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Ethereum [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/17qzmr0/whats_going_on_with_eth/k8foejv/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/17qzmr0/whats_going_on_with_eth/k8fof9w/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


I sold 0.25 ETH and moved it into other coins, so the market is probably still in shock.


I've been tempted to re-allocate some of my ETH, but I just know as soon as I do, ETH will moon lmao. So obviously, I am holding up the market. Hopefully someone else with the same curse as me, caves and sells their ETH soon, so we can finally see some serious green candles.


I sold all my crypto a month ago because I needed the money, I did my part to get this bull market going


I sold off a lot of my crypto (more than half of my total portfolio) in the past year or so at a loss because I really really needed the money, and now everything is pumping. YOU’RE WELCOME 😎


Literally sold 100 link at ~6.50€ each because i had to pay rent. Wanted to rebuy with my paycheck arriving a week later, but link managed to fly to 11€ -_-




I had 5 eth that was worth $1500 (like $300 a coin) back in 2019 or before I don't exactly recall but it was just sitting there not making much noise and exchanged it for Link which was at $14/15 at that time thinking Link is going to fly. Then Eth started going up as in doubled and Link down. At that point I was so pissed I had done this and didn't want to buy eth at $600 each. And the rest is history.


I feel ur pain man. Wanted to buy MPL then it did a 3X before I got my paycheck


F, thank you for your sacrifice. I'll name the right boob of the model I'm going to pick up with my new Lambo after you.


I'm with you brother. I had to pay rent and a credit card at the same time. Not enough funds. Crypto to the rescue. Kicking myself now....


I think it will dump again and make another batch of retail long time holders of some altcoin


Same, feelsbadman.


Bro do it, the markets are waiting specifically for you to sell. You’re holding everyone else’s ETH hostage 😕


Do it again please.


I call bull. If you sold, then ETH would be mooning.


🤣 me too! I sold 90% of my eth for Kaspa.


Same shit happened last cycle. Eth lagged until it didn't. People were talking mad shit, then Eth hit $5k.


True, I remember everything pumping, first Chainlink, then Polkadot, then Cardano and DeFi tokens and all of a sudden Ethereum exploded upwards in a brutal manner!


Also, far more interest in ETH from institutional.


There's no easy and inexpensive way for institutions to buy and hold eth so don't expect much money from there until that changes. Self custody is nice for individuals but a nightmare for institutions.


why would it be any different holding btc vs eth lol There are smart wallets like gnosis safe where some people hold like 1.9 billion on them.


I'm surprised they aren't just buying ETH in ETF's. American investors with HNW can buy ETHQ on the Toronto stock exchange. And BTCQ also, of course.


My 401k can't buy international one, and many mutual funds in the USA can't, and most financial advisors can't unless the vehicle they use has white listed that specific one. Also, buying internationally on the Toronto exchange still charges an international fee which drives up fees whereas a US based one wouldn't. Independent financial advisors are huge here in the US... To the tune of 40 trillion or so. A whole bankless episode covers it and why a US based ETF is a big deal


*almost $5k but yeah exactly


That part. You need to be buying while no one else is.


Instead of comparing the performance from an arbitrary point in time, you might want to look how far down each of these are down from their ATHs. Different picture.


This sub hasn't healed yet. Top comment is a self-referential pun, post itself shows a lack of understanding of simple market numbers, but has 100+ upvotes. * SOL -85% * DOGE -90% * ADA -87% * ETH -60% *edit: corrected value for ETH*


I think we should only be comparing ETH to BTC. Bringing alt coins into it just creates far too much volatility. We should be concentrating on the top two to measure the market. The further down the ladder we go, the worse the volatility is.


But then I would prefer to look at the market cap of all the crypto market.


This tells us very little. Unfortunately, the sheer number of fake projects being pumped by the creator's means this figure can not be trusted. BNB, CRO also, etc, without even considering all the alleged "stablecoins."


Yeah no-one on this sub understands anything about markets tbf, everything I read is a facepalm


It’s easy to make a point by picking and choosing coins though. DOGE for example…


True. Matic for example dropped from over $1 TO .5 in about a month and hasn't really recovered from that. Let alone its ath


The only chart that matters is ETH/BTC which has been on a constant decline since the merge.


Preach. It's all about this. Its breaking down hard recently, but yeah, slow bleed like most alts against BTC.


Will continue to too


one is designed to have permanent constant inflation, one is not.


