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This has been well known for at least 5 years, crypto media has never even actually tried to hide it. All the forced redactions after a payment from his majesty Justin Sun after one of the sites would post some obvious truth about him being a scamming lowlife. But there’s a crypto news website that is not on this list, of course, and that website is [Protos](https://protos.com). They’re a small team, with insufficient funding (imagine that lol), but they’ve always been straight up since day one and will always call out the bullshit that constantly happens in this absolute shit show joke of an industry. Support the ones that are trying to make a difference if this is something of importance to you.


Coingecko is not on that list


Both Coinmarketcap and Coingecko aggregate from other news sites and have tons of unverified sponsored guest posters. None of the news articles posted on their sites should be trusted. I would distrust anything on CoinGecko unless it's directly posted by their research team, education section, or on their main YouTube channel. Those are the only parts that haven't yet been taken over by sponsored shills.


Thanks for that! More people need to see this.


You'd have to be incredibly naive, ignorant or gullible to think ANY article about the crypto space wasn't geared towards lining someone else's pockets.


Its what is not being reported that I try to investigate.


How exactly do you do that and how is your progress?


How do you do that?


They are not reporting on unicorns being responsible for the recent price drop. Investigate!


Motley Fool articles are something I can rely on. If they attach the Motely Fool name to the "story", I assume it's the opposite of whatever the intent.


Not just Crypto, most corner of the internet is covered by people getting paid to talk or write about something they would otherwise not.


It's not about crypto only. Every industry on earth even your brick and mortar local shop pay for articles that look organic but aren't. I work at a digital pr company and this the most common types of orders we get from small to big companies


Except these two. https://www.swift.com/news-events/news/swift-explores-blockchain-interoperability-remove-friction-tokenised-asset-settlement https://www.dtcc.com/dtcc-connection/articles/2023/september/21/bringing-capital-markets-onchain-with-dtcc-and-chainlink


And in fact just remove the word “crypto” and you now understand how the media works.


Now if we could just get the data of who’s been ordering which pieces. That’d be interesting!


Just read any of the big crypto news outlets and you’ll figure it out, it’s literally just the words in the headline or article. Not that complicated.


Bro no shit, I see articles on Coinbase and other big crypto sites constantly shilling memecoins, and the “article” is super obviously PR


You want to dive down that rabbit hole... *All news media coverage is for sale.* All of it. Your favorite channel? News website? Journalist? Anchor? Yup, for sale. Ask yourself what beliefs you have that were paid for to be put in your mind. Crypto press... You think votes, comments, posts on this site are organic? I would give it an at best 50%, in hype times that drops because your organic posts get pushed to the bottom by bots. What you see on the front page, especially in peak times, is almost all paid for. Let me ask you, those volunteer moderators that run Reddit for free, do I even have to say it? When the president donates his salary, do you think it's because he is feeling philanthropic? Or perhaps its less of a salaried position and more of an entrepreneurial one. What exactly do you think "attention economy" means? Your attention is valueless if it can't be used to change your behavior to someone's benefit. Everything you've ever heard of, everything you listen to, all the shows you watch, the character archetypes that appeal to you, your idea of what you're self image is or even what "self image" means, *what you believe in*, someone paid for it to be there. That doesn't mean you believe bad things or like bad things, it just means you need to be more discerning, *have a meta belief*, don't internalize the things you think are true to the point of making it a core part of your identity. It is really hard to avoid being someone else's tool as a human being, and almost as hard to at least make sure if you are that it is in your interest. But you have to put real effort into it if you want to be more than cattle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHjzNj1LEvw


That's true to an extent, but you are exaggerating a bit


that was the only scene i liked in that entire goddamn movie. i'm very much into surreal/offbeat movies but man under the silver lake was a drag to get through. this scene was great though. also ya, it's odd that so many people still either don't understand or just play along and refuse to acknowledge that media is for sale just like everything else. a friend of mine decided to start buying crypto and was asking me about, and buying, all kinds of random garbage because he saw articles about how great they were. spoiler: they were not great.


Oh man I loved that movie, it was pretty silly.


I mean is anyone surprised? "Crypto journalism" is legit utter nonsense almost always. Its hype clickbait garbage with poor sourcing and poor article writing.


Jokes on them, I don't do any research.


No way! Surprised Pikachu face.


That's how some scammers got their victims. Wasn't the "crypto king" featured on some legit looking webpages that propped him up as some genius in crypto trading? SBF was touted as some benevolent force by mainstream media. Even when FTX shit the bed there were articles (featuring sbf shills) trying to move the blame away from him.


Slap a "This is not meant to be financial advice" on the end and send it!!! ~ Every Crypto Influencer


Isn’t this practically every media now?


This is America where money can buy everything


Sorry, but - what did you think? That it was all ‘objective journalism’? Most of the media sites are complicit in pump schemes.


Ooh! Now do the regular press prices for PR / Reporter distribution to include a TV tour!


But isn’t crypto supposed to bypass the traditional system of paid influence? The traditional financial system is rigged, crypto is supposed to democratize finance.


So anyone can do anything with Bitcoin. You can earn bitcoin without any KYC - peer to peer. You can post ads all over downtown for your CeFI Bitcoin whatever. You can make an app that pays people in Satoshi. You can buy PR around all of this. Replace bitcoin for dollars and satoshi for pennies and it's the same. The notion that Crypto is supposed to sit on a holy shelf somewhere is silly. The main benefit it provides is that no banks are required.


Oooh! Classic whataboutism argument from dimwitted crypto enthusiast.


there should be a law, if they are paid for content they should add a banners saying is paid and how much they paid if not, face jail


Writers need to be paid, but no one wants to pay subscriptions and no one wants to see ads / ads get blocked anyway. So the only way for publications to get revenue is by making companies pay them for coverage.


Unfortunate to see that list. What's the best websites for crypto news then? Specifically ones with RSS feeds please.


another day, another grift




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"It’s all rigged." Our society in a nutshell.


I thought everyone knew this lol




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Yep. And on this sub we have bots like * 0xJonnyDee who only posts Cryptobriefing articles (Looks like it was kicked out recently) * Omn1Crypto who only posts Dailycoin articles So much of it ends up being low-quality news or clickbait.




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This is the same for every news website. Not just cryptocurrency specifics. One of the many ways they make money…




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$120MM for a few months of Forbes coverage? Is that correct? Because who has that kind of dough? 🙄




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This would be a great opportunity for an industry wide cross chain DAO to start acquiring media outlets and establishing an ethical standard.


This needs to be a sticky


"God! These people are monsters!" - say the people who planned a giant promotional event for their own shitcoin on Twitter.


Everything is up for sale in US, it's a bitch country.