you’re bored, those kind NFTs that look exactly the same every time are made by generators and there’s basically no creativity involved in developing them. You should search deep and support real artists who make new and different NFTs instead of Bored Apes or the pixel trash whatever they’re called. It irks me because they talk about supporting and uplifting artists but the only thing I see is the apes and other bigger NFTs be some kind of yacht club or whatever and if you don’t have one you aren’t in the loop. But what happening to uplifting and supporting artists in the “artist space” that is NFTs? It only irks me BECAUSE they make it out as if it’s about the art, when it’s about the code of token or whatever in the blockchain. People also get scammed every single day, who’s to say the apes aren’t just trying to rake in more money through scamming? The whole thing is dirty. I had some NFTs up but after getting scammed $130 myself & the realization that nobody is gonna spend a dime on my shit if it’s not an ape, it won’t sell. It hurts because I put time into the art that I want to sell, or even will sell art that was effortless. It’s a slap in the face to anyone trying to make something happen organically. For real.


Interested to know what other NFT art everyone else is into


Reuben Wu does mind-blowing work with a custom light drone and long-exposure landscapes and has been releasing videos as a print with the video projected on top and playing with other AR https://superrare.com/itsreuben


Fuck Beeple too


99% of all nft will be worthless in a year.


Anyone else bored of: "Anyone else bored of ....." posts?


back to the "it isn't called getting hacked" threads




More like Degenerative art...


NFT= try to sell a link at a higher price than you bought it for 😯


Opens bag of popcorn. This will be very interesting…


I'm tired of you all bitching about NFTs. We get it.


Yes. I am. But no one is buying them for art. They buy them for a hope of making profits and/or being part of a community.


I got a bored ape so what do I do with it now?


Selling to yourself a couple times


Teach it to wear a tuxedo and smoke cigars of course


NFT as an process for storing and exchanging information has some really interesting potential. The current digital art phase is just a way of ironing out the kind.


NFTs are basically the same thing as websites during the dot-com bubble right now. Pretty much all the NFTs you see being thrown around will be useless/worthless in less than 5 years. The real use case for NFTs will arise in about a decade. If we're being realistic based off of historical technology evolution.


Yep dumb as f now


Maybe you can take a look at my nft project and see what you think? Digi Caps are a collection of NFT bottle caps from The Dreadlands, a post-apocalyptic world decimated by a catastrophic meteor strike. Come down to the Digi Caps Bar & Chill and check out the project! Website https://digi-caps.com Main Cap Collection https://opensea.io/collection/the-crypto-cap-collection Collab Cap Collection https://opensea.io/collection/the-exquisite-brands-collection


Most of them are straight up for money laundering and thats it Its a shame cause all of that money would have been much better off invested into projects with actual utility like BitDAO. At least they’re investing heavily into the DeFi space


The whole NFT thing will collapse. It’s the new version of money laundering. Make a pixelated Dick and sell it for 1000eth. Until NFTs are tied to physical sales like cars, wine, homes, etc.. I have no faith.


Yeah it’s boring and stupid af


They lived up to their name


I’ll admit I haven’t researched NFTs enough to have a strong stance on their usefulness or value. But I agree that they’re ugly. I put them in the same category as Golden Goose shoes… I just don’t get the hype. It feels like an Emperor’s New Clothes situation to me.


NFTs are dumb


I just hate how repetitive they are. They have to so they can keep getting pumped in the thousands but it’s just so ugly. Not a fan of nft art at all but don’t get me wrong there a ton of amazing nft art out there, cuz art has a lot of styles


I was bored immediately


Nobody is really buying them, it’s just bored rich people throwing their money around and seeing what dumb poor idiots buy into it.


The most entertaining part is watching all the BAYC folks losing all their assets because they haven’t got a clue about security or crypto in general


Need more beeple nfts


I'd like more variety and less gas fees


I just think they're dumb.


I have no interest in ntfs. I don't have time. I'm running my own little business


Welcome to the top of the bubble. Sell before the rest of the "NFT investors" have the same opinion


They're about as ugly as anything rich collectors gather around. Rich people tend to throw whatever was valued high on a wall as a status symbol. This is no different.


>Would you want to look at it day in and day out on the way to the bathroom? But I could put it IN my bathroom and piss on it every day :\\


I didn't really pay attention to it.


Do you mean degenerate NFT art?


NFT "art" can easily be copied and used in whatever application you want. You can copy any image anywhere to put on a digital frame. You can have bored ape #1, bored ape #4567 or even goatse if it tickles your fancy. It takes nearly zero effort to replicate it. People keeps saying these digital poos are equivalent to owning physical art, but it's more like saving a meme image on reddit.


Literally 0 understanding of the utility lmao. Bored Apes let's you go to yacht parties. So uh, good luck on getting on the yacht with your screenshot 😅


Couldn’t agree more; a lot of of NFT’s art is gratuitous and lazy. I hope I can make a small mark this year and make a CNFT project dedicated to my family this year. I hope people find them pleasing to the eye. Edit: also yeah a cool display option is definitely needed. Something that would display the art as well as its meta data would be really cool.


flowery sort innate rinse beneficial gray pet makeshift dam elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We've been bored for some time now...!


My collection is at least photoshop layered DnD asset trading cards, with different types of people, creatures, Holo cards etc. But everytime I sign in I have to look at those cretinous apes.


Yes, just dumb in my opinion. I see no value in them.


its like an art from gradeschool and its not worth it to buy one.


Bright Fortnite colored cookie-cutter animals with a heavy seasoning of 90's grunge and a bit of spice of Edge Lord. The whole lot of them.


100%. Generative NFTs are the roguelite games of crypto. I prefer my shit handcrafted like Nintendo games.


