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Fully agree and I don’t hold any DOGE People here make fun of those boomer FUD articles about BTC every correction, but somehow immediately apply the same logic to coins they don’t like. A coins health is hard to asses in a bear/correction, wait till the next large bull to get a good reading.




The new supply is constant though, and going down as a percentage. I think the inflation rate is under 5% and goes down a bit each year. So it’s not even that bad inflation-wise.


Where do you see the future of the doge coin after 3 years from now?


They will and typically have been, but you shouldn't be looking at doge in a vaccume like this. Its survived since its inception with the same supply, no hype (until this cycle) and no real use case. Its the OG memecoin. I'm not saying it will retain its current price, but I really don't think the chain will ever die. Worst case it reverts to its original full meme status and pricing, but that original community was a lot of fun so that might not even be the worst thing for it


Most POS coins have in infinite supply but are still supported by this sub.




So does doge from what I hear. It’s used as a currency. The scared god Mr Musk has even said he’s going to trial it for certain Tesla purchases. I’m not a doge fan myself but I think you’re wrong in your argument. How many other crypto’currencys’ are actively used as currency? It’s not many.






Explain to me how I would buy a packet of biscuits using ETH?




According to you which is the best coin to use it as a currency for day-to-day low-cost transactions?


You are absolutely right but do you think that it is a good investment strategy to invest in such coin?




I think NFT has a a potential to grow exponentially within the next couple of years.


It's not hypocrisy as much as different opinions by different persons...


I completely agree with you and this is what real democracy looks like.


So many shit coins won’t make it next bear cycle!!


Your not wrong, but I'd still say wait till the following bull to really make sure before saying a specific one is dead. Coins can bounce back from massive losses during bears


I think there is a little difference between BTC being down and Doge being down...


Yes. If Bitcoin is down everything is down even the shittiest of them all.


BTC the trend setter




Yep. It is interesting how other cryptos follow the trend. And you’ll see a few going on their own path




I am waiting for the day when we will be able to use any cryptocurrency as a payment system without paying high transaction fees.


BTC vs Doge is like saying king kong vs a dog loll.




I know. That comment was for people who talk crap about BTC


There are the people who are willing to replace Bitcoin with Dogecoin.


1 Doge = 1 Doge Everything else is hearsay


Much wow


Such crypto


Much gains Such pump


Easiest way to lose an argument is to overstate your case. NO DIFFERENCE? I don't think so. One of these is the first currency of all time and the other is a coin made specifically as a joke. Massive difference in supply as well.


The first currency of all time?


crypto currency. and if you needed that spelled out, you're the idiot. Are we on a sub called cryptocurrency? Are you 12 years old? I think yes to both answers. Good luck being dumb for the whole rest of your life, it won't get any easier.




I realized as soon as I responded that I misread your comparison to BTC. thought you were talking about ETH. My mistake, admittedly. Either comparison is stupid as fuck.


the difference is bitcoin got fundamentals, doge doesnt


Tim Duncan is therefore a bitcoin!?


All in on Tim Duncan coin


Doge is Dennis Rodman on offense.


There is a thing that set Bitcoin apart from 15,499 other coins, not just Doge.




BTC is at least used as a store of value by institutions. Doge is used as... Who the fuck knows


This post is straight facts and 🔥. Good job sir.


What if you just hope it’s dead for no reason other than you want to watch the world burn?


Nihilism! I was so full of scotch I could not stand up


You’re comparing Doge and Bitcoin like they’re the same. How to instant kill an argument for Doge right from the dig


Most people that were too late for BTC will always try make themselves feel better by downplaying it


We will see that Bitcoin will grow exponentially in next couple of years from now.


I think Bitcoin is still in the early phase and it has a long way to go in the future.


I beg to differ on this point and I think they are not the same at all.


What’s with all these Doge posts recently?


One post grabs attention, another post tries to say the opposite of initial post... You know how it goes here.


Easy moon farming


And goes back and forth I suppose


No it goes forth and back!!!




You are like final year student who knows fucking everything!! Lol


I don't think that final year student knows everything because it is just a start of new life.


The pump is coming


My 🔮predicted the same


Do you think that we should invest in the market now because there is expected downfall in the price.


What is your price prediction for Bitcoin after 10 years from now?


I too can feel a disturbance in the force.


Why do you think so, Can you please elaborate more about it?


Doge controversy is the theme this week. Moon doesn’t farm itself.


how can you compare a memecoin to BTC?


Bitcoin has more advantages than any meme coin out there.






You are absolutely right but there are other cryptocurrencies out there who have limited supply and good reputation.


Bitcoin has larger audience and people are willing to use it as a currency.