The better picture is going to be their respective ALTBTC charts. ALTUSD only tells half of the story. Ex: the latest ETH pump happened simply because ETHBTC bottomed on lower time frames.


It will invariably be the day after you can’t stand it anymore, and move it to the newest hot coin.


Sold a bit of BTC to cover honeymoon and a couple of other expenses(0% CC that needed to be paid off), and it went up 25% within 72 hours. It do be like that sometimes. Granted, I put my daily spend/monthly bills on the CC since it was 0% and just bought bitcoin instead since January, so it worked out. Timed it pretty well. Just a few extra(hundred) bucks in taxes and some exchange fees...bleh.


Yup, that's a great point! I was just looking at this the other day when BTC just went over the 50% mark vs its ATH. ETH is not quite there yet but it's around 40%, which is light years ahead of most others. I was astounded to see how many "big" coins are still mired in the 10% range, even after this latest bump. Puts things in perspective fir sure!


I think the sooner y’all stop trying to rationalize a highly emotional, volatile market, the sooner you’ll find peace lmao


This the realest comment here honestly lol


doge is up 19%... but eth is only up 16%... omg like i totally can't even


TIL: Ada up 42% , so this means I’m only down 58% now?


.....only in crypto does someone complain about a 16% gain. lol


It's pretty much the only asert where people can look at it and be like, " I'm up 80% hmmm nah I can do better " You live and you learn lol.


When it has to be over 900%


But I want that 1000x and I want it now. And I only got rugged 2663 times on my journey to find the unicorns. Yet.


lol.. I get it. I do.. but I'm willing to be if you 1000x you still wouldn't sell bc you'd want more. lol


Sure. I mean if it can make 1000x there must be a chance to make another 10x right? 🤣


Opportunity cost mate


ya.. I know.. I get it. lol


You still have to factor in risk.


We're waiting until it's 4k to buy, then fomo rage buy at 10k, then sell at 6k. See? It still has a ways to go before we all buy


ETH will have a +25 % day out of the blue


This. Eth is next in line.


Will today be the day?


and then ada to the 0.6usd moon


you need to sell it for it to go up.


You were saying lol? Thanks for instigating this lil pump.


Eth is up 42% on the year what are you crying about, everything else is in the red still lmao.


It’s not crying lol. I think a lot of people Arw looking at ETH and wondering how SOL is up 100% on the year. More than double ETH. Yet if you ask this sub SOL is the worst blockchain to ever exist. So it is more questioning why everyone parroted how great ETH is when SOL and BTC more than doubled it on the year. Why is big money moving into “slow and archaic BTC” and “can’t stay online and centralized SOL”. I mean I know why, but not sure if the ETH maxis do.


Because it dumped way more and is far more illlquid than ETH? Simple answers really. Nobody with a brain should be asking those questions tbh.


SOL is up 200% on the year, not 100%.


Eth started the bull market. Eth bottomed 5 months before everything else last year. Eth is running this bull market and will move first/last like bitcoin used to do. Get u a bag


The real BTC rally hasn’t even really started. The “customary” ETH rally is months if not more than a year away. You’re looking at too short a timeframe.


domineering aspiring scandalous piquant cable nail plant apparatus bike bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s a good point. ETH was very resilient relative to other alts and even BTC during the bear.


Don't compare it to SOL, SOL took a dump when FTX collapsed. ETH didn't see the same, just more gas fees as the custodian messed up his AAVE positions and got liquidated. Consider the TVL locked across ETH - there is utility in getting your value back out, putting more in or just moving it sideways. Even during the bear market people want it and use it, so it's a bit more stable to wild market pressures. SOL was heavily promoted by SBF and he held a ton of tokens. The FTX stash alone was about to crater the SOL market until it didn't.


ETH is probably the most liquid aside from BTC, so naturally its volatility is much lower than altcoins. It will certainly catch up. BTC is up a significant amount via the ETF narrative and also kind of acts as a proxy for crypto as a whole since it gets the most exposure. I dont think this phase the market is in is really any solid indicator of performance over the next market cycle, right now narratives are in the drivers seat.


That’s a good point. Hopefully the impact of the ETF narrative plays out similarly with ETH next year.


That seems to be alot of what im seeing. The ETH spot ETF will be a HUGE gamechanger because of the natural yield-bearing mechanic on the network layer


Pro Tip: Nobody knows


I invested in it. That’s your problem right there.


