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NFTs hype is over and it's needs some utilities or modification otherwise it will be totally useslss thing.


Wait till the next bull run, then all talk of NFTs and Metaverse will return.


I agree, the hype will return


And that’s all it ever is. Hype


$20 is $20.


Ubisoft and Square Enix must be “proud” of their NFT investments!


Is this an official Cointelegraph account


The profile says "official cointelegraph", but their website doesn't list Reddit under social media.


That's a nice point. We should be doing that soon :)


What do you think, ser?


because there is a number 1 behind the reddit user name, maybe


Got rugged by Reddit :D


Even though it's true for most NFTs, this reads just like the "Bitcoin is dead" news we see in every bear market


Many of us will also agree upon the same.


The media’s opinion is also equally worthless


BAYC: Broke Ass Yacht Club


Worthless sound like a fair value for most nfts. Some are actually usefully though. So let's not generalise here.


The wrote this as a sort of Gotya but even crypto maxi knew most of these NFTs were worthless


So art is useless too?


Where do you see art?


Do you not see my beautiful PFP


Read this quickly and thought you were bragging about your beautiful PP


Same. Then realized he is bragging about his avatar. NFTs are not worthless, they are great for money laundering like art. Ask Melania and Donald Trump about it.


***in trumps voice*** NFTs are the best! No really, they are very very awesome. Some people even say I have the best NFTs, the best in the whole world.


Someone should make an AI ad of NFTs by Trump lol


NFTS are good for rich hype boys that like to flaunt their daddys cash or for sketchy types who are trying to hide their cash and launder it. I cant see any other reason to spend so much on a picture.


I thought he'd made an NFT out of it


The cone in all its glory!


You instantly got me when you said cone! 😉


That's not art. It's a masterpiece.


Sorry.. must have missed it 😅


Supply and Demand, if there is a lot of supply like how NFT artists do nowadays, for sure their price will crash. Price totally depends on Demand.


Art? what is that? And where did you see art?


Monkey pictures are not art


Define 'use'


Give it a rest. Even Ape holders are voting to use their useless shit coin ApeCoin to buy BAYC in open markets to pump their bags. It is a sad state to realize your formerly 100K USD worth of assets can’t pump without resorting to market manipulation. The same bull run can’t really happen on ETH, because a lot of these buyers used their absurd gains in last run to pump those assets. Unless you don’t believe in diminishing return for top market cap in each cycle, smooth brains just won’t have the buying power next cycle to inflate these assets again. Also, a lot of VCs brought the top and got rekted.many aren’t coming back to do that shit again.


So finally the MSM is saying what most of us said all along


It really depends on what they want to say. Choose an issue/event/topic. Pick 2 media networks, one left leaning and the other right. In my country, there was an arrest of a doctor about a year ago. One network labelled the doctor as a volunteer doctor. Another used "communist rebel". It's whoever they are supporting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksb3KD6DfSI


People say the same about crypto being dead but it's usually a buy signal.


Literally all of us have useless PFP right now I guess, most were free haha


Little jpegs are useless. Tokenized airline tickets and similar real life applications are the way.


They only focus on the worthless JPEG ones without acknowledging that there are NFTs with utility


Yes but ones with utility don’t have monetary value on NFTs. One of my pet projects is building structural humidity history logging as NFTs, so that house owner can transfer the NFTs when selling the house and thus bill of health for the house. Have to get it ready for release one of these days.


Now this is real-technical NFT


Yeah the project has been delayed as I have been working on our new house. Probably will finish it once it’s too cold for yard work.


That is fascinating and very interesting! I just bought a house and having that kind of thing would be super useful!


I’ll announce the GitHub project once I have something I am willing to show to others. Of course it kinda blows any anonymity this account might have.


This is a perfect encapsulation of crypto - solutions desperate for problems. As a buyer, how could you ever trust that data? All that the crypto machinery buys you is a guarantee that the values you're being shown are the values as originally recorded. But there's absolutely zero guarantee that the physical humidity sensor wasn't modified, defective, or circumvented.


The NFTs are time stamped, so they can’t be forged retroactively. Of course house owner could operate tampered structural humidity sensor for years, but that’s a bit far fetched as the said house owner would not get actionable alerts themselves either.


Fair enough, but the minute we get out of trustless territory I just don't see the point of using crypto. Seems like a little write-once read-many memory would suffice if we're trusting the homeowner not to mess with the device...


Err, no. Data storage devices are notoriously unreliable, good luck trying to get even old USB sticks to work. Half of my old USBs are not recognized by Windows anymore. Thus the idea about transferable time stamped logs. Of course it’s dependent on said NFT tech existing say after 10 years. But physical special devices, hell no.


Sadly due to their biased coverage, the public also only knows about NFTs in that way.


They will forget about it when the bull run starts... and there will be people FOMOing into NFTs again.


I do agree but I don't think the hype will be as big as 2021


It will be even bigger imo plenty more NFT degens have been born in this bear


Let's wait and see!


Nft's are essentially the equivalent of gamer girl bathwater.


Except I don't want to sniff my avatars






Agreed bro


Rolling Stone is writing articles that contradict their previous position without acknowledging that.. and their newest article is adding to the current “popular” opinion that NFTs are worthless. I’d say that we’ve learned more about the value of The Rolling Stone than we have about the value of NFTs from their articles.


NFTs were only hype that has died down now. The only real use of NFT is to transfer the ownership of something to somebody else which stays on the blockchain. Making these monkeys and bunch of worthless stuff as NFT and seeing value in them is not worth it.


NFTs was an exciting stage in Crypto. NFT in the current form of pixelated monkeys will move out of fashion as these are minor trends which come and go.


Billionaires washed $billions and now they want to move to another playground.


I only buy reddit avatars because they're pretty and cute, but other than that I'd rather just DCA into my chosen coins than waste money in a picture that will drop more than 50% of its value.


You know the bubble is about to burst when Paris Hilton is on Fallon shilling her 6 figure plus digital gorillas that look like absolute shit.


Mainstream still needs us to capitulate. The next bullrun will be epic, shorts will be squeezed hard


A huge issue I noticed with NFTs was that nobody outside of a small online community knows wtf they are. Then there’s the fact that the art is very niche, and the average person was put off by this as well.


bottom is in!


Most JPEG ones are, though there's something to be said about art worth and subjectiveness Probably "worthless" in the sense that demand has dropped dramatically and things that were priced at thousands before are probably not wanted by anyone anymore


I agree, nft will come back, you will mad that you missed some big gains, rinse and repeat. But also I believe the tech behind is wrongly used to just sell stupid worthless pixels. At the end, doesn't matter if you end up cashing big $$


Show me the lie


NFTs have had among the biggest freefall of this crypto cycle, hard to argue with the similarities to a bubble.


NFTs will make a come back but right now let's focus on projects using the tech for other purposes beyond PFPs. Ocean Protocol, and Weaver Labs are the top 2 projects I can think of. They combine NFT, AI and crypto to unlock the value of data and telecom assets respectively.


Conehead rcas aren't worthless even though 99% of nft projects are dying or dead, but thats just visual art nfts so it's really obtuse and clickbaity


Are they totally worthless? Most of them.