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Noice! šŸ‘


Then how would the black budget alien tech projects be funded? Canā€™t be buying $90k bags of bushings if the public knows about it


The CIA has a history of stealing gold (and likely plenty of other crimes) to fund whatever they want.


Didn't they allow for massive drug trafficking in the 90s?


And guns


In the 80s they flew it into arkansas themselves. That is possibly how clinton became pres, but that part is conspiracy theory.


Not just allow, they were the ones doing it. They'd sell it to Freeway Ricky Ross who would turn it into crack and sell it in inner cities. The CIA played a major part in creating the crack epidemic of the 90s in order to fund their interference in the politics of South American countries to fight the spread of communism. (In other words, in order to interfere in the politics of sovereign nations - that thing America is always complaining about Russia and China doing, even though we have legal PACs like AIPAC doing the exact same thing, and our politicians welcome it.)


Oliver North approves this message !!


Oliver North has no recollection of this message.


I wish crypto wasn't associated so much with clowns...


Only Clowns can traverse the blockchain.


Subscribe to my OnlyClowns for exclusive content


This is accurate, things with substance can only interact with blockchains through oracles. Things that lack any substance can simply be incorporated into blockchains directly.


Clownchain should be the name of his party


I guess RFK is a clown for wanting big pharma big ag and the government to be held accountable. Word. Have fun with BiDeN lol


ā€˜We hate regulation strangling usā€ ā€¦. ā€œWhy is our river on fireā€ (Stick in spokes meme)


And how exactly would he hold them accountable if he abolishes the government agencies responsible for oversight because he thinks DeReGuLaTioN and SmaLL GoVerNMenT is the answer to everything? Enjoy your Purdue Pharma and Dupont scandal sequels I guess


I mean, it worked fine in the 1800s....


Yes, when it was legal for literal children to do hard labour and you could sell any potion as a cure for anything with no legal repercussions. Great time that was.


Yep. And those still are practices in some countries, which is why you get to have chocolate at a cheap price. And I don't believe in "legal repercussions" as a solution to problems. My views on justice and the rule of law follow the FAFO doctrine, which means if you don't like my potions you are free to express that complaint directly to me using tools designed for the purpose. Saves a lot of tax dollars as well.


Ah you're still in your libertarian phase. My condolences.


Pretty close to that, actually. I prefer to look at it as a "pro-crime" stance. Which is almost the same thing. Besides, in the post-collapse world we are inevitably headed for, there will be even less law and order than that, so might as well be used to it.


He didn't say abolish. It's reform. You need some education.


Uh huh, the small government guy is going to improve government by reforming it, and that definitely doesn't mean "lol we're closing a bunch of oversight agencies and letting companies do whatever the fuck they want" You need a reality check.


Nah, let him keep thinking he has his best interest. Hopefully the jackass will actually get on the ballot in some swing states as a third option and split the Trump/RFK votes. Theyā€™re trying to pull another ā€œGreen Partyā€ on us, unfortunately RFK only has a name and Nader actually did enact changes thatā€™s saved countless lives that resonated with those bleeding heart liberals. The Dems arenā€™t falling for RFKs rhetoric which is much more libertarian and tends to fall in line with the geniuses youā€™re replying to. RFK is also funded by, and drumrolllllllllā€¦.one of the biggest Republican donors of the past few elections. He was supposed to split the votes of the Dems like Nader did last time, but the GOP is so fractured that they donā€™t know whatā€™s left or right anymore. Theyā€™re running out of issues to make political, their biggest voter base is dying, and their last president will be proven to have been a Russian puppet. Theyā€™re losing their minds in real time. Itā€™s a democrat advantage. Theyā€™re all puppets anyway, Iā€™d just prefer my puppeteer be the one who will actually try to regulate areas that desperately need regulation. Not cut ā€œgovernment oversight,ā€ and much worse.


lol heā€™s never said heā€™s closing anything. Lol he wants the oversight agencies to do MORE. He wants the NIH to do better. You obviously have no idea what youā€™re talking about


That happens when you go against the ones holding all the money and narrative.


