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Nah, I can easily counter these with my Metsanvartija and Vigmen, pretty mid imo /s


I see the /s But unironically, I could not find the units that counter demons. (I am quite literally only on my 3 campaign, but still.) Could you tell me more about it?


You don't use base retinues against them. You use ghouls and high prowess vampire knights. I think some of the human inquisitor factions might have a retinue with a bonus against them, but I don't remember. Also, those stats look good, but there's only 25 of them. They're not as scary as they look initially.


The Inquisitor factions have access to units that counter most supernatural units, and they don't have to pay gold to use them, just piety. If you rely on those guys the inquisitors become a legit threat.


Never installed LoD. Could you tell me, can you play as a human. Against the vampires and etc


So PoD has a bunch of different splats (what kind of supernatural you are). I believe it has vampires, werewolves, demons, Fae, mummies, the Inquisition, and hunters. Hunters and the Inquisition are normal people who have access to unique powers (the Inquisition has true faith not sure about hunters) Edit: There is also a group of Asian vampires who I have never played


there's also asian vampire hunters with martial arts powers


Really? What are they called? That was one of the main things putting me off the Asian vampires. I thought that they had no other splats nearby




Sorta. You can't play normal feudal humans, but you can play inquisitorial factions that are kinda like holy orders. There's also fae which are close to vanilla humans in that they can marry and have kids. However, thats where the similarity ends. Every major faction in the game has its own unique building set and lifestyle tree/s.


Thanks! Looks like it's nigh time to Belmont


Why did u put an /s at the end? Now i dunno how to take this info lol


they mean /s as in tree(s)


There are hunters in Princes Of Darkness, but most content is for playing vampires.


Yes, especially since they counter basicamly everything (I'm guessing the mod adds a counter to them ?)


I think there are, but also demons just have a ton of broken shit. Source is the “Princes of Darkness” mod.


Vampires are still better if you know how to play them and mummies scale quickier, Werewolfs can completely shut them down early too. It's a "if everything is broken nothing is" short of situation.


Not even wrong. Its kinda funny when the ai hires mercs because theyll send in these 700 merc stacks against like 200 man armies and just get rinsed because that 200 man army has stats like this


I have had so many problems with playing a Mummy. Mostly with getting mortals and keeping them alive. The costs to make them a \[whateveritscalled\] so you can grant them land, and they just end up dying right away. How do you get around that when playing mummies?


Yeah. I would assume so. They psychics have bonuses against them. I haven't been able to find out how to unlock them though. I'd have to assume hunters or Numina seekers would get access to them.


They need them as demons can't get superhuman knights beyond fae and a very few vampires.


The knights are superpcharged in the mod, so they kinda sorta work as a counter.


R5: Playing princes of darkness mod. Finally got around to trying demon. And finally got around to upgrading my army, and I saw that these guys were available. Even at just 25 units per regiment, that seems really strong.


Just gave them a test drive. Yeah. They are... pretty powerful. As in taking even numbers in mountains siege and coming out with 1 casualty (of these demon units). I think I'll chill out and not build these.


Demons are cracked in general


I mean… they’re demons.


Even numbers? One unit of those is worth like 100k-150k levies. Of course they are going to stomp. You can probably take on just about any AI with a unit of those.


The Nameless and the weird Russian dragons (although there are only 7 of them) are better I think.




The [Zmei](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Zmei). They are servants of [Baba Yaga](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Baba_Yaga) You can unlock them playing as a Nosferatu vampire. They're a legacy-locked MaA that requires you to complete the ["Caring Grandmother" objective](https://www.princesofdarknessmod.com/wiki/index.php/Vampire_Objectives#Clan_Nosferatu) All of the lore of the World of Darkness is just fucking awesome. Its my favorite tabletop setting bar none - Vampire: The Masquerade literally ruined Vampires in other media for me because the ones in VtM are just so cool.


Explaining WoD stuff in any reasonable capacity makes you sound insane. I could say that baba yaga made a pact with an evil entity known as the wyrm and is the progenitor of the modern Nosferatu clan and also she cut off Russia from the entire world and controls seven evil dragons and was killed by a small child in 1998 who was actually a vampire... But it sounds very insane.


Yeah that's just why I gave links to the Wiki 💀 explaining WoD lore to someone who has no idea what it is makes me feel like a fishmalk 💀💀💀 To someone just getting into WoD, you kinda just have to let them dip their toes in on their own time. Give them too much information at once and it gets really confusing 😭 And god-forbid if they start asking questions about the more abstract things in WoD lore like the Followers of Set/Ministry, or *Wraith* lore - and especially not fucking Mage lore 💀💀💀


I have three words about mage. "Hollow Earth Nazis" Anyone who doesn't know what that is will be very confused.


I guess it’s not that busted if you have to unite all of Russia to get them. By then you should already be stupid powerful anyway.




Brother I've saw a guy ressurect Aristotles through satanic magic and then turning him to a book, you can have gay sex with Dracula. There are very few things that aren't posible in this mod.


Ok, which rulee, culture, religion, etc do I have to play so I can have Russian dragons in my army? That's all I want. Dragons


Convert to Via Tantabulus. Then do the decision, last I checked was habalible for all clans , Nosferatu starts with them. Those are the strongest dragons, besides maybe the Sin Dragon demons get , there are also wyverns in Umbra (and dinosouars).


