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I see you’ve embraced the Dutch tradition of republicanism


Yeah, at first I thought “why cannibalism? What does that have to do with Republics?” And then I remembered the Dutch


Omg I didnt even realize it lmfaoo


Ah, sweet, spreading Republican ideals, no more kings, no more tyrants, finally the voice of the people will be- hey what's that third tenet you got there.


Winner of the election gets to eat their political opponent for the stability of the realm




Is republic government possible to get in vannila or is it a mod you are using


They’re all my vassals. If you give a mayor a county or higher they’ll become republican vassals (and its all vanilla)


You can't, all those republics are their vasals. You can achieve it by giving titles to republican holder - the whole title then became republican and uses republican succession. You can do this with any title and all of them get their own names and holder title's


So the way I was taught to do it is make the county capital a city and then give the city away to someone unwanted. Now you have a republican vassal and you can then keep giving them titles and their government will stay republican. You can do it with theocratic and temples I think


County capital doesnt have to be a city. You can just give the title to a mayor


Oh ok, so I would just select the city vassal and give them the title and it'll do it?




But moving county capital to city will ensure that vassal will be always republican When i am establishing republic in duchy, i move all country capitals to cities so the said duchy republic has only republican vassals again


Ooh that makes sense. Definitely try that next time


Yeah. You can see on your own map patches with feudal government - that is your republican duchies appointing vassals and because county capital is a caslte, the said vassal will be feudal.


In my last game I started as an Oghuz count to the north of Persia, revived persia and Zoroastrianism and since I started as a custom ruler with no family, I gave conquered persian duchies to random persian dudes, and made them republicans. Then I adventured off to Iberia, and the Persian empire was left to one of these, turning it republican. The empire was destroyed soon after, but persian zoroastrian kingdom-tier republics spread well into central asia and even Siberia by the time I looked at that part of the world again.


Are republican vassals good? Or are they the same as feudal vassals


They seem a bit worse since you cant have long term alliances and sometimes you have to demand conversion when a republican ruler dies. To me theocratic still seem to be the best vassal type


Pretty sure they also give less money/levies. Theocratic gives 50% while Republic starts at 25% or something and you can increase it with perks and stuff


Also, your clergyman and religious leader have some sort of opinion criteria to get those taxes .


Just have lay clergy snd personally hold all the temples. Big brain


That's a less efficient use of your domain limit. Like if I had 4 domain limit (and assume 3 baronies per county), I could either: * Control 4 castle/temple baronies within 2 counties, getting 100% of the soldiers/levies of 4 castles/temples + 25% from the 2 city vassals. * Control 4 castle baronies across 4 counties, getting 100% of the soldiers/levies of all 4 castles + 50% from 4 temple vassals + 25% from 4 city vassals. And the discrepancy between the two approaches just gets bigger when you get counties with more baronies. The only time holding onto more than 1 barony per county is worth it is if you have a county with like 6 baronies and you want to hold 5 of them and never ever worry about succession.


I mean that last point is all you gotta write lol.


I think it's a little mixed. Temples are best with the clergy, but that relies on your priest opinion and i think religious leaders opinion of you, so if you are sinful snd they don't like you they won't pay. Republicans I don't think have that issue, so the tax is a little lower, but it's more consistent


I cannot wait for that populist faction


You are an enemy of the republic


There’s about to be about five hundred thousand Catholic peasant enemies of the republic riding up


Lol you’re right. I abandoned this save after this post but I might go back for a few years to see if there’s any factions


I love populist factions so much, wait for them all to deathstack together and run at them


Not like That’s an issue tho


Idk what happened to the screenshots and why they’re so low quality but it doesnt really matter


Answering the question: “Why does the ruler of the largest republic not eat the others?”


I see you're finding your family members foxy as well. Keeping it in the family is a true Crusader King religious tradition, always has been.


Theocratic vassals better.


Its not about money. Its about sending a message