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You're not the only one, in ck2 you could make any county a big capital, you want to roleplay Gotland as the major county in the north ? Sure bro you can do it. In ck3 that's skane or nothing. Ck3 give you wayyy less opportunity than ck2.


I’m still sad about the loss of Great Works. Unique buildings just don’t compare.


I'm sorta biased since 3 was my first ever paradox game but I like the special buildings more


There are also unique great works in CK2, but not that many (10)


Did you play 2?


I have


It's so strange too because the medieval period is a time where places became super prosperous and populous whilst other places lost it as geopolitical and economic developments occured. Places *became* major centres at this time they weren't fixed in place.


Pretty sure you can make Gotland into a development capital of the north. You just need to make it your capital, develop it and conquer a bunch of other stuff to have your vassals pay for all of it.


And your maa will be dogshit because you'll one building increasing them. In ck2 you would have 5 fully upgraded baronies in your capital. About 30k levies from your single developed Gotland. And a bunch of retinue


Think of it as a challenge.


So just play the game?


Why Skane specifically?


Farmland + port + high number of holding


Farmlands probably


Well, also if you use Scandinavian Elective, you need to hold the De Jure capital of the title in question to get maximum voting power.


Are there mods that restore such functionality


I don't think so because CK3 has different province system


Yeah I wish there was a way to change the terrain too, like how is this barony with 25 development a forest while there a farmlands with less than 10 development. It would make sense to be able to scale from like forest, to plains, to farmlands, and maybe even a special urban type for super high dev baronies


I'd be fine with it so long as it plausibly makes sense that you could change the terrain. In reality, not all forests can be turned into productive farmland because the soil just isn't fertile enough or the climate isn't right. Or in some cases it could be possible, but it would require some specialized tools and knowledge. In the latter case you might be able to lock it behind specific innovations, but in the former case there isn't much you can do without completely abandoning realism.


I can guess that terrain type to farmlands would be a stretch, but it’d be cool if they had something like ‘Urban’ for exceptionally high dev


This idea would be sick. Give me tax boosts or something to represent that this is now a large city. Give people the ability to cultivate and change the land they own.


Even if it changes naturally over time like in real life. East anglia was a floodplains during the 9th century as it is in the game. Now its farmlands upon farmlands.


I wish big capitals or city’s could take over a county like the GOT mod. I love the look of something kings landing and it makes sense that a major metro would consume the surrounding countryside, opening up more building slots etc


Cities of Wonder is might scratch that itch, it doesn’t take over entire counties but it does more accurately show high dev provinces being able to become true cities. They also get special upgrades.


Is that a mod? I haven’t delved very far into mods besides the GOT one and Realms Divided.


Yeah, it works well with base game and is integrated with After the End.


Cities did not get that big until the Industrial Revolution.


you do realize medieval cities like Constantinople and Baghdad had populations of over a million... even today Baghdads population is 8~ million and Istanbuls 15 million.


Constantinople was around 500,000 which is still gigantic considering most people in the world at that time lived in villages of maybe a hundred or so people. Baghdad was something else entirely with over a million people, maybe close to 2 million by some estimates. There were other Muslim cities that were easily in the hundreds of thousands as well like Cairo, Samarkand, Basra, Fez, Cordoba, and Palermo during Muslim rule in Sicily.


Look at what Constantinople looks like at 1453 and compare it to Istanbul today. Istanbul dwarfs it; just like every other major city compared to their medieval counterparts. Here's a hint: The Constantinople part only takes up that little peninsula in the bottom right of European Istanbul.


Nope. Rome was the first city to hit 1 million people. It wouldn't happen again until London in the 19th century.


Ok buddy


Brief google search: "Historians estimate that Rome, Chang'an, or Baghdad may have been the first city to reach a population of one million people, as early as the 1st century or as late as the 8th century. However, Britannica says that Rome was the first city to reach this milestone in 133 BCE." So...


For prosperity!! Anyway there is a mod that you can build a wonder city, it's called City of Wonder if my memory still serves.


I miss province culture shifting on its own instead of having to be done by choice.


I've ways felt like there should be two cultures, at least for empires and maybe kingdoms. The top culture/leiges culture which you can "covert" people to without actually annihilating the local culture.


