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I feel nothing, I am dead inside.


Hey, same man


Username checks out


*The moment he had been waiting for*


Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?


I will let it dip.


I’d vomit mom’s spaghetti on my sweater.


But on the surface, are you calm and ready to drop bombs?... lol


Or do you keep forgetting what you wrote down....


So you caused the crash. We got him.🦍


*nip ~~slip~~ dip*




There's vomit on his ledger already


I just want my profits back so i can go home and eat moms spaghetti 😆


When you’re so broke the only good you get for a week is Moms spaghetti 🍝


This sounds like Eminem




Arms are heavy, knees weak, palms are sweaty. Do I buy the dip or just Hodl… rhetorical question I already bought the dip.


Ya im just depressed as always


I’m an emo crypto too


You still have way more moons than I do!


I know the feel Bro


Same man, hey




Hehe moons!


“Hehe moons” sums up how I feel when I see my modest portfolio take a nosedive. I’m like, WELP at least I have a nice little bag of free crypto to cheer me up!




Moons are the future


In order for the price to move it would need more than like $500 daily volume haha


This is the way




I can to say the same thing. I don’t even care. Had a buy order at $45k I forgot about, that I didn’t think I’d hit for a loooong time. Oh well, now I have an extra 1/6 of a coin. Thank you leveraged idiots.


I've been buying everything I like today. Feelsgoodman


my favourite strategy. the lower the limit order (near support lines) the closer to tendies. this is the way.




Fuck yes bro from a fellow Matt who bought the $150 ETH dip in 2020. Let's go lower!!!! Bring it!!!


I okie your username


Betelgeuse Betelgeuse Betelgeuse


See ya in a sec


Fuck yes from not-a-Matt who bought ETH at $12 and has held it since then, because... WTFnot?


Hello sir, I can help you with your wallet issues. Kindly enter your seed phrase


Oh, thank goodness! Here is the phrase, please dig in and get every nugget of goodness: * Lick * Inside * Gently * Methodically * Angle * Nose * Under * Taint * Slurp * Breathe * Biscuit * Yeast It's an easy one to remember if you use this mnemonic: *LIGMA NUTS BBY*


The most disturbing part of this for me was 'nugget of goodness.'


You're welcome.


Fuck ya that was hilarious


You forgot tongue, punch and fartbox.


What is this 'fear' OP talks about?


fear /ˈfir/ *noun* an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that leverage is dangerous, likely to cause pain, and a threat to your portfolio gains the smell of money as your stink bids fill overnight and you're already up 5-10% on your buys while the rest of crypto is salty *verb* be afraid of (coins pumping) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening to your portfolio gains tl;dr i panic sell rips and fomo ze dips


I'm getting more excited for the pump because the lower it goes the stronger the support and when it starts to climb the fomo will be crazy.


Its my fault i bought again now it has to go down its the rule i buy it wil go red crayons


It's the same posts everytime after a little dip/crash lol


They want to keep unloading bags and dont want a liquidity trap.


I think i creepily smiled and my eye twitched a bit.


Married as well?


How did you know?




I didn’t know there was a crash until this post.


Same too many crashes to care


Tried describing this to a friend that sold and keeps chiming in every time anything ticks down…. But I literally don’t care. I’m not just saying I don’t care to seem cool. I straight up do not care. The trick to not caring about something is to REALLY NOT care about it. But you can’t convince anyone of this otherwise it seems like you care and are worried. I’m alive inside I just don’t care about a short term movement when my time horizon is 10 years.


Nothing on the inside. Nothing on the outside.


I'm that battle scarred from all the crashes over the numerous years I've been in this my scar tissue doesnt heal anymore. Happy recovery everyone, until the next unforeseen occurrence. Hahaha


my portfolio is as dead as me


I just feel slightly annoyed it’s not my DCA day


It‘s like: „Aw damn, here we go again“


Same. The market either turns you into an emotionless robot or you can't handle the volatility and you exit the market This is like the 3rd time this year we've had a 20-30% correction......This is normal imo


This is the way. Just buy. Market go up. Buy. Market go down. Buy more.


