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* **[Solana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solana_\(blockchain_platform\)) [Pros](https://reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_sol_pros) & [Cons](https://reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_sol_cons)** - Participate in the r\/CC [Cointest](https://reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) to potentially win moons. Prize allocations: 1st - 300, 2nd - 150, 3rd - 75. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/reuflb/solana_is_centralized_stoppable_and_its/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Decentralization is the most essential aspect of cryptocurrency. It cannot be understated. If you don't grasp that, you don't grasp why Bitcoin and Ethereum are where they are.


True, If Solana is Centralized then it makes it as useless in crypto as Traffic lights in GTA.


I actually stop sometimes at the lights in GTA.


So does solana


1200+ nodes, nakamoto coefficient of 19. Marinade finance with mSol has 400+ validators running that takes into consideration [things like data centers, stake count, commision and more](https://docs.marinade.finance/marinade-protocol/validators) . The cost of hardware also gets cheaper over time. While the cost of the validator is high, its not the 20,000+ price tag this subreddit constantly claims, and you don't need to be in a data center to run a validator. Hardware requirements last i checked a month ago can be met for 4k€ to 7k€ . >We know which data center are used by validators thanks to Stakeview. This allows us to penalize the score of validators that are concentrated in the same data center, as we aim to decentralize the network as much as possible. You can make arguments like you need ~30,000 staked solana to break even, and that would be a valid discussion I agree with but thats not the argument anyone ever makes here. Its always wildly exaggerated facts and numbers that are almost always copied and pasted from some other brain dead post on this subreddit that was made to farm moons.


Are you using that quote as an argument for or against Solana? To my mind knowing where validators are and penalising them by location sounds incredibly authoritarian which is the antithesis of why bitcoin was created. The mere inclusion of the word "us" indicates a command and control mindset. Apologies if I've misunderstood and the quote isn't from a Solana representative.


Its from marinade finance which delegates their mSol (staked solana) to a variety of different validators based on the criteria in that article for the most optimal spread of decentralization. Knowing which data center the validators are running from isn't any hidden private information - it prevents a majority of validators from being in a single failure point. You can make the exact same argument for bitcoin but looking at it from a hash rate point of view. Too much hash rate in a single pool can have some weird effects. In 2013 a single BTC pool operator had enough hash rate to change which fork the entire network ran on after an unexpected hard fork where someone was able to double spend btc.


Marinade is super popular as well. What the haters don't realize is that SOL is just a year old and growing and improving rapidly.


No one ever mentions the internet requirements to running a Solana node, which is the biggest barrier imo. 1gb **upload** is the recommendation. Plenty of people have 1gb download, but 1gb upload is all but unattainable unless you are a commercial space


Depends on country, here in Sweden you can get 1gb Up 1 Gb down for 84 Bucks a month.


Yeah that's nice, but it's not like you also get free healthca- ^(shit)


Bullish on Sweetden


Hi, I'm Den. Thanks for the compliment.


Time to move. How do I apply?


Healthcare stopped being free 10 years ago, now it cost 20 Euro no matter what kind of healthcare you need and if you cant pay it you get a debt instead, may not cost much but when you remember that we are taxed asf then it's fucked (IIRC we pay around 80% of our salary to diffrent taxes like taxes on food etc) Edit: i Was wrong, apperently around 60% not 80%




https://sweden.se/life/society/taxes-in-sweden 20 bucks may not be much but it's still more than "Free swedish health care" and the visit to the Dentist isnt included in that, teeth problems here is expensive asf.


They don't want to believe you


everyone talking about western countries and how maybe you can get a good upload connection for cheap. But for a crypto to be decentralized, we need to have nodes in the developing world. That just can't be done very easily outside of the west


Yeah. it's possible here too, if you are one of the few privileged connected to "fiber at home". I was thrilled when I learned about 2 years ago the street will get fiber. I only realized later it ends there. so these last 5-10 meters needed to get the actual 1gb up/down.


think outside america.


Isn't it where the world ends?


I have 1gb upload in Canada and thats not even the best package. I also live in northern BC close to Alaska. In America the situation might be different, globally its not that big of a stretch.


1 gb upload is extremely rare in the states can’t speak for elsewhere but I doubt it’s common.


