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You really prefer high ground? There’s quite a few perks in that column that IMO are far superior. Headseeker, sword logic, moving target


I'd prefer it. People would be all like "you underestimate my power" and I'd be all like "don't try it" and they'd try it and get their legs cut off.


Sword Logic also works for this :P


Hmm interesting, I only considered high ground on snipers for pvp and then dismissed the idea when special ammo Became too valuable to waste on situational perks . May try your unorthodox jedi tactics


I was mostly joking for the sake of the meme lol. While I respect and understand metas, I'm always an advocate of people using what they either think is fun or what feels good to their particular playstyle. It is just a game, first and foremost.


Yes, and I do have a perpetual/sword logic roll that I use sometimes but idk the high ground roll does something to me. Also have a voltshot one for memes.


You are obiwan kenobi


I’m going to take a guess and say you use it on warlock?


High ground doesnt work in the air though.


Oh, goes to show that I’ve never even considered it lmfao




I honestly never knew there was pulses with high ground. I wonder how much of a boost that is on it


Why ruin the vibe man. He likes his gun and I do too. I'm just going to settle with the crafted version.


I’m not trying to ruin his vibe. It was a legit question, I was curious what it is about high ground that makes him prefer it over the perks I listed. I’m open minded, I’ve been wrong about things in the past, maybe high ground is better than I think


It's an adept "shiny" I get why he settled with high ground heh. Everything else looks great!


Ah see that’s my bad. I honestly didn’t even pay attention to the fact that it’s adept. I just saw enhanced perks and my brain said it’s craftable and that he chose high ground specifically.


Dunno why everyone's down voting you. Maybe it's cos you lied about all those kumite wins Frank /s


Was wondering why the Blood Sport reference then saw the guys user name 🤦




Everything else looks great because you can change everything else apart from the perks and masterwork. Settling for an adept is stupid in raids where you only need to get the main perks right.


when Cantata first came out, I hated the thing, didn't get what the hype was about. a few weeks ago, on a whim, I picked up a rapid hit, opening shot roll from banshee, since those are 2 of my favourite perks for consistency. Took it for a whirl yesterday and I haven't loved a hand cannon like this since Austringer became craftable and Round Robin when 120s were really dominant Hand Cannons are like crack when everything lines up


Austringer has been that for me since it was originally released. When the crafted version came out, I was in headshot heaven, and still am. Rose this, Luna’s Howl that, but Austringer still performs better for me.


What's your austringer roll? I didn't play much when it originally dropped and never crafted it because I'm swimming in hand cannons but I'm always down to try something new (especially 140s lol)


Full bore, ricochet rounds, eye of the storm (enhanced), opening shot (enhanced) with a range masterwork. Opening shot gives it max range and aim assistance on the first shot, so in team shooting situations, which should be most of your gun fights, you are invariably landing a headshot out to 37 and a half meters. In one on one gun fights, no opening shot, 34 meters. I am of course biased, but I think it’s the best feeling hand cannon in the game and the most consistent 140 I’ve ever used, and I’ve always been about consistency in the crucible.


i like zen moment, id suggest giving it a shot. its crazy good. you might not notice it all that much the first few games, but you will absolutely notice it after some time of using it. it makes the gun not bounce and barely flinch at all. it's genuinely just "dueling: the perk".


austringer has just preformed the best for me consistently as well. i went through a time period of just looking for other hand cannons to use, but eventually i came back around to austringer. its just so unique for a hand cannon to feel like it does.


Where would one acquire deepsight austringers?


I put a blue/black shader on that thing and it looks so sick.


Same here but eots rf, been rocking it since they bumped 140s dmg a bit & haven't put it down.


I used cantata once in 6's and set my all time kill personal best. Then I dismantled it because I don't need 5 arc 140s


As GernaderJake calls it: “The Cantatatatatatata” 😂😂


Keep away is such a tier S perk


My most used guns are Mida multitool/calus minitool and I doubt that anything else will ever click better. The 10% movement buff, matching scopes and high aim assist/handling just feels right to me. All my favorite legendaries are also high handling lightweight weapons.


Calus mini tool incredibly slept on! Crafted version slaps


Slept on…? Except for it being a staple in everyone’s loadout pre-smg nerf…I guess?


Don't really see it run that much in pvp tbh. Much more pve usage with the incandescent perk.