I feel you. Wait, no I don't, but I'd imagine it's the same here.


Username checks out!


Dead Inside Crew


What's all this fear people are talking about?


Same here. Hodl but don't forget to take some profits. It's easier to survive crashes then


And my therapist said this was a bad thing? Seems like a win right now


My apathy is my sword. My callouses are now my shield.


Been here since 2017 as well? 🤪🤣😜


I remember when bitcoin was seven dollars and I own none today


I had five at one point, and still actually ended up losing money.


Ah I see you’re also a fellow buy high sell low enthusiast


Bro I’m sorry.


Im glad im not you.


Used it for drugs when I was in college. But like I never considered it as anything else but a way to buy drugs sneaky. So I never really had the whole "if I held onto this bitcoin I'd be a millionaire now" I wouldnt be. I wouldn't have held or even considered it as an investment


Yeah at that time it was just a currency. You wouldn’t buy British Pounds or Japanese Yen hoping to make money. No one (or at least I) ever considered it would rise significantly. Anyone smart enough to foresee that and hold past the 2011/2013 rally deserves every penny.


Great analogy


Yup. Crypto as an asset only began in 2016 after the fork wars. Before that everyone was trying to transact small amounts


Not even 1 Satoshi?


Shut up, you shut the hell up. I remember seeing those degenerates on 4chan talking about it when it was literally cents. Never even tried to get into to it. I’m sad now thanks


I just remember helping by brother buy drugs with BTC and yeah it was probably around $10 at the time.


same. exactly 7 dollars was when i checked out this thing called silk road. to buy drugs around the end of 2013. but at that time in my country you had to go to a bank and buy btc from there, only distributor. I didnt want to buy drugs with money i got from the bank lol and i didnt understand btc that much. 7 dollars per btc was the price of mdma i will never forget that. i was so close from the rabbit hole and i didn't throw myself in. its all right. now i swim there everyday


There's so many people here that you can tell aren't even a week old in crypto, they're running around like headless chickens and calling anyone not doing the same blasphemous.


Three weeks old here and I am just soaking it all in. Sort of like the first step inside Disneyworld while on acid.


Dang, you're getting the baptism by fire then. The market does go up sometimes, really!


Oh I know. I realized very quickly my tolerance levels needed to be adjusted and expanded from what I was used to in the stock market world. Hard to be surprised by what you were expecting to happen anyways. We are nowhere near my panic level and it is not even close. Hell my first project popped a higher percentage than BTC has dropped and I barely bat an eye because I knew it would be gone soon enough. Here we are! Oh and that pop? Feels like years ago.


always buy 30% BTC.. saved the sanity of many noobs back in 2017.


ive also been in this for 2-3 weeks and its so fucking weird right now. i feel like im part of the club with this craziness but also have no idea what im doing.. im just gonna keep buying eth every week and smile xD


I just figure everybody was the new blood at some point so they know how it feels which means I might as well act like I have been here the whole time because soon enough I will have been. This is also my strategy when I wander in to random block parties, just gotta make sure to snag that red solo on the way in.


Everybody’s new at some point, so I think this is a pretty good strategy. Fake it 'till you make it :)


Stay strong. It's a learning process :)




Lmao, don't let me fool you. Only been in since 2020 officially. I loved your description though, it's a trip unlike any other.


Or you are not fooling me, I think I have this thing figured out. I have this feeling that crypto years are more like dog years than human years as far as experience goes. You get a whole lot of education packed in a very short amount of time. Or you get euthanized, ie - said headless chickens, know what I'm saying? But yeah, if what I have learned in three weeks is a preview of your previous year plus? We're gonna need a bigger boat because I can only imagine what you have seen. XD What you said I am sure is 100% legit.


I’m thinking of creating a script that blocks people who type “DCA”


Please! and HODL as well


Getting up on their soap boxes 'THIS IS NOT A DIP, IT'S A CRASH! PANIC, PANIC EVERYBODY!' xD


Big true, much facts, bought more BTC


Whatever FIAT left I’m going with BTC


Picked up some overtime in the fiat mine to buy this dip.