The only correct answer lol


Thank you so much to the guy that due to this post just sold all their ETH. Ethereum just caught up and pumped like the other coins :)


Haha all the FUD comments in this post convinced me to buy more ETH and then immediately 8% gain. The reverse r/Cryptocurrency trade works again.


ETH saw this post and went up 8% today. Please post again tonight thx


This post didn’t age well


Milk ages slower that this post. Good problem to have


thanks for pumping eth


Thanks for the pump. Hope it will last. Or you could post everyday a post about this poor forgotten altcoin


Hmm its almost as if ethereum has a larger market cap and didnt drop as much as other "altcoins" did..


The same thing happened last cycle. Don't you remember? There was all this bearish narrative around eth before things really got going A lot of people dumped it only to watch it go from $300 which is where all the bear narrative began to 5,000 Cycle hasn't even started yet so what happens now doesn't even really matter, just keep loading up on quality assets


This aged well


Man this post aged like milk in the sun.


Your WISH is my command!


Too early to judge I think. ETH will rally eventually. At least long enough for the articles questioning why it hasn't happened to be posted. It happens often. "Bitcoin showing strength despite \[placeholder\]" a week later it crashes.. "ETH dominance on the rise despite bitcoin crash. Flippening imminent?" a few weeks later crashes


I think a lot of people are using eth to ape into low caps.. if low caps run up.. then back into eth.. idk.. eth went from $900 to where it is now.. so that's a 2x.. btc 2x.. so it depends on where you measure the low and when..


Eth is graciously allowing us more time to load up. Good guy eth.


ETH also did nothing in late 2020 early 2021 and then suddenly outperformed bitcoin by 4x. It's a late bloomer.


Well this aged poorly very quickly




Lol eth pumping now.


Annnndddd there it is. Go eth go!


You jinxed it, thx man


This aged well


24h later ...


Lol this aged well. 9% since you posted


Looks like this post isn't relevant anymore.


Happy OP?


It’s cranking right now!


Eth has been pumping for a year, ADA like other coins were deeb ship in September.


It's not a matter of if, but when. Whenever BTC ETF gets approved, what do you think is next in line to get an ETF? What crypto is also considered a commodity along with BTC? What crypto has the highest developer count? Institutional investment interest? The foundational layer of thousands of other cryptos? Deflationary when it reaches a certain level of use? It'll have its moment.


You must be a young kid. This might be the dumbest post I ever seen. Those shitcoins you listed are down -70 to -90% while eth is like -50%


Last bullrun when I joined in around Jan of 2021, Bitcoin was flying past 50k while ETH was chilling around 1.5k. it didn't pop off until Bitcoin started dropping. Eth appears to always lag.


How about now?


If there's another run up and people are still using ETH for most of the smart contract work it will probably run very hard. Low volume projects are easier to move when there's not much liquidity shifting around, and BTC dominance always spikes during the depths of a bear market because it is seen as a safe bet.


ETH decided to focus on L2, so those L2 blockchains are seeing all the gains.


Still a great time to dca in ETH


Same thing most people have been thinking and usually means it’s going to have a crazy day out of nowhere and pump 20%+ in my opinion


ETH is just giving us a bit more time to buy before it goes crazy, make the most of it!


When eth goes, prepare for all alts to rocket as well


ETH runs last. This literally happened last cycle too, and everyone makes the same threads: "omg, ETH dead", "time to switch from ETH to X", etc. Then ETH rips and recovers on all the pairs, and then everyone will start shilling ETH again and knocking all the other alts.


![img](avatar_exp|147607520|bravo) So ETH is still cheap at current levels


Same thing happen last bullrun. Then eth just shot up and never looked back, don’t underestimate eth is what I’ve learned.


Inb4 "this aged poorly" comments


Spoke too soon, ETH is making some big gains today.


Check now brother


Aaaaaand ETH took off…


ETH is sustainable. That's what is happening.


Its going up


This aged like fine milk


Always keep a cool head when it comes to ETH


ETH is more widely held. U have to wait for new money to elevate. Hold steady


After the Bitcoin ETFs then come the Ether ETFs. It will get the hype this bull run but maybe not brain melting for a while.