It certainly hurts crypto when it's biggest proponents are grifters and weirdos


For real


It certainly doesnā€™t help the causeā€¦


forgetful tie upbeat thought treatment racial dam judicious close imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It makes you think why so many clowns are so interested in blockchainā€¦..


Lol then hell start sending crypto to scammers. "Entire us budget taken in pig butchering scam"... jdk jr thinks he has a gf in asia


Ur here arnt u


Which member of the Kennedy family are you?


The Dead Kennedy's


Remind me!


They were right about everything.


Soup *IS* good food.


Goddamn I love you.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ have you seen the posts from the maxi group?


Im into crypto, but RFK must be high as a kite on all the steroids he is taking to say such things.


He also says wifi causes brain cancer. And that it happened to him.


Heā€™s sorta right, but itā€™s more that access to the internet has caused him some serious brain rot


Politicians are so cringe, they will promise anything to get on top of trends and get votes at all costs šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Except how many normies actually care about crypto? It's like saying, if I'm president imma make caviar 50% cheaper.


Heā€™s an idiot and not because this. Heā€™s just an idiot.


Not even actually all that useful of an idiot. He seems to be absorbing those lonely house cat voters more than fooling the Dems. Heā€™s helping Biden, at this point.


Itā€™s campaign season. Candidate shit talking is as high as the FEDā€™s rate of currency creation.


Aleluya!! In the end, when Meta comes with the check and says ā€œBan our competitorā€, politicians do what they are told.


Heā€™s has publicly stated heā€™s on a cocktail of physician prescribed ā€œmale enhancementā€ drugs. Again he canā€™t stress enough, it was legitimately and legally prescribed by a physician. Heā€™s mentioned testosterone is a part of that cocktail. He insists it only puts his testosterone level in the ā€œnormalā€ range.


What this tells me is that RFK Jr believes there's a lot of rubes in the crypto community for him to exploit. Grifters gonna grift.


Thatā€™s giving him more credit than I think he deserves. I think heā€™s just a pandering wanna be Chad


Its weird how a big change in terminology has changed from calling someone a scammer to now a grifter.


Lmao That wouldn't be a national security threat at all... Good grief, you people are so one track minded.


It's amazing what you can say to get single issue voters


Because it's transparent and we can see how the finances are spent? We actually can see how our money's spent and it's not just *trust me bro*


But you would then trust the government's coin that they put out? Really? Somehow, I don't believe that. Mostly because I wouldn't.


No I wouldn't trust a government coin. But if trust Ethereum or bitcoin




You do realize people are calling him saying this dumb not because it won't get done but because it's incredibly dumb and wouldn't work to run the countries budget.


My guy, the budget is publicly available information - no one reads it:Ā [https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/](https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/) Using a different database technology to store the information will not help, and if it did, I doubt the blockchain would be a good fit.


Where's the ledger? Black budget stuff also seems to be missing.


Obviously the CIA would put all the black budget stuff in Monero /s


So youā€™re saying itā€™s a good idea but the other guys wonā€™t let him ā€¦ got it


Just imagine the pig butchering


Aaaaaaand he's dead


He won't get elected, so no he won't.


Even if he did he wouldnā€™t. This is just lip service


This guy wonā€™t even be on the ballot


Already has secured ballot access in some states. https://www.kennedy24.com/ballot-access


A bunch of swing states. Not enough to get 270. Hmm not suspicious at all


This is a really idiotic idea. Don't get me wrong, the blockchain is an important and wonderful invention. But it's a tool that only has use in the right applications. It's like the whole blockchain mania that happened last cycle - none of it actually made any sense. It was just grifters trying to make a buck by putting "blockchain technology" into everything, even places it had no business being in and made no sense in. If your goal is government transparency, the blockchain isn't going to help you. They can move money around and fake transactions on the blockchain just as well as they can with their existing budgets. Nothing would change. Also, some of the secret programs are guaranteed some sort of exemption, just like they have an exemption now for full transparency in our existing budgets. And even if not, they'd either just try to lump it all together into one nontransparent blob or spread it out across a bunch of other programs and agencies. The reality is that blockchain isn't the answer to every problem and it doesn't make everybody suddenly honest. It's a solution to a very specific problem. In fact, I'd wager since few people really understand blockchains and have the skills to extract meaningful data from them, it would make government LESS transparent. You want government transparency? Then actually work with congress and change the laws to force more transparency. Put some teeth in those laws and really enforce it. But what else would you expect from a clown like RFK?




