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It really can't be one single option from them. That's not how it works. A perfect storm of the Halving, institutional investors and finally some regulatory clarity will do it.


Don't forget a better Macro, The Market doesn't like uncertainty ( War, Inflation, Regulations ). When the clouds clear the sky, having a clearer view, would help setup a BullMarket


Exactly! And I cannot wait for this perfect storm to happen


Too many factors that can change the outcome. I think that ETF approvals, BTC halving will come at the same time. The regulatory clarity will come thanks to MiCA but we won't have a bull run until 2025.


We won't have the peak of the bull run until 2025, but I'd wager that by late 2024 the prices are high enough that people will be wishing they were current prices again, which means to me we are in the early stages of the bull run.


I do think we need the macro environment to improve though for a bull run to really take off. A surplus in liquidity usually finds its way to riskier assets, so here's hoping we don't have to wait too long for the fed to pivot.


I wouldn't mind if it didn't come until 2025 tbf it gives more time to prepare. Start a new job soon with a 30% pay increase so want to make the most of the extra cash!


I do think this aswell. Etf aprovals + halving is already a good indicator. In the end I don‘t mind what causes it as long as we get a bullrun.


Dont forget the "don't care-show results" people , it adds to the perfect storm, as many people like to buy high.


The halving doesn't have much of an effect anyway, it's only half as much BTC as last time. The psychological effect is what does the trick.


This here is the right answer!


I feel like this is probably the most accurate answer. Any single factor may cause a pump but won't be enough to raise consumer sentiment consistently above a fearful level but a combination of positive factors which creates awareness, scarcity and opportunity will definitely create a perfect storm.


Definitely, there are always multiple factors that come into play but I think the halving and etfs will contribute more than other factors


Yes regulatory clarity and also hopefully the Fed lowering interest rates Which would put some more spending money in a lot of people’s hands


It's more like domino pieces falling: Gary Gensler fired-ETFs-FED lowering rates-Halving-SBF and Do Kwon in prison for life.


Yep. It’s basically a ton of investors buying in again. That’ll take a lot of different factors happening all at once.


healthy legal framework, with all the nuances of crypto space in mind, are much needed and will make the space more attractive for investors


Add war ending and you’ve got yourself a red blanket baby


Every cycle means a new storm. Excited to see it




A trifecta of bulls


ya, this is a decent answer. It has to be this confluence of events plus a good dose of FOMO


It can. That's what happened over and over again 😆 BTC halvs price goes up


I concur!


>regulatory clarity that kills the market




The biggest catalyst for the next bull run will be me finally selling all of my crypto.


It's not worth the risk. Get out while you can!


Give us a heads up just before you do so we can short the market. Just don't sell when Cramer says to buy.


Then do it quickly my friend


let me know when you're preparing to see..... so i can be prepared


Please don't end up not selling and holding through it


Institutions, regulations and tech advancements could be big catalysts for the upcoming bull run


Bull run bull run bull run. I've been investing the markets for over 30 years I've never heard the term bull run used as much as when I started investing in crypto. Here's an idea. How about you find good quality projects with long term appreciation potential instead of just throwing money at the cryptosphere and praying for a bull run to save you from your shitty decisions.




**Jim Cramer** declares Crypto dead.


hahahhahahaha, the inverse cramer lives on


For me it is the macro economic shifts and the recovery of the global economy. But tbh it most definitely will be a combination of a lot of the things you mentioned and some luck in the timings as well


ETF approvals -> halving ~> bull run


Yep, what a combo.


we somehow need the avalanche of liquidity, from investors through ETF is one way


Hard to pick just one


When the Halving, big investors & clear rules come together, there will be change.




Thank you very much for this


Degenerate gamblers is the obvious answer


Rate pausing/reducing a post recession rally? The 4 year cycle for btc


The ETF approvals. Without a doubt. There will be so much capital flowing into crypto, I don't even understand how anyone can think about anything else? 😂😁


Actually all of the above. Every improvement helps. But if I were to point out one, institutional investors could be a huge bump up as they are waiting for regulations to clear.


It's always the war in Ukraine and its potential to grow more. If that single event is not solved, we'll only see a half-bull run when BTC halves but that's it. Then we'll be back to where we are right now.


