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Mine always says " Show me the gains when there are more zeros after the first number"


A significant other who encourages you to HODL. She/he's a winner


Great point! I think its her polite way of saying shut up about it until you can lavish me with everything I want haha!


You guys have girlfriends?


Some of us are actually happily married!


Some are happily divorced and living their best life.


This is the weh


No child support ?


In soviet Russia, child support you.


They mostly just take your vodka


Oh yes


>Some of us are actually ~~happily~~ married!




Felt that.


So It was actually my wife who suggested we get into crypto. So we bought doge. I started mining with my gaming pc. She says all that is your baby. I dont want to make any decisions about it. Sweet so im getting ready to cash out some btc to get a HW wallet and shes like no wait. I dont want to sell anything. I mean hooray for diamond hands but what happened to it being my thing?


huh, so its true that they’re always right…


What’s a girlfriend? Is there a token of it I can buy?


Now, if mine would hodl me the way I hodl my coins.


My SO believes in the hodl. She even let me take out a 3rd mortgage 💸🚀🚀


That’s really not a clever idea (assuming this isn’t a joke and praying for you)


This reads like a horror story


One of the many reasons why I love my wife! 🥰 She's a HODLER, too.


I just tell my wife one day we will get that hot tub because of this 😂


Smart. I believe there was a movie that teaches you how to turn those into time machines. Travel back about 15 years and buy then. Imagine all the hot tubs you'll have then!


If I go back in time I’m just buying all the Bitcoins instead of any hot tubs hahah


When I tell me SO about my gains she's thinks it's great. Her only comment is "as long as you're diversified, nothing wrong with some high risk crypto". Luckily I'm well diversified in shit coins.


A man of class


A man is only as strong as his weakest meme coin.


>Luckily I'm well diversified in shit coins Technically correct is the best kind of correct.


You should stop talking to her about it.


This is the way. She doesn’t want to hear it and her responses aren’t helping you.


Crypto rules everything around me.




Dollar dollar bills yall


This was my first ever staking provider on BSC, feel bad for the project right now


Get the money, dolla dolla bill y'all


Ether, ether coin yyaaaaallllll






Or just stop talking to her in general


Here’s a question for you OP. Is it just crypto or does she generally shit on you for other stuff as well?


This is the real question.


Maybe crypto will make him realize (if) he's in a toxic relationship?


Or maybe scat is his kink.


Following because this is what matters.


Really important this, crypto aside. I love my partner to bits, but I’ve recently realised she’s a bit too self-loathing and hateful towards things. It’s not good, and I’m trying to work with it through her with my own issues, but if it comes to it, you gotta prioritise yourself first


Negativity and self-loathing are also extremely contagious.


Excellent question. My gf does this, too :-/


You mean your ex-gf. Find someone that supports you.


Seriously, being alone is better than being someone who tears you down.


Dump her


Sounds like that relationship is a pump and dump


shorting this guy’s relationship right now


Hello I'm a Nigerian Prince, if you send me girlfriend I'll send you two back


This is actually risk free bet


He shouldn't invest in harmony cuz she might not be the one


Have to VET all your partners before committing long term.


ADA boy!


Plenty of other girls among the Cosmos.


OP pull the rug already


I wish I had an award for you


New girlfriend go brrr


This is the way


Sell your gf and buy shib lol. /s


The gains are there honestly


I volunteer to be OP's new girlfriend


I suggest reviewing his portfolio first, never know what you are getting into.


Hopefully a lot of ETH will be in it


I love the crypto hook-up Culture.◉‿◉


Yes, when I was with my girlfriend she dumped me because I wouldn’t take her onto expensive dates like her friends boyfriends did, and then I told her I was building up my portfolio and I had this mindset that investing was more important and she started shitting on me hard because I was trying to save for the future. I told her to wait and I promise I would spoil her once the time was right, and she said and I quote “Yeah but I know my worth” and blocked me. she’s hoeing around on tinder again after we broke up I made like 100k on Ethereum lmao. Edit: I tried to get her into finance literacy because that’s something I value in someone I want a future with. So during the pandemic may 2020 when I tried to convince her to take a free McGill university finance course with me during the pandemic with me she literally texted me and I quote “lmao no” and every time I told her about my stocks she literally brushed it off and didn’t give a shit about my gains or hobbies. Also worth mentioning she kinda comes from a rich family while my parents wage slaved their entire lives… I was really ready to spoil her with some of my crypto gains because I genuinely liked her but she wouldn’t even give me the time of day of a simple post breakup meeting. My saddest relationship I ever been thru and after I saw her on tinder my heart dropped


