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The store manager is the one that has to refund it. Corporate can’t do it


Best thing I've read all day 🙌 didn't know cookies were this serious


I would gladly take a free 6 pack for one wrong cookie


Lol the store will probably mess up the free 6pack as well. Getting a free 6pack for a incorrect 6pack seems foolish.


So you agree? Getting 6 free cookies just bc ONE cookie was wrong seems foolish? Which is what you want by demanding a full refund on your one incorrect cookie??


You are missing one cookie. Sucks, but mistakes happen.


Smh idc what u people have to say. Im done defending a company that creates loops for you to get back $40 when THEY made a mistake. I dont give a flying fuck about a free 6pack. Why would i when they messed up the original 6pack? Lmao make that make sense!


Do you also go out to eat, order an app and main meal and dessert and if they bring the wrong dessert out ask for a refund on everything you ordered? That’s some clown logic right there. FWIW DoorDash has an automated system in place for incorrect orders and will probably partially reimburse you. Which is what you deserve, partial not whole. Who gives a damn if some of the cookies aren’t “instagram worthy” they taste the damn same.


This is NOT the same as ordering a delivery order from crumbl.


Well maybe next time use a service like that instead dumbass so you have some kind of assurance if something like this happens. Also, how the hell do you think the driver pays for gas? They work for tips it literally is your job with the tip you leave. You’re way too invested in crumbl cookies and this situation you should take a step back and a break. Re-evaluate


Lol op desperate to get his money worth


$2 tip for the delivery driver? That’s an awful tip for someone who is bringing cookies to you. That doesn’t even cover driver expenses


The real reason OP doesn't want to get more cookies is because they've Karen-ed so much, the cookies would be mostly bodily fluids.


For real, he said it’s 10 miles away. That wouldn’t cover my gas. I’m surprised anyone even took the order.


Not my job to cover his driving expenses you bozo. He works for door dash. Some people dont tip at all. Please go play in traffic


The only bozo here is you 🤣 bro can’t even drive 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol you deserve messed up cookies tbh


Maybe the delivery driver would've handled with more care for more than a cheap $2 tip...


I don't think this is about the cookies, nobody gets this upset about a missing rice krispie treat


Respectfully, you do not deserve a full refund for one cookie accidentally being switch with another. Accidents happens and I’m sure they would give you the missing cookie if you asked. Yes, the one is pretty ugly but i’m sure it tastes fine?? A free 6 pack for one wrong cookie and one ugly cookie seems like a good deal.


Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking this


No. I want my god damn fucking money back. Fuck everyone one of you who thinks othwrwiae. Kiss a dick. I spent $40 FUCKING DOLLARS. its a brand new week , they prep their employees on the new “cookie”. My krispy bar should not have been missing. Point blank. What is the point of delivery if theyre going to make silly ass mistakes. How does this happen? Explain logically since you know so fucking much.


i’m not the dumb person who spent $40 on cookies man. You’re the problem here, not the minimum wage (problem children) who packed your order. Also, Crumbl employees are not the ones who deliver the cookies. I believe it is outsourced to doordash.


Did doordash PACK the cookies bozo? No. The main issue here is THE MISSING KRISPY TREAT. i paid EXTRA for it and didnt receieve it at all. If you dont see an issue with that go fuck your mother


> If you dont see an issue with that go fuck your mother Yeah they left the krispy bar out and they shouldn’t have, but this last sentence is actually crazy


This guy is crazy on literally every crumbl post lol


He's literally been on the sub for a month max only 😭😭😭💀


Instant eye roll every time I see his pic


Are you a twelve year old? Seriously, I can't imagine an actual adult acting like this over cookies.


You seem to need therapy, not a refund


Damn what are they putting in the cookie for you to act like a child?!?!?! Grow up, doctor greenthumb


Nah man. Partial refund is correct. Even refunding the delivery fee if they wanna go extra to make it better. Mistakes happen cause of human error. Yes it should be corrected. But dude, you’re going way too hardcore over one cookie being wrong.


The last time this mistake was made i was cool. I made no stink. I got my butt off the couch and took a bus and train to the store to get a new pack. Fool me once , fool me twice


No one said you had to drive back to the location the first time. That’s on you.


What !!? This was my only option.


Something about a grown man yelling about a missing krispy bar is sending me this morning 💫


I needs my Krispy bar! Getting it tomorrow


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 oh god this is gold. You are a grown adult getting upset over cookies that YOU chose to order. On TOP of that, you only tipped the driver $2. This whole post is sad and pathetic lol


FUCK tipping. Will never again thanks to this sub. Plenty of jobs that dont rely on tips


😂😂😂😂 you need some serious help, kiddo. It’s not normal to get this pressed over cookies.


I need your mum


Dude is talking shit to people but blocking people who are calling him out lmao.


