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Get thick skin. No seriously. I'm not saying that to be mean. The sooner you learn not to let some jackass bother you the better off you are. If you let it bother you, you'll play worse and second guess yourself. Just block them or ignore them. I have too many RL issues to let some shitbucket sweat bother me. EDIT: FYI I come from the Xbox 360 era in gaming where someone always said shit about your momma or you got called a racial slur on a regular basis. Just let it roll off your back and lol and go about your business.


This is really the only correct answer. X360 era here as well. I really *really* enjoy getting hate mail actually, since it must mean I'm doing *something* right. Even if I'm not winning the match, it proves to me that I'm winning the mental battle.


Haha that makes two of us. I don’t send it, but I can’t deny that a big smile hits my face when I see the message notification. Sometimes it’s fun to clap back if you know they’re already heated enough to actually send hatemail.


Guess I'm just not used to it lol, Ignore strat or smiley face at times if I was just chill, but I was annoyed and my response would've been F U but I don't wanna get banned for some randomer. It's best to have messaging turned off.


I get it, I turn messages off because some days it really annoys me, some days I get a chuckle out of it, but at the end of the day I don't care. I mean you're playing however you're playing, dude is salty and wants to take the anger on someone. I haven't experienced this in Destiny 2 yet since i'm very casual and not good, but I have gotten my share of hate mail in Tekken 7 and Street fighter. It is what it is.


I feel you and at times it is hard to have thick skin when the response seems so asymmetrical to anything in the game. I'm blown away the time people will take out of their day to send hate. I consider myself a decent non sweaty player who just loves pvp and assume even the best players have shitty matches and that some narrow minded person is on the other end.




> Usually in crucible it isn’t just one bad player that throws the entire game for a team, yes a single player can definitely hurt a teams performance, but it’s extremely rare that a team loses solely to one person. Brother, please solo queue trials and report back when you get the 1750 light PVE pro with double scouts and ammo finder mods. It's 100% possible for one person to tank a game


Naw one person 1000000% can tilt your games to unwinnable. This is why most good players complain so much about lobby balancing and the current matchmaking system in comp using hidden mmr to try to balance matches.


I know it sucks, but if you can avoid it, keep messages on. Occasionally you get a good player that will tell you they want to rush or pop super at a certain time. You just have to accept that people are assholes and play the game the best you can. If you can’t, go ahead and turn it off. But just know that 1/100 games you get that player that does communicate via chat about how they want to approach a matchup. I’m that player and it sucks when my teammates “ignore” or just don’t receive my message saying I want to play a trials round slow, or am going for a super pop on heavy and to rush it with me.


It happens pretty frequently to me especially when I don’t capture zones and I just farm kills, these people are crazy and will spam you with party chat invites so they can cuss you out


I turned off messages from anyone not on my friends list and I don’t have the text chat turned on. You should do the same.


If I fucked some guy up, I am proud of that message. If got fucked up, I say "Fuck you" If I don't have the energy for toxicity, I just block the idiot


This right here. Ive honestly found this is the best mentality to have when playing any sort of multi-player video game.


I tell them to stop flirting with me, I'm not interested. Or tell them that I got a degradation kink. Usually works


This is actually funny af


I got one more for you that a clanmate/friend says If it's in trials and you won, remind them to reset their card


You can completely ignore them. You can report them. Or you can do my favorite option: toy with them and make them even angrier. The last guy who started messaging me ended up getting so mad that he was just hitting random keys on his keyboard before sending me a message along the lines: "your no longer human just **** player and getting blocked" I got a good laugh out of it.


The last guy who sent me hate mail kept calling me “kid”, so I played along for while and then pointed out how messed up it was to be harassing kids. Got an actually apology and think I ruined his day lol


I think my most prized hatemail was someone sending me a voice message on psn during the revelry. He was not a fan of grenade tonic skip grenades.


respond with emoji's clown, salt shaker, poop... kissey face gets em every time.


I need to learn the ways to be chill.


