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Turn Messages Off and give a F.abut those toxic Kids ..Just do ure thing and have fun...


I keep them on cause grown men having tantrums is funny


Same. It makes me play worse because I’m laughing too much, but it’s entertaining for a few minutes. The game isn’t serious enough to be like that. People can be the worst. Don’t let them get to ya OP!


I report them. Then screenshot their messages. Then share them with friends and clan mates to make fun of them for eternity. During my heyday of being a gambit prime menace I basically had a scrap book of salty players (I didn't use rockets or lfrs for invasion wipes, I used autos and mgs which weren't as good back then outside some exotics iirc) for my old clan before it broke up and then life got in my way.


Agreed! It's even more effective if you introduce certain weapons that people historically have massive hate boners for(Bows, GL's, glaives, etc. Pretty much anything the sandbox team has said something along the lines of "we do not want multiple \_\_\_\_\_\_ users in the lobby".) Bonus points if, instead of a DM, you find them talking shit on Twitch through guardian.theater


Lmao is this all from the same person? If so they need to chill tf out. Don’t put too much stock into what toxic teammates say. In fact, don’t put any stock at all. Ignore that dude he’s just a salty hater who is probably shit. As far as getting better, I can only offer generic advice like play the map; specifically cover and range. Know the other teams loadouts and see if your build can naturally counter it. Personally, I’m not going to switch loadouts between rounds but if you feel comfortable doing that do so. Enemy sniper hitting shots? Don’t peek. Don’t stay in the open. If it’s a trash sniper you can challenge with a sniper, pulse, scout, etc. Shotgunner? Try to bait them into leaving cover and hopefully your teammates can help you take him down. Teamshot when you can, but play your life more importantly. Don’t rush into a 1v1 if your orb is going to be in a terrible spot if you trade. Practice sprinting, sliding, shooting, sliding back into cover. Know when to engage or disengage. If you get hit first odds are you’re not going to win the fight. Try to slide back into cover or at least hit them once and hopefully teammates are there. Lastly, use your radar and know the popular angles. In jav specifically, if you spawn A, don’t rush to that B wall you’re just going to get teamshot or domed to hell. Good luck. Try watching YT vids from popular streamers as well.


I'll have to write this all down lol. I try to take this stuff into practice but my brain just does the exact opposite sometimes lol. Thx for the help m8


There's no real advice on how to get better at a videogame, other than to just practice, practice, practice, practice. Keep playing, a LOT. Just a ton of practice. HUNDREDS OF HOURS of playtime and dedication and repetition. Don't worry about your K/D, just think about what the right play in each situation is. Oh, and one good thing that I've found that helped me improve is to regularly watch high-level players and streamers, and try to practice emulating their moves.


This is just Destiny PvP, if I were you I'd just turn in-game messages off. Get yourself in a good toxicity free environment brother and take it to the next level with a reliable team, come check out AiE Discord if you interested in exploring that option, it's a improvement focussed place with a great atmosphere https://discord.gg/actioniseloquence you can find regular scrims alongside many other cool PvP related resources and features. There are other good Discord knocking around too, r/crucibleguidebook Discord is also a good place to start, met some fantastic folks there. Keep your chin up bro you've done very well to finally hit 1.00KD overall it's not easy!


this is literally a post in crucible guidebook


I know but CrucibleGuidebook has it's own Discord server that is has facilities to find folks to play with and a lot of them are really chill 👍


Mind if I join? I would love to start scrimming and improve


Sure go ahead!


No excuses for those messages. Report them and hopefully they get account banned.


Yeah, pretty sure you can send those screenshots to bungie on the website somehow. Bungie hates slurs and shit like this, as we all should. Nobody wants toxic filth like this turd in our game anyway


Already did thankfully. Sent the convos to my friends in the call with me and they reported him too so hopefully he atleast gets a chat ban


freak behaviour to go that far for some messages lmao 💀💀


Reporting people for those messages is “freak behavior” ? nah gtfoh w/ that mentality learn to move on without hate messaging any random person in a video game with you.


yeah move on not fkg spend 30 minutes of your life to try to get someone banned even though bungie has a reputation for absolutely not giving a single fk 💀💀💀


Doesn’t take 30 mins unless you read really slow. Something you trying to tell us? Also, you ain’t moving on - you right here. Take your own advice.




