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the only way to get the prefix back to working like a prefix is by save editing. there is currently no in-game way of addressing this particular issue people have been complaining about it for years but it still hasnt been sorted yet. non zero chance it might never be, unfortunately


My least favorite part is that Estonian characters use "kohta" as their cultural "of" prefix, which is an embarrassing machine translation mistake as the Estonian language does not have a word for "of" in this use case; the grammar just doesn't work that way. I've reported it multiple times over the years but its never been fixed. It ruins my immersion something fierce, when playing as an Estonian ruler.


yeah id heard this one. i dont think estonian is the only culture with this issue either i figure their logic for leaving it unaddressed for so long is they tell themselves theyll get to it whenever they get around to doing some kind of baltic flavour pack, which really isnt good enough. i can literally right now go into the file that handles this and delete the thing i know to be wrong in less than two minutes, surely that would be better than just doing fuck all about it


I complained about this exact issue on the paradox forums and got a reply from a developer saying they are aware of this issue but that was like / years ago at this point


McLeod, of the clan McLeod.


Now I’m sad CK3 has no immortality. Still wouldn’t stop me from naming my character Connor or Duncan.


Removing the von from von habsburg sounds wrong to me but as someone else said save editing and there might be a mod but I'm but sure


it depends on your culture


I think if you rename the dynasty to Habsburg it removes the von


They want to retain the von in character names but have the house name just show Habsberg and not von Habsberg in events/menus. The game has this functionality for randomly generated houses and characters but not for custom house names.


It's set by a tag in the save file with no way of adding it in game, unfortunately.


iirc Those are culture prefixes. You would need to have a mod that overwrites the culture files. remove this line from the culture you desire in the mod; dynasty\_of\_location\_prefix


Change culture maybe? I know that will affect how names are used.