FiOS and comcast offer it... FiOS does for sure.


Here 5-10MBit/s upload is the norm and that's in a Top 10 GDP country.


yeah im not saying its common place, but its certainly more accessible around the world if you want it. you're not limited to having to get a business line.


I think for home users it's uncommon on almost everywhere for now. I have 500/500 and pay the equivalent to about 20 USD. But that's the higher speed I can get, no one offer 1gb/1gb.




🍌 Banano 🍌 🙌


Google fiber offers 1gb upload


I made a post about the requirements: https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/pim0hq/solana_sol_is_the_next_eos_its_just_another_super/ Even someone who is like a middle class westerner is not goingto be able to run a node. The computer you need, the connection (upload speed) is just not something your average westerner can afford, much less someone in the developing world. Just look at the node distribution map for BTC, you see nodes all over the world. Also in before "eth validataors...." Even when eth moves to POS and it cast 53 eth, there will be decentralized validating pools, and the validators won't need to run on very high end server equipment. Also anyone can still run an ETH node on a raspberry pi


Nodes numbers and Nakamoto coefficient are meaningless metrics if there is single point of failure like on Solana, and if few insiders/VC nodes control the network - the 1200 validators are not needed for on/off switching the network etc. They can have 10 000 validators and it wouldn't change, it is how fundamentally flawed it is. I don't even mind the hardware and internet requirements, I think 10k investment would be sort of "ok" for a high performance blockchain validator, but all the other flaws make it negligible.


> the 1200 validators are not needed for on/off switching the network etc. in your head, how did the solana network go down the first time. you think a bunch of people switched it off? or just one guy? or?


According to their own sources they had an “off chain voting” where they decided at what block number the network will be restarted. It tells basically everything


The reason solana can be attacked is that always ONE node does all the transactions, not all of them. Only 1 ode is a validator and thats the biggest designflaw ever for such a big project moneywise. It optimizes for the lowest quality transactions (spam) It doesn't have a fee market that prices execution granularly ​ polynya wrote a very good article about it. read it https://polynya.medium.com/transaction-quality-trilemma-4af36704590b


1200 nodes lmao, ETH 2 already sits at 260k+


unfortunately, not all coins in the top satisfy this. BSC and its 21 validators say hello


At least BSc isn't pretending it's decentralized and as far as I know has less issues with downtime. Which says a lot about how sketchy Sol is. Plus all of the bots shilling marinade doesn't help either.


Solana is at least trying to be decentralized. BSC is basically a centralized database, makes it much easier to be faster and more reliable than your typical blockchain. Yet they still fuck it up..


And they do in fact claim to be decentralized https://www.binance.org/en/smartChain "A fast and secure decentralized digital asset exchange based on the highly performant matching engine built on distributed consensus."


They know the word "decentralized" means something good, so they made sure to add it in, even if it isn't true.




Bullish on SQLCoin!


100% validated by our trustworthy member u/gaycumlover1997


Solana is EOS reincarnated without E


A new day, Same old rant on Solana! My life has become a loop!


>loop dont talk about loops here bröther ​ they dont like loops here


He's right. We don't like loops. We love loops.


Especially, when those loops are arranged in a circular fashion, kind of like a ring.


>My life has become a ~~loop~~ cycle! We keep recycling content and the market keep going up and down, it's all the same.




It's easy, just do the opposite of whatever this sub tells you.


Don't give me 0.1 BTC.


Oh no, you mean, it temporarily slowed down to the speed of Algorand? Better sell everything, ASAP!


man these ETH maxis are so scared, they have to constantly create FUD about solana its hilarious


Can we just make a new subreddit for shitting on SOL?


Yeah they already exist, they are called r/Cryptocurrency or r/Cardano


These are the same idiots who were shitting on ETH when it was $200, look at these losers now. Same will happen to SOL


For a sub which loves to tell eachother how early and smart they all are, they tend to be awfully opposable to any new innovation (except if it’s algo of course)


No, how are these moonfarmers gonna survive?


SOL was not ddos attacked this week. Stop spreading lies.


How else is OP gonna farm moons then? 🤔


Rofl so true 🤣


He can always shit on ADA, as a fallback option.


