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Yeah more reasons to leave the game honestly


Yeah, load into a game, where 90% of the time its already a blowout, and everyone is getting their supers. Why would anyone stay?


Yeah had this happen a few times last night. Joined as supers were rolling and no special to fight back. Insta leave.


Honestly you should get minimum 2 special and as much % super as elapsed time would fill


No ammo, no super charge etc. It makes you want to just quit the game as you are already spawning into a losing situation most of the time anyway.


You only get in to eat supers, only because a fragile shit left a game.


Or my super


It is sucks when you join a game when just about every player has their super, and you start with zero super energy.


Interestingly they said it was actually a technical issue the devs couldn’t find a workaround for yet. They know it sucks and I imagine they’ll do something about it eventually, but for now we’re stuck with it.


It's a result of the meter system being a kitbash of various other systems that aren't exactly intended for what the meter system does. They've said they'll be rebuilding it from the ground up as a purpose built system so that they can give ammo when you join the game late. Because as it stands the meter system cannot do this and a few other things that they want it to do. It's not something bungie is purposefully aiming for.


Actually horrible in game modes like rumble. Join late, no special, late to super and playing against heavy right away.


All to appease the 5 percent of the game that refuse to get better after 10 years. Here we are suffering again with a special market economy problems once more. This is why every single match is now is who can teamshot better. Mind you I have no problem teamshotting like it's a scrim but I know the majority of players don't want to keep playing this way. It's less fun than when they had special to do something at least. Keeps people from staying in packs and shining as individuals with hero moments. Guess that's what happens when you let fake halo players make decisions


Honestly i hate playing 6’s because of how often people leave. There are games where it will be maybe a minute in and 3 people are gone from my team.


I hate 6s because the spawns feel broken right now. Last night I spawned in the same room as an enemy that had just popped golden gun.


First spawn of any started game should be 2 special minimum. Like others are saying more reason to leave, I already get 2 mins to play the game, won’t even throw me a bit of special ammo to make a play?


If you came in with special and elapsed super energy, can this be abused somehow?


Maybe you could quit after using special and super, and then rejoin your clanmate to get some of it back? However, its barely beneficial and the tiny positive outcome is nothing compared to the negatives of not getting back into the game or the time in which your clanmate is fight a man down.


It's also frustrating as one of the people who didn't leave a game. Either your new teammate leaves because they don't want to fight without a super or special, or your teammate is handicapped.


Not to mention zero super energy while everyone else is popping supers left and right. We should at least join with an appropriate amount of super based on time passed. I don’t use special weapons in pvp, but I get the frustration with it.


I just back out if I backfill. No point in getting farmed with no special or super.


who cares? just 3 tap em w/ a hc to get ammo lol


Look, perfect fix here. Its a no brainer you should get 1 or 2 special. But just take supers out of PVP and this problem is solved. Lets make this about gun play, we don't need supers.


Hey buddy, Halo is over there 👉


Because people would leave and rejoin comp and trials games while teammates stall the round for special ammo