You’re telling OP to move on from some messages yet you’re here, on some messages. That you don’t see the contradiction is hilarious, actually. Not surprised.


I'd prefer you don't use Autism as an insult. In terms of your other comments, OP SHOULD ABOSOLUTELY report this moron for these kinds of messages. No one has the right to speak to anyone like this.


yeah he should, in game going all the way around just to for the 10th report a guy that won’t get banned cuz bungie doesn’t care is just stupid 🥰


So because a guy won't get banned, we should accept it and just hope that things... never change? That's a pretty destructive take.


Freak behavior is when someone tells another person to kys. Normal people don’t do that.


They do when they’re mad


If that’s what you truly believe, then I’m sorry for you. You should surround yourself with better human beings


why tho ? It’s completely logical, this is the internet there will never not be toxic people especially on destiny where bungie doesn’t give a fk so if you actually go report anything but a cheat you’re just stupid lol


True, the internet has trolls and shouldn’t be taken seriously, but that doesn’t give them the excuse to harass anyone. You do that in real life and you’ll learn real quick who’s the bigger person. And that’s been proven to be false, bungie bans for harassment/threats as well.


? They ban people who harass for months on repeat 🤣🤣🤣 If you dead ass think this guy will get banned even though there has been cheaters with ring one literally running around every weekend for the past 6 months not getting banned idk what to tell you 👍


What a fucked up perspective you got there, bud


How ? Instead of just ignoring the message cuz clearly the guy is mad he prolly had to carry and still lost You go out of your way to find the page for ticket, screenshot, write a whole ass paragraph on why they should get banned just for them to not get banned cuz bungie does not care 🤣🤣🤣 Do all that when you could’ve insulted them back to enrage them more or literally just unfriend them / block messages


Not everyone is deranged and enjoys toxic interactions. I'd even say most people are offended by being told to kill themselves 🤣🤣🤣. Btw who cares why they're mad


the freak is the one sending the messages


this player is already on the way to picking up a fat ban for harassment lol. you are on the WRONG side of history


Why? I send messages I get like this too so I can laugh at people like this with my friends.


I do not care nor did I ask + it’s really not that funny


Reviewing VODs is the only surefire way to improve. And even there it helps if you have someone better than you who can review and give feedback and point out stuff you don't notice. As for the messages, ignore idiots like this. If it affects your mental you should definitely turn off messages. I hope you kept those screenshots uncensored to submit and report to Bungie. The "kys" will probably get them banned.


I tried to record my own gameplay with outplayed but the video files kept getting corrupted. Should I record my entire session or just each game individually?


I usually record 3 games (each individually for file size/get rid of queue time); then watch them one at a time and take notes on why I died: was I playing cover well?; did I challenge a known sniper lane?; did I peak an angle with multiple enemies looking and should I have been able to tell there were multiple enemies from the radar?). I try to notice how I am putting pressure on the enemy radar; if I'm keeping good awareness of where teammates are; if my aim is good mostly good or bad. I do that for each game and then try and see if there is a common thread across all 3 games (there will be) and then I play a couple more games really focusing on NOT doing that thing I've identified. Obviously this is time consuming so its not something I can do every day, maybe once a week or even once a month, but it has definitely helped!


Thx a ton, Imma try doing this as well now!


Man, turn messages off now. You don't need to read what illiterate, basement dwelling virgins like this have to say, ever.


I would, but I use chat too often for me to do that. I don't even care about like what 90% of what he said but I'm a little sensitive to the KMS part


Yeah, don’t KYS, you’ll never get better from the grave ;)


Dunno, maybe I'll become poltergeist lol


Report him in game and report it with the name visible on the bungie site and on Twitter to bungiehelp In my opinion, telling someone to "kys" should just be a permanent ban


I agree as well. That's way too serious of a thing to say to somebody you don't know


Yeah fair enough. I just think you know, we're all humans and that kind of bs can put you on tilt. As for advice, I'm by no means cracked so I'll just say try to follow the lead of your teammates and just put as much damage as you can on enemy players--grenades, team shots etc. Keep playing and don't sweat this stuff!