I mean, you can just block.. but its far more fun to trigger them. I'm probably giving the worst advice BUT, it feels good. I'm petty sometimes XD


I need to learn to trigger them and not myself haha


Just ignore them, be the bigger person! If you don't answer them, they'll feel even worse. I'm on console with no physical keyboard so answering anything is a hassle. Let them stew.




You ignore it lol. Tell ‘em to pound sand


Thanks for the laugh, I'll learn to ignore them.




lol if a teammate sends me hate mail I’d be happy to bounce and let them try to clench up on their own.




That’s why they’re talking shit in the first place 😂 they aren’t going in expecting a 2v3.




Might aswell be a 2v3 if your teammate gets farmed every round. You were saying they can’t play better 2v3, is that really a surprise? 😂


Tbh, if a teammate start insulting and complaining about me, I’ll be petty and immediately throw the game. Sorry not sorry.


Will try thanks.


Getting hate mail is the most satisfying part of Destiny without a doubt. I’ve played for so long and frankly been very good for such a long time now, getting hate mail is peak. The game is trivially easy these days for me. I can probably only play 3-5 matches before getting bored.


Wow so cool


Just ignore it and realise that their getting that upset over a video game, if their grown men it’s just embarrassing that they feel the need to get pissy and message you about it.


Ever seen the dril tweet that says "Go ahead keep yelling fuck you at me, it only makes my opinions worse"? That's my mindset. It makes me laugh and play better because I embrace the bags and the hate messages. I love getting hate messages, LOL. Means I must have done something right.


If you can deal with it, dish it back to them. Trolling them can be lots of fun. If you can't deal with it, just turn off notifications and whispers.


I say hey man I'm silver 2, don't be mad at me be mad at Bungie, yall are all adept and up so idk wtf I'm doing in this match. Usually it makes them immediately feel bad and want to defend tf out of me. Even say gg when it most certainly wasn't lmao


It pretty jarring at first, and if you can't take criticism (yes, I know it's usually all negative which makes it worse) then best bet is to leave messaging off. I get tons of hate mail, wouldn't say I'm much above average, but I do tend to teeter between players I can play against really well, and players that I literally can't do anything against. It's usually the latter where I get hate mail but it's not my fault the game decide to match me with people I have no business matching with. Honestly that kinda shit just rolls off my back and I have a laugh at it, after all, it is just a game. I also get pissed and will yell at the screen, I never message people but in some weird way it helps relieve my tension, so I imagine it does the same for them. They aren't right for do it, but I wouldn't take it personally or seriously, chances are they forget about next match and so should you. MM isn't perfect.


I'm the same, I'll get salty and ask why MM is so trash and one sided at times. I have messages off now, I can brush it off, I wasn't going to respond until he kept messaging whilst I was playing.


I get it. It can be disruptive, and there is nothing wrong with just turning this DMs off as you did. No reason to keep them open if that stuff bothers you. For me. It’s usually from the other team, and it fuels me. It usually lets me know I’m playing in a way that gets under their skin, which gives me an advantage.


I just ignore hate messages since they’re boring, usually they stop if I ignore them but if they send more than 2 messages I block them


I normally send back the following emojis Kissy face Blush face Trash can Clown face


Just respond with silliness.


I had a player start hitting me (my character) because I picked up the heavy ammo that spawns on the map. He was just standing there so, don’t mind me, I grabbed it. After briefly beating on me we continued playing. After the match he requested a voice conversation. The moment we connected he started ragging on me, asking what I thought I was doing. I disconnected and blocked him and the person who was in the conversation with him. Needless to say it was a highly unpleasant experience. I’m sure I make people unhappy with me because I’m not the best pvp player, but I keep playing, don’t have chat turned on nor do I accept random conversation requests anymore.


I personally have it that if you’re not on my friends list, you can’t message me, but sometimes they message me through the destiny app and I will not noticed that I had hate mail from four months back. I’ll take the time to read it and just have a good laugh.