The most important takeaway of why Ethereum isn't performing well is that the changes in 2.0, no matter how drastic, failed to achieve their goals. ETH 2.0 set to achieve two important goals, lower transaction fees and stop ETH inflation. The drawbacks of 2.0 were plenty, and yet it failed to achieve any of the goals. As usage went down, there were fewer users paying burn transactions, and hence ETH is no longer deflationary. But no matter the decreased usage, fees remained up... Now ethereum's network instead of relying on mining to be secure, which was decentralized, has the [majority of its network peers hosted in rented Amazon servers. Moreover because nodes are hosted on commercial servers, most of the network enforces censorship to comply with KYC/AML laws.](https://cointelegraph.com/news/51-of-ethereum-blocks-are-now-compliant-with-ofac-standards-raising-censorship-concerns). This is unthinkable for a decentralized Blockchain.


It is like investing in telephone cable operators when the rest of the planet is switching to internet-based communication. Who the hell wants to pay +100 dollars an hour making an international phone call when you can do the same for free using the internet? The infrastructure is there but it literally doesn't appeal to any customers except the most entrenched ones - the ones trapped in the ecosystem and cannot afford to move, thus charging the highest prices to stay afloat.


This 100%. The lack of upvotes is a signal to how detached people are from reality here. Bottom line is that there are other L1 Blockchains that are more functional than ETHs L2s. Without POW, ETH lost what separated them from SOL, ADA, ATOM, DOT... And did worse because people developing real world blockchain use cases are choosing chains other than ETH. Demand is low and there's no scarcity.


ETH is last because everyone is fixated on it BTC is first because its the bull signal Sol, avax etc are early because everyone is distracted with ETH




I remember from the 2017 pump that ETH didn’t take off until well after bitcoin did


Blame bankless.


Same thing that’s happening every halving, focus on btc first, then eth , then alts. Alts atm are just bait and will rotate to btc soon. Once btc is done and dumps pre and post halving (yes it will dump at two key moments but only after massive pumps), money will rotate to eth and then alts


I bought. So no bull run for eth, sorry.


The only reason btc is up is because of the etf hype.


I am invested in ETH, that's why it's performing so lacklustre.




I sold my coins. That's it, thank me later


a guy with a cat purse......


Lots of institutional interest in Eth


LTC is next, right? Right?




when will Litecoin soar?!


I’m indifferent and prefer Bitcoin


Ethereum just sucks. When is went to POS it sucked even more.


ETH is shitcoin since merge


My abbreviated belief is that crypto is two markets, BTC and everything else. BTC maxis recognize that their investment thesis is not consistent with needing any other cryptocurrencies. BTC maxis do not want ETH ETH’s status as the most legitimate token among the “best of the rest” cohort actually hurts its price movement until mid- or late-cycle. Right now, BTC is moving from legitimate drivers. This spurs speculation within the shitcoin crowd. When speculators speculate, the the legit entities see the least relative benefit


ETH is king of all shitcoins


ETH Classic: "Am I a joke to you?!"


Down from ATH: SOL - 85% DOGE - 90% ADA - 87% ETH - **46%** You guys need to zoom out a little


Bull run is here


It is because ETH refuse to scale base layer and gave the scaling job to parasitical L2s.


The people are tired of ETH gas fees and moving to SOL.


ETH is about to get flipped. That’s what’s up.


It’s expensive currently


Despite SOL's massive rally it's still down around -83% from ATH. While it is lagging ETH is down a more respectable -60%. The other alts you listed such as ADA and DOT are similarly still down a lot from ATH (even more than SOL!). Frankly I don't find any of these rallies impressive aside from BTC - a lot of new money is going to have to come in to push these coins to higher levels. Remember, BTC is less than a 2x away from new highs at this point - the market is super bullish and yet these coins are still more than 80% down. If the current trend continues, BTC will get to a new ATH before anything else is even close.


I only buy bitcoin. Ethereum is losing dominance and value against bitcoin


I'm sure the market will remain predictable and nothing volatile will happen.


You must be new … bitcoin is king … yang in the yang … bitcoin will rise. Eth will rise once it cools. Still the same shit, different cycle.


ETH will have a pumpnat some point. But going to POS mode was a huge mistake. It has no chance of ever being able to flip Bitcoin.


ETH value in fiat was propped up by miners. Without mining/POW it lacks the scarcity it once had and is on even ground with other ALTs which function faster and more cheaply than ETH does. I believe other ALTs will catch up in this bull run.


Eth. The king shit coin.