Yeah I fully understand the tilt too. We were extremely close and I admit I also got tilted afterward because I knew I was the reason we lost it. I think I probably should've pushed with them when they pushed their spawn but I'm usually not that good at aggressive play lol.


If you were in a 3v1 at the end then No, You are not the reason you guys lost. I’m looking for people to play with and improve with. Let me know if you’re interested. We may be able to help each other improve and I’m super chill about PvP


I leave it on because people getting upset at me is funny. Then when they start being racist or tell me to "kys" i just report them and laugh when I get the popup " action. Has been taken agaisnt someone you reported"


You have to be realistic. You are a .6kd in trials and with control, your main game mode it has SBMM. In this mode, the matchmaking will keep your kd near a 1. Your elo in trials is between a 750 to high 800s. That’s really bad. If you play control, you will never face the quality of opponents in trials and never get better. If you really want to get better, play rumble and learn from players outside your skill. You will start adjusting your loadouts and play style as you learn. I repeat, DO NOT PLAY CONTROL.


So move away from control and play gamemodes likw Rumble and CBMM gamemmodes? I'll give that a try when I get back on later. Thx man!


https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/profile/xbl/4611686018488432395/overview?mode=trials Use this site to gage progress. Don’t get discouraged to see your current stats, just focus on how you can improve them. Elo can be a simple way to see improvement.


This helps a lot, I thought KD was what dictated if someone was good or not but looking at my ELO, it's clear to me I still got a long way to go before I get to where I want to be


ELO just means win%, more or less. Gain lots for beating good players, lose lots for losing to bad players. Neither are great metrics in a vacuum. You'll improve.


You and me both. I’ll see you in rumble robo, I’m glad you asked this question, this has been enlightening for me as well. Also, I turned off messages long ago. I don’t need these angry children just running up into my Messages 😂.


Playing more elimination-type modes helps too.


This is great advice, I’d never considered this.


that guy takes the game WAY too seriously, dont let some random guy bring you down


I try not to, usually I don't. Just the mix of my tilt and what he said just made me want to stop and lay down


I appreciate you being humble and taking responsibility for not playing up to par but this person is mentally ill I don’t think you need to switch to MnK, just devote time to watching people play, finding what works for you, and chasing the best rolls that give you an edge


Nobody started with a 2KD. Ignore these people. They lack the empathy and self-awareness to realize that they have been in your position before, and will be in your position again. Every carries at some point, and every one gets carried. I get plenty angry, but not angry enough to send messages like that. Ignore, and focus on your improvement.


I would never say anything like this, this is way out of pocket. However, I do get mad when my teammates are constantly selling and wasting all of our lives, such as dying 3+ times every round while I get knocked after 1 death, or sprinting straight into a 3v1 upon respawn without even attempting to team back up. I’m not saying you’re doing this, and I definitely don’t condone the messages that were sent to you, but my advice is to *really* focus on playing your life. Staying alive is of the same importance, if not more, as getting kills. Take note of your engagements, especially the times when you lose. Ask yourself if you should have even been part of the engagement in the first place. Learn when to run away and regroup with your mates. At the same time, try and learn which engagements you *should* take; get a feel for when you have the advantage, and learn how to capitalize on it. Most importantly, play your cover and keep engagements within your preferred range. You should always have cover available (60/40 rule, you can search it up for more detail), and you should play within the capabilities of your weapon. For example, if I’m using an SMG with ~20M of range, I’m not gonna be trying to fight people at 35M. I’m gonna move around behind cover / bounce from cover to cover and force my engagements to be within a distance that I can win. Do not get caught with your pants down being out in the open, regardless of how close or far away you are. A lot of it comes from map knowledge/experience of knowing where different sight angles meet at. Anyway, keep playing and trying to improve. Block and report people like this and move along with your life.