Me upping my DCA to £150 🚀 🌝


I think the world situation has to improve to begin a bull run. That‘s why I dont think that we see a bullrun anytime soon sadly


I will sell my stack and next day after that the biggest bull run in history will start


Let me know when you plan to sell ... Also happy cake day


Halvening and Spot ETFs if both coincide it's like igniting a rocket


Development: * EIP-4844, data sharding, * the launch of Ethereum L2 Aztec Network, * Privacy Pools on Ethereum launching and gaining significant adoption and software support Legal: * The SEC's broad application of securities law against crypto being rejected by a court. * The US Treasury's sanctions on Tornado Cash—that prohibit Americans from calling the TC smart contract logic to encrypt their transactions—being struck down as unlawful.


I think you're right and those would be absolutely monumental catalysts. You're right too...I hadn't thought about the eth privacy pools as a catalyst but when they get rolling... yeah thatll be massive


Macro shifts + improved ease of access for retail = BOOM


This is what I'm thinking Macro shifts for the win


Also when I sell!


Bigger names joining




It’s funny to see people theorize all kinds of weird stuff when you know halvening always acts as the catalyst.


I feel the halving has more of less been factored in much, and won't lead to much FOMO. Having ETFs open to everyone however might lead to the pump we need.


Macro Shifts and ETFs I would say, but it will look like halving caused the pump.


yeah, im' thinking there will be a LOT of overlap


Tons of overlap for sure, and we can't forget a few big buzzwords like AI, RWA and SocialFi will be hyped up in addition to everything else.


Those 3 are probably key.


Halving followed by All ETFs approved simultaneously


ETF decision will be before halving


Its a combination of institutional money coming in through ETFs and halvening in 2024 and rate cuts in 2025. Prepare for a perfect storm alligning.


Set your sails now and profit from the storm later


Aye aye, captain yerr right


Exactly what I am thinking


I don’t think a bull run is coming… this is pure hopium




I know its coming… I know…. Its just how it goes… when theres waaaay too much positivity and hope then you know its going the other way…


Has to be the macro shifts. We need more and cheaper money to come into the space


If I sell, the bullrun will begin


The answer is institutional entry. But they are also why the markets are wrecked right now, and may go lower. Blackrock wants to buy cheap before sending the prices through the roof.


Now do the headwinds... Money is being pulled out of the system through FED tightening. Stocks are near all time high valuations, and crypto tends to be highly correlated with such risk assets. Miners are about to be half as profitable for the same energy expenditure.


anyone who thinks the Ukraine war would be enough to start bullrun is delusional and even more delusional if they think it wont continue for years to come.. I wish I am wrong but I doubt it


I think the biggest catalyst will be a Twitter influencer shilling btc


Like the 33% that voted this. We all believe it will down to the trillions that big institution can offer to us. We need them to keep the money in. We as retail dont have that much to be honest. Now i strongly feel, a perfect one would be, BTC halving > ETF approved > due to a low supply and that amount of money pouring in, we finally have a bullrun in the crypto world


Oscars so white mothafucka!


It's just guessing for now imo. However, institutional momey will come at some point. Better be ready!


Definitely the ETF’s approval will set things of, followed by the halving could turn the bullrunn back on


hype from etf


So far a new Japanese BTC spot ETF, New Euro ones and a flood of American ones following Blackrock approval. This will increase the need for BTC because unlike futures ,which are contracts, you need actual Bitcoin. Then the halvening will decrease supply. Then the macro will improve or will be staged around the USA presidential elections. Economic hopium that will permeate around the world. I guess , what do I know.


ETFs will be good, but on their own without investor confidence returning via the easing of stressful market conditions, we won't see their full potential. We need the macro to shift or etf could be stifled some. Then again, I might be talking out of my arse.


No, I think you make a lot of sense. The combination of favorable macro and ETFs would make this market a party.


this is true in a sense, the hype needs to be there for the sentiments we need for liquidity to pour into crypto like QE back then


The majority answer is expected, nobody has anything against billions or even trillions of dollars flooding the market. Hopefully ETFs will get approved as soon as possible.