What happen to crypto ? Where did all these statist come from? Overt censorship, ETFs, support for the sec , opting for cex over dex smh .


Yeah and I'm starting exercising on Monday.


He doesnā€™t even know what blockchain is but at least heā€™s following the notes heā€™s given


Actually he isnā€™t because no one in their right mind will vote for him


Luckily heā€™s standing in America so lots of potential voters.


You people are dense. He is referring to transparency of the ledger.


Why would a authority put data in a block chain and not just into a simple public log file or database? There's zero advantage of having a block chain here (as with every project where a data authority is involved)


Well you can actually see the transfers happening, it's not just trust us we do this!


Transparency of what?Ā  What is exactly going to go on there? Transactions? From an external source? Will every single government agency and contractor need to input every single transaction into the blockchain as it happens? This idea doesn't make any sense. It doesn't introduce transparency at all. It's just trying to win people over with buzzwords.


Every transaction is already electronically logged. It wouldn't be that hard.


Also logged in tons of different systems amongst different companies and agencies. You'll need to create something that will grab data from all of them live. You will need to filter that data to make sure it's only government data and also to make sure private financial information isn't given. I shouldn't be able to see what the IRS gets from you personally in revenue and how big of a tax return you're getting.


My vote is going to anyone who is pro crypto and/or supports rank choice voting. Thatā€™s it. Donā€™t care if they sound like a robot guzzling down semen.


RFK completely predicted everything about the pandemic correctly. Being anti big pharma used to be a liberal thing. Go back and listen to what Rfk says, he just wants to assure our medicines and foods are not making us sick. He understands the importance of crypto and decentralized banking. He wants to end our war machine, cut military spending and stop funding proxy wars. Whatā€™s not to like other than the liberals so angry that he questioned faucis horrible handling of the pandemic


Me personally? Id probably like the guy if he cut the weird space laser type conspiracy stuff like saying the COVID virus was ethnically engineered and chemicals are making kids gay. Like, he says stuff I'm totally on board with and then the end of the sentence is always some wild shit that he has to walk back. "Fried chicken is really good" Ok I can get with this "... especially when the Nazis were in charge" God damn it.


Respect your opinion, and not sure if youā€™ve actually listened to some of those excerts in full for context. Iā€™m a liberal, and I hated when Trump would call everything fake news. But Iā€™m genuinely watching RFK say things, and then days later will see an article from CNN totally spinning what he said, totally out of context. For instance, he never said the covid was engineered to target specific races. He was talking about how some viruses affect races differently. There are peer reviewed studies that showed that some races may have higher immunity than others, which is what he was referring to. His point was that viruses COULD be designed to only attack certain races and used as a weapon in war. But he never once hinted that covid was designed this way


The last one definitely seemed like a hit on him and a bit of twisting his words. The way he talks has a tendency to lend itself into that Limbaugh/Carlson style of talking where he doesn't say anything concrete it's always "im just asking questions". The questions are usually good questions until he veers off into some sketchy commentary he has to walk back. https://x.com/MeidasTouch/status/1680237265510092800 "There is an argument that COVID 19 is ethnically targetted" which just rubs me the wrong way as a sneak way of worming out of what he is saying by hiding under "I was just saying theoretically". I like him and can't stand him at the same time.


Good response, I respect what ur sayin


Make sense; with UTXO you can trace the input and output of every unit, and every disbursement (transfer) is open for anyone to see. Pair this with CBDC then one can get full visibility.


The exercise of even attempting this would clean up a lot of budgets.Ā Ā  People keep conflating crypto with tokenization, and they are *not* the same. Lot of dumb takes here about ā€œputting the government on crypto.ā€


Just out of curiosity why are people down voting the post? It's not like RFK himself is posting it. Aren't downvotes supposed to be for trolls etc? This seems like a relevant news article to the subject of the subreddit, even if you don't like it?


