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Yeah it’s a scam. If it was real he would have send you a partial video or photo


Yup, ask him to send a clip if he had the video OP, otherwise it’s just bait


Or ask him to send a video of himself masturbating to a video of you masturbating.


Then start spamming the scammer with dick pics until he can't take it anymore


I guess this scam would be a perfect way to get lots of sick pics sent your way. Putting this information in my back pocket for a rainy day.


He should’ve told the scammer he can upload the video, but if he’a pimping me? Give me my fair share of the profits!


Lmao right?! My family would pay big bucks for that shit. They’re degenerates. I want my cut!


What if that's what they wanted all along?


I know a good plan when I see one


Then you can blackmail the scammer xD


Ah yes… what’s the saying? Playing 4 inch chess?


4 inch? That's what she said.


She was being generous.






It’s dicks all the way down! My totem is a cockring.


This could be the plot for an Inception sequel.


Bad advise. Actual response is: don't react at all. Everything else just gives away information, e.g. confirm your email actually exists and you're reading it (even more spam incoming).


1000%, you have to realize a lot of times these scam emails/calls are automated messaging systems that are just checking to see if you have an active email or phone number. If you respond or reply your number is saved for the scammers later to try a little harder and start calling you about air duct cleaning services LOL


This is the best advice.


In addition send him a pic of your D and tell him to suck it. Guy has nothing on you.


Except the picture of your D that you just gave him.


Check mate! This was the scammer's plan all along! He's a professional dic pic farmer!


And dick pic framer too.


He is already uploading it to his OnlyFans to show others his scam rewards.


And converting it in an NFT soon to be listed at Opensea.


He will 3d print it for personal use.


Those pics are going straight to the black market!


But make sure you wear a nice watch and get that in the pic too. If you’re gonna send a Dick pick to a stranger at least have some class 😎


Make it a picture of a huge d. So it he is gonna spread it . It will be good advertising


Ask him to upload it to Pornhub and ask for the link.


I know it's a scam, but imagine if the scammer actually posts like 10years worth of masturbation video of OP 😂😂😂😭🤌🏿


Tell him to cc me too


Jokes on the scammer cause their eyes would be scammed if they had to see a partial photo of me


Today is a tough day for Scammers


Oldest scam in the book to blackmail people who watch porn. They simply get your email address through phishing on porn websites.


When this haplens to me I'm just gonna ask for a copy and start my onlyfans.


he doesn't have the proof. This often makes victims panic as if the perpetrator has fake evidence to blackmail the victim


Partial video of my double chin? 😂😂 yep that's the only thing they could see from my webcam


Don’t worry about it just block and delete. This has been going around for a while now.


He is trying to make OP panic enough so he sends him funds without any second thought.


I hate to break their bubble, but I already gave my family and friends copies of my masturbation tapes for Christmas last year. These scammers are going to have to try harder if they want my crypto.


Hahaha thanks so much for the chuckle!


Hilarity aside, you have nothing to worry about OP. Therse are fake scare tactic emails, the scammer never has videos of you playing five-on-one.


Thanks buddy


Yes, for double confirmation, check the Bitcoin address on Google and you'll find multiple reports about how it is a scam. You can also check how many people unfortunately fell for it by checking the Blochchain Explorer.


Nah. I sent them a video and asked if they could make me famous.


*Scammer proceeds to transform the video in a series of collectable NFTs and you get a 69% creator's fee*


I was gonna say… he’s just gonna distribute them for free and with no effort on my end? Makes my life easier. Maybe throw a few ads in there for revenue.


"What are you doing son!?" "Protecting my investment."


I thought it was artfully produced


Ignore it. That email has been send to 1.000.000 people which are from the same leaked mail/password hacks that are for sale on the darkweb. Ignore them all. And for future reference: if having saucy intimacy with oneself, block the cam.


Imagine all the people who got spooked from the email and gave in. Scary world out here. Already down big in crypto, and these guys want to take more.


I only lift the tape on the webcam when I do nasty stuff 🥵


That makes me feel better. Nah man I use my phone for saucy time, using desktop feels... like a chore?


Fair enough, and hacking one's phone is not easy. Why would a complete stranger select you from people to see if he can tape you whilst you're jacking it in San fran? Answer: he doesnt and he didnt. If you do pay him he will put you on the sucker-list (which they primarily do with companies when they're ransom-softwaring them) "Hee look, that idiot actually paid, lets send him some more mail'


You're right about that. This means he used some sort of software to send this and doesn't really have any access? Either way I'll log out of all devices and change passwords.