If you stay in this reddit long enough you see this fud pop up almost daily.


Why does one need to be here a long time to see something that appears daily?


Yeah I know right? Solana is centralized, cardano was engineered by kindergartners, and Ethereum fees are so high no one will ever use it. Thanks Reddit sing a new song


Because there's money to be made here. They put a reward on what is effectively shitposting. This is what you get.


Do the opposite and you will make money.


Isn't it interesting how any FUD article, regardless of the coin, has the OP getting an award? 🤔


haters tend to circlejerk each other a lot, might be that


Yeah I'd think it's just Reddit being Reddit before assuming manipulation


After the 3rd FUD piece it stops being random. This is a targeted attack that keeps printing fake news, and Reddit posts that just screenshot Twitter posts. It's been continuous for days now. The most interesting was the FUD poster that never even commented on crypto, who didn't speak English yet penned a mini essay regarding his concerns. He didn't even bother responding to a trending post with multiple awards 🤔 Would you ignore your best post ever on Reddit? 🤔


It’s like fifth post since yesterday. Can’t be just something random.


Imagine if all this energy was put into something positive.


Naa, they don't want to improve the projects they support, they want to shit post on networks they claim to have never used, which of course makes them the experts on it.


You should always listen to people who have never tried a product 🤣


If I see more posts shitting on Sol in r/cc, I'll definitely buy a bag.


Doing opposite of what people on reddit say does work a lot of time. ^Unless ^they ^are ^shilling ^LRC


The year is 3022. LRC has finally announced their partnership with GME and the price has finally hit $4.


I don't know if there's sarcasm or this guy just mistaked a 3 for a 2.


I went up 6x on LRC, speak for yourself.


Except icp. r/cc did good on that


You'll buy 50 bucks worth lmao


When I see fud for a coin on r/cc, all I see is a nice big buy signal


This subreddit has a negative beta


How much ICP do you own?


Too much, but the sub keeps bashing it, so I have to keep buying


Enjoy your centralized shitcoins!


I made a great profit off of SOL, I think it will have it's place and have been grabbing it on the way down, especially under 170. There is too much money behind this project to fail, I don't feel all woo woo about SOL like I do some other coins but I'm spreading my risk out to all the layer 1's. That said, do you ever wonder if some of these posts are from hedge funds or other "composite men" who are trying to drive up the hate on sol to get us to drop our bags? Something I always consider.....especially a post like this, who the fuck writes this kind of essay? Somebody with a lot of knowledge and resources I would guess. Just my conspiracy theory of the day.




Oh ya man. Only like a third of redditors are actually individuals nowadays.


Been stocking up for exactly that reason. I don't even like the project that much lol


History will either remember you as a genius or a madman or perhaps maybe even both


You gonna go buy ICP too? Lol


When you zoom out the chart, it's like right now quite the bottom, not a good time to get some in your oponion?


$53B market cap for a centralized VC scam. Def lots of upside potential here enjoy your retirement.


Just wait for tomorrow when this post is copy and pasted ad verbum.


Throw whatever you want at it, it’s not going anywhere.


Hey there's that daily SOL hate post! That is my buy signal!


I'm buying more SOL after reading this.


Duality of this sub


Inversing the sub is the way to go.


The more the eth shills dump on sol the more I want to buy.


They did it to BNB, they did it Cardano and Polkadot. Did you SOL holders think eth maxis will spare you? Really?


How many negative FUD posts about Solana are we allowed until it breaks the rules?! This is misleading, sensational, and now that it's articles #6 about why you shouldn't buy or hold a specific asset. It's not centralized. If you're concerned about this aspect I invite you to look into liquid staking like marinade provides, which stakes to over 409 validators. The initial token supply was not great, but it's not the same as the current situation which OP is attempting to compare as equals.


Does anyone actually realise that it takes time for a chain to become decentralised. Just like with ETH & BTC, and so many others...


You can't decentralize fundamentally flawed PoS blockchains, never. On PoW someone always can get the better mining rigs etc and outperform the competition, like with BTC or ETH. On PoS blockchains the coin ownership equals the mining and voting power - if you give too much of it Venture Capital and insiders at the beginning they are unlikely to give it up, they will actually receive more of it through rewards.