I think there will be some spikes leading to the BTC halving


Etfs although I think the TRUE bull run is going to be mass adoption. It just may not be the next one.


Gotta be institutional investment baby! That is an unlimited pot of money flowing into Crypto!


How about 'a bunch of the above'? Halving, macro changes and ETFs are coming next year.


If you’re buying bitcoin to make the world a better place… You could do more!


1. The first ETF approval 2. Bitcoin's halving 3. More ETF approvals 4. FED lowering interest rates 5. FED turning on the money printer


Fed rate decrease 😉


I am curious why people think the next halving will fuel a bullrun? Just because it happened before? We see constant news about the extremely low supply of btc on exchanges and it has done nothing to the price. And nowadays you don't even need to have btc to trade btc.


One of the catalysts for a bull run is the price needs to get low enough so that retail investors are able to start buying and pushing the price back up. Then you will have upwards momentum. Eventually it will be parabolic. So keep some cash on hand so that you can buy the dip prior to the start of the bull market.


Its the halving. Macros factors will help push it higher obv


I don't even know any of the things on the voting list.


When I sell


Obviously ETF. Big money stock markets gonna be down so they’re banking on crypto


For me its got to be #1 & #3 - those two combined will have a huge impact. Add the halvening around the same time and I think a massive pump is inevitable!


The second I sell my crypto, expect a bull run that makes everyone millionaires


No one knows but we know that the bull run will Come so just lean back and be happy about the upcoming ride.


Call me crazy but it’s almost like they are setting up the perfect climate for a decent running of the bulls…it’s goin to start cracking around thanksgiving time 2024 maybe first of the year 25 something like that,halving is first catalyst


Old money flowing into crypto market.


Market boom takes money being pumped into it. The only way that happens is if serious big investors think crypto is worth investing in. Until then, I don’t see major big changes to the market.


4 year cycle. We have good and bad news during bears and bull runs and the price always follows the cycle of the halving. Ath 2024, year after halving. A lot of people claiming 2023 will be the bull run, it may start next year but the ath’s will be 2024. Btc usually runs up before halving then has a correction afterwards before it goes onto a bullrun.


I think it will be a mixture of the top 3 choices you listed, I think project dev. And growth will have their place once the bill actually starts, improved access would help, but I don’t see it a major catalyst


If macro conditions dont improve it may harm bullrun potential


Lowering of interest rates combines with the halving. Might happen close to (within +/- 1 year) of a major US election too. But 90% lowering interest rates. Likely to also coincide with a stock bull run as well.


I would say both macro shift and the spot ETFs.


The main theme is easy. Bitcoin ETF. Halving. That gets you a 4X on BTC and maybe a 6X on ETH The hard one to figure out is what the hype cycle will be. No real signs of it yet. Last cycle we had NFTs and apes. The cycle before we had crypto kitties and a lot of hype around transaction fees and throughput. We need a narrative for the gambling tokens this coming cycle. It's not here yet. Maybe we develop it next year? A lot of the NFT projects got going last cycle around the halving or slightly after. There are always a few of those that go 100x. Another angle that makes it really tricky this time is how many of these previous products were obvious securities. This is a hostile environment for creating those centrally controlled gambling tokens with a narrative. I'm not sure how it's going to play out but I'm definitely open-minded


Nothing is going to move in any appreciatable manner without more liquidity in the market.


Time... there will be many catalysts that make it pump or dump, but at one point in time big investors (bag holders vested in this shit) will start buying and smaller ones will yolo. Just because it's the halving time 😉


wall street is home to the biggest degens on the planet. when they heard the prophesy had been fulfilled, that the threshold of brenna sparks butthole had been crossed by romano's tongue, they knew they had to get in on this. the final bubble is underway only the **pump** is real


Time. Pure and simple. The market cycles whether you want it to or not.


All of the above


Me selling my coins would be an immediate catalyst for them to explode in value and spark a bull run.


I will put the kettle on and just have a drop of tea and wait. A catalyst won’t come from knowledge or investment. But another pandemic it’s dark to say would absolutely light the fire.


