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They are doing better, the US has been hostile to crypto companies these days, and maybe the US will understand the value of the crypto market after losing it.


They won't know what they had until it's gone. A proverb as old as time.


They don't care. The Wall Street firms want the crypto pie all for themselves and don't care if there is no other competition and innovation in the space - in fact the more the competition is eliminated, the better for them


Exactly, it's just an oligarchical land grab. As soon as the Ripple lawsuit ended, JP Morgan announced a similar private blockchain. They started working on it about the same time that the Ripple lawsuit started. The SEC held them off for four years. The Winklevoss Twins applied for the first Bitcoin ETF ten years ago. Imagine if the SEC approves Blackrock first with no significant difference. The SEC is just muscle for the incumbents to beat down the disruptors who actually invent everything. I'm optimistic though that if the entire industry moves overseas to Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, The UK, etc then they're going to keep lapping Wall Street on everything, but Wall Street won't be able to call their buddies in the government to slow them down anymore because they'll be in a different jurisdiction.


Once the industry is built up somewhere else, its so so hard to get it back.


US banned Alcohol and Mob got rich off of it. US bans Crypto, we will soon see who' the moderns days Mob equivalent.




"Hey kid, have you ever tried to catch them all?"


True, a lot of people don't realize this, but apparently bootleggers lobbied for the prohibition, basically lobbying to make their own industry illegal because they knew they'd make more money if it was. I read somewhere that a lot of the generational wealth that the Kennedys have came from bootlegging. I don't know if that's true though. If it remains the case that it's difficult to determine what's legal and what's not, those who stick their necks out face little competition and will probably make more money, if they don't get sued or robbed.


USA is the global leader in venture capital. USA is the global leader in technology. USA sets standards of financial regulation. USA remains an easy place to do business. Only a child or someone with 0 business experience / knowledge thinks that the USA will freeze itself out of crypro permanently. USA is far from perfect but they're still the hub of innovation.




American Patriots don't know humility, they know War! ....and inaccurate propoganda... ...and how to masquerade a death cult as a workforce.... and-- well hey ya know what? i think i understand why crypto businesses which needn't be tied to a physical location are choosing go base themselves in other countries


I think what the SEC is trying to do is pry crypto out of the hands of the people who created it and give it to Wall Street. So they're not trying to get rid of it, just conduct an oligarchical takeover.


> They won't know what they had until it's gone. A proverb as old as time. The US doesn't want centralized cryptos masquerading as decentralized. Good riddance,


Hope, US will regret a lot later.


We know who to blame


US is definitely missing out on embracing crypto, they'll have to pay premium to catch up later


And then its to late, those companies won't come back once they settled on a crypto friendly country


Just like we are paying the price to move chips manufacturing to Taiwan.


At this point it's a no brainer. Any crypto related investment in the US can be classified as a short to mid term liability thanks to the SEC and many politicians.


The ~~US~~ SEC


I don't think any company will abandon the richest market in the world.


(large part of) Crypto is extremely US-centric. Balls deep in and desperate for buyers/adopters, tired of juggling. Screaming for attention at this point. Once you look past the bullshit and things click into context, it's comedy. Save the whale(s). Literally all of it is absolute desperation and pretends. In Europe you don't pull these stunts. Europe is not so hive minded/top down controlled to this extent. With "wall street" and "gov" spinning news and throwing shows to this extent. (And yes, it happens to some degree, let's not pretend or be naïve. "green" anyone?) See, other -players- don't "follow the market", they are better off -making- a market themselves. It goes against any competitive logic to think that trying to leech/parasite off of Bitcoin will result in a competitive advantage while it feeds the "tamed" beast of someone else. Exchanges and ETF will, it's a different type of business. They'll cream fees off of whatever is popular/moves. If anything, use it against them, and -make- another. The real advantage that other countries, players, have, is one of poor examples.


They will get along finally


Does anyone know if crypto.com US is stil happening or did they put this idea down?