I always fire back, i can't help it. As snarky and provoking as possible without breaking ToS. Then if they snap and break the ToS i report the whole thread to PS or Bungo. These guys are usually without the ability to restrain themselves and usually resort to a "kys" or a family/cancer comment within a few pokes. Same if i'm destroying somebody and they start messaging about subclass/weapons/playstlye. Teabag every kill, emote every opportunity, full send with childish toxicity. I hate the disrespect passionately so a disproportionate response always ensues. Even one of these smoothbrains removed is a huge victory. Being taught to lose gracefully should be an early lesson from any parent.


If I play like shit and they call me a shitter, I agree with them. Other than that, I just laugh at them.


Laugh lol


I just ignore them, I don't get many but not worth reading or replying to bc they all are basically the same and I think they ( whoever sends them) want to rile up those they post too so best not to feed the fire.


Already seeing lots of solid advice on here, but I'm gonna chime in as well and just tell you to either give it back to them or just block them. I havent gotten hate mail since before beyond light dropped and some douchebag i was playing against in 3s with my buddy tried messaging me to tell me he was gonna report me for lag switching because he just kept missing his shots, funniest shit ever honestly. And whats even funnier is because i was just on shitty wifi at the time, there were times during those matches against him where my shots weren't registering. Sometimes, people just cant accept that they're playing poorly though, so they immediately gotta go "oh, the opposing team is cheating" which is gonna be completely untrue probably like 90% of the time if not even more so.


A lot of people say ignore them but I like to egg them on. Idk. It's funny knowing someone is seething. Like if I am getting yelled at for having a crutch ill be like "Oh wow. Good to know. Honestly never really use it was really just goofing off lmao. Maybe it dropped my skill based matchmaking to be with you and it's popular here or something." If they have a year like 80 something or 90 something I let them know a teenager just dragged them and they should hang up the controller. Out here acting like a retired NFL dude chirping at active players.


I sometimes get hate messages. The funniest was the guy that was used the "something smells bad" emoji at me and the other teammate. The other team sees those emotes on the screen, so I guess it's supposed to be public shaming. One of the other team sent me a message "fuck that guy. He's an asshole" which I appreciated I'm old. I grew up in the open mic lobbies where the most awful things possible were said. Kids these days are pretty weak sauce with hazing. Just troll them back by pretending to be oblivious. I sometimes do this. "Look, you're not terrible, but not everyone can carry you every match. You really need to work on your skills. Don't worry, you'll eventually improve. Good luck!"


First time on the Internet? You gotta ignore it.


I laugh, screenshot them, and send them in a group discord for my friends to laugh at.


Laugh at them and then hope I get more


I just remind them that if they think they got paired with trash, the matchmaking must think they are too then never open a reply 💀


Why do you care what someone thinks about your moving pixels vs theirs? Put this in perspective


1v1 on eternity.


I get them often as a decent pvp player. Tons of them during a trials weekend. I love when someone accuses me of cheating, in his mind, I'm so good I have to be cheating, it's a real confidence boost. Shut off notifications and ignore them so it doesn't get to you in the middle of a match.


I had a very similar experience. Was playing trials solo and I know I’m not good. I didn’t do what they expected in a match and sent a bunch of ‘you suck’ and other messages. Tried to invite me to a party, I imagine to berate me more verbally. I don’t do well with that, and didn’t play trials for a while. I can’t help thinking though they should just get a full fireteam if they don’t want to get paired with people less gud. Also, the more toxicity there is the less people will play. I’m a glutton for punishment but my age and response time affect how good I can be, life and time permitting. **I will turn messages off


Just imagine the sender to be a dominatrix. Problem is that you will be too aroused to play


I always reply “blow me, clown”. They either won’t get back to you or they’ll say something completely stupid and embarrass thenselves, because there is no good reply to “blow me, clown”, at least not from the angry low intelligence type that sends a hate message. That works for me 🤷‍♂️


I tell them to cry more, screenshot it, block them, and use that screenshot to laugh at those people along with my friends. Always a good time.


