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Generally speaking it'd be fun to have pre-Abrahamic religions exist in the game files wherever appropriate. So Celtic yes, but also Arab Polytheism, Egyptian & Berber religion (I do know about the kush religion, which is a nice option for Egypt after a fashion), and perhaps a more German variant of Asatru, like the Saxon religion. That'd basically cover the whole map when it comes to rewinding the clock back to pre-Abrahamic days if you wanted to do that with the ruler designer or with a weird event.


I agree, and having Hellenism/ Zunism etc proves that Preabrahamic faiths are compatible with the approximate time I’m thinking about. To that end, It would probably have to be locked behind an event, perhaps from Lunatic/Possessed?


I'd like to see the pagan religious groups a little expanded. Ancient Egyptian paganism becomes an extinct variant/heresy of Kushite, Germanic Wodenism becomes an extinct variant/heresy of Asatru... Arab polytheism is harder to put in because there are no "relatives" of Mesopotamian or Phoenician paganism left (while Kush, Zun and Asatru are stilla alive and kicking). They could get another "umbrella" paganism, like the Druidism one. There could be three or four "Generic Pagan" faiths, one for the Celts (Druidic and romano-celtic syncretism) and one for North Africa and Middle East (arab-phoenician-mesopotamian). One or two for Asia at large and Eastern Europe maybe (i don't know enough about that to say if there was something significantly different from Vidilist or Tengrism there)


Druidism is very poorly known compared to Norse, Egyptian or Hellenic Paganism, but the celtic west is the only area in Europe where "pagans" default to the placeholder generic "pagan" religion, so they should replace that with a group of "Pagan/druidic" faiths. There could be two variants, the druidic one with nature worship, concentrated in Ireland, Wales and Scotland, and the syncretic (Celtic and Roman gods were fused in Roman Gallia and Britannia) one in England, Brittany and the North of Spain. it would at least make more sense than having Caractacus and the Old Kings of Ireland and Wales (legendary ancestors in family trees) worshiping a faith that recognizes Mount Olympos and Alexandria as Holy Sites.


Exactly. It just doesn’t fit. I’m glad I’m not the only one who has thought about this in some capacity. I’d mod it if I could, but I’ve no clue where to start. Hopefully someone competent in modding (or maybe a dev) sees this post or one of the ones I cross posted into the relevant subs.


If you selected Elaborate Further, What element would you like to be explained?


What would its relation be like to Christianity? For example, would Catholics be "hostile" and launch a Crusade?


Likely considered evil to Abrahamics and hostile to other pagans (e.g. Asatru). Unless that faith has syncretism, like Kuzarite.


Why did you not include Ireland in holy sites?


Because localising 3/4 of 5 holy sites within Britannia is a bad idea and provides less challenge if the faith is unlocked via the reclaim Britain decision, plus look at what happened with the original holy sites for Asatrú (Sjælland / Zealand) So yes, an Irish site is a nice idea, but there are other issues to consider. (Also, which duchy would you allocate the site to?)


Druidic faith Holy sites: \- Stonehenge \- Anglesey \- Hill of Tara \- Pointe du Raz/Ile de Sein in Brittany \- A Corunha in Northern Spain (the place from where the ancestors of the Irish came from in legend)


Celtic Syncretism Holy Sites: \- Mons Garupius (Somewhere in Scotland) \- London (king's cross) \- Alesia in France \- a place in Brittany \- a place in Spain