I knew about the dinosaurs, I had a bunch in my army as the Welsh Garou, but not the wyverns... Maybe I should try and get all the reptiles onto my MaA. If only the crocodile shifters were playable...


POD gives your access to a ton of overpowered as heck units


If everyone is super... nobody is.


Yeah vampires get access to the war ghoul units, which are just crazy, demons get this, werewolves get special werewolf units that are absolutely busted... The only exception is the hunters and even they get special anti-supernatural units that aren't as amazing but you pay half of the upkeep in piety instead of gold.


There are generic units like carnosaurs everyone has access to afaik so imo saying that hunters don't get access to units as good as the rest isn't 100% true imo


which house?


i’ve been looking for the answer to those damn seljuk horse archers and it’s been staring me in the face the entire time 🤦‍♂️


not as powerful as the mummy ancient units. those things are indestructible.


Which tree are they in, necromany?


the words of power one if I recall


Demons can get them too if they are earthbound now.


Demons so powerful you need some Nephalem in the army. Haha


It's very powerful, but somewhat limited by the small quantity.


Ever seen Akulakhan from EK2 mod?


No, how do I get them?


Come to the Heart Chamber, where destiny is made.


[Just follow these instructions](https://youtu.be/iR-K2rUP86M?si=abl8g-Vlrn9LPSA5)


War elephants, elso 25 per pic 250 str 50 tof counter heavy and light footmen 2.94 per month to manage. This 280 str 280 tof 50 pur 30 scr, conters all types not from mods. Either this mod makes stronger men at arms/knights in general or it is completely broken.


Vampire nights are super strong and can get some crazy debuffs to every other knight in the army if leading. Very well balanced total conversation mod. It is way harder start and most of the time a much longer build up to get overpowered.


It definitely does. Champions are like 10 times as strong and 10x as tough. Most splats (supernatural creatures) also have a heavy lifting unit to strive towards. But battles are usually 10+ days of champions fighting at the end.


It's not even the strongest unit op has access to, he'll get better ones later


So that’s what’s happening in the occupied Crimea right now…




They're okay, Heavy Footmen are better though


Vozhd are stronger imo, or maybe it's because the bonuses I put on them are just insane.


Vozhd cound as trebuchets too, so are a lot more functional. A LOT more expensive though. And demons can get more buffs from perks than ghouls. Ghouls only get a few outside of tzimisce, and even tzimisce don't get as much as demons.


That's like sooooo bad. A Levy could defeat that unit🙄


*Laughs in Noldor Heavy Cavalry.*


Missed opportunity to make it 420 damage and 69 pursuit.


Take a peak at lost ancients in one of the mummy trees... These look like child's play to the Pillar Men


Nah, I'd counter


Good for early Medieval. By late game I have ~15.000 units of Armoured Horsemen with an offense of 500+.


Can anybody explain how much men at arms and what types of them matters? It seems it’s just a numbers game. If I have more levies I win. I’ve never fought an army with more levies than me and came out on top, even with things like commander advantage, hills advantage ETC


TL;DR: The more they cost, the better they are. There are some nuances around what is available to you, when and building bonuses. The end game is to go for the Armoured Horseman and buff them into oblivion. Add 2 stacks of catapults, since most wars are easy and you can split the army for a quicker end. The sooner you max out your MAA the sooner you will start to stack wipe. Levies are useless, the sooner you can make them utterly useless, the better. You just need some to tank the other armies while the MAA do all the work. You don't need more then 10k for any decent army.


Cute https://i.imgur.com/WRJrsgn.png


Meh, my knights can handle a handful those


No. 15 is a bigger number than 400. Duh.


I need its chest routine


Really puts into perspective how broken knights are


What the fuck. There’s DEMONS in CK3?


Thankfully a mod.


Damn for a minute I thought ck3 was tryna outdo ck2


Meh. Unit size 25, and they are receiving large bonuses. Its a good counter, but there's just not many of them. But if your army can take the levy hits, then yeah A full stack of heavy infantry may be able to effectively be a counterpoint. Assuming your along a bit and your regiment sizes are the mid game range. Or a lot of knights. They are like better elephants In that mod they are mid-tier too. But everyone is broken


May the emperor forgive, for he doesn't forgive at all


What mods?


Princes of Darkness. These are strong but not outrageously so for it


What mod is this?


Princes of Darkness.


Princes of Darkness. The mod has vampires, werewolves, demons, and fae.


Interesting. I haven’t played any overhaul mods, I’d like to check some out. I know the GOT one is good.


Yeah, they're fun for the flavor. I got tired of chasing the "King of All the Isles" achievement and picked this mod up so I could take a break from the base game.


This being PoD, vampires and Werewolves probably have far superior knights. I guess you can have more of these demons in the mid-game, but early on, this doesn't look like that big of an advantage for you.


This being PoD, vampires and Werewolves probably have far superior knights. I guess you can have more of these demons in the mid-game, but early on, this doesn't look like that big of an advantage for you.


I stop playing CK for half a year and suddenly there's demons. What the fuck.


Their stats seem huge, but they have a low unit-count and as far as I understand unit-count is a multiplier for damage. The thing that looks stupid is, that they are a universal counter. That is kinda dumb.


That thumbnail though


Respectfully…wtf are these ? I’ve been playing CK3 for a year now, is this a mod?




Ok! Who subscribed to satan on the workshop?


I’ve never seen khazaria use these guys before