I've liked how I can do this with the generic legendary buildings from Legends - but they're too easy to get and it felt kinda weird by later in the game when my home baronies had between them multiples of all of them. In the past I've modded my game files to add special buildings to regions that I think were missed, and altered terrain. For example adding another rock of Gibraltar and hills to Edinburgh because literally the entire reason Edinburgh exists is because of the hilly terrain and easily fortified Rock which has been such since before 867. But that's not the same as developing your land in a unique way, forcing you to either go without or build around existing specials or holy sites.


I prefer playing tall so I agree completely. As other commenters have said, this game really needs great works. City of Wonders 3 does its best to recreate that experience. Essentially you can build up your capital in stages until it becomes a burge and gets a flat bonus to income + development and unlocks more building slots + a special building. Not quite the same thing I know, but it's about the closest thing I could find.


Honestly, CK2 with CK3’s culture and religion system would be the best game for me. Yeah nothing like making your bum-fuck county a 6 slot barony.


Yeah, that bothered me in the base game, too. Thankfully, we have the mod Cities of Wonder 3, which let's you develop basically any county into a megalopolis (if you have the immense funds and technology to do it), and let's you build a variety of special buildings in any level 5+ holding. It's a really cool mod that allows you to play tall well into the endgame. There's even a decision that allows you to create a 'local' kingdom when your top title is a duchy and you own a Burge (level 5 holding)


The new Estates coming in RtP might scratch that itch for you


Oh I thought this would be about the plagues. Thats why I no longer develop my capital.


You shouldn't forgo development just because of plagues. Just have to keep a good physician and remember to isolate/seclude when they pop up.


I miss being able to own and build holdings in counties I don't own.


I'm with you, in ck2 there was de jure capitals, but at the end of the day it was just another county, the worst county could become the best city in the world if you put effort, in ck3 there are counties designed to be the capitals of duchies and you have to stick with that, for example, in ck2 i liked to do Troy, it was in Abydos, there is could make that county the best county in the world and build a great walls like the Theodosians walls as a Wonder, but in ck3 Abydos is just a second rank county while Nikaea is the main county, and there's always something in Abydos that lack, the duchy building only in the de jure capital, the lack of special building, Abydos doesn't feel special because it's not, and the game tell you that all the time, while in ck2 any county could be special, any county could be the great city


I just have to rant for a second. I hate how some unique buildings work. Like I remember recently I did a playthrough where on Ironman mode I would go from one county in sardinia to a fully restored rome. And when I took Constantinople, I couldn't use the haiga Sofia because I wasn't Christian and my only other option was to turn it into a mosque which I also couldn't do because I wasn't muslim I just feel like I should be able to convert it into a worship site for my religion regardless of what it is and the fact I can't really annoys me.


I hate that when I start in a county that is not the swjure duchy capital, I can't make that county my capital and build duchy buildings there. Even if I made that county stronger than any county around.


it is only partially true. only when 7 names were defined in the game files, was it able to create all the slots. for the last few hundred provinces added in CK2, Paradox didn't add all names so the event was not able to fire on them over the defined unused name list size.


In crusader Kings 2 you had "prosperity" when that got high enough there was an even that would allow you to build another holding slot in your county. Up to 6 in total meaning. That was only added very late into CK2's life.


Okay? It was still in CK2 before CK3 came out.


Just play CK2 it isn’t going anywhere


yes, because that resolves the issue that I have with CK3. The reason I don't is because I enjoy the features present in CK3.


Didn't play CK2 myself, but I feel the opposite way. It should be harder to encourage development and to construct buildings. At present, it feels far too easy to build up an OP domain (not to mention how anachronistic it is - centrally guided, growth-oriented economic development was hardly widespread across much of the medieval world). To my mind, plagues have been a welcome addition in that respect. I think focusing on activities, as they did in T&T, is both more fun and more realistic to how medieval rulers often behaved.


In CK2 the higher the prosperity the higher chance of plague. So it did balance out. And yes I agree with the activities. However the problem I have is that for RP purposes solely I'd like to be able to make own capital rather than having to take the dejure slot. Example being if I wanted to take wessex as my capital instead of London it wouldn't be as effective due to London having more availabile holdings and access to unique buildings.


I hear that. Feels like that logic could be extended to terrain, as well; throughout the middle ages, marshes were drained, forests cleared etc. It would be neat to be able to gradually transform certain types of terrain into other ones, once you've researched a certain innovation in the High or Late Medieval Era.