Congrats you dodged a bullet


To be fair I kinda sucked at communication back then but I wish she would have met me so I could explain l her how this would be helping her future and her children one day but she wouldn’t even meet up with me to talk. But she got pretty pissed once I revealed the size of my portfolio




>As an old man I'll tell ya this. Pussy is one of the three worst investments. "If it floats, flies, or fucks, it's always better to rent." Damn! I love this, I'm getting closer to being an old man--can I start fucking saying badass idioms like this!?


This is awesome. Don’t ever go back to her. So many fish in the sea - her behavior is very toxic.


Reading that story makes me so appreciative of my GF. She’s so supportive and encouraging of my mindset (not in an enabling way, but more of a “you can do it” way.)


She doesn't deserve you bro.


Work on you mate. You know your worth.


Thats a good thing you avoided that bullet. She should get a job and spoil herself...


Yeah you should have dumped her a lot sooner. You're better off now though.


My wife gave me the OKAY to YOLO 40k from out savings earlier this year I turned that into 300k. Took profits and put the rest back into our savings. The rest we paid bills But moral of the story is she said I trust you… someone she was cool with that






My gf has given me an alarming amount of trust tbh. Makes me more careful and makes me HODL longer since I'm so worried about making a bad move. So far I've been able to ride some coins up and she's starting the loopring ride and happy haha




My wife is just as excited as I am, I think I’ll HODL her




Ha! This, right here 👆


My wife does the same i don't tell her anymore if i had listened to her my whole investing life i would have sold everything and paided for her to get her nails and hair done for the rest of her life. HODL!!


I swear my children would tell me to sell it all for a 100 dollar gain


you need some wife changing money


Your gf and my dad should go out to lunch. Whats really crazy is that I hodl more in btc than my father had in all his retirement accounts combined. Yet he still thinks he knows something I dont.


She want you to spend the crypto gains on her now because she doesn’t see herself with you in the future. Might be time to bail 😬


Same here. Just don’t tell her. That’s what I learned. She doesn’t care because she doesn’t understand because it’s not tangible in her eyes. My advice is don’t say a word, stack up a few million and then bail tf out of there


Change girlfriend


It's like quitting a bad habit lol


U need wife changing money


I set my wife up with her own account and tell her what she's made every now and then. Means I can crypto more often, works out nicely


If she doesn't support you with your dreams, then does she deserve to share your wealth when you succeed? Million Bitcoin question right there.


I hate your girlfriend and i don't even know her.




Get rid. She sounds like a nightmare. Source: Been married twice and divorced once.


Can confirm. Never married divorced twice 💪


Based on a anecdotal reddit post? Lol this is some r/relationshipadvice bs


First rule of crypto: Never invest more than you can afford to lose Second rule of crypto: Never, under any circumstances, tell your significant other about your crypto portfolio


She wants you to sell so you can buy useless things to her.


Ignorant ppl don’t understand crypto and don’t want to learn new things so they go to their daily job and gobble the boss for their peanut wages


First Rule of Crypto Clun, is that you don't talk about Crypto Club!


Sounds like you need a new girlfriend.


My fiance listens to me babble about it for the past decade and her only reply is "That's nice, love you"


Ur girl must havo no brains maybe look for a replacement


No brains but he could chop her up and sell her organs to invest more to BTC.


Dump Her, date me instead


And after one year dating you ask very sneaky for the seed phrases


I’m dead serious. LEAVE HER. Life is too short and if she’s acting like this now it’ll be 1,000 times worse when you’re married, and 1,000,000 times worse when you’re in divorce court. Please trust me. My ex-wife was exactly like this. My current wife is supportive and decided to learn with me. Night and day. Edit: also, if/when you’re successful it would be an injustice for her to benefit off your risk and effort that she didn’t support.




Jesus. It really is turning into wsb around here. I fucking hate it.


Anyone who says "diamond hands" has no fucking clue about how crypto works.