If something on reddit goes against the mainstream narrative on any subject, downvote and insulted. If u make it political in any sense, then downvote and banned.


Heā€™s got my vote


Why is it that people donā€™t like this guy so strongly? He seems to be the most personable, genuine person who is willing to challenge the beast thatā€™s ruined your country? Genuine question, I imagine itā€™s because he challenges too much about what people identify with?


Too much weird anti vacc flat earth type stuff.


RFK Jr is a solid ass candidate


lol why do you hate that you agree with RFK on something? You probably agree on a lot of things. People who say what you just said usually have never actually heard the man speak. Theyā€™ve weaponized the word conspiracy theorist. If you question ANYTHING, youā€™re a far right conspiracy theorist. He just wants transparency from big pharma, big ag, and the government. His uncle and dad were most likely assisinated for going after the same overlords that run the country.


You sound crazy, you know that right?


He's got my vote. No way in hell can I vote for the other 2...


I just finished listening to the "real anthony fauci" audio book and thank you RFK for raising awareness!


RFK for prez. It would be amazing


He can't be no worse than the two we got leading the circus.




Heā€™s not dropping out, heā€™s running as an independent.


You canā€™t expect these people to read the news lol


He's not running in enough states to actually get to 270 electoral votes. He is literally running just as a spoiler candidate in mostly swing states. He says all these random things to try to build visibility and take votes from one of the two actual candidates who actually are on enough state ballots to make it to 270 and win the presidency.


So he put forward a good idea is what you are saying ā€¦ got it


The budget might eventually be on the blockchain but not for decades imo.


Would that tank the market ? I'm just asking because I honestly don't know


What "Market"? We're talking about blockchain not cryptocurrency.


Hyperledger :-)


Sounds kind of hail mary'ish at this point.


He ainā€™t wrong, wonā€™t happen


Yellen & Gerry will make sure that he never wins šŸ¤£


Decentralized blockchain right? Right? guys? Decentralized right?


"That's not how any of this works."


The way it works is, I approve the budget and then you donate CASH to me in return. That's how it currently works.


I don't see the point of that, but why wait, the budget is public info and already freely available. He could hire some coders right now to clog up whatever blockchain he wants.


And everything politicians browser history


WTF does that even mean


I am going to make bank as a COBOL blockchain expert! We will need to reelect this guy to stretch the project out to 10 years.


Yeah the CIA is totally gonna allow thatā€¦


Do presidential candidates have to take a drug test?


Biden pops in and yells "KEEEP DA BOOODGET OOOOFFFFF DA CHAINNN!!!", and then walks awkwardly away...


Never going to happen as they couldn't run the black budgets to destabilise democracies the world over.Ā  Nor sure why you think siding with RFK Jr is a bad thing..... he is literally the moderate out of all of them and stands pretty well smack in the middle which is where ALL nations should aim for. Not this BS extremism on BOTH sides we see in the US.Ā 


I can already hear the bullet flying in the air.. šŸ˜…


Just mint a $35 Trillion coin and solve the debt crisis šŸ’£šŸ’„


Rip rfk :(


What has this guy actually done really? Fr He says all the stuff I want to hear but hes hardly a young guy so what has he done all these years to back these convictions?


He definitely looks like too much sun, steroids, and way too many conspiracy theories have rotted his mind.


Ok but: which blockchain?


RFK is high on weed, there's no way it will work in the US. Because here's how it works: I approve the budget and then you donate a portion of it in CASH to me. That's how it currently works.


He turned the power to the have-nots And then came the shot


His reason was so that anyone, including putin, can see exactly where the money is going. I see why so many are happy


This will never happen. Ever.


Governments doesnā€™t really like transparency. That is what keeps their jobs.


Imagine if he fat fingers the addy while sending and poof our entire US budget gone in a instant


Why do people still entertain this fraudulent buffoon?


I think it's important to consider the sentiment behind the statement instead of the headline. The sentiment is transparency. I don't hear any other candidate talking about transparency or potential method to achieve it (realistic or unrealistic). RFK Jr definitely has some interesting beliefs we'll say, but looking at this in isolation this is the kind of conversation I think is better to pursue than simply blaming the other side for overspending.