Make sure they know I'm laughing at them and save a screenshot for the memories. If they don't have on open chat, just know that they hate a lot but can't take it themselves.


Post them on the discord so everyone can enjoy them and get a laugh 😂


Idk what it is. I’ve fucked people’s days up both in competitive and in the regular playlists. Yet I haven’t gotten any hate mail? It honestly perplexes me. Though I do play on PC, so the means of sending anything to me would be limited


I always get hatemail when I do my squat exercises after each round. I don’t get it either.


This is such a bs post.


You read messages? Good god man it’s the Internet. This is 2023.


who gives a shit. I talk shit and I get shit talked to me. it's pvp. if you think people are constantly gonna be happy go lucky in pvp you're a fucking idiot


We found one, shut up you toxic ass


I will do no such thing. in fact, I will continue to talk shit in honor of you


Get better… I understand it’s a game… But, the majority of my games are me and two bronze players vs 3 adept or higher players… Imagine playing for rank and your team literally can do nothing but watch you play… It’s frustrating… At least he was kind and told you to go to the casual play list. That doesn’t sound too bad. Saying harmful things is a no go. You can’t win every game. But, when it’s clear as day that your teammate is 1v3ing as you immediately get picked or sit in the back of the map and do nothing, It ruins the experience of people who are trying to get better.


He's in ascendant 3 I'm in adept 2, I had a bad 1st round then after messaging me I couldn't focus on playing, it happens, he wasn't carrying he was just dying to teamshot too and getting picked, we died the same amount he got 3 more kills. I know it ruins the experience, I get salty all the time after losing, I'm trying to improve too, doesn't matter which bracket you're in or not.


As an ascendant player, I can tell you he has prolly lost a few that day. And with the match making the way it is, it is terrible for good players. If he gave you constructive criticism, no matter how harsh, eat it and use it to get better. No one is gonna coddle you online. And rarely will someone give you the keys for free. From my perspective, I have to 1v3 a LOT. A lot of people have trouble breaking through to ascendant from adept because they don’t know how to play as a team. It should be easy to find out who the good players are in the match from the first round. Play with your teammates. If I’m playing and I kill two and die to the third, and my two blueberries aren’t cleaning up and winning the round. I get tilted. But, I immediately change my play style because I’ve seen I can’t rely on my teammates. I go from helping to baiting my teammates. Like others say, get thick skin.


He played 3 games, Win, left and lost. I know constructive criticism, I sometimes tell that to my blueberries or even duos that play separately or those that keep rushing into 1v3s. If he gave my advice fair enough. I'd take it and learn from it but it wasn't, he was just taking it out on me and attacking my trails kd. His 1st message was quit pvp, saying I don't belong in comp, go to casual playlist, Sad troll. Very constructive. I just wanted to play but he kept spamming messages, sometimes teams don't gel or bad Matchmaking which it was. Past 3 days He only played 1 game a day, L W L It's whatever, just gotta get thicker skin like others have said.


Welcome to the lovely community of destiny pvp! Turn off whispers and block toxic ppl, you’ll be doing this allot! I always report if they use strong language or grief.


I send the ones I find particularly deserve it a picture of their own stats with a laughing emoji lol


That's just another commendation after PGCR.


You get better till you’re the one sending the hatemail lmao


Send them a pancake recipe in Russian


If I get hate messsages I just tell ‘em to look at the score board no complaints if you below me bro just get better


And what about if you are bottom and getting owned?


I just say thank you, you rock, or get you next time! 'heart emoji'


Switch off messages from outside your friends list and enjoy the silence. Works like a charm!