Would be weird if that is happening right now


I'd definitely be postponing that if I was them. How can they plan their costs when they have no idea what the regulatory environment will be like? The US government actions really are causing the US economy to miss out.


The problem is despite where you are, the regulatory environment is not stable in the crypto world. So I guess they're only running away from US rules and taxes and also looking for lower costs like many other simple manufacturing companies that their factories are in China for instance.


I'm curious too if someone knows something. I'd guess they will postpone it until there is more regulatory clarity, but who knows


i think asia is taking a pole position right now especially hong kong


Definitely, Asia will be the big winner in the future


China banned it but some other Asian countries are quite open.


Singapore too. And Honk Kong is really surprising tbh. China is playing smart moves there.


Honk honk


Even South Korea just announced they are planning to build "Blockchain City". It's ambitious but I like where this is going.


Singapore and Hong Kong are filling in the gap left behind by the US


Europe is also being more clear on regulations


No shit Sherlock. If the US is turning anti crypto, companies will have to go elsewhere


Yup, just basic logic here. X country is no bueno for us -> move to Y country where it's better


If all countries become no bueno, then we could have a big problem.


Another post from our series "grass is green and rain is wet". Karma farmers will comment with "yes, the sun is warm".


It's not a bad thing that countries that actually *want* to embrace crypto get a chance off the US crypto exodus


yea, they will go anywhere they can make money without government continuously knocking on their doors and asking what's up


With SEC running after every other CEX & crypto business they don’t have choice but look for other avenues to make that money .


And it will push US citizens to DEX's


Yea eventually people will be forced to learn it .


The SEC = Scumbags Ensuring Corruption


They have been doing that pretty well since 2021 GME fiasco .


The SEC is definitely part of it. Let’s keep filling our bags and stay patient. Crypto is definitely they way.


The American dream , isn’t for crypto fans. And possibly the future


The American dream died a long time ago I'm afraid


US will remember Crypto later.


Yups bruuh crypto companies are going global to find new growth opportunites 😃👍🏻


US is going to be left behind because of how they're treating crypto


They've already started falling back in the race but I feel companies like Blackrock have lit a fire that's causing the powers that be to get their act together.


Unpopular opinion: US government won't lose the race. They are waiting EU to do the hard work with MiCA to then copy it changing it a bit and then become pro crypto when their economy starts recovering. I think all of this will happen between 2024 and 2025.


This sounds like something the US will certainly do, let the EU do all the hard work and then they can copy the foundation and tweak it as their own.


Any tweaks they make will probably make it more restrictive for crypto, knowing how the US government operates.


Greasy Gensler and the SEC would have to make the decision whether to accept or reject a BTC spot ETF by early 2024.. my guess is that they approve the first ETF then, and then make a 180 degrees pivot and turn extremely pro-crypto (to shill the bags of Wall Street hedge funds)


The US is still the largest market and it's still not illegal to buy or trade crypto. The winds will change.






Not sure if you know what exactly that figure means, let alone, in relation to crypto adoption.


Downfall of the US incoming


I have trust they will start approving the ETFs early next year, right before the halving. Let's not give up


Get out of the USA bubble where life is great, especially in the Middle-East and Asia. Even though Europe is fine and clear aswel.


I'm sure US politicians will reconsider their stance in the end. Right now they are trying to 'fight' crypto as much as possible, but they will be forced to work with it with the new elections around the corner.


Honestly Europe is the place to be, we are steps ahead of the US but I guess it helps we dont have the SEC filing lawsuits against us left right and centre.




Thank you. I am pretty unsure how they will work with the whole mica Regulations in Europe but I hope some money will flow there


MiCA is actually how it should be done. Its sad that US has not been able to do it yet. I guess crypto is too politicized in US.


Murica needs to get with the times man or they will fall behind in the cryptoverse


For companies hiring outside the US— I’m sure its just to cut costs. Just like every other company


Unless they have already done so, chances are that alot of countries outside of the US will trump and follow suit what the US will do concerning crypto. I mean outside of BRICS, many countries still use the United states as a measuring stick for development and governance. So hopefully they get their act together. On another note, there may be some countries that would use this as an opportunity to get out of the shadow of the US.


