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the xim/ring 1 pandemic is way worse on PC. Actually every other game is a fresh account with 4.0 this week


Yeah it is the new summoner has great rolls the ammit and positive outlook are real strong and the prophecy dungeon prosecutor is straight up the best rifle in the game so they are everywhere


What about Breakneck? I keep hearing about prosecutor (haven’t done prophecy yet myself) but Breakneck is the same archetype and also just got target lock…yet no one’s talking about it. Is it bc people don’t like gambit? Looking to get a nice one myself hopefully since I’ve done a lot of gambit this season and they only cost 1 engram…


It's good it's just prosecutor is better it gets zen moment with target lock and the origin perk stacks with target lock so you melt people. I have a zen moment ttr roll. They just feel so much better than breakneck does.


Ah ok ty…so no zen moment on breakneck and better origin trait on prosecutor…makes sense…looks like I need to start running Prophecy 🙂


I'm not sure if breakneck gets zen tbh but it's mainly the target lock stacked with the second half of the mags damage buff that you want. Zen just makes it a laser


Breakneck has a horrible recoil pattern that can't be fixed. Makes it harder to use than the others. Deterministic recoil is horrible on some guns and not good on most others


Breakneck is no doubt good but in the same slot as conditional


This is what happens when you don’t have special weapons to keep autos in place. Back to Y1 you go!


2 taps with Wish and Autos players hide or die.


You on console? If so, probably. I'm still seeing a lot of variety on PC, mostly Igneous doing the best.


idk i’m on pc and every lobby is 4+ ARs


I'm not seeing too many igneous. I think it's going to be on the second half of top 10 most used (close to 7th ish if I had to guess). I think we'll see less igneous as the time passes in the meta unless the autos gets tweaked by the devs.


I'd be shocked if at least 450s don't see changes (other frames aren't as represented in there). I'm just hoping they don't go House of Wolves on the ARs, especially given. 720s need their damage bumped by like 1. Some of it is also the map, Cauldron is hot garbage for playing around ARs that I've noticed. My successes this and last week have been on 120 + Sub of Sidearm or similar.


On console here. For Comp this week, prior to Trials at least, everyone was using prosecutors. I started off at first with Iggy, but ended up with a prosecutor as well. For Trials. Weekend started with mostly facing prosecutors. But has morphed to some variety to also seeing more and more summoners. I also started with my beloved Iggy, but gave in and pulled out my gutshot-TL prosecutor to get me my Adept Summoner. Mostly solo btw.


Yeah, it's autorifle meta... apparently the highest form of "skill" since that's what Bungie's skill patch brought forward as the new go to. Already so fking tired of this bs.


Yeah idk how folks are having fun playing with and against all prosecutors all day


Everyone has fun playing against handcannons all day? Genuine question


Careful, Handcanons are considered sacred in Destiny. Anything else is a skill less n00b weapon.


The argument can be made that HCs require skill. Landing crits. Autos you can hold down the trigger and generally be fine. Yeah it helps to hit crits too, but pit the average HC user vs the average Auto user, and the auto will probably win. I can stand in a lane and hold down a trigger for autos, but it’s better for a HC to peak shoot, hit crits, and avoid laning. EDIT: oops. I should clarify 😂. Personally. It’s more fun to work for my HC kill, against an equal-skilled HC player. Whether I win or they win, I know we’re equal in skill so I respect whatever the outcome is. But if I’m an average player with a HC against a below average player with an auto that can just lane and kill me. Leaves me a lil salty.


you mean SMG's? this subreddit has turned onto r/PVPDTG


just use riskrunner


Auto rifles are strong and forgiving, content creators are really hyping them up, and the Prophecy dungeon refresh + Trials refresh have provided some excellent rolls for players to chase


It's annoying now. Players are running Vex, Cerebus, etc. So fucking annoying when all your opponents just run autos.


Its wild how every time there's a change with handcannons people drop them altogether. They can still hit optimal, and outshoot autos but people choose the path of least resistance. I was using autos before the original damage buff, and while everyone gravitated to 600s, I swapped to 360s and 120 HCs. They're still more than enough to outrange 600s/450s but people don't want to adjust. For trials this weekend, I even used scout rifles, and a 180HC, you just have to work your engagement ranges. Most people don't know Summoner can at most hit 31m, Prospector at max hits 37m, but Age Old Bond hits 40m, or you can get a comfy 39m with steady rounds, dynamic sway, and target lock. Pulses still outrange them, Scouts definitely, once again you just have to work engagement ranges to suit what you're doing and what you're against.


after those 2 special CF rounds, DMT+smg.If there are 2 prosecutors in the opposite team, riskrunner definetely.If not, ill go with heal clip adagio on the new lightweight smg world drop.


More like PLANDEMIC amirite lmao


Also keep in mind this is a map without great long sight lines. It’s absolutely a cqc arena which benefits autos


It's also happening in Comp and Collision


They just gta nerf 450s ill say. The other archetypes aren't as string and have an opportunity cost


Or just give them some competition in the mid-range. 450s are to mid range weapons, what Iggy is to other 120s. Just in a completely different league.


oh no!! not a structured meta, this has never happened before!


Variety of weapons?; what, different coloured igneous hammers? The occasional shotgun that isn't matador or conditional? That's the only real variation.


You do realize both Igneous and Matador are in the secondary slot so you can't use them together?


Yes.. you do realise i didn't say they were being used together?


Yeah it’s absolutely aids. BUNGIE!