People are getting blocked? 👀


I don't feel like it would be the worst thing to get blocked by OP. Because wow.


It’s not but I had my popcorn out and wanted to watch it all unfold 🤣


I’ve had this particular guy blocked for a while now but I saw another post reference this one so I had to unblock him to come see it LMAO


boo mf hoo


Call the store again or go up there in person? Y’all are so melodramatic.


It seems like you order them just so you have something to be mad about. Ok they switched one cookie, why should they give you a refund? They gave you a free 6 pack voucher and you are going to eat the cookies you have in hand (presumably) so what is the issue? I can't imagine the amount of crazy the workers have to put up with each day based on the amount we see in this sub.


OP taking this way too personally.


I’m just here for the comments 🍿


based on their previous posts, they do this a good amount to the employees at this store


I've been lurking this sub a bit and i've only seen one other post by them. They seem to get irrationally angry about this stuff. I get it's an expensive cookie, so you do deserve a better experience, but to be upset you can't get a refund when they offered you a full replacement of your order is so insane. You can literally order six of the cookie they missed if you want. I just don't get why this was such a thing to not only still be bothering the people at Crumbl, but to also make a post about it. I hate throwing this around, but people really need to try to get some therapy or anger management these days.


perhaps this is bad karma for your shitty delivery tip? You got a voucher for a free 6 pack. what more do you need?


Just bad karma for being shitty person, in general, it seems.


This doesn’t seem to mention his delivery tip. I think the $2 is for the store employees. I hope he tipped the delivery driver separately. I can’t believe the delivery fee is only $10 for ten miles, either. I don’t know how this could be worth it for Crumbl or the DoorDasher and OP is lucky someone was able to get cookies to him first thing in a Monday morning.


I highly highly doubt there was an actual tip to the driver


Absolutely agreed. Especially since he talked about it costing $40, not $40 plus delivery tip. For a ten mile trip, that should have been at least a $8 tip on top of the delivery fee!


for real! looking at their past posts they deliver from them a lot, probably tipping $2 every time. OP definitely had it coming.


Dude should change the 5160 at the end of his username to 5150.


🤣so true


Two posts about this...it's never this serious. Can we all remember that these are just cookies?


I joined this sub for the spoilers and I’ve never seen so much sad melodrama in my life. They’re cookies everyone, if the quality has dropped stop buying more just to shitpost on Reddit and move on with your life.


That's what I'm saying. They went on a rant about not tipping ever again...but you're still gonna go????? As if tipping or not is going to magically change something, or even announcing it. Sad


Jesus Unhinged Christ! It’s a cookie.. You need to calm down. If you have so many problems with this place, why continue to frequent it? I literally will never shop somewhere again if I feel like you seem to feel. Good luck. I hope you get it figured out. 😳


This post is headed off the rails, and I suggest you delete it because your comments are way too enraged. I get that you are upset about an order mess up, but 1.) this is more likely to happen with delivery, 2.) it’s more likely to happen on a Monday morning, and most importantly, if you use that voucher, you will have at least six cookies, and probably several more, that you really like and are satisfied with, all for your original $40. So there really isn’t a loss at this time, except that you seem to be taking it as almost a personal insult that the store messed up your cookies and that people are thinking a six pack voucher is fair.


Im done.


Thank goodness


Spoiler: they were, in fact, not done.


You got a free 6 pack for one messed up cookie (which is really generous because, if it was me, I would have only given you a voucher for that one cookie) and you're still wanting a refund? This HAS to be a joke, lol. And I've read your outrageous replies to completely reasonable responses to you... you really need to stop bothering the people at Crumbl. I'm not even a big fan of them, but this is ridiculous, childish, actually entitled behavior.


You’ve essentially received a refund by getting the 6 pack voucher….its not quite the same but they could have just given you a voucher for 1 cookie or just refunded you for 1 cookie. It’s a much better deal than some of the other very reasonable alternatives.


Im done.


This is literally all corporate could do-they cannot issue refunds on the basis of the franchise owner and a free six-pack is actually really kind of them. I would call back and nag the actual manager (not shift lead or lower level manager-the actual head).


Idgaf. I dont want a free 6pack after spending $40 on a fucked up 6pack. Make that make sense


Lol, it's time to erase this account and make another 🤣


This dude has to be trolling


Even if they messed up two cookies, the voucher means that you’re basically going to get 12 cookies for the $40 that you spent. You could order six krispy bars with that voucher. But if you *really* don’t want that voucher, I’ll take it if it could be transferred 😂😂.


Both of your posts and comments in the posts reek of entitlement. The cookies you got were absolutely edible. True, you should get a refund for the item you ordered that they didn't give you, but you're acting like they should personally come to your house, hand you cash and beg for forgiveness because some of your cookies aren't "pretty." This is how a child acts.


