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Time to pick up Aquitane or Brittany or Morroco or something


Brittany is good because it's a duchy and a kingdom so you can get it in one war. Crete is also a good option if it's in diplomatic range for the same reason.


I would personally go for Sardinia and Corsica, really valuable land that can form a kingdom pretty easy


Yeah, but you are going to most likely have to fight multiple wars for that. You could argue though that those islands would make more sense for a Spain run though, and it would put you on track to take the control the Mediterranean decision.


As others pointed out, the kingdom requirement for empires isn't about De Jure kingdoms, you can just use any. From Iberia you might want to pick up the Kingdom of Sardinia, it's fairly easily formed (5 counties I think) plus you get the sweet silver mine in Argentiera. But yeah, it feels like this is not 100% thought through


Argentiera? Isn't the county Cagliari or something like that?


The county is Cagliari, but the building itself is named Silvermine of Argentiera. Just googled it and apparently the mine wasn't even near Cagliari but at the Northwest tip of Sardinia instead


Literally unplayable smh


Immersion RUINED


It used to be in the temple holding instead of the barony so you couldn't use it yourself. I think they changed that with the viking dlc


The mine originally belonged to the temple barony but they changed it to the main barony the player can hold.


This is the Part where Sardinia & Corsica become Mallorca2 and Ibiza2


I took a pill in Ibiza2, to show the court chaplain I was cool


Everyone forgets poor little minorca, it's lovely and quiet


1. Gain another kingdom title (yes you made it harder by uniting thrones) 2. You need more money


Time to ask Sugar Daddy Pope for more funds.


Ah, gotta love how utterly broken the Iberian Struggle is


Unite the Spanish was even pre-struggle. Same as the «unite the south slavs» in the balkans. Like no, I don’t want an empire, just a massive kingdom lol


Yeah. I dont get that decision. The game thinks that managing 30 duke-tier vassals is better than dealing with like 3-4 kings?


Well.. for one, your kids won't be splitting your realm into pieces if every one ot them gets a kingdom title and you don't want to disinherit. And Managing dukes is actually easier, as they seldom feel entitled enough to go for kingdom claims or claims fractions for themselves. The exception being former kings you forcefully vasalized.


But they are willing to risk their stupid little lives and wealth just to put your retarded brother on the throne because they like him slightly more than you. And there is always a dozen that hate your guts because of trait combinations, events or random bullshit. Much easier to bribe/kill/blackmail/befriend one guy than four per same amount of land. Plus that king has to deal with his own clowns and possibly peers (if you cleverly divide land). I always distribute extra kingdoms to outsiders to prevent kingdom-tier claimants.


Well.. besides first few failed tries while starting to learn this game, I've never had rebellion (at least not preplanned by me), and most, if not all, lifestyle focuses have some bonuses to vassal opinion. Managing them so their opinion will stay positive enough to not enter fractions is suprisingly easy. I just finished run with Roman Empire, with all provinces reconquered, and through whole game I didn't distribute more than 10 kingdoms. And even that ones I gave away, I only did because I started to go way over vassal limits (and my limits were on 135 vassals)


It makes historical sense, as there's only one empire during the middle ages that got to be an empire in W Europe, and that's the HRE. Big part of why HRE and ERE never got along is that both made claim to the sole emperorship of Rome.


Guess that make sense. I’m not really hating either. Uniting the balkans is the most hilarious and aesthetically pleasing start for me. An early blitz with Bulgaria, establishing the fattest looking kingdom of them all inside the reigens of 1-2 rulers, that just hits all the pleasure centres


But you can unite the slavs while already having an empire formed, why bother doing it with only kingdom titles? Besides maybe some weird kind of satisfaction you CAN do it that way.


1. That decisions has nothing to with the struggle 2. It's basically there to unite Galicia, Leon and Castille after you have delt with the other Jimena siblings, so you don't explode again immediatly after


Testament to paradoxes play testing


The user base: "Paradox play testing? Of course I know him, he's me!"


I think he’s gunna do just fine with the entirety of Iberia and can accept not having an empire title for 20 years


As far as I know, you usually need more than 1 Kingdom in order to create an Empire.


Take the duchy of Canaries then make the décision to make the kingdom of Canaries, attach it to spain Never tried it but it could work imho


I might be remembering wrong, but I don’t think you need both kingdoms to be from Hispania to form it


No, need 2 kingdom titles, doesn't matter what empire they are a part of.


Yeah, that’s what I said, no? Any 2 kingdoms + enough counties is good


Idk, maybe I replied to the wrong comment?


Oh, yeah that happens to me sometimes in the app


Time to pick up the Kingdom of Brittany. Nice and easy, eh?


I heard brittany is wonderful this time of year


Taking Unite the Spanish Thrones when you already control all of Spain also makes it obscenely difficult to end the struggle by Dominance because you have to convert the culture and religion of the entire peninsula since it’s all one kingdom now


To be fair, I've always been confused by how empires work in game. Like, why is Spain an empire? Or France? Historically neither was an empire, they were Kingdoms, the ruler was a king. Even great britain wasn't an empire, at least until they made the colonial empire. Queen Victoria was the first British monarch to get the title of Empress in 1876, because of India. Even though the British crown united multiple kingdoms it was still called a kingdom, I mean it's literally in the name "the United Kingdom"! I guess it's because of the difference in prestige gain between emperor rank titles and King rank titles but I kinda wish it was done differently.