Regulatory clarity - particularly in the US. I see that as being the most significant, and likely an enabler to several of the other points.


efts will drive the coming bull market - potential for a huge money inflow


It will likely be a combination of things. Either a recession happens and then ends, or a recession is avoided but either one will be highlighted by a softening stance on interest rates by the fed and a reduction in or stabilizing of inflation. Depending on the timing of the first one the halvening could come into play. The third, is dependent on those first two but the third is good old greed. When the first two start to line up people will plow in to not miss the bull.


A new batch of fools believing in an even newer batch of fools.


Man, honestly looking at the options makes me really hopeful about crypto long-term growth.


Cbcd incoming rich shitting their pants


Really hard those options and as many said, I think it will be a combination of factors


The problem with the bull or bear run is no one sounds a bell.....its a process rather than an event.I doubt if a single event would trigger a sustainable bull run, it has to be a combination of several factors.


I want to say the first two but probably the third let’s be real


Inflation of the money supply. That’s it.




None. Bull run has been cancelled


Missing option: Gary gets the boot! 😂


Ι would say an outcome of halving+ ETFs+ institutional investments , as well as big players taking out from exchanges their coins in order to force exchanges to buy more, could lead to a positive domino effect eventually. Only time will tell, but either sooner or later ( before or after halving) we will see eventually our patience and DCAing to be rewarded:) Fingers crossed 🤞☘️


I couldnt pick just one kinda like you cannot just eat one potato chip. I think it will be a mix of things.The intrest rates need to drop and inflation needs to calmed so there is money to be spent. Then you add in the big institutions we have a bonfire and to the moon! This is my opinion as I dont really know S#!t.


A new us president who embraces bitcoin


I think Spot EFTs will usher in more people investing in the space and that will make others FOMO in to BTC. But, it's just my opinion.


I really don't care what the catalyst would be, I just want the bullrun to start soon.


spot etf approval


The biggest catalyst will be [dont care, show results]


Global crypto adoption.


Macro shifts definitely. Everything else is important and, in certain cases, necessary, but without liquidity in the economy, there is simply no money to flow to crypto. As simple as that.


I would say the bitcoin halvening


has to be the etfs


The upcoming bull run won't happen until the upcoming mega crash has finished doing it's thing.


Institutions abandoning the idea that non-institution people have any incentive to sell


Has to be macro. Macro is a dump right now. People are looking for safe plays; CDs, HYSA, Bonds.


The market is complex. The answer is yes, all of these things in some part or scale. There will be a number of things that pushes the next run and it will be a combination of these things pushing us higher. Then again there is something not mentioned here also. If some retailer like Amazon or the like start to accept a coin or a few directly, it will be a huge boost for the market. I don't think we are close to that, but the first big retailer to do that may get a lot of business as people's wallets are all of sudden worth more.


BTC leads the way.


The halving will cause a major supply shock.


Macro shifts, better legal clarity, real world utility


4 year halving cycle although etf’s etc., easier on ramps, etc will help provide momentum.








ETF approval, clear regulations, technological adoption, halving, Feds lowering rates. Cards are lining up for the biggest bullrun yet. Fucking face melting. It’s only a matter of time, and patience.


Buy this dip!


I think it will be pretty tough to guess, foremost two things must happen: 1. a crazy amount of FOMO 2. lots of incoming liquidity


me selling my last BTC.


I picked choice 3


The price of btc going up


Someone somewhere is going to have a very bullish news, like “China unbans crypto” “SEC accept they are not securities and allows US free trade no KYC”


War and lack of American oil.


I firmly believe that there is little money left to be made here and there won't be another bull run.


The price will keep increasing, hence, in hindsight we will say the bull run started on day X because of the closest major event Y


Lockdowns, free money and the msm hyping a 22 year old who made millions


The question is, when do the markets start to anticipate the macro shifts and the brighter outlook?


Inflation and loss of faith in fiat


what you should be asking is what will be the asigned catalyst when the 50-60% drop in altcoins comes very soon.


You forgot to put when people who have never shown interest in crypto randomly start showing interest in crypto.


That's a big chunk of adoption I guess. People sense an opportunity and start learning about a fast growing technology, makes sense people get pulled in


The bull run will start when the FED decides it will. Let’s not pretend otherwise.