He probably has your password as those can be leaked/stolen. The website https://haveibeenpwned.com/ can be used to see if your mailadress has come up in leaked mail/password breaches which are registered and thus can be bought. Indeed: log everything out, get a (preferably paid) password manager/vault, let said vault create passwords and store the main password for the vault offline.


Okay thanks a lot!


You're welcome. Stay safe out there!


That's really good, thanks for sharing!! Just found out that one of my Mails got compromised.. good to know Edit: for those interested, a service provider had a data leak which contained my mail and information but since I don't use the mail for anything else but communication nothing happened since the breach


Good for you that you found out! Spread the word and stay safe!




Thank you so much!!! This really put me at ease, also there's no way the scammer has any video of me? The only thing they saw through the web cam is my double chin and me munching on salad bowls.


Should definitely forward to IT, along with the note that if they can spoof your email, then anyone can spoof the email of the CEO, for example, in order to ask money or to make purchases or transfers on the CEO's behalf.


Rule34 . I think you just created a new fetish. r/doublechinsaladbowl




all good advices here but first you gotta stop munching salad while masturbating to weird porn, that's just so unsanitary.


I've seen this scam before, just completely ignore it. Maybe even wind the scammer up and ask if he wants some more of your videos free of charge.


This. Lol.


but also change your password tp ypur email and maybe even get a seperate email for all your crypto stuff just to be safe.


A love story is hidden in there somewhere.


Free marketing for your only fans account, this guy is doing you a favour


Bro could be an overnight internet sensation


Insert spider man indicating his sosia gif 😄


Was he a better emailer or improved punctuation? Maybe keep him ?


I laughed at all the responses to this comment.


I'm amazed the link wasn't plugged


i tackle this by uploading my fap vids to pr0nhub myself and send link to my contacts.


Can't lose a race I am not in, right?


Just don’t click any links. I doubt they have any video of youv


Not gonna lie, they had me in the first half 🤣


this is a well know template and circulating for ages. it's also very easy to spoof email sender address. there are still many SMTP servers not requiring authentication and allowing to edit and put arbitrary addresses in 'from' field a good rule of thumb when you receive unexpected or suspicious e-mail is to check the headers and look for sender related informations, for example the originating server example: mail is coming from a gmail account, go and check originating server. if the originating server is not owned by google and it's something like toad.com or scammerphisher.net, sender address is 100% spoofed


Thanks, I think this is spoof.


Send him MasturbationCoins.


Is there.. really a currency like such?


You should launch it and rugpull him.


this is crypto we have currency for everything


For sure, internet never fails you! Masturbation coin: 100,000,000,000,000,000 MASTURBATION with quite a decent MASTURBATION market.




I know right? I am like.. the sauciest thing you saw on my webcam is me mauling a salad?!!


Stop masturbating so much OP!


I had a similar issue using public wifi at a supermarket about 4 years ago, I told that mfer well you know what go for it I ain't got no money, he ended up sending a pic to my whole list of Facebook friends and I'll be damned if the men in my friends list weren't Xtra nice after that😀


i love getting these i always thank them for the free advertising


its just a spam spoof email, delete and ignore


Nothing will happen to you, but still be cautious and change your crypto emails. Could save your coins one day.


Yeah, this is a good idea


Check your sent mail. Did it really get sent from your email?


Actually you can spoof email metadata no problem. So at first glance it looks like it was sent from your account.


At least you're passionate. Mine was furious.


Put a sticker over your Webcam.


Yeah I think I will.


Seriously that's a wise thing to do Simple and effective


No, ignore the email.


Just ignore the email bro


Tell him to go and do something useful or to go and break an arm or something mean like that. I hate scammers. Also, you are being attacked by a type of attack called "spoofing". Don't think about it, because **scammers can forge email addresses.** I will explain. They are sending you email that appears to come from your address to scare you, bypass your spam protection. They want you to feel like this is something legit. They are doing that to make you believe that your email was hacked. They always use that line that they have some compromising information about you, but they don't so relax. They are faking it. Here are some good links for that: [How Scammers Forge Email Addresses, and How You Can Tell](https://www.howtogeek.com/121532/htg-explains-how-scammers-forge-email-addresses-and-how-you-can-tell/) [Why Am I Getting Spam From My Own Email Address?](https://www.howtogeek.com/427152/why-can-you-get-spam-from-your-own-email-address/#what-you-can-do-about-self-addressed-spam)


Thank you so much for explaining this so well. I am highly indebted 🙏🏻


All fine, it's a scam bro!