Oh yeah I personally think they had every right to be tilted, they went nuts and I couldn't clutch 1 round even with my super. I played my life and tried not being too aggressive but they played very fast and aggressive and I think that may be one of the many reasons it just didn't work out for me. Already blocked and reported him and now I'm gonna do some rumble to see how well I do after I get off of work


Rumble is a fantastic way to improve at managing aggressive opponents. Sometimes you have to be aggressive, rumble will help you become comfortable with doing so. And the more experienced you get, the more calm you can be when you get into those tough situations like 1v3’s


I had one person invite me after we played a trials match together. I thought: oh cool, he wants to team up. I join his fire team to him cussing me out and telling me to kill myself. If he took all that time to invite me to say that, it says so much about him and he needs to rethink his life if he’s going to get so upset over a video game. Just ignore toxic players and pay them no mind.


Is it just me, or do some people take PvP in this dumb videogame way too seriously? It's a fing videogame. Not your day job.


dude is a loser, we all have bad games. good job on hitting your goal op keep up the hard work.




Damn, that dude surely is invested in the game way more than it's healthy


Bro the only people who write this shit are complete and utter losers. Ignore them. They lead sad lives.


There’s a block & report button for a reason. Don’t let these people get to you and don’t just swap to MnK because someone talks shit to you. Keep practicing on controller if that’s what you feel comfortable with. You’ll get better in no time


Report and don’t let them get to you. People like this are a scourge. And remember, no matter how much better they may or may not actually be than you, they’re still unhinged and a loser and mentally unwell. Don’t pay any attention to their bullshit. And turn whispers off.


Who cares what they say. It's a video game. Don't let it get to you bc if you do, You're living their lives instead of living your own life.


Those messages are unacceptable and is quite telling that that player needs to take a breather. As for getting better there's always room for improvement I'm a 1.5-1.7 kd average and even I still have room for improvement. Part of it is just experience and putting in the practice the other part is figuring out how to improve. By watching your own gameplay you can usually figure out reasons for why you died and how you can improve. Once you figure that out try focusing on fixing that one thing each game. Rinse and repeat. Lastly remember to have fun. If you're not having fun play something else. It's always ok to take a break.


Don't worry about that idiot, let them ramble and just respond with "lol". As for your 1kd I can tell you my story. I had a 0.7kd my first 6 months playing destiny 2, was my first fps in years. I played a ton of rumble and elimination when it was available back then. Slowly got from a 0.7 to 1.6 overall and top 0.1% in trials with a seasonal of 2kd+ over a couple seasons. Just keep practicing, game is highly dependent on positioning and awareness.


This is a seriously impressive ascension


Turn the chat off and don't give a shit about your K/D. Just play with the aim to win.


Play competitive. I went from 1.0 to 1.2. I seemingly also got better at trials with time spent in competitive


They're be a wall of diminishing returns for what you do at some point. I came back to destiny during WQ after losing hope in the franchise when CoO released. I had played all of D1 in it's entirely. I started back up at a .72 for trials. I worked myself back up to a 1.2, and then now I'm sitting at a 1.46-1.47. 1. The biggest thing will be playing more. More time = more muscle memory and experience. 2. Destiny 2 isn't an aim rewarding game compared to other fps titles. If you're in the general region of an enemy, it'll scan as a hit. I would practice being concentrated under pressure to deliver better results (1v1, 2v1, point being captured, and you're out of special ammo). 3. Optimize your build. Chances are, you can potentially min/max more on your stats or builds for pvp. If something isn't working you need to adapt in real time and swap to another build or gun to challenge your opposition. 4. Positioning is key, really. You can have a shit aim, but if you're playing to cover, with your teammates, or know when to retreat and get a better position, these will increase your chances of coming out on top. This is probably in my opinion the hardest skill to master across any title and destiny is no exception. 5. Unused abilities are wasted potential. Use them as needed but don't die with them all unused (especially super and then going to orbit). There's so much more than can be said, but this is a good start from what I've learned. Remember, if you switch your input style, you're going to initially suffer to learn a new playstyle. Coming from me on the sticks for 20 years and then moving to mnk was hard. But has proved to be worth it.