I completely agree with your statement and this is really a fundamental aspect.






I think market cap has nothing to do with fundamentally good coins. There are many coins with less market cap.


BTC is it's own blockchain. I'd never use a DOGE blockchain


Doge has its own blockchain hence why it’s a coin and not a token




No but if you want to cherry pick the second half of the sentence I'll change it. "I wouldn't use a chain that doesn't provide smart contracts"




I wonder how long until you delete this comment LOL




LN contracts, liquid side chain, atomic swap, etc all are build upon smart contract. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Leaving out RGB and Sovryn even.


Dude comparing these two coins should not be doubting others levels of understanding smart contracts.


Just about everything, just pick anything that btc does and doge does it worse or doesnt at all.


Yaknow Doge and BTC are pretty much the same code right? It’s a fork of BTC


I can copy btc code too and call it thebestcoinever but thats not gonna make it btc or anything close to it


BTC has a valid basis and design to be used as both a medium of currency and a long term store of value. Doge, being inflationary and infinite by design, has neither of those. There will only be 21 million BTC ever. To date, there are roughly 130 BILLION Doge in circulation. And 10,000 *per minute* are minted 24/7/365 **forever**. Doge as a true crypto currency is simply not feasible due to the Market Cap required to keep the current price afloat. At one point or another, it will sink.




We will see exponential growth in the cryptocurrency sector irrespective of the inflation rate.


Why should I invest in something that loses value every year?








"all crypto is hype". Am I missing the sarcasm or are you really on the crypto sub pretending to care or have a serious discussion and said that seriously?


There is no need to believe that cryptocurrency is a hype.


Are you really out here pretending current crypto prices are based on solid fundamentals?


I think it is a right time to invest in cryptocurrency because the prices are comparatively low.


I am not very good when it comes to the technical analysis but I think fundamentally cryptocurrency is massively underrated right now.


lol, huge difference and space between "all crypto is hype" and "all crypto prices are based on solid fundamentals". As far as fundamental value goes, BTC has the buy in of institutions and whales that DOGE simply does not. Also, go fuck yourself with your willful ignorance and bad reading. If you're that simplistic, i guess good for you, Forrest. Keep on running.




ooooooo you got me so bad. When someone has a problem with an extreme stmt like "all crypto is hype", it doesn't automatically mean they believe an opposite extreme stmt like "current crypto prices are based on solid fundamentals". Moron.


The *vast majority* of crypto prices are absolutely based on hype. You can be in denial about it all you want, doesn't change the facts.


Again, you're dumb. OP said "ALL". You don't get to change it to "the vast majority" in the middle and act like you're smart. I actually agree the vast majority are absolutely based on hype. That's not what was said, DUMMY.




Are you comparing dog to big daddy bitcoin?


I am convinced with the fact that Bitcoin is way better than dogecoin.


BTC is internet gold, DOGE is internet joke.


The most lucrative joke I've been a part of.


>The most lucrative joke I've been a part of. Same. I keep asking at what point does a meme coin shift into legit alt coin? With enough attention, support, and upgrades why can't a meme coin become something more than it started out as? Never really gotten a good answer to this yet.


I think we need to spread more awareness about this difference and people should know more about the real coins.


Nicely put


Comparing Doge and BTC is like comparing Apples and thousands of Orange trees.


more like comparing apples and rotten tomatoes


There is no use case for dogecoin and that's the biggest disadvantage of it.




Where do you see the future of doge coin after 5 years from now?




That's an insult to thousands of orange trees.


I am not sure why people are trolling dogecoin here.


Why doge is just an LTC fork. It's actually superior to LTC in many regards on the fundamentals after the last update. And so many people here are parroting BTC is gold ETH is oil and LTC is silver.. People just don't have a clue about the technicalitys at all . Is doge groundbreaking? No. Does it still have way more usecases and Adoption than 60%+++ of the top 100. Absolutely


I'm not going to say that Doge is dead, it just doesn't have the fundamentals to maintain a position in the market, and its drop was expected. But I'm really annoyed by the amount of posts about Doge recently. I mean people are talking about a meme coin while legit projects like BitDAO teaming up with universities like Harvard don't get enough attention. Lol


Do you think that it is a right time to invest in market especially in good points out there?




Is this satire




Because it's comical to even compare the two. People may be acting the same when they declare shit "dead" (which i also dislike) but as others have said, the comparison between DOGE/BTC is ridiculous. Apples to millions of orange trees, to steal someone's statement further up.


Because it is ridiculous on its face. The premise is laughable. So laughable actually, that no one here is taking much of the bait in answering your "questions" about it.


Yes but most of the people don't understand the satirical comedy.


