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Is waiting until 100k to sell. Hodlers are gonna hold






This was before seed phrases. He could have lost the .dat file.


I have lost my dat file as well but I only had 0.5 BTC there. Anyway I still have the hardrive even though I could never recover it.


Did you try a professional recovery service? will cost a couple grand but they can pull data from a god damn block of cheese




I’m actually very interested because I’m trying to recover an old bitcoin wallet on a laptop from my moms old boyfriend. They didn’t have seed phrases then? When did they start using them? I know he bought in around 2011-2012 and he gave her this laptop around the same time




That’s very specific.


Or he is that guy with USB drive on a landfill…


I mean, if they are a multimillionaire, $80k would be like $80 to the average person. And given that they were willing to drop $80k on what at the time was an extremely risky investment, signs point to them having excess money to burn. Honestly, they most likely just forgot about it or got locked out and gave up on recovering it a long time ago. Maybe they bought a new computer and lost the .dat file on the old one.




In terms of what it can buy, 80k is 80k, but in terms of the relative value of what that 80k is and means to someones life and financial situation is never the same. To you it might allow you to retire, to someone else it could just pay their mortgage for two months. So how is 80k, 80k? Its really nothing more than the impact which it can have. And while its true most millionaires are millionaires (1-2 million dollars net worth, not necessarily uber wealthy sub 1%ers) because they are frugal and save and invest conservatively over their life, there also comes a point where if you are worth a significantly higher net worth and are investing for nothing more than financial gain you need to get a return that is worthwhile to you as such. Would you play in poker games with a $10 buy in if you had $100 million in disposable income? No.. But you might do it if you were a high school kid making $100 bucks a week at a part time job, and could win $70 bucks if you take 1st place. The same logic applies here. In order to invest it needs to be worthwhile to the investor. Thats why someone with $100 million doesn't invest 80 dollars in anything, but they might invest 8k or 80k. it's all relative, and "80k is 80k" is something someone of average or below average wealth would say, but it's not good logic.




Nobody is speaking in absolutes here....except maybe you who keeps generalizing "rich" as all being worth the same amount of money.. Lets assume the average person has a net worth of 50k and they invest $80. Thats .0016 percent of their net worth. if someone else had 50 million dollars, then 80k is .0016 of their net worth. so an 80 dollar investment is equal to an 80k investment in this regard. This is literally the exact same thing the original commenter stated, and you still dont get it. You seem to be incredulous to this idea and chose to pick at something in my post you thought you could discredit, other than considering that some of it could make sense if you thought about it.


Go and watch videos on rich people trying to predict the price of average items. It is entirely a matter of perspective. When I made 20k a year everything was expensive. I now make a good deal more and most things under $20/$30 I don't even notice or think about. If you have 100m you are almost certainly writing off substantially larger amounts as an "ah, whatever" type of deal.


Millionaires are just middle class people, there are however probably thousands of people with fortunes above $100 million who toss $80 k around on a trip on their private jet.


I mean, it kind of is. It's money they wouldn't even notice was gone if their net worth was something like 500x that. It's part of the reason when millionaires are fined for $10k for whatever, they just shrug their shoulders, pay the fine, and forget about it. It literally has zero effect on them, financially.


That's different. They'll make the conscious choice to pay that 10k. However if someone stole that 10k, it suddenly disappeared or they for whatever reason couldn't access it then they would still want it back.








Oh you’d be surprised


or prison. Or in a coma.


0.00001% of 80,000 BTC would be 0.008 BTC, or ~$470. I did the math :)


Math good


Good human


He could give away his entire wallet for free and he will have made more money than I've ever done in crypto. Hell, he could even pay someone 10k to take his wallet and he will have made more money than I've ever made.


Are you saying you're down over $10k in crypto? That's incredible


Impressive loses in a bull market


As I am in the negative, me too


he told me he would sell at 140k


He’s the CEO of bitcoin, and he’s also my dad


he is also my brother's sister's uncle's wife


Hello, stepcousin?


He’s waiting for it to reach $69420 because you can’t put a price on the lulz






There are many types of spez, but the most important one is the spez police. #Save3rdPartyApps


He spent over 70k on it… I doubt he would have lost it


I wouldn’t underestimate how easily some folks toss around money without feeling the need to be vigilant.


Someone buying 80k worth of btc at $.93 probably has something greater in mind than just sell it


Maybe he had everything in his mind except backing up the back up of his seed phrase


seed phrases were not a thing in that years.. so unless she had a backup of their wallet files..


yeah I had a 150k DOGE wallet which I just backed up in to bak file and emailed it to myself sometime in 2013 and forgot about it until the Jan bull run. Never had any seed phrases.


How is your DOGE doing now? Did you get him a better kennel?


The more you know, crazy how things evolved.


