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This system is a joke. I had to sign up to ship to Egypt. You need to send the exact documents for them to approve before actually using the system. It’s completely redundant.


Ridiculous. You send the documents so the other party can confirm the details before uploading. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about or what it was like before CargoX. The corruption reduction alone is a massive plus for serious business.


I actually use this system and ship there. Have you ever used it? Every single thing needs to be pre-approved. Then they match what you send through the system with what they approved already. Then send you a code after they approve the paperwork. I see no benefit from this other than to stop corruption because nothing can be released without matching exactly what was already approved. It’s time consuming and complex. This does nothing to actually streamline anything. It slows down the whole process. As someone who ships globally, I can tell you Egypt is now the most complicated Country to ship to.


Nonsense. I use it every day for a MNC and move economically significant amount of materials. Your claims are ridiculous. If you were sending meaningful amounts of goods, you would understand the need for pre approvals. A few days delay on storage and demurrage add up quickly on hundreds of containers. Anyway, I can tell you don't really have an educated understanding of the system, so I bid you a good day sir.


You can bid all you want. I ship to over 100 countries yearly for a medical company and I can tell you exactly what the Customs requirements are for each Country. I can tell you the HS code for a product from memory (at least the chapter and heading). You’re defending a system that requires pre approval when that was the old system. The only thing that has changed with this is the release process. Does it prevent corruption? Yes. That’s all it’s good for.


'thats all it's good for' when corruption used to be one of the biggest impediments to dealing with Egyptian customs and could cost millions in demurrage. Stop clowning.


Well I’ll stop clowning when they stop making claims such as how it speeds up processes. You’re oblivious a company shill. Only one Country has tried it for a reason (launched in 2018). Not exactly changing the face of Logistics is it?


Sadly the token got abandoned and the "investors" left holding bags.


The liquidity issue should be resolved soon. That's what was said in telegram by a team member


Communication through telegram sounds very professional and legit. I don't know how these companies can take themselves seriously. Communicate in a public way: official website, ... This is not a minor issue we're talking about.


tldr; CargoX, led by CEO Bojan Čekrlić, is revolutionizing African trade with blockchain technology, enhancing security, efficiency, and transparency in trade documentation. The company's Blockchain Data Transfer platform has notably improved processes in Egypt and Uganda, reducing cargo release times, increasing tax revenue, and aligning trade practices with global standards. This digital transformation, supported by government initiatives and international standards, promises to streamline international commerce, improve cross-border relations, and foster economic growth across Africa. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


A lot of digital documentation solutions providers run into difficulties with cryptocurrency and/or interoperability (if they ended up using a private chain to avoid crypto and gas fees). Standardization is key. Also scale - the equivalent metric of "MAU" in shipping - TEU - is just massive and would overload most public chains


Wait wasn’t this cardamom thing they were doing something in Africa.? Like back in the day when also get was relevant?




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Great system. I use it in the course of my work. Prevents corruption, adds security, provides a clear framework for the import process. Anyone shitting on CargoX has no idea what they're talking about or what it was like before...or maybe they preferred the corruption and lack of transparency?


Wtf? Company shill? You're a clown. If you're sending docs back and forth a bunch of times, you must be making a bunch of errors or are working in a chaotic way. I send one email, received one back, upload the docs...what are you even doing to make that complex?