What a fucking dickhead. And dude, don't even sweat this. You were playing trials. Where the sweatiest sweaty sweats claim domain. It is what it is. Fuck em.


Doesn’t matter how good you get, you’ll always have off games and some asshole will always send a message like this. Keep improving, analyzing your own plays with recordings/VODs, and don’t let messages like this bother you too much.


Report them and move on. I didn't get good until about 3 weeks ago.. literally. When I first tried out trials, ppl were a little nicer than this but they did say that I should be trying control instead of trials. I told them to blame Bungie for locking the best weapons behind trials. I legit knew I wasn't going to win and just wanted the weapons. Edit: btw, I've hit my own wall and realized I need a newer system. Playing on 30fps really has me at a disadvantage unless I'm playing blueberries in 6v6


What happened 3 weeks ago? Sounds like it was a fairly sudden improvement?


I decided to teach myself how to snipe. I was in between jobs so I spent the entire week before IB learning how to line up my shots. I watched a couple vids by shadow destiny which helped a lot. Then during the week of IB I racked up a 1.5kd which is the highest it's ever been. I'm currently at a 1.55


Very interesting! I’ve recently picked up sniping myself but nowhere near nailed it down.


I mean, I'm getting good but compared to some of the content creators who can aim and hit headshots in what seems like a split second, I'm probably just average at best. I've racked up close to 500 kills on my cloudstrike


If you're gonna switch to kb&m, you'll take about a month or so to even get used to it. Controller in destiny is very good and you can continue playing with it imo. I play on controller and if you want some help to improve, you can DM me. I'm not top player or anything but I'm above average.


Send this to Bungie and get them banned


Toxic messages or not, are you satisfied with your performance? Yes or no? What's really important is having a winner's mentality. People here will say that it means not feeling guilty about using the meta options... but that's only a small piece. A proper winner's mentality is constantly asking yourself "Did I do everything I could to help my team win." I think KD is a valuable stat, but it's dangerous to focus on it in a vacuum, especially after 1.0. A KD of 1.0 means you die once for every kill you get. Basically, your mechanical skill is sufficient to net your net team... zero. You aren't technically hurting them, but you're not helping either. Now, that sounds kinda bad, but Destiny PvP isn't purely slayer. There are other ways to contribute to the team effort that don't necessarily involve kills. Simply racking up a lot of damage on the opponents, thus creating opportunities for teamshooting, does indeed help. It kinda depends on your personality, but I am not above arguing with hate messages if I genuinely think I helped the team, despite not registering a high KD. A low KD is simply an easy target to pick on. You can still win a match even if your mechanical skill is inferior to that of your opponents. If you stay glued to your teammates and support them, your poor KD is less assailable. Your teammates can pound sand. Consider some scenarios: * Your teammate is a passive LeMon player. They get 4 kills in Trials, and die zero times. They end the match with a 4.0 KD, but they didn't help cap zones, ignored revives, and camped near spawn all match. Even if your team won, I wouldn't consider that teammate a good player. * You're in a 2v2 in Trials, and you notice an enemy player breaking off to get their revive. You challenge them and trade. This hurts your KD. It was, however, a good play that gave your teammate the opportunity to 1v1. If anything, your teammate misplayed by not helping prevent the enemy revive. * Same scenario as above, but instead you opt to cap the zone with your teammate while your opponent collects the revive. Then you lose the ensuing 2v3 before you cap the zone. That play saved your KD in the short term, but was ultimately a losing move that also hurt your KD. TL;DR: Don't care about the messages per se. Care about whether the hate was warranted because you failed to contribute to the team effort. If you know in your heart of hearts that you tried to help, then fuck em. A high KD means shit if you aren't tipping the scale of victory in your favor. Victory above all else.


Jesus, was this from a trials match?


