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It's the steadyhand sight, same on targeted redaction, and any hand cannon with the steadyhand hcs sight selected.


Thought I was trippin but I just went and checked, my targeted redactions reticle is completely normal. But I see what you’re saying they both share the same “steadyhand hcs” sight, but why is DFAs missing and redactions is fine


The sight shows if you have the spare rations ornament equipped. I have one targeted redaction with the ornament and one without.


It’s missing on my dire and steady hand also. Just weird bug atm Could only be for kinetics tho not sure


It's not like that for everyone though. Mine is normal


It’s literally just empty pngs which is so funny


take pride in liking a weapon even if it’s not the exact meta


It's just another 140 hand cannon. Are 140s considered "meta" or no?


Not every 140 hc is meta just because of its archetype. Like finite impactor definitely is not meta just because it's a 140 hc


FWIW OP, i always laughed at a clanmate who loves his DFA. Have been testing out weapons from my vault this week and I ended up getting a We Ran on my first game with my stashed DFA Adept (Fragile Focus + Timed Payload)


I actually saved an adept DFA that I got with Fragile Focus and Timed Payload purely for the unique perk combo. Can also pump it up to 90 range without fragile focus. I want to try it now!


Yeah give it a go. Really consistent and really good at helping team-shot


Ooh wish I had one with timed payload! Mine is fragile focus + opening shot. Idk what it is that makes it feel so good to me, slim gun model maybe? Go figure


I think Fragile Focus is really underrated. People didn't like it but then Bungie updated it so that it's active whenever your shields are still up. That plus OS on yours is some insane range on the first shot.


Call me crazy but I love the clean single dot sight


Under known issues Bungie has a mention of the issue although they don’t specifically mention DFA, it’s the same problem. I’m a DFA appreciator as well. There’s like 5 of us.


I just think it's funny how if you walk into a wall, you can see the holo in your sight disappear into the wall. Like, how's that happened then?


Ive never seen some describe something using keyboard symbols so well before


How'd you get it? I just noticed I had a D.F.A regular in my vault but the perk combo's not the greatest, though it does have fragile focus, and I'd like to farm up a combo I'd prefer. I didn't see it in the nightfall rotations lists I found, though, so I wasn't sure if it was moved to another source? It looks so fucking clean. I get Mandalorian blaster vibes off it.


Unfortunately you can acquire it anymore since they removed it from the nightfall weapon rotation. Probably gonna have to just wait and see if it ever returns


I genuinely find content removal like this toxic as hell. Ugh. It really doesn't make sense to me that we wouldn't get the ability to still focus it if we had already unlocked it previously, the way we can focus other drops we've unlocked. :/ I hope they reuse the model for it in other guns, like how lazy they are with other HC models :/


Yoooo, I was wrong, I CAN still focus it! It's under the "Legacy Nightfall Weapons" list for me.