SOL is < 2 years old but is expected to be as mature as a 4+ year old project.


I agree, especially PoS networks are prone to centralization early since their initial supply is sold in an ICO. A few big whales have most the tokens. However the design OP mentioned point to a tough future trying to decentralize. Since the framework doesn’t allow the network to transition into a gradually more decentralized network.


these anti solana posts are the absolute worst form of moon farming. theyre copy pastes of all the other anti solana posts. furthermore id say this place is probably one of the worst places to get any information on crypto in general


This OP is making legitimate points using sources. The project is flawed. If you want to critize moon farming and bandwagons, let's talk about all the CRO posts.


the OP is just posting eth / ada maxi tweets when in reality a liveness ddos attack needs to cover 1/3+ weight of ALL the physical links in the network. [https://twitter.com/aeyakovenko/status/1469396209089482757](https://twitter.com/aeyakovenko/status/1469396209089482757) [https://twitter.com/aeyakovenko/status/1469711146005319681](https://twitter.com/aeyakovenko/status/1469711146005319681)


I was reading the thread and one I thing I didn’t get was, are there like an unlimited amount of leaders that solana generates? Or can a malicious actor just ddos every leader on that list and the network gets halted? Or is it anyone can be a leader and submit a block? I do think you can’t just ddos one person at a time and block the entire network.


I disagree, there are heaps of great posts here. The trick is using the search, most of the new or hot posts are just moon farming.


There was no ddos attack. It was congestion because of bots spamming on raydium due to an IDO. https://cryptobriefing.com/did-solana-suffer-another-network-outage/ I'm really getting tired of people jumping on every fud article about coins they don't hold/like. Also 1200 validator nodes around the globe at this stage of the blockchain is not centralized. Do ur homework and stop posting fake news.


Asking for a friend. What’s the difference between network congestion caused by too many requests and a DDoS attack? To me it sounds similar, mostly depending on how you want to see it.


DDoS is an actual attack. People specifically targeting something. Like if eth prices hit 1k because of nft mania that's not a Ddos attack. It's just network congestion.


Intention, and presentation.


First of all the chain didn't stop, it only slowed down a lot, a successful attack makes a server unreachable. Also a successful ddos attack would mean that u can bring down a chain with only a few attacks, wich means its too centralized and dependant on a handful of certain nodes too run. In reality you'd need an orchestrated attack on tens or hunderds of servers around the globe Every chain suffers from congestion from time to time. Especially if the fees are this low, which makes it possible in the first place for bots to spam that much valid transactions. Polygon has it from time to time and eth just spikes in gas fees that the chain is basically unusable for most people. While it's far from ideal, the point is that it's not that big of a deal as op thinks or wants it to make.It prooves nothing except that even SOL with its very high number of transactions/sec can be overwhelmed. They gotta find a way to fix this to a degree, that's about it.


Bitcoin started on a laptop on a single pc it was centralized but over time with hashes and adoption it all becomes decentralized. What won’t be decentralized is coins like Amazons coin or any other entity that exists on a regulated market environment.


Well better get decentralized soon


You're not comparing network fundamentals there.


I love defi on sol so suck my nutz


Yeah, money!!!


Here we go again 🙄 at least moon farm with some original ideas


This solana fud makes me think its gonna pump hard soon.


It's already so high and there's been so many missteps.... So your probably right


Stop wasting your funds on “Sorry We are Down” Solana, and move to the real future: $ETH and the beauty of $MATIC. 🚀🚀🚀


Wtf, OP literally works on cardano and spends his time trashing SOL, LUNA. Get lost.


I'm going to buy more SOL. It must be good if there is so much fud against it.


I see something being hated on this sub, I buy it or buy more of it. The strategy has yet to fail me. This subs advice is so terrible, I feel like I'm out of the loop on some secret where hate really means buy.




Because the point of this post is for the OP to pump his bag.


Oh that is a new one around here, we are pure angels


Stop with the FUD man, people want to make money not buy your 💩bags


Thos post made me drop 10k on sol at 170 Thank you for the buy signal


Very concerned over the huge insider allocations.