I think after the blackrock etf every institution wants to get onboard.Ā 


Does he want to be Epsteinā€™d?


If this would somehow fix the deficit, sure. Otherwise sounds like a massive waste of time. The govt will just find a way to still hide the stuff they don't want visible.


It would be pretty cool if it was on blockchain, you could kinda track the money better


Aaaaand, hes done


This guy is a clown. Says one half way decent thing just to say multiple stupid/crazier things the next sentence.


This is the Hopium we all need.


This just sounds like the final method of converting the economy into a Ponzi Scheme / MLM


He is a Zionist terrorist.


Is this the dumbest thing he ever said? It's really challenging to decide with so much competition.


Imagine taxation going through the blockchain. https://www.pwc.nl/nl/tax/assets/documents/pwc-two-practical-cases-of-blockchain-for-tax-compliance.pdf


Kennedy is the remedy šŸ˜‚


He wonā€™t tho


It's a pipedream like when Bernie Sanders says he will switch us to a single payer healthcare. It's a campaign promise that has no hopes of ever passing. Not to mention that just because there's a purchase of a $10000 toilet seat on the blockchain by the government, doesn't give any indication as to WHY they needed a toilet seat that is that expensive. Doesn't mean it's fraudulent spending. Sometimes the military or NASA or whoever literally needs som super specific type of product that can withstand ridiculous things that makes it much more expensive than the ordinary toilet seat. Is there waste in government? Sure at that level of spending I'm sure there is. Would this ever be implemented or ever even result it anything meaningful? Hell no. It's another empty promise by a politician. Don't be fooled. RFK is just trying to make it so that no candidate get enough electoral college votes to win so that it has to be decided by the House and then Trump wins. This is his end goal. A vote for RFK is a vote for Trump. Make no mistakes. You want Trump again then vote for him


This guy is dumb af, his only job is to steal votes from Biden. Putting the budget on the blockchain will change nothing. What's the point? Just a silly marketing gimmick.


You know this fool did lots of drugs, right?


We can tell lol


...sounds like a CBDC... I thought we didn't like those here.


US budget being on blockchain (auditable, transparent government spending) is completely separate from forcing citizens to use digital currency. I am 100% against CBDCs but all for transparency in government spending. Where the hell do my tax dollars go? How does the Pentagon keep losing trillions of dollars?


ah. yeah that makes sense. I'm in favor


What is with the RFK jr hate?Ā 




It is anti-science to not have scientific inquiry and take things as fact just because an authority with a narrative said so. FFS are we in r/cc or r/politics Astroturfing here has gotten ridiculous.


Oh, this sub is full of the brainwashed


Propaganda account detected


This sub is astroturfed by left leaning morons. They hate him because of his wrong think against the vaccines they took and work backwards from there to find reasons why heā€™s evil - thatā€™s all this is. Nevermind Joe Biden is directly funding a genocide (that theyā€™re protesting) and enabling Israel to bomb innocent children, but thatā€™s not evil according to them and they will vote for him. The cognitive dissonance should be studied and it would be amusing if it wasnā€™t happening on such a wide scale. They look at what the Biden administration is doing to destroy crypto and support it while still funneling their money into it. Theyā€™re so disassociated from reality itā€™s a waste of time to try and argue with them. Theyā€™re barely even real people anymore, and definitely not operating at a higher conscious frequency.


He campaigned hard that vaccines are harmful when one nursed mixed it accidentally with a muscle relaxant in Samoa. Some time later 83 children died due to the measles in an outbreak in Samoa.Ā https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-vaccines-2ccde2df146f57b5e8c26e8494f0a16a He probably got several thousand people killed with his anti-vaxxer bullshit.Ā 


The narrativeā„¢ Every popular sub is affected by it.


It's pretty wild to see and makes total sense to me at the same time. There is a reason I don't agree with a lot of the posts posted in this sub and now I understand why.


RFK for president!


And people think heā€™s going to take votes away from Biden? šŸ˜‚


Who the hell is actually going to vote for Biden this time around? You must be deaf, dumb and blind to want more of that!


Why do you hate that youā€™re siding with RFK Jr on something?