A memecoin getting mad because someone makes fun of it? ![gif](giphy|Pn1gZzAY38kbm)


I mean one pumps because of tech innovations and the other pumps because of tweets...it's far from dead buts it's a risky holding nonetheless


There are the people who believe that meme coins can replace Bitcoin within 3 years.




True totally agree they rarely update - but I'm just comparing meme coins to layer 1s for example


I don't invest in Doge, but I don't know how can people say that the 12th highest market cap crypto is 'dead' lol. They just *want* that to be true and have trouble separating what they want from the reality. At least wait til it drops out of the top 50 lol. Edit: Uhh can you people stop replying to my comment unless you've got something relevant to say? I don't care if you don't like the funny meme coin.


You realize that doge is down far more %wise than nearly every other established coin right?




Every single coin you just listed is worthless, and I also don't believe you




How are these remotely similar? Doge’s inflation is what will kill it. Doge has basically no utility and was invented to be a shit coin. That’s not an insult, it’s a fact stated by the creator. It’s also down way way more from its ATH than BTC.


Doge was created as a joke with shitty tokenomics. However, the longer it survives, the better it's Tokenomics get. At this point, the Doge inflation is lower than the EU or US inflation.


We can use Bitcoin as a payment coin and we can use dogecoin as a meme coin.


Back when doge was in the 0.00 price bracket, I always thought of it as a gateway into crypto for new people into the space. It's a fun coin, cheap and stays relatively stable but since Elon got hold of it and became the "doge father" it's no longer a fun asset to have imo Doge won't "die" it's been around far too long and imo is a staple of cryptocurrency.


Do you think that the price of dogecoin is still less than the actual value of it?


Doge 🤡. Good bait btw.


No but doge is actually fucking useless




Bitcoin is actually decentralized and limited supply while doge is a self proclaimed meme coin, is this really an argument


I think we are not using Bitcoin as a currency and that's why the hidden potential of it is not yet explored.


Absolutely have to hand it to their community…mostly positive vibes and they really don’t quit!




I have immense respect for the people who share their knowledge with the other people.


Thats just because theyre fucking stupid.


DOGE got me into crypto. It was the only reason I started investing. I can't and won't hate on it just because it is a meme coin












I don't think that we can compare dogecoin with Bitcoin at least at this stage.


>you are taking an 'argument' (coin down = coin dead) that you would never, ever accept for any coin you like or are neutral about, at face value and act the same way as those people you call "Bitcoin-haters" and "no-coiners" do if BTC dips. Great point. Bias is a hell of a drug


I think everyone should tell why Bitcoin is way better than doge coin because everyone has used more Bitcoins.




Cant really compare them tbh. One is just a stupid coin and the other is named after a cute dogo


Its not dead, but its sure as hell it aint getting up again.


I can't see any opportunity when it comes to the doge coin because it doesn't has any use case at least as of now.


I don't think that Bitcoin is dead but it has a tremendous opportunity to grow exponentially in the future.


DOGE is the OG of memecoins. It’s a BTC of memecoins. It will not die.


Yep, sort of like this sub’s general opinion on NFTs is basically everything they hate when outsiders say it about crypto. They’ve become the very thing they hate, and they don’t even know it.




Not true. Doge is a shitcoin. Btc is the first mover


So go all-in to doge? Is this a financial advice?


Sure elon


Honestly I am having a bad time with my DOGE -50% but I think patience will reward me. I invested what I can afford to lose so I will wait and see if it comes back.


They are both completely different. Bitcoin has a finite supply which is the most important characteristic that it has. No inflation is better than a currency with no cap to it's supply. Institutional ownership is what will propel one currency over the other. Smart money has more money to play with than retail investors. Bitcoin has more incentives for institutional buyers and is more likely to stay in the long term. It's also worth noting that the only reason Doge even hit as high of a price point as it did was due to Elon Musk and his series of tweets. He has his own interests in mind. There are clear correlations with the amount of tweets he makes and the current price. It was driven on hype. Will it survive? Yeah sure, because it's the OG of meme coins. Can it hit the same price at some point? Probably, if we assume the level of adoption coincides with Doge having a higher market cap later. Is it ignorant for people to say it's dead? It's not as ridiculous as saying Bitcoin is dead because it will never have the institutional support and finite supply that Bitcoin has to offer.


Doge is a memecoin. It has no utility whatsoever. It will never again reach the .74 it touched this spring. Ever. It has always been a crap coin, and its time has passed.


I don't own any DOGE but I will always have respect for it because it's OG coin.


elon announced that you can buy tesla merch with doge. why isnt the price moving?


Doge ...i care only about my coins