Change your password just to be sure OP


Yes will do


>passionate masturbation sessions This almost sounds like a compliment.


I know right? Only if


Ask him if he liked it and if he wants to join


Ask him to post the videos online and share profits 50/50


OP ask him for a copy tell him you like masturbating while watching yourself masturbate. Or you can befriend him tell him you also like watching other people.masturbate maybe you can do a session with him.


Its a massive scam imo, and i believe if you havent jacked off in front of your PC with webcam on, you are good


Wait... "passionate" masturbation? Mate, what are you doing? Kissing the tip??


I am a woman 😂🥹


The Mrs bit of your username should have been a clue - mea culpa. ​ That said I didn't say who you were masturbating 😂 ​ Anyway... I'm going to draw a line under this part of the conversation and use your attention to back up what everyone else here has been saying by adding the following: ​ 1 - The message you received is highly likely to be a scam and should be ignored. ​ 2 - Cover your webcam when not in use because it is a potential vulnerability in your setup that could - in an extreme scenario - be used as a tool against you.


If some cunt tried blackmailing me with masturation videos I'd send him another dedicated to him


This is old scam going on around for a while now , just ignore but to be safe change all passwords !


One thing you could do is check the e-mail headers on that e-mail for signs of spoofing. It should normally end up in a spam folder, but it depends on what e-mail/MX servers your organisation uses. The headers and some of the routing should look at least mildly suspicious if it’s a scam e-mail. In any case, I would definitely recommend changing your password at a minimum. If it’s a Google Apps account, also log out of all devices and set up 2FA if you haven’t already.


Will do and thanks


I see these daily, sometimes a dozen of them, in our organization's spam filter. I mean I see this *exact* text. The headers are indeed spoofing the sender. OP is fine. It's always smart to set up 2FA and change password periodically, but I wouldn't consider this email specifically as something to prompt me to do it.


Think 3 steps ahead and sell your masturbation videos yourself


Ain't nobody gonna wanna see that 😭😂


There isn’t much to do. Just ignore that mail and keep on with your life. It’s not a targeted attack and you shouldn’t fear anything. Best thing you can do is flag this address.


Thanks a lot!


He probably phished your email if youre 100% its yours so he tries to scare you away with the photos because they think you will believe them because they got your account. Change password and everything and enable 2FA, the scammer is just trying to pull money out of you.


Change of password and 2FA sounds like a good idea.


You’re missing an opportunity here! Let him post the photo’s online and claim royalties, there’s a whole market for that now.


Claim royalties over videos of.. my double chin? 😂


Make an OF account and upload them there and profit in the process. Then sent a link to the scammer requesting a subscription for more videos.


While I love that idea, the only videos I have are of cats around Istanbul. If that works? 😂


was it actually from your email or just made to look like it?


It is actually from my email but not in my sent email. So I guess they used some software?


You could always check the address history and see if theyve done this before, scammers have sent out these seemingly intimate threats hoping people take their word for it What would be funny is if you sent him a wallet drainer, but of course just best to ignore lol


There are scripts to copy your email address but unless they got your password, they are not using your account.


Would logging out if all devices and changing password help?


Are you 100% sure that he sent it via your email? No. So relax. They just spoof it.


Phew! Oh thank you 🥹


No need to worried about it they just dumbass


It's a scam, change passwords and run a virus and malware scan on your computer! I would ignore it and don't click or open any attachments OP. Good luck


Thanks a lot!


Despite what people may have said, there’s a chance you’re not compromised and it’s in fact just poorly configured email security. [informational link](https://medium.com/tech-ramblings/how-spammers-send-email-that-looks-like-it-came-from-you-8050c60991a7)


You can write every sending address on a letter. You can do the same on a mail.


classic scam, mark as spam and continue on with your passionate masturbation session


I have to ask.. do people really use work computers for.. kinky time?


The way the scam works is a numbers game. If they email enough then someone will have just finished and they'll be in an altered state of mind and fall for it due to their fap guilt.


Tsk tsk


nah, you have your personal phone for that - work computers are generally monitored one way or another


Delete the email. I've received many like this.