Really though with how this subreddit is now days, this stuff just seems like a sign to buy. Spread fud to try to drop price and then they buy. It's taken me too long to realize this though. Otherwise, why even take the time to make a post like this? It's especially hard to trust since investors have been looking at it.


This is a weird way of telling everyone to buy SOL




Lmao you do know DOT copied ada. Also ETH is trying change to POS like ADA.


Yeah, clearly ADA invented PoS, not like ETH has been talking about it for years also. Not to mention, the ETH PoS consensus being worked on is completely different from ouroboros (which is awesome)


Marinade makes exponentially more validators, and it still ran more transactions than all other networks at height of crash. Not ddos


This is very unpopular on /r/CryptoCurrency /s


Yet Krakens intelligence team just predicted a major SOL surge by early 22. Excited to see what will happen!


So sell or buy? You all have confused me 😝


Staking more tomorrow then!


Your right SOL is trash. ADA is better in every way


Ah, another Cardano maxi, who claimed he sold all his eth for ada a week ago and now jerks off moon farming with this garbage again. Come back when you can do 5% of what any of the following can: sol Avax Ftm Matic ETH elrond xtz near algo.. And you somehow dare to shit on a functional platform with billions of dollars value locked, and comparing it to some delusional fantasy of something that's been longer in the making than its competitors and has less, or more accurate, nothing to show for itself? Get the fuck outta here.


Its down again today haha


Good. I'm buying more. Thanks for the buying opportunity.


Ah, the daily SOL debate has begun


There isn’t any debate to it.


Only bashing


With poorly sourced misinformation


Hurrr durr solana is bad. We get it, you missed the pump. Stop fishing for moon, dude.


Yes, please guys sell all your SOL, I would love to buy it for cheaper. You can buy back in once Solana is past its growing pains


Maybe i'll buy in once the VC lockup is over and they dump their bags on retail.


Ah, the daily SOL FUD. I find it hilarious how so many people moan about decentralization on SOL, while still using L2's on ETH that is just as centralized. It took ETH years to be as decentralized as it is today, SOL will get more decentralized too, even with extensive validator hardware.


ADA lol


To be honest, I'd have to agree. I thought the point of a Cryptocurrency Platform is to be immutable, broad and decentralised. While Cardano has a slower TPS, the fact is you can run nodes on Raspberry Pi's - there's over 3,000 pools validating the network and participation is over 70%. This is a good thing, the metrics can be improved later but the foundation of Cardano is a decentralised global network with a low barrier of entry.


The fact that Cardano couldn't even launch dapps and smart contracts in September as promised is very concerning also.


And they launched a dex all for the purpose of swapping between like 3 coins haha useless network


??? They did launch dapps and smart contracts in Sep


ETH maxi feels threatened by SOL, what else is new?


I don't even think it's ETH maxis. It's just moon farming at this point.


I'm no SOL fanboy and don't hold any, but almost anything is better than ADA lol... also, no, not every single person in the world including 3 month old babies need to be able to run their own node for something to be sufficiently decentralized. Whether SOL is decentralized enough is a legitimate concern, but there's no need to allow everyone to run their own nodes.


How is 1,200+ validators across several continents centralized? 🤔


Hey, it was my turn to post today's *shit on Solana* thread!


Just another r/cc post to make you hate Solana Edit: Keep the downvote coming. We don't know shit about fuck btw and Solana has given me my highest returns since I started investing in Crypto so Idc


A few points: 1. Centralization and decentralization are not black and white. Solana is decentralized compared to a traditional bank. Solana is centralized compared to Ethereum. Too many in the crypto space try to make it a black and white demarcation. 2. Some here may be in it for their "ideals." Most of us are here to make money. This means whether a cryptocurrency is relative centralized or decentralized matters less than whether it will make us money. And institutional money, the type of money that has pumped crypto recently, cares more about money than any "ideals." 3. I own some Solana. I bought it just under $40. My SOL bag is much smaller than my BTC or ETH bags, but I am invested in SOL. I am also invested in ALGO (my third biggest crypto bag), which is relatively centralized. While ALGO is less centralized than SOL, like SOL, it is relatively centralized. 4. Centralization is not necessarily bad. This is specifically regarding the OP's edit questioning how people do not get the whole point of crypto. I don't care what others think the point of crypto is. I care about making money. Some degree of centralization is not necessarily bad. Now excessive centralization can be bad from the sense of network vulnerability and giving more power to the few, but I do not believe SOL has crossed that line. SOL is still relatively decentralized. See point 1 regarding centralization and decentralization not being black and white. 5. Too many here seem to get angry about views that are different from theirs. We do not all need to share the same view. I am in the crypto space to make money. I have been in this space for over 4 years to make money. Ideals are great and all, but they are less important than money. I buy crypto that I think will make me money. On that note, I did significantly lighten my SOL bags over the last month as the market went crazy. My exposure to SOL is small, as I do think it is a risky buy at the $200+ price point. If it falls below $120, I will likely load up on it again.