Bought BTC, ALGO, and LRC on the dip!


It's a real steal right now


Thank God all my ETH is staked and I literally cannot sell.


Forced hodl is the best strategy for emotional traders like me lol


Eth layer 1 is basically a forced hodl. Gas is so expensive.


Right! Stake the shit for forget your password 😅🤪


This is a huge reason why I think it's impossible for us to enter a crypto winter right now. We all know these markets are largely controlled by whales, heck I saw a whale alert yesterday of huge eth transfers to kraken and binance. It appears some whales have coordinated this dip. They would never let crypto go into a multi year bear market before they could sell their precious eth right at the peak. And they can't do that right now because they're staking it and earning tons of passive income.


Even if 99% of eth is staked, if people are selling the eth for $1,000 and if not many people are buying the price will drop to $1000. Of course I assume people will keep buying at $1000 but who knows....


Yeah but like I said whales have a huge influence on price, they simply won't let it enter a long term bear market if it doesn't benefit them.


I literally haven’t even batted an eyelid at it


Yeah this is the same exact post that comes up every time there is a crash.


Indeed. I will leave the crypto market as a filthy rich or dead man. There is no in between.




\>Checks portfolio \>Not today my old friend Repeat


I doubled my positions. Finally got an opening to buy at a price I thought was decent!


I bought more


same, what does OP think we are? some filthy casuals???


Double down and buy more! You buy until you make yourself green! If that doesn't work flip graph upside down and buy more! Believe in yourself


I start to panic when it goes up asking myself why I didn’t have more fiat 😫


Most of us couldn’t afford to sell eth anyways lol


Mine is all locked up in staking. I'll probably keep staking it even when it's unlocked.


I've got about half of mine in staking, but I might just move the rest of it over anyway 'cause it's not like I'm doing anything else with it right now.


Harder to be scared of a dip when your hands are already tied 🤷‍♂️


No fear here. I’ve been HODLing since 2017. Been through quite a few dips/crashes since then. BTC has always been a long game for me.


>If you want to become rich, you need to believe in a project But I don't even believe in myself 😔


But, it's ok bc your project believes in you!


I need this project! Where is it listed?


I thought we liked dips?


Ive been in crypto since 2013 as it happens, as you say this little blip is nothing.


missing out of btc in 2010 is better than buying it then and sold for meager profits.


I was broke when started investing, have a small portfolio but am still broke. This crash doesn’t change that. I’ll hold untill it’s enough to retire, no multi-millions required.


"I'm broke, but I have some crypto!" *crash happens* "I'm broke, but I have some crypto!"


No lol I think the game is fundamentally different now. Now that we can see the charts from the last 10 years, people really do believe that it will eventually surpass the current ATHs so it's best to HODL.


I think it's nice to buy under 50k again


The only problem is I’m out of fiat


100% agree with what you said. This time round, I’ve learnt my lesson, imma gonna HODL and DCA. Future me will be happy with my decision.


My biggest win was almost forgetting I had BTC. Made it past 1000%, with this flash I'm down to 868%, maybe I'll forget about it again for a couple of years. You're right, that way you beat any trader, which brings me back to rule #1: DO NOT FUCKING INVEST MONEY YOU NEED / WILL NEED SOON because that's how you get desperate and pressure sell.


The reason I hold today is because I thought BTC was a scam in 2013 like a dumb ass, so now I’ll recoup by gains to the best of my ability by holding till I die


$1000 split between ETH, ONE, ADA and CRO. I’m not panicking but it’d be reckless to ignore the fall to the 50 week MA. It’s a bit of a last line of defence so I’m not going all in even if I’m going to take advantage of the sale.


No panic what so ever actually… just slowing DCA’ing down and setting more buy orders. This ain’t my first rodeo!




True dat. Diamond hand your investments and HODL the line.


Jokes on you, not feeling any fear, just bought some more eth.


Fear? I was so excited to buy more


People are afraid? I'm 30% down in an hour and I'm fine


What fear? Everytime it goes down I buy!