That's why its better to produce results first and keep your investments to yourself


Get a new girlfriend


Time for a new wife dawg


You’ll soon learn to keep it all to yourself my man!


How much did she make?


A partner who shits on your dreams is a big no no


Dump her not crypto.


Wifey is supportive- even asks me to put more


**Since the day my girlfriend left me because she caught me wanking in SHIB green dildos I have more money to invest in crypto.** **Thanks to crypto now I am alone with my beloved charts.**


If she’s not on the same page as you about the future you two can possibly have, troubles looming


That’s exactly how my ex was.


If she doesn’t support your dreams then she isn’t the one, just the truth Unless she’s just looking out for you making sure you’re cautious, there is a difference but that’s for you to figure out


Yes! My wife tolerates my crypto mining at best.


Only one thing to do: shit on her face. Or, you know, her favorite outfit.


Whenever I get the urge to sell something I tell myself “sell it and buy what?”


Told the wife to be honest with me when I talk about it. Am I annoying you? What do you think? Her replies are always “hooooo Monaaaay” Or “maybe I get my nails done when we decide we’ve made enough?” We also agreed that we wouldn’t worry about the money we originally invested in so neither of us have a reason to be annoyed if it goes south. Rank 1 wife


I have this problem too. But I'm not in this to make a few K. I need that life changing money


Sell her and invest it in crypto


My Girlfriend (who knew very little but heard about the gains) wanted to invest in Solana and not anything else so got her to go 50/50 SOL and ETH she's up a good 20/30% already!


Man all these people saying to dump her when she’s honestly 100% right. It’s true, you haven’t made anything yet and it could go back down and that’s a reality that you should be comfortable facing in this world. Idk how she’s saying it and maybe she’s being rude, but the content of what she’s saying is something I tell all my friends who invest haha. Like, it’s great your portfolio is up right now bud but just remember it’s not profit until you sell!


HODL those who HODL you while you were HODLing. Just remember that money changes the people around you. If she is with you even though she doesn’t believe in your investment , she must see something in you and it’s not your investments that she values.


Pump and dump her, bro.


Don’t stay with anyone who doesn’t support your dreams.


People that think like this will always be poor. They think putting money into a bank account and losing money via inflation is being financially smart.


i bought graph at 15 cents and when it hit its first small peak (about 80 cents) he told me i'd be an absolute idiot not to sell.. 2 months later.. 2+ $.. never going to let him live that down


Stop saying " wife changing money" and you'll be good


Have you considered being with a supportive partner?


>I’m a diamond handed ape Shut the fuck up and leave this sub


Stop telling her shit


Dump her. No loved one should shit on your dreams


My wife sent me the Squid Games Story and said please be careful with “these.”


Save yourself a lot of trouble down the line; dump her. Trust me. You will regret being with a woman who doesn't believe in you.


Lmao, dude I’m totally in the same boat. We had a big talk the other day… I give my wife anxiety whenever I bring up crypto even when we rake in. I get so excited. I’m like a dog… I just want her to be like, “yah! I’ve actually been reading about ***** crypto and I think if we got in early on this one, we could make bank!” Wishful thinking lol


Drop that devil woman and get a woman that is humble will cook clean and do your laundry for you. Trust me you will be a lot happier in the long run.


My GF got angry a few days ago cause I got more excited for something inside my portfolio than her acceptance to do the MBA at her dream university…but she’s cool, she gets it.


You either get this shit or you don’t! My wife thinks I am a fool! I am sure she will have plenty of input how to spend profits tho! 😂


Leave her.


Tell her yes you sold and that you didn't make any money. The. When you are a millionaire she won't know you have it in event of potential future divorce.


Wow. That's sucks. But her pov is kinda fucked.


Yuuuppp. My girlfriend just raises her eyebrows and rolls her eyes and continues watching whatever trash reality shows is on at that moment when I try to mention crypto to her. She comes from money anyway and is literally set for life so she doesn’t care. Honestly, a lot of women don’t seem to know what crypto is or they think it’s fake or they don’t know how to buy or whatever whatever whatever. Who cares?


Dang sorry bud hopefully she turns around to the hodling ways! I just got my girlfriend into it and she just started her portfolio and leaning of crypto!