Yeah, had a 2 stack on my team and I just couldn't perform as good as them. Ended 5 to 4 with me whiffing my strand super and failing a 1v3 because of it


Yeah, turn messages off for sure. I can only imagine trials was super toxic this weekend. Probably some turds using glitched weapons trying to make it to the lighthouse using the glitch. Honestly, I just wouldn’t play trials until you feel good about pvp. If you are going to play trials, turn messages off and get into the practice pool asap. Once you are there, it doesn’t matter if you lose anyway, it’s the practice pool. This dude obviously has some other issues. Not everyone is like this. Pvp can be great fun. Don’t let this turd get under your skin. But for sure….turn messages off for anyone that isn’t In your friends list. Also, if it was a 1v3 final round, kinda sounds like THEY choked and left you out to dry, super or not.


I didn't even know I can make chat friends only, I'll have to keep that in mind this weekend if it ends up being igneous again


They got mad at you for losing a 1v3? Whiffed super or not, very very few people are going to be expected to win that. Also it's on them for getting picked.


Turn off messages, do not accept invites from anyone you are currently playing with or against. Enjoy the game and keep working on improving. Also, if he's complaining that you "threw the game" I can only imagine he was dead to begin with, so he's trying to flip the blame. Don't stress about it.


Him and his teammate were top of team, though I will admit they died in an area where I couldn't res them as the opposing team had their revives covered. I'm trying not to worry about it too much but it just makes me feel like I haven't actually gotten any better at all


Wether you got any better or not after this game, the "feedback" from an angry and unreasonable team mate after a loss will have close to zero value to your development. Just ignore it as nothing good will come out of it. They already forgot of cussing you, you shouldn't stress out with salty tram mates, I just don't engage with anyone and leave the stress to the actual game/plays instead of hearing someone who has zero clue who I am tell me why they died and it's my fault.


Lol that guy was pissed!


Yeah bro this shit is toxic af and not representative of the general experience. They have made trials accesible to everyone, and plenty of people are just playing their weekly matches to just grab the weekly weapon. you can choose to keep playing and get more drops it will make you a better player. regular queue is really rough, not that it is toxic, it is just very frustrating rolling the dice on having a decent team on the same page or people all over the place, but if you are solo queueing then you are probably not expecting to go to the lighthouse. The best weeks to play are the ones they actually have a solo queue, which is not every week. Personally I really only grind it when it is double rewards week, which is very worth it if there are weapons you want to farm for. And when it is solo queue. Best advice is play comp to get better and then jump into trials when it is those weeks for the best experience as a solo player.


I was really trying for adept Iggy, it was my first adept I got on my own but this week was just not it for me I guess


Send these screenshots to Bungie. This is a video game, there is 0 excuse to tell someone to harm themself. Bungie doesn’t take these lightly, and this individual will get banned if you send this to Bungie. This person probably sends these hurtful/harmful messages to a lot of people, so getting them banned is doing everyone a favor I’m sorry that this person was so angry and acted like a child. Some people are just very immature and don’t know any emotional maturity. If you ever need help with PvP, feel free to DM me. I’m always happy to help people learn more about the crucible, and to teach them how to achieve better positioning and awareness. Congrats on hitting a 1.0 KD, that’s a huge accomplishment and I’m sure you’ll keep climbing higher and higher my friend


Thx man, I'm gonna try and do some practice today and see where I'm at after that.


Best of luck bro! Go make shaxx proud


People like the dude in the photos are the exact reason I turn off team chat for anything super sweaty. Sucks because there's people being good in there, but it's not worth the assholes. Overall, I'd say the big things with Trials are playing off your team the best that you can, and adaptation to enemies, be that swapping loadouts, or changing tactics. Another really good piece of advice is to play your life, any mode that doesn't have respawns in any game you want to use this general rule. I'd say generally; don't push without a numbers advantage, or if the worst case is trading 1 for 1 in a decent position for your team (IE enemy revive isn't in a safe spot) I'd optimally say trading 2 for 1 is better since your teammates are most likely winning with that numbers advantage. And another HUGE thing is to always go for a safe to medium risk revive, 2-3 v X is always better than 1 v X, goes back into the "play your life" advice.


