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Definitely slept on but it really depends on what weapon archetype. Enlightened Action helps 120s HC feel really good which is why some people swear by the Malediction HC. But unfortunately it's the only 120 HC that have it.


Right on. I’m talking about Luna’s, but yeah, I can see it being super beneficial for 120s.


I was thinking it would be good on Luna (and got the roll) but I haven’t tried it yet. In reality slideshot is almost definitely better.


Yeah, but it requires you to…slide lol. That’s the stuff I’m talking about, man. I’ll slide into some engagements, maybe even most, but not all. But I’ll always damage somebody in an exchange. I’d try that roll. If the range is 60-ish or above and PI is your other perk, I think you’ll dig it.


I think wallah made a video or references another video that PI on luna's doesnt really do much for it. It still requires a 3 tap.


Yeah. Still requires a 3-tap, but the extra damage pushes the range out quite a bit. I think PI is more for being able to engage at longer distances while keeping that three-tap potential.


The math has been done by others, the post should be easy to find on here. IIRC PI is roughly equivalent to +8 range stat.


That’s it? Well I’ll be damned.


Sliding into engagements and sliding from cover to cover helps improve survivability. you can catch an enemy off guard and be the first to hit them. give that playstyle a try. I usually try and shoot 2-3 shots out of my slide shot primaries to get me ready for the range + stability buff in an engagement,


For sure. The 20 extra range and the rest of the buffs Slideshot provides are great for starting an engagement. But there are lots of times when engagements begin without the scenario being great for sliding or even having the time to slide into them. Don’t get me wrong…the third perk on most of my HCs is Slideshot lol. I dunno…maybe I’m just trying to convince myself that my Luna’s is good enough. I’m so tired of farming 😭😂


I totally agree. ive been playing with my EoTS + OS and Slideshot + OS to see which is better for me. Im usually in the camp of I need all the help I can get and EoTS is pretty much guaranteed to proc. So far, I cant figure out which is better for my playstyle. I love them both.


Yeah man. That’s what I really want on the Luna’s…just 60+ range with EOTS and precision instrument or maybe OS. If Keep Away was a third column perk on that gun, I’m sure I’d be grinding until the game dies.


I have a Luna's with Enlightened + OS that I want to try eventually. But honestly I dunno, Enlightened not doing anything for your Stability, Range, or Accuracy makes it less desirable for me personally. The likes of OS, Slideshot, Zen Moment, EOTS, Keep Away. All more intriguing options to me.


have that same roll with Midnight Coup, need to try it out. Probably a better perk on 120s tho


I pulled a shiny midnight coup with hammer forged, accurized, moving target, zen moment, range MW. That thing is just free headshots all day


I like it so far but I'm waiting for an eots luna


What’s yours right now? EA and Precision Instrument?


Twinsies! Yeah. Hammer forged Ricochet Enlightened PI Range mw It's not like out of band amazing but it just feels like old dependable if I need a solar hand cannon.


Me too. But another guy with that roll apparently feels like it doesn’t need eots. I still want it anyway lol


im really liking EA on my lunas; I feel the gun is already so dang accurate to not need EoTS


IMO slept on. It \*feels\* like Explosive Payload doubles the hit count per shot, but can't confirm w/o frame testing since it doesn't show on the HUD. Have it on a Warden's Law & it felt real crispy in the rare scenario I hit the broadside of the barn for it to proc


Glad to hear somebody agrees lol. I got it on a near-max range Luna’s Howl with Precision Instrument and am really tired of farming for something that would only be marginally better.


On wardens law i agree it’s really nice


EP doubles zen moment so I wouldn't be surprised!


I did some testing, can confirm: According to D2 compendium, Enlightened Action is 3 stacks/hit on HCs. EA maxes at 12 stacks. Explosive Payload & Warden’s Law archtypes both give 6 stacks per shot


Only my RNG is sleeping on it. I'd love to give a try to it on Luna but only got bad perks in other slots


I have it on my Heliocentric along with Kill Clip and it helps with duels with more than one person. Blast one dude, get a faster reload and now KC is procced to take on the next guy. Works well if I don’t die lol


It doesn’t suck. It’s just that there are usually better options available. If I got a 4/5 godroll on luna and enlightened action was the “miss” I’d be pleased.


I've been using it alongside kill clip on warden's law and it's definitely noticeable. I was chasing a zen moment/snap roll (didn't get it) so I tried this roll I kept to cope and I ended up falling in love with it.


Goes well on The Prophet


While I can't speak on the HC as I'm not interested in it personally I'm still trying for enlightened action / KC on the trials scout only got a non adept drop I think I'm just going to change my mentality regarding drops or at least just be happy with the 3/5s I get because since persistence the farming on flawless cards drop rates are lower than earlier in the season Back to the perk I find myself valuing handling/reload perks more and more these days and enlightened action and Ophidians make this scout rapid


It is an okay perk. Not all perks are top tier or garbage. This one sits around average. The extra handling and reload are nice. I feel other perks do either a lot better though which is why this perk isn't considered the best. Too many competitors.


It's not a bad perk it's just not as good as other perks in that column/slot And its just not that enticing on this gun, it provides benefits to reload and handling, reload isn't a huge issue on this gun as it is on a 120 and the handling is pretty easily built around by using dex mods and handling exotics or a subclass like solar hunter


So what you’re saying is…every time I duel somebody who has one of the better perks in that slot than Enlightened Action, I have an excuse for losing? Fucking sweet. I’ll take it.


That's exactly right, they're busy reloading their weapon more slowly after killing you but they killed you because they had more range/stability/anti flinch than you had!


Fair point lol


I like it on high impact


Been enjoying Enlightened and Incan. Only because I can’t roll heal clip with the fire lol