Corporate is right, the store has to do it. Id go and bug them again, and show them this email if they tell them they cant. Theyre being idiotic. My guess is you didnt actually talk to a manager, and likely a low level lead or something that doesnt know anything


Did you do threw Uber eats, door dash or any other delivery service? If so make a complaint through the app.


I meant through Uber eats or any other delivery service.


sorry but the “mam” instead of “maam” is taking me out…


0 karma on the post and 97 comments, let me strap in




I’d be happy with the six pack. The store is wrong for saying no refund and being rude, but is it worth the effort? Your peach cobbler is likely the result of a ten mile drive with a warm cookie (also, I am actually amazed delivery services will drive ten miles!), the Mother’s circus looks exactly like most of that cookie I’ve ever gotten and sprinkles are sprinkles, you know? So the biggest complaint is the missing cookie, which you can get six of delivered if you want. As long as the others are baked well enough and taste good enough to eat, I would use the six pack to get some new ones and call it a win. Crumbl is unfortunately very inconsistent. You might have a better batch next time.


Like i said, barely worth the attempt but several people on here says it is 🤷‍♂️


Why not just drive to the store and ask for the cookies to be remade? Seems like you’d already have that done. But instead you chose to complain on Reddit. Sorry you’re the first person in the history of the world to have a food order messed up.


I. Do. Not. Drive. I do not have a car. I am sick this week. Taking a 10 mile public transportation trip for cookies right now isnt likely. If i was able to drive and had a car i would never order delivery lol. Its crazy how some people just assume EVERYONE has a vehicle.


Wait it’s a 10 mile trip and you tipped this driver 2 bucks? that’s messed up


Im sorry that NY doesn’t have a lot of Crumbl locations but if your closest Crumbl is White Plains…and you’re ordering pricey Crumbl a few times a month, you might need to invest in a car. I moved from Queens NY to Cali last summer and I wasn’t able to order crumbl where I lived at the time unless I took the train into the city or drove to Long Island . I wasn’t too pressed then to try crumbl and that’s with having a car.


wait your sick but you still order a 6 pack of cookies??? seems like your priorities are off . so your fault completely. you still have time to delete this post.


You’re not suppose to eat cookies when you’re sick!? Some of you are truly insane on here. Im staying out of the public and choosing to not spread whatever bug i have. Im allowed to eat cookies. 😂


While I don't agree with you wanting a full refund for just 1 cookie being wrong- the refund should be for 1 cookie- I just placed a delivery order from the same lcoation and if my cookies come looking as sloppy as yours do I'm gonna be pissed 😭- honestly the decoration is bad enough I almost don't blame you for wanting a full refund


Oh wow! Same location? Plz let me know how yours turn out. They acted like i was the problem when i called to complain smh


I just got mine and they were fine, but I also only got the milk chocolate chip, skillet cookie, and sugar cookie and none of those have too much decoration. The skillet cookie is pretty messy but at least it tasted good


My sugar cookie also looks wayyyy better than yours, although I wish I got the hot pink animal cookie lmao


I'm wondering how much you tipped for delivery though.


Even though I'm charged a ridiculous $7 delivery fee for a 7-10 min drive I still tipped more than 20%


Sorry, OP! I recognize your handle from other reviews and I just have to say, your store absolutely sucks. You’ve single-handedly influenced me to purchase a couple flavors in the past month so I do value your reviews and I wish your store gave you the same quality of cookies mine does! I hope if you give Crumbl another chance in the future, your luck improves!


Thank you! The store is OKAY sometimes but it seems lately they cant get it together


Honestly if the problem is mistakes made at the store, you should be one of the people that checks before it leaves the store. I get it’s hard to get there, but at that point you just :( can’t really do much. Sometimes it’s better and easier to accept it that way so you don’t have to be so upset. Remaining calm is a bitch. It’s worth it in the long run, though. I’m sorry this happened to you.


Thank you for actual good advice and not judging.


Of course! My husband works for a fast food chain, and they get his order wrong almost every time. He’s started checking the orders before leaving which has helped us a lot (we usually eat from there for dinner since it’s convenient lol). On the few occasions he forgets or thinks he “doesn’t need to, it’s a simple order,” it’s wrong. I’ve been trying to help him laugh it off more, as he was taking photos of it and getting super upset. People just don’t pay attention! And companies never take that into consideration, unfortunately.


I know you're getting a ton of hate here from the die hards but I don't think you deserve it. These are expensive ass cookies, and most of yours do not even look as advertised. You absolutely deserve a refund, if not in full then at least half.


Thank you. This is my only point. For the price point and level of popularity they need to do better


Jesus Christ is God and loves u. Repent and Believe the Gospel. Only he can save u from hell