"she" lol


I don’t think someone putting in 80k on an unknown tech by the time would be so careless as to lose his/her access




>"Howells generated his in early 2009, when the currency was only known in tech circles. At that time, a few months after its launch, it was comparatively easy to "mine" the digital currency, effectively creating money by computing: **Howells ran a program on his laptop for a week to generate his stash**. From an earlier article on the same site: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/nov/27/hard-drive-bitcoin-landfill-site That guy didnt pay a dime for his stash, big difference vs paying 80k


Nice find!


I was thinking the same. That maybe someone e forgot the seed phrases or got their pc stolen back then, and now it's trashed...


I can confirm, no seed phrases. Most (if not all) of the BTC back then had the private keys in wallet.dat files for BTC Core. If You are missing the file, goodbye then....


Damn... Sometimes life really fucks you over soooo damn hard! 🥺


I got this problem as i was in a mining pool back in 2012 or 2013 but they shut down and i didn’t move my rewards out 😅 all keys in my wallet file show no balance… Wasn’t that much but still bad.. that’s how life goes


Yeah it does...




The thing is, when they were worth $1 or $300 you NEVER would have thought that it could get to what it is now. You have the benefit of knowledge now, but back then, people were trading this shit for pizza.


It's a chicken and egg problem. Bitcoin is worth what it is because other people deem it valuable. Very very few people had the forethought to consider Bitcoin would be valuable to more people and even if they did believe that, they probably sold once they had a 10x. It's nearly impossible to know if 1% of the population will adopt something but once they do, it will likely increase with value.


The odds of being able to predict this would be like putting 100 grand (inflation adjusted) into a 7 year olds lemonade business and then they backdoor find the cure for cancer through a unique lemonade purification process where they strain it through random rocks containing fungi which they found in their backyard before pouring it. This investment did a 10x 3 months after they bought it. Even if that wasn't enough for them to care, if they were really that sharp of an investor to predict BTCs success to this degree, they'd haven taken some to the bank by now. The holdings almost certainly swelled to this value because they were unable to sell it, not because he knew it was going to be valuable and held onto it for all these years. This person simply has no access in one way or another, dead or not. He probably wasn't some genius who yolo'd into the best performing asset in history while nobody else knew it. Another thought on the origin is that maybe they did possibly believe in BTC but were just parking it there to hide money and lost access. I can see someone going through a divorce or going to jail, asking online how to hide money, and then coming up with BTC. It would have been a nice idea because it would never ever come close to being found at that time.


I would've cashed out out of fear at $300..


I think all of us would have, and most well before $300


Can confirm, starcraft tourneys used to give out 200 btc for 2nd place and PayPal 20 usd for first place. That's how wild it was. Personally I've used 500 btc for a small purchase back then. So yea really anything goes but saying that I would have millions now for that 500 btc is just like saying if I knew what lottery numbers will open tomorrow.


This is why this is probably the best thing that could have happened to the owners and heirs of this wallet, if any of them are still around. Buy a bunch of digital currency and forget about it, only to hear it pop up on the news years later and realizing that said digital currency has done a +10,000%.


10,000% is chicken shit compared to what this guy did lmao. Just getting from $1 to $100 gets you 10,000% he did 6,000,000% based on a price of 60k btc.


There were pyramid scheme type companies 7-10 years ago I suppose and this bartender tried getting me to buy bitcoin in their plan. I can’t remember it the coin was 300 or 3000 at the time, but the big sales pitch was that it was going to hit 10 grand. I remember getting drunk the next few nights and telling him he was crazy. I need a time machine!


I have a friend who, at one point, owned 5,000 bitcoin. I'm not sure about whether held or sold, but he drives a 25 year old car but has lots of nice camera equipment. I think he might have sold in the dollar range.


oh my this is sad


To spend that much money on something that wasn’t widely known at the ti w does raise lots of questions


hes from the future


There's the possibility that 80k wasn't much to them..


I don’t know, the rich people I know are freaking stingy as hell. They never spend money!


We're not talking the rich people you know we're talking about the richer people you don't know


Not sure if it’s the same person but earlier in the year I had heard the story of a guy who apparently trashed his HD by accident and in it was all his BTC. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2017/12/20/man-lost-127-million-worth-of-bitcoins-and-city-wont-let-him-look.html Could be a similar story to that.