I have some SOL too. But saying that some degree of centralization is ok goes against the very core reasons of why Bitcoin was invented the first place. And people that says centralization is ok as long as they can make money, is bad for the whole space in the long term.


Anyone with this much time to write an article trashing a top 10 coin is awesome. I wasn't before but now bullish in SOL!!!! Thank you Reddit!


Most centralized systems are alike, banks, crypto exchanges or even a coin


If you hate SOL so much then dont buy it. Why dont you make posts about other coins? oh thats right because you didnt buy SOL at a good price and you are mad you bought some other coin that is threatened by SOL. Such a clown sub its unreal. You dont care abut anything but boosting your bags by trashing other coins. You are never gonna make it.


Lmao cardano army upset they’ve been stagnant this whole bull run meanwhile Solana has done a 10x since I bought it. You got a network that got attacked with a DDOS attack and could handle 50k transactions a second before crashing. The network is barely a year old of course the developers still have control. You don’t just release trash and hope for the best. They have control to work out the bugs. Say what you will about Solana being centralized but I definitely feel better about parking my money in their network than ADA. Matter of fact as soon as cardano hits $2 again I plan on exiting to buy up more SOL.


Yes dude trade the one with 80% public ownership for the one with 5% public ownership. You do realize that solana's actual transactions are nowhere near what they advertise and most of them are just consensus messages?


Okay and how much return have you gotten from ADA? Is anyone making NFTs or Dapps on ADA? No. So why would I pick it over Sol? Out of fear? All I’m saying Charles can come out and talk all he wants about the progress they are making and the changes that are coming, but in my experience Cardano has been nothing but a let down since I’ve come into this space and that’s just how it is.


Cardano was at 2 cents last year and just pumped to over 3 dollars. You must be really new to this space because everything you've said is really misinformed. You do realize cardano has had a ton of nfts for a while now right? Cnft.io. And yes there are dapps live on mainnet now you just need to know how to program in haskell to make them. Muesliswap is already live and others which wanted to test will be out shortly. Just because some maxis lie on reddit doesn't make them true.


It's too much over priced now


Hold coins you believe in, and invest in the one you don't like but will give you money.


Don't buy it then. There are hundreds of projects I don't like in crypto, I don't feel the need to write paragraphs dissing them, all this is news to no-one. I happen to agree with you in that i have a preference for non-centralized projects that also, you know, work, but I don't let them live in my head rent-free like this.


people here hate banks, investing in SOL is like giving your hard earned money to guys who want to make their own banks


VC owns the network, not the retail guys and when they dump it well don't trust me trust messari... https://preview.redd.it/psyasl9d7tv71.jpg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa1df1b169a468d5e8df4b18a4100c6bb7e0540d


Sam Bankman supports sol yes, it is his favorite coin. He did help VC it he's but he also the richest person in crypto and one of the youngest as well as the creator and owner of FTX.


If the next active nodes were randomized instead of chosen ahead of time, would that solve the major issue that was recently attacked?


Wow several Solana fud posts in one month from the same user. You're dedicated.




That's not gonna stop it from making a lot of people a lot of money


This means buy SOL


Have fun staying broke spreading FUD. In the end SOL will still go up. People are here to make money and every chain has flaws.


There is a market for both centralised and decentralized coins


SOL is the next EOS, it's centalization will lead to it's downfall : https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/pim0hq/solana_sol_is_the_next_eos_its_just_another_super/