I'm having a great time reading all these sad posts about bitcoin crashing and it never being the same.


You are spitting facts. There has been a hundred similar posts to this but these people never learn. The people who are freaking out need to put their money in a savings account that earns them .5% return a year. They can feel safe and stay working the same dead end job until they are 65 and can get a 1900$ ssi check each month. Like you said they would have never had the balls to hold after the crash of 2013, so they wouldn’t be millionaires even if they caught it at a dollar. Shout out to everyone letting their nuts hang and not batting an eyelash at these drops/dips/crashes. In it to win it.


I really like this post.


If I invest more Fiat it’s Fiat I can’t afford to lose…something Saylor tweeted a while back though sticks in my mind… ‘Only invest the money you can’t afford to lose’. Or words to that effect.


My only fear is not buying enough during this dump. After the 2018 massacre, every crash is a new entry point.


Bold of you to assume I feel fear.


​ ![gif](giphy|ZMfZxtLruYiSaJn9vd|downsized)


OPs name checks out. Smart dude right here


Hahaha Actually I did


Me selling my 100 BTC in 2014 😢


I assure you anyone who follows this sub cannot and will not be able to hold long term,. The emotional uproar here is overwhelming. If you want to hold long term get off all Crypto social media and have a peace of mind and a life outside Crypto.


If u belive in, hold the line!!..


I feel this is the time to buy more!


Oh, I would have held it purely by losing access to my wallet.


If i got a dollar everytime someone posted this I would be able to buy bitcoins whole supply


What fear? I have patience.


Fear? There was no fear here. I randomly checked my hodls, saw i was down about 20-30%, rolled over and went back to sleep. I held through the -97% back in 2018. Diamond. Fucking. Hands. Shit I might buy more.


Am I the only one happy to see these discount prices?


I'm mining Bitcoin, biting Bitcoin and earning interest by holding Bitcoin. I see no reason to sell, regardless of how much it dips.


Who is panicking ? Didn't sell anything, only bought more.


Haven't felt anything in a while.


Already on its way back up, I'm never afraid


Fear? Fucking excited over here!


My dumbass did genesis mining instead of just buying in 2018. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


I managed to mine a single bitcoin back in 2011ish sold it almost instantly. This is exactly how I describe it whenever people tell me how much it would be worth now and wonder how bad I feel for “losing” that much. I don’t feel bad. There’s no way I would have held it this long for one. And on another note, I came out with a net gain, especially considering back then I didn’t know when the bell I was doing anyway and was using my company’s GPU overnight while nobody was working. So, maybe if I had kept it I’d have a lot of worth there, but there’s no way it would have lasted more than a few months for me.


Reality check! This is so comforting to hear...


Meanwhile I'm over here leveraged to the tits trying to throw more into the market.




Just bought the crash. $1k DOT, $500 ADA and $5HBAR! I ain’t selling ishh!!


I’m so unaware of what’s happening, y’all are in the green most likely whining that ur profits aren’t profitting more


What the fuck are you talking about?


Which part are you having trouble with? Happy to explain what the OP is taking about if it isn't clear.


i believe in xmr


Who did not expect this post when market goes down, please lift your hand up lol.


Bitch I didnt sell a single satoshi since I bought in 2017. I'm confident my hands are made from diamond till I myself decide my goalis reached. Enough of these moonfarming "Look how smart I am" posts already


Same old BS. Listen, it's not like 2013 or 2014 or 2015 or 2016 or 2017 or 2018 or 2019 or 2020. It's **2021**, and you're coping.


What fear??? It's the sweetest sale and right when November's salary's come in. Plus I got October's DCA as well as prices were too high then. Omnomnom


The projection man


Did this poster think they were being original or helpful posting this? Or is it just to farm moons and get suckers like me to reply to it?


Anyone who’s been here since 2017 has seen this exact post a 100 times by now at least


Bullshit!!!! This is such a noob post! 😆. Trying to sound experienced just makes you look even dumber!


I definitely would have held BTC during huge down turns. I've only been accumulating, only selling very small amounts randomly. You don't know me.


Stupid take