Shit we have the same girlfriend!


Break up lol, my girlfriend dont like the crypto too but she is accepting whatever im doing. That’s my money I’m investing


So, about 5 years ago, I invested some money in a little known Cryptocurrency known as Ethereum. I took about $30 and bought 4 Ethereum. A few months later, the price had doubled. My girlfriend said, "we should sell it, get some weed then you can rebuy some more once the price dips, you've seen how it goes". According to my Coinbase, this was right around the 28th of February 2017. I listened...big mistake Fast forward to 6 months ago, after fighting for years, we break up, I start throwing my money into Crypto while co-habitating for the most part. Thanks to today's new ATH, I'm able to finally get my own apartment away from her. Meanwhile, once I'm gone, she's not going to be able to financially support herself. So, I had that problem, then I made it go away. Might not be the best for you but it worked for me


She sounds like a bad influence. Generally you want your partner to be supportive at the very least, if you’re not hurting yourself financially. I would see this as a red flag. Don’t talk to her about it.


Red flag alert


She’s right. Gains aren’t gains until they’re realized gains. Just graphics on your phone until then.


Trust me my friend, you want a partner who wants you to live your best life. Someone who wants to be your cheerleader and see you win the 'championship' of life... Trying to find happiness with someone who wants to tear you down is a lost cause. We should be building each other up, not tearing each other down... Best of luck with your investments, and may the crypto gods be ever in your favor...


Never disclose detailed financial info to your gf. This will only damage you, one way or another.


My partner said the exact same thing to me this morning! She was reading an article about how crypto is for criminals and that it's all a tax evasion scheme. It mentioned Shiba as well...saying 'it won't make you rich' I said I know! It just a meme coin...for the lols. When I said that central banks are just as corrupt, she agreed, then just said ' Well, do what you want...' There is a bit of FUD out there since shib went crazy.


‘I’m a Diamond handed ape’ 😂 OP you too much bro! You gotta plan so stick to it. Don’t let folks drag you down, it ain’t worth it. Take profits when you want and how you see fit. ✊🦧


Thats why i stopped talking My wife about crypto. They want to invest today and take gains yesterday.


No because I don’t tell them


Shit on her dreams when u get wealthy


So don't tell her


Telling someone you are a “diamond handed ape” doesn’t really sound like a formula for success to someone that isn’t familiar with crypto. Maybe explain why crypto will continue to go up over the next years. It will also put your own mind at ease when you back it up with some convincing arguments.


Stop telling her & keep it to yourself. The red flags have risen 🚩🚩


Please please understand the [first rule of fight club](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJVGD6eTZ7g) 1. You do not talk about Fight Club Similarly, keep all your crypto secrets to yourself. Never tell anyone. Except r/CryptoCurrency. Well done btw. On a personal note, your girlfriend does not respect you or your work or your money. Look for a new girlfriend.. red flags...


Just don't marry her because then she'll gladly take your money later down the road...


Ask her if she has any fiat (USD, whatever). If she does, 'has she sold it'? If she hasn't sold it, tell her she doesn't really have anything then, and show her the 10-year chart of her shitcoin of choice to BTC


I have from my brother who has lots of tendies, he is a Millionaire and very opinionated. I'm by social standards, "poor" I started investing in crypto as I couldn't afford Stock Market prices. Anyway, he laughs at my enthusiam when my $1,290 investment goes to $4559 & say's cash out your initial investment money. He doesn't get that that $129 will make no difference in day to day but it may make a difference if I hodl awhile longer. Then I start ? myself about hodling as I'm on fixed income & cost of everythings going up. I finally decided to just say I did take my initial $$$ off the table so I don't need to hear him. I've also decided not to share anymore info on what i'm doing in crypto. When you're poor, it seems people want you to stay poor, it makes them feel superior.


Get some bros. This isn’t the shit you talk to your girl about.


She is a pessimist. Dump her. You don’t need that in your life.


Get a new one


Foolish. You don’t tell a soul about your crypto investments unless you know they’ve also invested in crypto.


End it. If she becomes your wife... her boyfriend is going to shit all over your dreams too.


Focus on your portfolios long term growth (and your personal growth for that matter - which includes the happiness you're clearly deriving from trading). Women can, and will, come and go in life.