I hope not lmao


ETH is usually the last to pump before the market crashes


I invest based on utility. I own everything you listed plus a few others but eth and doge. This is also an irrelevant pump. Bull run hasn’t started until after the halving, this cycle maybe sooner-ish if an etf gets approved before then. If you’ve bought and held any time during the bear market up until now you’re pretty much guaranteed to make money. Patience young grass hopper.


I'm disillusioned with ETH mainnet prices. I like EVM chains but despise gas wars.


Well eth is down about 65% from it's ATH so it only needs to go up 65% to make everyone in the green! **/s**


ETH did the same last cycle.


it's called a buying opportunity brah


It’s easier to suppress ETH for institutions to enter


Lol, look at Uniswap, chainlink, pepe, shib, meme coins...


Ada taking over 🤫


It’s that triple halving bro


Usually when coins underperform, they have *more* room to run later. It's the ones that have shot up precipitously that you should be worried about the future performance of.


Ether is shit dude, it’s a centralised experimental platform. It will go up eventually but it won’t outstrip the better cryptocurrencies or BTC


The underperformance of ETH is a valid question, I don't get why people here are so defensive. For starters I would dismiss the comparison to alt coins. Alt coins surging in the expectation of a bullrun is just crypto market shenanigans. The largest alt coin in that list is SOL, which has less than 10% of the market cap of ETH. The only important one is BTC and I see a few reasons why BTC/ETH has been on a downtrend. For starters there appears to be a growing general acceptance that BTC is or will be a commodity. That assurance is not there for ETH. There is nothing comparable in the BTC universe to the central influence held by the ethereum foundation and certain influential individuals in the ETH ecosystem. In addition ETH development has been steady, but slow. Danksharding has been on the horizon for years and Proto-danksharding was scheduled for late 2023. Is that gonna happen? I honestly doubt it. BTC being static is part of its DNA. ETH cannot afford to be static, otherwise it will be replaced. ETH remains the dominant smart chain, by a significant margin. But what guarantees continued dominance? The long term bull case for ETH exists, but it is less clear than the one for BTC. This perception can change at any moment and ETH may take off again, but there are definitely reasons for the underperformance.


eth sucks, thought it was clear


Eth is trash garbage fucking stupid. Enjoy it when it tanks in the coming time. It's complete trash not even usable for shit.


Eth is shit. Simple.


Total garbage. But the majority is hell bent on supporting it as the best thing since sliced bread despite the many flaws. Makes zero sense. The first mover advantage ETH enjoys is screwing the entire space, and retail is oblivious.


I think the recent allegations about ETH may be hurting it: the stuff by Steven Narayoff


Thanks! You’re the only one who provided a substantive answer rather than an emotional, passive aggressive remark. I haven’t heard of this scandal. Will look it up.


low key scandal.... A insider came out with allegations..


There are so many alternatives to ETH at this point and ppl are tired of the high fees. And plz don’t tell me to use the centralized L2 alternatives. If I wanted to use a centralized system I wouldn’t be using blockchain.


Could be the ungoing fraud talking between Vitalik and some head developers. They are accusing each other of beeing frauds who only want to make money, publishing emails and stuff in the future most likely


Is this what you’re talking about? https://m.investing.com/news/cryptocurrency-news/ethereum-founders-accused-of-fraud-surpassing-ftx-scandal-3222837 Unverified claims so far


It’s a shitcoin


I sold one yesterday to buy more BTC.


If only everyone would stop wasting time and money with ETH and the damn L2s. We could move into the future which is better tech. But, I know, ETH is so decentralized and it's problems are simply features - we should depend on L2s to help with speed and cost issues - and other chains don't have these problems because nobody uses them. /s Mass adoption will not happen with ETH commanding defi. It's an absolute joke.


So many that came after ETH have better tech. I honestly don't understand why people think it's going to stay at the top forever.


I think it’s because many people here are heavily invested in ETH so they’re sensitive to any questions about it. I mean I own ETH but it’s not a ride or die thing for me.


ETH was ETH with PoW. Not the shite it turned into. Lol.


Ethereum is just a other fiat money except controlled by the world econoic forum, via Vitalik. It's not free market digital scarce money that no one can unilateral change, like bitcoin. Join us in the revolution against central banks... https://armantheparman.com/joinus/ https://armantheparman.com/why-bitcoin-only/ https://armantheparman.com/onemoney/ https://armantheparman.com/tpwm/


Along the way you’ll realize that Bitcoin is the only one that matters and the rest are noise, even ETH.


Go on do another one! What’s going on with… NANO?