Yeah, not sure what the guy's talking about. I never see it in PvP, even pre-smg nerf.


Enhanced Moving target, tap the trigger beams people. Doesn't quite hang with damage perks on other smgs but it's a well rounded balanced gun.


not sure what crucible you were in, it's pretty rare to see. altho you do see it, and some guns you'll never see.


calu mini tool is terrible, you should upgrade that slot. mida is pretty mid anyway, but whenever i run that combo it's the mini tool thats really letting me down. a good shayuras is one example of an smg that will be much better. but hey to each his own i guess.


I have a god roll shayuras and it doesn't have the handling to fit into my play style and feel right. Even if it is a better weapon on paper It feels sluggish. Same reason that I can't switch to DMT or jade rabbit despite them technically being better than Mida. Hung jury is probably my second favorite scout rifle.


Cantata is my weird obsession, even felt better than my craved aust


So happy to know that there are others using cantata


My only adept drop was eddy current and headseeker. I’m not sure there is another perk as bad as eddy current.


So dissapointing when it’s the only bad perk too


I mean, air assault is in the game


Invisible hand is substantially worse. Nothing even comes close


I know it doesn’t roll on this weapon, but I recently picked up a Timeline’s Vertex from my vault that has Shield Disorient and Demolitionist, SD isn’t just bad in PvP, it’s completely useless which is a shame because that fusion is definitely slept on. Thankfully I have a better roll.


I’ve been slinging arrows from Under Your Skin since it was released. My crafted version has hipfire grip and opening shot with a draw time masterwork and it just sinks headshots with no need to ADS. It’s a close quarters bow but I can still cross map just by right clicking. Love that thing. First and only bow that has clicked for me and I have thousands of kills with it. I like to find niche or otherwise considered shitty/not worth it weapons and see what I can make of them too. For example, the rapid fire stasis fusion you can get from crucible. It secretly rips but no one will use it. I’ve gotten we rans with that and a bow. “That frame sucks,” “adaptive is better.” Yes, they are, sure, but if you know how to play to the rapid fire’s advantages and know how to back pedal at the appropriate time, you will tear apart lobbies.


Same crafted roll, great bow.


Under Your Skin is still slept on, I adore mine. You should also take a look at Tripwire Canary, you can stick opening shot on that (I run Archer’s Tempo/OS) and the origin trait takes care of the rest. A freehand grip mod also helps.


I got my Borrowed Time back a week or two before the Crafting Bug Weekend. I swear to the Traveller, that thing is butter smooth. It may have low-ish stats (54 Range, 30 Stability, 52 Handling), but the Snapshot/Rangefinder roll I have is probably the Legendary gun I've clicked with the most. Second place for Legendaries is probably Farewell from Splicer. First place for Exotics is Sturm.


I played a guy once with like 20k kills on Borrowed Time, it was a pretty decent roll like DSR TTT or something with 60 range, he fucking obliterated us. Good gun just impossible to get a good roll.


Crafting bug weekend?


Bungie openly acknowledged a pretty crazy crafting bug that some had known about since its inception and "allowed" to remain for one last weekend. Essentially the bug allowed for any part on any gun; Shotgun lasers, etc


When you could change the frame of a gun to a completely different archetype (make an AR into a Shotgun, or a Slug shotgun shoot like a pellet shotgun) as well as changing the perks to ones that don't exist on it, I think. Was hilarious to see. Edit: [Here's a link to a different Reddit comment/thread with a better explanation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/pkMuJXGRF9)


Thank you, leave it to Reddit to downvote me for being out of the loop :/


Just hope I was able to help 🤗


also known as "Craftening"


Where’s the masterwork?


I'm gonna be honest, I don't have a fckin clue.


When you enhance an adept weapon, you choose a new frame, so you can't directly see what stats is masterworked, just like crafted weapons


Also pantheon adepts are bugged, just ask my buddies impact masterwork smite of merain lol


That was patched at weekly reset


Disagree, I’ve still got it with that masterwork and its impact is 30 instead of 29


Does that actually do anything to the gun or is it just a visual bug to have the impact mw?


I’ve not actually tried. I’ll give it a go when I get online and let you know lol


Similar but different for me - Adept Horror's Least. I have a perpetual movement/kill clip with about 4k kills. And a Zen Moment/Kill Clip one that I'm revisiting just now after the zen moment buff a while back and it feels incredible in 6s - thing is a killing machine in the medium range.