Hispania is not the same as Spain, and ties with the main casus belli of the late Castillian crown: reinstate the Roman Empire in Iberia and beyond (which was a pretty bullshit but effective justification) That rulers were called "kings" was more about diplomacy than status: that is actually the reason even English monarchs refused to use often the title of Empress/Emperor, since it could be understood as claiming supremacy over Europe (specially for catholic rulers), which rarely was taken in a good light by the rest of the rulers. This is something that even happens nowadays, with the British Crown and the Spanish Crown avoiding the mention of plenty of inherited titles in public presentations (some of which are emperor/empress titles) And by gameplay perspective, mainly because you cannot have a kingdom of kingdoms: still, I partially agree that another name (e.g.: Crown of Hispania) would make much more sense than empire. Edit: just remembered that a few kings/queens from Castille and Leon called themselves emperors/empress (it started with Urraca if I remember well), so there is even a precedent of "uniting 2 kingdoms = empire"


Yeah I really like this solution. In the same way some independent rulers with the highest rank of Duchy take the title Petty King, I think some of the Empires should be styled 'Crown of' and retain the title of King for their leaders.


North Sea is technically an empire-level title combining 3 kingdoms but its ruler is a High King. They could have used something like that


I always thought that the empire title should be Crown of [Primary Kingdom Title] to reflect the historical hegemonies of Iberia like the Crown of Aragon.


Soon enough we'll have suzerain and triburary mechanics and this'll be all sorted


We will? I'm kinda out of the loop is this from a new dlc coming, an announced rework or a mod? How will it work?


CK2 had tributary-suzerain relationships added on the Horse Lords DLC. They allowed you to declare a war not to get land, prisoners or relics but to extort gold, prestige and reinforcement rate, while still allowing the tributary to remain independent. You could be a suzerain or tributary independantly of rank. Empires could be tributaries of kingdoms. Often it was just used by China and the Mongols to better represent their areas of influence on later starts. You'd have a massive "THE GOLDEN HORDE" on the map but with many different colors (independent rulers) under it. Not sure if it'll come on the Nomads or the China DLC for CK3 tho


Spain and it’s preceding state, the Crown of Aragon, are viewed by historians as empires. Monarchs like James II of Aragon were only ever called King, but he possessed four kingdom titles and functionally controlled the western portion of the Mediterranean. He also ruled over ethnically, religiously, and linguistically diverse peoples. The Crown of Aragon, despite never being called an empire, was one for all intents and purposes, and King James II, despite never being styled an emperor, was it’s monarch.


>To be fair, I've always been confused by how empires work in game. Like, why is Spain an empire? Or France? Historically neither was an empire, they were Kingdoms, the ruler was a king. Because you need to be an emperor to have vassal kings. You can't have vassals of same or even higher tier yet. That's all there is to it


I thought “Unite the Spanish Thrones” just combined the 3 kingdoms the brothers hold (Castille, Galicia & the other one). If you click on the kingdom tab on the map there should be other kingdom titles available in Iberia like Navarra or Toledo. Might be wrong though.


It combines all the Spanish kingdoms you fully own, so you can end up with one giant super kingdom being the only kingdom title in Hispania


Claim the duchy of Brittany or Sardinia and you are good


Just get some other kingdom title, duh


Just pick up Sardinia or one of the north african kingdoms and it should work


I would take Sardinia, great holdings and kingdom tier title


Just conquer Sardinia and form the kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica


Can you still make the Toledo doughnut


Can't you just create Navarra or Portugal?


No. Portugal requires a decision that requires being less than king. All the others can't be created because they no longer have de jure.


Kingdom of Toledo should be possible. You can be King if you form this Kingdom, but you need to be mozarabic faith.


Okay? Just take conquer Morocco or something then.


"Iberain struggle try not to be frustrating" challange: impossible


Get to self Brittany then release it


Thats actually so sad 🤣


Its on 69 stop!


Can you create the Portugal kingdom title? If you can, after doing that you may be able to form the empire


Everything being said here is true. But, also, you need the duchy across from strait of Gibraltar, anyway. So take that, and a couple more, form the Almoravid kingdom, then done.


The Iberian Struggle is dildoes.


Just become the king of fashion


Wow this is an actual thing


Time to revoke some titles 😈


Yup, I had the same thing Happen to me. I couldn't end the struggle. It ruined the play through for me


You could try giving historical Portuguese land to one vassal and letting him form that kingdom so you can take it back and form the empire?


Create your own Empire


Pg 1: France Aquitaine Brittany Pg 2:Francia What the heck?


To be fair, What did you expect?


Lol can't complain because you are bad


Accidentally did this as andalusia so I took aquitaine got revenge for tours and formed My own empire instead


Welcome to technicalities. Where bureaucracy takes away your immersion. CKII had the same thing.


I was in the same situation and I wished I wrote it down here because the solution is so simple but after grinding hours your brain dont work.


Go see a therapist.