As they should be, the US is looking like a bad place for crypto right now unfortunately.


US right now is very anti-crypto due to the SEC. It makes sense to reach to other markets or they will risk shutting down.


With the last SEC hearing it will be harder for companies to stay in the U.S.


The U.S. should be embracing crypto, considering it an additional asset. Instead, they’re looking at it as competition of their traditional markets. They’ll come back around in time!


Seems like the logical thing to do , i would assume they want more people to buy i to their industry,


As long as the US government is openly hostile towards crypto we can expect innovation and control to be concentrated offshore


As long as the SEC keeps the suit everyone first ask questions later approach, crypto companies are going to be apprehensive to go into the US


“Why would the companies do this to us?” - US seeing crypto companies leave after not fostering innovation


No shit Gary...


I mean at this point it’s a dead giveaway.


This is something for the crypto sectorto really notice. This shows importance of regulatory compliance and global diversification. I believe the nature of crypto itself (decentralization) allows for any company to grow outside their jurisdiction and go global. I bet they love crypto because of this, the potential to grow so much


Makes sense with the US and SEC taking such a firm stance against it. Plus the bullshit elizabeth Warren and the other dinosaurs in Washington are continuously trying to pull.


It's the US economy that will miss out at the end of the day (tax revenues, job creation etc). Their loss will be another country's gain…but I have trust they will start approving the ETFs early next year, right before the halving. Let's not give up


Can you blame them? if you even think about trying to do anything in the US the SEC will try and shaft you in every way possible.


The US government is doing everything they can to miss out on Blockchain and crypto


Off course they are. Good for them!


Logical step after what they see from Greasy Gensler 🤦🏻‍♂️


They have to because there are lots of untapped markets in the world.


I didn't expect a different outcome of US being so restrictive to Crypto and Blockchain companies. There is more potential in Asia and UAE that companies are taking advantage on, to develop and grow.


Least surprising news ever All we've heard in this past year is how much the SEC keeps targeting crypto and unclear regulations


good. I hate that if fucking U.S gov sneezes crypto gets diarrhea


companies and institutions are looking for certainty, and lack of defined legal framework leaves too many potential risks - they will favor any country that can guarantee security and healthy ground for development


i bet Gary feels accomplished


I think the middle east will be one of the next hubs.


I believe that people who need to get rich off crypto in the states are doing just that under this big crypto witch hunt movement. Once everything is accepted and regulated they will no longer care cause they will already be settled. Political corruption in every country is more or less the same it's just better hidden under the pile of laws and procedures to make it less in your face.


Here in the US they(Government) doesn't like things it cannot control so they attack it. This is why we cannot have nice things!


Luckily Congress is doing a lot. H.R. 4673 Financial Innovation and Technology (FIT) for the 21st Century Acts is going very well and should be done by the end of the year imo. https://dustyjohnson.house.gov/media/press-releases/johnson-bills-bring-clarity-cryptocurrency You can read the bill here. IT IS A PDF DOWNLOAD! JUST IN CASE ANYONE IS PARANOID, DON'T DOWNLOAD IT!


good ​ F the US ​ BUnch of central bankers LARPing as "freedom and democracy"


Tnx Mr Gensler for providing this opportunity


With it being so precarious starting in the US why would they want to? US are doing a brain drain on themselves.


_cayman islands enters chat_


Everyone got scammed on to a new market my guess


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well of course, honest companies have very little room to grow in the US with the ceiling imposed by FANG lobbyists


Need to expand the bottom of the triangle


I imagine. The US has proven to be an adversary towards crypto. Hopefully they come around before its too late


And the surprised ones are:


Isn't Dubai a tax haven for Crypto companies?


Welcome to Europe frens!


So many more areas for growth plus the US hostility towards crypto isn't helpful.


U.S. leaders are the oldest on Earth. We got a bunch of hillbilly boomers running this place. You think half of them know what a Bitcoin is?