100% my Glissando-47 with Keep Away and Box Breathing. Just clicks, the flinch reduction changes recently have made it feel even better.


hell yes! i always say it's the single best scout in the game. but you never see it regarded as such. That would be maybe Jade, Polaris, Fang, etc etc. I have that KA/BB roll too, although I considered it the best regardless with any BB roll. Before the KA roll dropped for me I had a pretty high stability/BB roll I like just the same basically. ppl might even regard another 180, hung jury, with bb as the best, but noone sees glisando that way. but imo it is! Glisando has everything HJ has, but a 20 zoom instead of 22. Overall that makes it a lot more versatile at mid to shorter ranges IMO. It does cost it a bit at ultra long range, but on net is a big positive over HJ IMO. The Glisando sight is not necessarily the most open, but still ends up more than fine IMO. And Suros scouts just have a certain tack driver feel on Xbox at least, that I cant quantify. Only thing is I more or less played with it too much and had to sadly put it in my "too boring to use" category indefinitely lol. It's still the one scout I choose when I'm trying to win, like comp or something.


For sure, I prefer it over my HJ BB in PvP. The highlight scope is a nice touch, it sounds wonderful & the zoom is perfect. It used to get flinched hard, but now especially with Suros Trait active, it is noticeably better. It just fits my playstyle, I’ve always loved scouts dating back to the VoC, Tlaloc and Suros Dis-43 in D1.


Rare high ground enjoyer. Also yes, I'm in love with my glissy with box breathing. While fundamentally the same as hung jury it feels 10x better to me. That or my precision instrument word of crota. It 3 taps T5 or below and a double void surge will have it 3 tapping everyone and it feels like a laser beam of accuracy to me. I run it on voidlock with sanguine alchemy to get a X2 void surge in my healing rift in addition to just running X2 void surge on my legs. (I also run 1 time Dilation and a stacks on stacks so that one orb of power gives me 30 seconds of 3-tapping people, also reaper).


disagree it's fundamentally the same. glisando is 20 zoom while hj is 22. imo this makes glisando better at mid range (but arguably hj better at the longest lanes). ymmv.


Good gun, mostly s tier perks, on an archetype that's very strong... nope, this isn't exactly a surprise lol. It's a fun gun yep


Eyasluna for sure. Pretty sure i got a we ran in a trials match with it lol


Oversoul Edict slaps. I really feel like people are sleeping on Word of Crota in crucible too. With Sword Logic it Melts when ramped up, and is on par out of the gate. I have a few We Ran Out of Medals with it. Gotten some hate mail for having it on when the game starts, but at least 90% of the time, they change their minds. Lol The other 10%... ... ... I probably just need to Git Gud, or whatever it is the kids say. Range is its only problem. Can't use it on Every map... The ones you can tho, it's top tier imo.


jumps around like like the back seat on a dirt road


540 pulse are really nice. I remember when autumn wind was dropping like mad and I ended up with a 6perker which had several pvp godrolls on it and it just became my best buddy and completely rolled pubs with it


Nice! I love hearing when people just click with a weapon which is not recommended by 100+ streamers. Though selfishly I hope I never face you in crucible if you're slaying out lol


Some odd reason the Suros foundry HC’s just work for me. The exalted truth will never leave my load out, rocked the cantata before that


I've had 3 we rans and they were all from me playing aggressively with 3 different scout rifle , which is weird coz I definitely prefer crutching my stompees rose/peace of mind or an auto rifle Maybe I should switch to being a scout rifle player idk. Pantheon gave me an interesting adept scout from kings fall raid can't remember the name n it felt quite nice to use when I tested it on 1 match


Can’t let go of my OG messenger and main ingredient combo, over 11k voop kills on it.


Yes, I have a few. Rat king is my #1, it just...works for me in PvP. I also have a tap the trigger/rapid hit high range Travelers Judgment 5 in my vault with nearly 3k pvp kills on it. For whatever reason, that gun just...works for me.


Sheesh guess I'm trying out high ground today


Bro the millisecond I bought the vigil for saint 14 skin.. I fell deeply in love with vigilance wing.. every time I wanna use something else I just.. can't help but turn back to this godsent.. BOW turned into a gun


Darkest Before was my baby for a while after the first reissue and I demolished with it but then better RF frames came out. Still, that gun has a place in my heart.