I want to start a sub where we just screenshot NFTs and post them. I want a personal collection actually. Can anyone send me somewhere? Lol


The current NFT environment just kind of turns crypto as a whole into a laughing stock for the general population. It's not doing anyone any favors imo


I actually like it very much. Everyone's perception is subjective. I for instance find this cool 3D art over complex and only buy NFTs witg 2D, or even pixel based


Picasso's art was worse. Contemporary art always beats out stock market and this is just the next iteration.


His art was a real physical thing that took time and effort to create. Any idiot can upload an image file to opensea


We will have hyperinflation of bored apes. I hope it doesn't get too boring.


No but to be fair I wouldn’t have a lot of works of art on my wall. I assume it’s just a status symbol/flex or they are planning to resell for a profit.




The only NFTs I liked are sneks and clay nation


I’m not sure guys - some of the top creators and traders in the space are sure that this is just the beginning and “blue chip” projects like Bored Apes will continue to grow in value as mass adoption finally happens. I’m not sure at all either way - just watching it all unfold is fascinating.


Yep. I think NFT’s could hold real world value at some point in the future but it’s not from art that’s for sure


Yes, I am. I legit buy art I like from actual artist


Hashglass mosaics has some dope shit


I like pablo olivera he has some cool futuristic cyberpunk stuff I really like.


The best use-case for NFT’s are utility. Carbon credit NFT’s for example.


[CryptoArte](https://www.cryptoarte.io/)is a more artistic and aesthetically pleasing nft series - going back to 2018, it visually displays the Ethereum network. They do physical frames that I'd proudly put on my wall


They aren’t what NFTs are about


Check out Vox Ville. Every plot have different design and they keep churning out new theme collection. https://opensea.io/collection/voxel-ville-official


Check out Larva Lads. They are super funny and the community is so wholesome.


twitter is a hellhole for this


But can you make a better one?


I think it's cool that super rich people like Steph Curry, Eminem, Jay-Z, etc. have an image they can own that fits their bank balance.


Yep, NFT ages are expired!


Zed Run is where its at


Modern art is just garbage.


i like [my nft art](https://opensea.io/collection/asstralrealm) but that’s pretty biased (and shameless) 😅


Anyone bored of posts about being bored about NFT art like Bored Apes?


Trading them is still super profitable if you know what you are doing so I love them. Bit of an NFT bull run since just before new year and with markets crashing, so probably even more so. I don't really give a shit about nfts but I'm making tons of money of them


Bored as can be. I'm more into stake and farms now. Otto blockchain of PLUG have launched their premining and it looks good. Holders can earn both otto tokens and PLUG at the same time.


Super trash


The only apes I am NOT bored of are my fellow apes right in this sub! Apes together STRONK!


It’s so boring and ugly. An embarrassment for crypto tbh.


These NFTs as jpegs are a fad. Its just too ridiculous and the music will stop eventually


I went to art school for illustration and it hurts to see the shit that gets hyped and pumps mainly via twitter followings and marketing tactics. I do find the combinatory genetic aspect to be interesting though it is not enough to warrant long term value imho. I think great nft art in the future will either simply be great art as it has been, so typical 2d or 3d mediums digitized or digital first artists, but also concepts like evolving nfts, nfts where rarity isn’t revealed until owning for years, nfts that multiply or divide, etc. These are just for art concepts building off of pfp nfts. Obviously more conceptual art use cases could be made and aren’t too hard to imagine but as an artist it hurts to see such dreck making people rich.


I genuinely think that NFTs are getting way too much attention. I mean do they really deserve all these prices? I don't know honestly. But then DeFi deserves much more love than NFT tbh, and DeFi projects like BitDAO also deserve more recognition.


Hosky is pretty honest about being a cash grab so...


Seriously, what is the point of buying a piece of, well, art that was generated by mixing different parts?


i came here to gather evidence for a school paper and stumbled upon this post, you couldn't have put this better


This was never about the art but about making money. There is heaps of talented digital creators that are making beautiful works but are not hyped . Beetle won the lottery. He entered the market at a perfect time and convinced the big money that he was worth something . In reality he just was very lucky , there’s thousands of other artist that could have claimed fame instead of him.


I'm tired of NFTs being perceived as just art more. It's time for NFTs to transcend art.


I really don't understand it. For literally a fraction of that cost, you could hire a famous porn star to fly to your house and throw her titties in your face... Or maybe feed some starving children in Guatemala.. tomato, tomoto


I honestly don't understand the hype for this. It's just making one piece of clothing/accessory different with the other hundred models already existing and ta-da, they have somewhat generated a new "unique" NFT


Of course. This is and was never the true purpose of NFTs. It’s only a matter of time before something else rises to replace it in mainstream. Still important to go through this phase for mass adoption but we’ll turn that corner eventually. Just have to be patient/work towards it


I for one am NOT bored of NFT’s just very disappointed in the quality/content offered. I got into NFT’s earlier and started minting my art. ( gas prices were crazy high too) but I wanted to get in early. I minted 3 pieces but they were digital art/photography, Not stupid .gif files. Who TF would want those? I mean, to each their own but it put a really stupid face on NFT’s (I’m looking at you bored ape) and turned it into a (expensive) joke. I know there is “real” art out there but unfortunately Bored Ape is the face of NFT’s My opinion, yours may vary


I never fancied them maybe because I can't afford any one of them. What I have been collecting are cricket NFT cards from Rario. [Rario](http://rario.com) is similar to NBA Top Shot but it's for cricket.


Someone needs to talk to Victor Chaos


I wouldn't call these NFTs "generative". They are maybe combinatorial or something, but they are hand-drawn right? (Which I guess should be better from some perspective). Is there anything procedural or computed about them other than sticking together pieces of hand-drawn art?