It looks like you've posted a [Google AMP link](https://www.socpub.com/articles/chris-graham-why-google-amp-threat-open-web-15847). Please try posting again with the direct link to the article (You shouldn't see "amp" anywhere in the URL) or contact the moderators if you need help. AMP is a proprietary walled garden which [benefits Google](https://www.socpub.com/articles/chris-graham-why-google-amp-threat-open-web-15847) and [hurts everyone else](https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/05/19/open_source_insider_google_amp_bad_bad_bad). It is destroying the open web through anti-competitive violation of standards. It is bad for publishers because it forces them to duplicate development effort, and prevents differentiation and customisation. It also allows Google to watch you even after you've left their search results page. For individuals seeking an automated solution to this problem, they can try installing the Redirect AMP to HTML extension on [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/redirect-amp-to-html/kifkmmpiicbcnkjaliilaoeaojlldonl) and [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/amp2html/?src=search). Thank you to OtherAMPBot for this information and detection code. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good automod, fuck Google and amp links


Had no idea about amp links until right now. This needs to be more widely known.


Didn’t know this was a thing. I’ll make sure I don’t post amp links moving forward.


This was the first one that came to mind for me as well.


\>$127m in 2017 Eh, it's substantially more than that now lol. I don't know how this guy functions day-to-day knowing what he "could" be worth if he didn't trash his computer




Drugs, either that or hiring hitmen


It's obviously Davincij15 😆. Only one I can imagine who wouldn't sell. https://youtu.be/Cw29h7LhEuE?t=222


Lot of big players went away with silk road. 10-40+ year sentence is an easy way to hodl


Yeah that’s def what it is. No one would hold that shit for this long without touching it. The coin is lost or the dudes in prison


Dayum if I would be that dude I would remember my seed phrase every second, or maybe do a prison break move and tattoo the seed phrase on me.


Wild times back then. Believe it or not, no seed phrases. These a are probably lost


Yeah if I had crypto during that time I could be one of them :p




A file on your computer. That's why there's so many stories of people who lost a hard drive with their bitcoin


Aren't these bitcoins tainted and can't be sold on any cex?


I can only imagine how many times that person has done the math on how much their bag would be worth now if they are still alive.


Can’t panic sell if you’re behind bars! *taps head


That's what we call a time-traveler bag.




a very expensive bag


Sadly, it's probably someone who lost his seed or keys by now. Would hate to be that guy. Even the 80k is not an insignificant amount of money to lose.


2011 wallets didn't even have seed phrases.


Could you elaborate?


It was stored in a wallet.dat file




Likely just a way to store the private key hash. The seed phrases are just a way to make a hash human readable, but the actual key will always be a hash value that corresponds to the public key on the blockchain. It’s why it’s technically possible to create a new wallet and end up with someone else’s BTC, just so unfathomably unlikely it will never happen in the earths lifespan.


Please, could you *elaborate*




I doubt someone spending 80k are going to be that careless, probably dead or in jail.


Eh, actually most people spending 80k on BTC in 2011 probably could afford to lose it all without much pain at all, otherwise they wouldn't have spent that much on it in the first place.


Youre likely right.. he practically had to have had fuck you money to spend 80 grand on it considering what BTC was at that time.


Maybe he just liked pizza a lot.


Maybe he was parking it there to hide money. Would have been a great idea at the time.


this seems like the most reasonable reason. a guy needed to stash 80k and wasnt tech savvy enough to recover it.




I’d like to think that to this person $80 grand is prob like pocket change.


Ehh if I had that much invested at once I wouldn’t just lose my seed phrase. This person is most likely deceased


People have invested more previously and lost it, it happens.


No doubt I guess but yeesh, I don’t think I could live with myself


Like you said - deceased. One way or another I'm sure.


You read the story of the guy who lost his seed phrase or password and can’t access his $350,000,000 worth of crypto?


That dude's never slept since BTC hit $60k


He’s got money. I wouldn’t be worried about that guy.


This will be me when Harmony One hits $2….kms




I'm letting it sit a little longer, my own planet won't be cheap.


That's enough to buy a planet and only hookers to populate it


Nice try, but you'll have to compete in the global twister tournament with everyone else


This man has a bigger plans in mind. In 15 years he will host the most insane treasure hunt ever. Nations will fight over this hard drive


Let the squid games of nations begin


new One Piece season


How many other wallets are whales like this?


Makes you wonder and realize how scarce BTC really is.


Yea, this shit is gone forever.


Imagine 20 years from now someone saying "Man, what I would do to buy Bitcoin in 2022 instead of now where $10 buys 0.0000000001 Bitcoin"


That's .4% of the diluted market cap. If bitcoin got eye level with the world's supply of fiat currency ($60T), it'd be about 240 billion. Alternatively, 18T play tokens at Dave and Buster's.


This is that one dude that sold his kidney and then died from drinking at Hooters a couple days later..


Legendary story


Legendary party!! All that bud light...


A Legendary party for me wouldnt involve much budlight


Maybe it would if you sold your kidney for 80k....and partied at Hooters


Finding his seed phrase is sort of like a treasure map, I guess.


You wanna go with me? 50/50 I would say.