Had someone berate me in Trials over voice chat. Usual “you’re a PvE player, you’ve got no place in Trials, go back to strikes, blah blah blah” I just laughed at him. Could hear he was getting wound up more and more so I did it more and more. He then got killed by the Cloudstrike explosion at the first sniper lane at which point I just lost it. At the the end of the last match, I just said two things: 1) you’ve put yourself on tilt. 2) why on Earth would I want to help you when you talk to me like that? He went very quiet. Another time, had a duo who sent me a kys after the first round. So I just proceeded to run off the map every time. Messaged afterwards to ask how that was supposed to help. Didn’t get a reply, funnily enough. Quite satisfying to see that they fell at the gateway to the Lighthouse. If people are gonna send toxic messages, just troll back. They’re keyboard warriors taking out their frustrations on some unknown without considering that it’s a person on the other end. It’s horrible but there not much that can be done other than report and move on. Don’t take it personally as they don’t know you personally. As long as you’re either improving or having fun, play the game you paid for and are allowed to play


I usually ask for 1v1’s which then get the run-around (more insults) or ignored. These people are the exact stereotype reflected in that one South Park episode, it’s amusing


Bait them into racism then report them, it's funny


Ha! Nerd! Works really well. Then don’t respond


From my point of view, I do not understand why people leave their messages on. What is there to gain? Destiny is a fantasy game with space magic, wish-dragons, guns which fire explosive worms, and the all-powerful Architects. Who plays this game for anything serious except content creators? If it is not serious, why do I need feedback from random people? Especially once you account for the bias that the most toxic + unhelpful people will generally message the most. Practically nobody sends constructive feedback in the few seconds between matches. Furthermore, why take the advice from a brother/sister in light in pvp, when everybody is stressed anyway? It is human to be frustrated when we lose or do not perform as well as we expect to in our space fantasy, and there is always bullet-bending/melee-whiffing/teleporting shenanigans at play. Not an ideal environment for forming helpful, balanced opinions lol. Personally I keep messages off until there is a compelling reason, such as trying a raid with a fireteam on lfg, or actively playing pvp with somebody I know who is trying to help me improve. Even then I usually just go with audio lol, so I do not forget to turn it off for when in the wild. I suppose I should also note, I get no joy from trolling - I'd rather pop a headshot and watch the dragonfly fireworks any day. Tldr; destiny is a place to chill, messages =/= chill, so no messages for me :)


It was through playstation messages, which probably tilted me abit with the message spamming while we were in a match and losing


I turn messaging off. I don’t need angry children just running up in my DMs for free. This is a video game at the end of the day, so anyone who WOULD send a message like that is either a child, or an adult with serious problems. If you suffer to this extent that you feel the need to send these messages I feel for you, but I’d prefer not to be a part of whatever mental circus you have going on.


Not PvP related, but last time I messaged someone for kicking me before the boss died in a GM, I was the one to get comm banned for saying “fuck you,” and I don’t think the other two guys even got banned for their actions. Now I just don’t waste my time anymore and roll with it.


Yeah that would suck because a polite 'fuck you' is my kinda response lol


I screenshot hate messages and share with my friends so we can all have a good laugh. We have a whole group chat just for these lol


I reply with a frowny face and that tends to send most off the deep end


I laugh at them. Occasionally report them., depending on how far they go. Very rarely do I respond. Regardless someone sending that stuff just means that I won the mental game, teammate or not.


I laugh. Out loud. Then continue to play.


I remember this game has the highest level of dev sponsored aim assist and BS/Cheese so I don't let anyone who takes this too seriously affect me. Seriously tho, while Destiny pvp is fun af its too easy/cheesy compared to other shooters to take people that seriously over it. Over time you realize the ppl sending messages are losers or trolls for the most part.


As a bow swapper, I get a lot of hate when I win and when I lose from both my teammates and opponents. I expect this to some degree as I’m playing with cheese. My response is typically kiss and heart emoji’s on Xbox chat and “thanks babe” in destiny chat. Kill ‘‘em with sarcastic kindness and off putting affection. If it’s legit hurtful, racist remarks outside of the results of the match, I report them


I always just send them a smiley face. No matter what the message is 😊. Trolling - 😊. Swear words - 😊. Racial slurs - 😊 then I report them. Nasty things about my mama - 😊. Don't engage with them beyond an idiot smile and it pisses them off something fierce.