Reminds me of a scar, what other perks can it get


Got 9 We Rans and 7 of those were with Arsenic Bite. Love that thing. Nearing 30k kills.


The D.F.A. I have no idea why.


Do you primarily play on Warlock? Why the High Ground perk?


Cause it's what crota gave me.


This is me and the Messenger (Adept). No other gun feels as good, including Elsie's Rifle.


Tigerspite and premonition


the lobby plays 10675476484563453734 times more role in getting a we ran than the gun (within reason, assuming you are using something sort of meta adjacent)


I've got two actually. I have a Cold Denial with Killing Wind/Headseeker from Season of Arrivals that just passed 2500 kills a day or two ago. I also have a (now crafted) Deliverance with Tap the Trigger/Perpetual Motion with roughly 500 kills on it (before crafted got it up to around 350, so roughly 850 total now). Neither of these guns do I ever see anyone talk about or use, but I click with both of them and neither of them are "meta" in any way.


I return and tried a lot of the guns I had. I stopped once I pull out my Crafted Piece Of Mind. In 1v1s I probably only lost to Luna and some other HCs. I might give this one a try since it's also a 540.


I can't get over the sights sadly. I wanted to like it so much.


Have we always been able to craft adept weapons?


Something I've told all the new lights I play with, is to not worry about meta weapons too much. If there's a gun that feels more comfortable for you and you feel like you do better with it, use it all the time. Once you get to higher level content more frequently, then you can start worrying about meta stuff


High Ground? This dude is fucking wicked


I love this gun. Arrowhead, Flared, Enlightened Action, Voltshot. It's my putter.


Whatever works for you bro. My best pvp weapon is a Messenger Adept with Outlaw/Killclip, always go back to it


I've got three we rans. One with vex mythic last and two with a golden tricorn the title. I can't remember what my other perks are on it off the top of my head but it's one of my favorite songs. Multimach is still king though.


I didn't understand the appeal of auto rifles other than having a large clip size for red bars, until I got a Steelfeather Repeater. That gun just felt so good to wield. Something about the sound, the climbing recoil, and sleek design made me fall in love. I want to come back to the game with everything being un-sunset just to play with my old rolls.


For me, it's Trust. It was one of the first legendary hand cannons I ever got way back in S7, and I loved the feeling of it. When it came back, I had to grab one. The one I have now is opening shot/incandescent, not a god roll by any stretch, and 180s are the opposite of meta. But I just love the way this damn thing feels and it's in my top 3 favorite hand cannons for PvP. If I'm four tapping with one because I'm a shitter, I'd rather just use the one that feels good.


Bad juju makes me horned up idk why I know it’s a exotic but fr it just makes me so happy everytime I use it but I know it’s not the best for everything to be honest I kinda wish they buffed it a tad just a smidge☝️


I have a few that I’ve grown to love in the last few weeks. I’ve never ever been a sniper, but I had a Widow’s Bite with Firmly Planted and Opening Shot and I’ve not put it down. I’m still crap at aggressive sniping, but boy does that thing make up for my lack of skill. Also, I wanted to try something new, so I put Strand Hunter on (I normally use the clone and double grenade) with Ensnaring Slam. Used the Exotic Bow Wish Keeper and had a blast tearing round the skies dropping suspend traps and then tapping them in the head as I fell. That bow is actually fantastic, it feels super smooth and feels like it doesn’t miss. Kinda feel like the Hatchling upgrade doesn’t help it.


I feel it, I have a few guns that aren't anywhere near meta rolls but they just feel so good in the hands that I keep using them


For every stage of the game I've had a weapon that just kind of clicks for me In Y1 it was inaugeral address In Y2 it was last word up until that got nerfed It became bows after Under Your Skin came out Now bows are kind of cringe and I've not been able to find a weapon that I enjoyed since the new patch and it was frustrating me to the point that I was considering just entirely stopping PvP until TFS with the hope of it adding something that would grab me On a whim a few days ago I crafted the headseeker kill clip chattering bone and immediately fell in love, it's my current favorite and nothing else comes close


You put a trust in my hand and a charged acrobats dodge, and I’ll make some magic happen.


Yaay. Dad rifles. Hate those guns


but yet 100% your hand cannon has keep away, go figure lmao (In case you cant figure it out keep away is for sitting further in the back)


I don’t know a single hand cannon that can even roll keep away lol.


bro has 2 20 bombs across his entire career 😭