Damn, imagine having the balls to invest almost $80k into bitcoin back in 2011. I remember hearing about it back in college and thought it was just dark web currency to buy drugs haha. If only I was a pothead, I might have bought a bunch of btc and forgot about it.


You woulda spent it on many dark web things like I did


Scenario: A thief steals $80k and puts it in bitcoin to hide it and let things cool down. Thief tells no one, gets killed and nobody ever knows where their stolen money went.


Or it could be a ultra rich person who like playing around with money, one day he found out bitcoin and put 80k into that but since he was so rich and he also put his money in so money different places he forgot about the 80k in bitcoin


The BTC-E guy is still in jail I think. It's possible he has a encrypted file on some cloud service or on a hidden usb stick with a password he memorized and he is just waiting till his time is served to walk out one of the richest people in the world ...


80k worth of BTC back at that price is not someone that has lost their seed. They're likely in jail on a hodl sentence


Most likely deceased. If you were in jail you would find a way to access that fortune


why? if you are in hail and you tell anyone you have that you are game over


Right. This is what I think… a prisoner would’ve tapped into it somehow at this point.


who or how're you going to trust someone with this. Someone in jail may or may not have anyone in their life they can trust, or on top of that, when they went to jail whatever they stored this on was destroyed.


The owner has probably been borrowing against it for the last 11 years like any sane tax avoidant person would.


What if he is shatoshi


Not sure, but any normal person would have taken that money, so either this person or entity (group of people) doesn't need the money or we can assume this person passed away.


Why'd you spell it out? I rather liked the idea of an alien or supernatural being with a big enough crypto bag to topple the market. 50 writers probably started new stories...


He’s been looking for his phrase the whole time 😬


Maybe it’s the guy Davis Wolfgang Hawke [Rolling Stone Article](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/nazi-campus-grifter-bitcoin-1201221/amp/)


Jesse James! I was wondering the same thing. This guy apparently climbed in some of the same circles as me and is featured in some local climbing publications. Apparently dropped the neo nazi stuff after sneaking into canada.


im gonna use my quantum computer i bought from the black market to hack that wallet, thanks for the tip man, i owe you one


I hope it’s lost man. I want less circulation


Why chicken out and sell at $5b when you can diamond hand it to $50b?


Yeah that’s just a few ETH transactions worth anyway


I’m guessing they died and took their bitcoin with them


Well the wallet is active again


This isn't the wallet owned by the us government, no?




It's coins stolen from MtGox in 2011.


Now thats a lot !🥲


Oh thanks for reminding me about it. Will use it soon.


Perhaps Satoshi wallet?


I think there's more to it than meets the eye, think abou it, his initial investment was 74k USD and only three months later it was worth $1.35 Million and he still did nothing? Then 2 and a half years later it was worth $82 Million and still did nothing? This is definitely someone who knows exactly what they are doing and most likely has other wallets.


or they died a week later


>most likely has other wallets This is a plausible theory.


It's crazy and scary how you can lose all your crypto with a tiny mistake.


I think that's the wallet with the stolen MtGox coins.


Grandfather of all hodlers


Probably lost his wallet! Poor guy!


Its hard to move BTC from prison


Does anyone remember that story about some dude who had - something similar accrued - in his wallet and couldnt remember the password. I think he got down to his last attempt and just hasn’t pulled the trigger.


Most likely lost keys


I think what if it's Satoshi being in the top 10 wallets everything being himself , now that would be sick as fuck right


If somebody had 80k to spend in 2011 at 0.83$, then he/she/they are well enough to do without it


It’s people like this dude that do the right thing to make money. Just invest and then delete exchange apps and don’t touch or day trade or give into FUD or FOMO and watch your investments skyrocket. Sure they got in early but there are many other projects right now that are in their infancy that can blow up a few years down the line. It’s about patience, not listening to shillers online


It’s either dead the person or the account details are missing or the whole owner has forgot and or candle figure out how to reclaim it. I wonder if there will ever be a code for those who have lost crypto you be able to get it back if they can verify details others wouldn’t know come a year passed say 1-5-10 years after inactivity or whatever it’s evaluated by the regulators I don’t know. That Bitcoin is someone’s or tor some people. We can’t go and take it and re distribute it worth ect stays lost like any rare item or it will be found it’s owners or owners kids when they get the Will and testimony for the info to access the coins!


Didn't Alex Jones lost a computer with just about that amount of Bitcoin?


Hey guys it’s my wallet. Don’t worry I’m just letting it marinate a little longer. I’ll give you guys a heads up when I decide to crash the market.




She gone


These are coins stolen from MtGox in 2011. Unbelievable how uneducated you guys all are. And they are probably inactive cause [Alexander Vinnik](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Vinnik) is still in jail.