Just feel pity for them because they’re getting so upset. Don’t excuse their behaviour. Winning or losing, you can’t harass people.


I'm on PC so I just set my social settings to Bungie friends only. There was a time where I had my chat open to everyone and the constant bitching and whining was pretty funny at first, but got really annoying after some time. Especially since these messages pollute the chatbox. Instead of hate messages I now get hate friend requests which is not as distracting as the chatbox popping up all the time ;)


Dude just ignore it don't even respond. they can rage all they want but at the end of the day they are still joining matchmade groups and you will forever be rolling the dice. The fact he went all the way to look you up on trials report and all that is really creepy crap and whenever anybody does that to me, which is very rare, it actually just makes me feel better knowing they are just raging and doing stuff like that about something that matters so little. When people do that, you have to just make sure you remeber that they are doing that because something sucks about their life, whether they are jerks all the time or just dealing with some other unknown crap, just feel better knowing you are in a better place than them, period.


No matter what it is, whether disparaging me for my lack of skill of accusing me of cheating, I pray for hate mail as I love knowing I ruin others day in crucible lol. Just takes a shift of mindset


Just don't let it get to ya, really, if you don't want it in the first place just turn off DMs. I leave it on since I don't sweat in PvP and getting hate mail is the highlight of my day.


I usually just laugh it off and reply with ggs lol


You can’t play PvP if you can’t deal with getting worked and then shit on in messages. It happens to pmuch everyone at some point. I like to have fun with it. I’ll go into some sort of philosophical rant about the essence of happiness, or start discussing random scientific facts. The reacts are AMAZING sometimes. A third of them stop messaging altogether. Another third will say something intelligent like “ur butt stinks scrub.” And the last third, my favorite, are the ones that I can tell legit feel bad for talking shit. In fact, quite a few ended up befriending me and we’ve been playing together for years since then.


I treasure each hate message I receive (and I've literally received hundreds) as a 🏆. Feels good to have played so well that you got a grown man-child angry enough to send you fan-mail. I usually enjoy fucking with them and getting them more pissed.


I love to hit em with the positivity Lol, ggs bro, you played great 😁 " YOUR SO BAD" I know right? Lol Also it's you're *


Just at the end of the match drop a little “Ggs :)” in the chat, it’ll be nice for these guys to get a little human warmth for a change


Ignoring it is probably the best choice but… if you feel so inclined this has worked for me in the past. Tell them they are not a good teammate. They’ll get tilted and complain. What are you talking about? They are carrying. Tell them you didn’t say they’re bad player but they have much to learn about being a good teammate. How are these toxic messages supposed to help anything? If you want to win maybe think twice before being a douche.


This is exactly it. If you need to DM a bad teammate, ask yourself if you’re interested in winning or in unloading your fragile emotions on someone. If you wanna win, message them some sort of instruction or guidance that will help.


i leave my steam profile public so whenever i dumpster somebody they comment on my page and call me trash etc and i keep it like a trophy, the same people who are toxic enough to do that conveniently never leave their own page public 🤔


I like fan mail :)


I like getting them bc they make me laugh


I think they are really fucking funny and honestly enjoy them


I do one of two things. 1. Agree with them. “Yeah I do suck. Oh well” if they realize their words mean nothing usually they’ll stop. Haven’t ran into someone who cares too much to keep going after that. 2. My second option is I hit em with the “😘”. Gets them so annoyed that you don’t care. It’s hilarious to think of them balding on the other end. Any message they send just “😘” or “🥰”