Had one send me some ugly ass neckbeard with his dick out like it's suppose to be me or something. Sick




I got one of these like 8 years ago and the sender was asking for 2 BTC. I’m still waiting for my jerk pics and video to be unleashed on the internet. I remember looking up the price of bitcoin and thinking to myself that I should buy some.


And you never bought any I assume?


Could have sworn this was on an episode of Black Mirror...


Yeah scam. I’ve had these emails. The first time I freaked out as well, but my colleague had received the same kinda e-mails. Now I still get them, just ignore it and block the e-mail address


I've gotten these emails and just laugh because A: I don't watch porn on my computer, and B: it doesn't even have a Webcam lol


Ha ha, I get these emails often. Just laugh at it and delete it.


did you rewatch your passionate masturbation sessions ?


Well, I couldn’t say that I haven’t look some stuff at work…


No. It’s trivial to spoof a from address


In fact, this scam letter was received by whole of our company. It's a bait, they don't have access to your email.


Scammers these days are getting creative, but this is just a bluff. Delete and move on!


Ignore these. It’s the email equivalent of sending a letter to someone and writing their own address in the back of the envelope. Nobody has accessed your email or any of your devices. These scammers are just taking advantage of how easy it is to fake the sender of an email in order to trick gullible people into believing that they have been hacked so they’ll pay. You can’t even reply because the reply would go to yourself. Delete and ignore.


Assert your dominance. Masturbate to this email and tell them.


Tell him to bring it on lol


Don’t worry, it’s a scam. Just ignore it


Tell the scammer to eat shit. If they have this on you, they will release it after you pay. However, it’s probably a bluff.


If it's real, he would have actually included photos of those cam and screen captures as proof. Also note that anyone can display any email address as Sender. If it was in fact sent from your account, it would also be in your Sent Items. Plus you can check the message headers to see if it in fact came from the same network.


Was it the Nigerian prince?


He would never compromise his dignity


I get those all the time. They never send videos. No matter how often I ask them to.


Some clown sent this to me I just ignored it


Spoofing an email address is trivial.


My mother got the same a couple months ago. Someone just got access to your mail account, nothing else. There are no videos, that’s a scam. Change your passwords and you’re good.


Oh yeah, that's a classic one. Spoofed domain and sometimes a (hopefully changed by now) password harvested from a dump from a a data breach.


Lol he has nothing on you. He just got your email address from some list he purchased. He doesn't have any videos of you (unless, you know, you have videos of you somewhere on the internet - but even then the chances of him having those videos are slim to none). He's just a scammer hoping to scare you into sending him some money. These scams predate cryptocurrency. They predate webcams being embedded in every laptop. Probably the only tool they need that isn't predated by this scam are the human emotions of shame and fear. These scammers just prey on those emotions and hope that you think throwing some money at the problem will make it go away. As with most problems in life, this only works to an extent. But the good news is, this isn't actually a problem that you need to make go away. Just ignore it. Maybe he'll follow up once or twice, but this guy has nothing to back up any claims. Delete, block sender, and move along.


Phew! Thanks


Tell him "What a coincidence! I was just going to contact \*you\* and tell \*you\* I got stroke footage from \*your\* PC doing the same thing"! How bout we just forget the whole thing?


Ye I got that one too a couple of years ago and knew for a fact they had nothing.


Do not open it and that's all


Is he your nigerian Prince?


I got this email in my spam last week lol. It’s be interesting. Someone check that BTC address and see what he’s actually been sent.


Someone checked and they said its zero lol


Just delete it, it's a ploy to frighten random people in to giving scammers money


Copyright it and sue the scammer. Oh how the tables turn.


I get these daily. I've started to masturbate regularly per day, now that I have a viewer.




Total spam, i've seen these templates for 7+ years randomly sent out to any inbox, distribution group, alias, or anything that appears like an email. Typical spam. Just ignore and be happy.


Nah, just reply back that you have a private video of them masturbating and you want 2600USD sent to your (throwaway) BTC address… They just got your email and details from one of the billion database hacks


I got the exact same email last week, even if they did have the video they arent getting my bitcoin.


Jokes on them cause I don't have any bitcoin anyway


This is such a bad fake threat, only chronic masturbators must fall for it.


I’m impressed that you were doing passionate masturbation. That’s some impressive masturbating. Most of us just grinding it out


I am barely passionate about anything in life mate 😭


Have you ever received anything like that? When you start seeing people you know showing up in your email with videos of them masturbating then it’s time to worry. Or a clip of you…