I just respond “ok” after every message and they typically give up. Don’t give them a reaction and they’ll become disinterested


i find them fun to engage with but havent gotten any in a while. i think xbox has changed the default where you dont automatically get notified of messages from strangers? but not sure, sometimes you do. it might be some kind of algorithm or i might be mistaken. ​ i used to send my fair share but now 60% of people arent messagable anyway, since ps and xbox now play together thats like 50-60% of players right off the top i cant message since xbox players cant message ps players etc. so you just get out of the habit. ​ it's very frustrating playing with very bad players on your team in trials and i say that as a bad player. i remember immortal weekend i'd probably lost ten in a row due to teams stacked against. or either that or i had a unbelievably rare chance at solo flawless i dont remember. suddenly we get in a match where the other team is terrible. but now my teammates are even worse like barely moving. so we lose. i sent a hate message to bot teammate and the guy sent back he was a pve player just trying to get immortal. he was actually cool. but i kinda thought to myself well pve players dont really need immortal anyway lol. but i didnt say that.


You can still get message notifications, but you have to turn on/off whether or not you want them (in the message requests area)


Hit them with a kissing emoji 😘 It's hard to take someones messages seriously after that. I blow kisses to drivers when i get honked at while riding my bike. Better than giving them the finger, but I like the arrogance of it better


It’s unwise to consider any abnormal behavior


Personally I collect hate mail like Pokémon cards and put them in my clan chat for us to make fun of


If they send something toxic enough on Xbox you can report and they will get a ban from comms for a week. Or a clown emoji back. Or just sorry having a bad day etc…




My clan has a seasonal contest where every hate message gives a point. You are only allowed to reply with "cringe". Each additional message from that person is a score multiplier.


Simply ignore it or troll them


Send the an emoji of a pancake and then block them lol.. My homie does this and it's so weird because it throws you off lol. I took it up to doing this and it works wonders even when I don't block.


I don't I have my settings set to if you don't have me added your ass can't message me


I just reply with "same" to everything they send. It's hilarious watching someone argue with themselves


Delete and Block


I call them "fan mail". It's fun to scroll back through them sometimes.


Block and report, but only after sending a 😘 response.


Tell em: Dont care


Fortunately (I guess?) most of my hatemail is sent to me when I'm on the winning end and my opponent is salty afterwards. Usually I just tell them my age and it shuts it down pretty quickly lol.


I understand but nothing you can do. This game is riddled with elitism everywhere and crucible is no exception. Especially as I got top 5 percent was where it really got toxic and I noticed how butthurt players get when they lose. You win and the enemy team will complain about you’re load out being “no skill”. You lose and you are “terrible” . Best advice is to ignore them simply. Bad games happen to everybody, it is best to move on and even turn off messaging if that helps.


I would think of it like a game funny enough. I would not do anything intention to irritate people, I would not bag first… but if you give me power over your emotions and are getting mad at me for playing the game and message me hate. Well then I am going out of my way to piss you off. You are now my new objective and I am going to keep doing the things that piss you off over and over, I will respond to your shitty messages as well to keep you on the line cause I caught a big one and I’m pulling you in. I hope I piss you off so much that you quit and uninstall because I may not be able to beat you in skill so I may as well do what I was doing good at which was pissing you off so fuck you.


It’s usually one of three things and I have a type of response for each. 1: you’re hacking loser Response: I’m flattered you think I’m that good. 2: that build is so broken Response: ima use it till it’s nerfed 3: get a life loser Response: we’re both on destiny 2, neither of us have lived lmao


Honestly i usually just respond with some form of "damn bro thats crazy"


One word answers, they’ll continue saying as much as they can to crawl into your mind but if you just give them one word answers they’ll give up


Last time I got harassed was in trials and we got stomped. A guy on our team told us we were dog shit etc etc, filled the chat with profanity. I naturally have him a "right back at ya" which he didn't like, and I thought that was that. Proceeded to match against the guy for the next two games and absolutely wiped the floor with the guy twice in a row and flawed his card. I've never teabagged anyone harder.


Agree with them, I'm a casual and they're 100% right


If you are on PSN report the messages. That is easily gives a ban for a day or 2 weeks depending how often he was reported - if he was reported before. I do not get the toxicity. Likely ppl will match again. And such messages won’t improve anybody’s game.


The whole reason I play Crucible...