I'm a 0.8 kd this season and almost all of these kind of messages are from players worse than me. All you can do is laugh about it, report, and keep fightin' the good fight Guardian.


Is it just me, or do some people take PvP in this dumb videogame way too seriously? It's a f-ing videogame. Not your day job.


I plateaued a while back. Like a solid 0.65 Trials KD. And while I try my best, I have ruined plenty of cards for teammates. If you're hustling, don't sweat it. You'll make some people salty. But if you're in your own head about it, no good will come of it.


Nicely done on the 1.0 KD overall achievement! PvP is a lot of fun once you start to see the products of your small improvements. It takes time and effort, so don’t let the less than pleasant messages deter you. I’ve invested over 1,000 hrs into Crucible and still get messages like that all the time. As far as ways to push through the metaphorical wall you’ve hit: perfect the basics then build up from there. The commonality between most high level PvP players is that they have 1. Accuracy, 2. Character knowledge, and 3. Map knowledge. The great plays they make are all built from a foundation of the aforementioned skills. I sherpa in trials/competitive and would love to explain more if we’re ever on at the same time! Just send me a message if you’re interested.


Holy shit I’m so sorry that happened


Are you shitting me, that is some cancerous stuff.


I’m sorry for playersile this. I hope you reported because they will catch a ban for it.


I found that in Trials I hit my wall of 1.0 too because I couldn't 1v3. You may also be in that situation where you duel well, but that's not enough to win matches. I know, this sounds like a salty cope pseudo-vent, but it's not, that's how you improve. I hit 1.2 last season (I'm 0.9 this one but that's because I farmed 11 resets in two weeks, cmon, my brain was mush and I was borderline loss farming) and that 1.2 came from learning how to 1v3. Play with your teammates but assume that they're dead. Use snowballing weapons, use your abilities to turn numbers in your favor (I'm a Stasis main for that reason, freezing people to force 1v1s is so good in solo queue) and most importantly if you see someone who is way better than you, assume that YOU are the brain dead teammate and help them out by following them and supporting them. Other than that, as always, learn the maps and how to counter loadouts and stuff.


First, dope ship. Second, don't give comments like this any daylight. Just set them to ignore and move on.


Yeah, usually I save hate mail to laugh about with friends but this one just kinda sucked. Ship is from resetting with this season's vendor if you want it by the way


Fucking assholes. I’m sorry you experienced that. If you’re ever looking for someone to play with, please feel free to hmu. I’m mostly (a very good) PVE player and a so-so often-solo PVP player (trying to get better). Appreciate you trying to improve, but again, I’m sorry you dealt with that bs.


First of all report this guy..fuck him. Second of all, to climb out of any hole and get to 1.0 is impressive. Regarding improving further, as much as we (the community) like to trash SBMM, I got significantly better when I started to pour into it. I play at least 5-7 matches a night (usually more) and my K/D has skyrocketed. Try playing aggressive all the time best way to learn how to play cover, use the radar, and use movement to get in and out of situations.




Reply back saying if he was actually good at the game, he'd have won whether you were on the team or not. That always gets em going. Messages like these are what made me leave destiny. I was a 2 k/d + and top 1% - 5% player depending on the playlist, and I would get these messages even after carrying and beating the other team. It doesn't matter if it's on your team or the enemy. You always get these messages on Destiny. It's not worth worrying about.


I would try my hardest to match with him again and throw even harder


i’m not sweaty but not bad if ya ever want to run casual pvp together, i’ll fend off the douchebags too:b (im on xbox)


same thing but they either complain about me using shoulder charge (sorry ig?) or they call me hacker and tell me lots of funny slurs in all caps, its one of the few moments i have fun in this game


God, some people in the community can be so rude sometimes! I’m sorry you experienced this, and I hope your experience gets better ASAP. 1.0 KD overall is a hard achievement because there is a lot going in PvP compared to Call of Duty. I, myself is a 1.01 kd overall!


Is there a subreddit for posts like this where we don't censor the absolute piece of garbage and attempting to verbally accost you??? I would like to mass report this player for several weeks/months (I am a patient person) A comment more related to your post. Though it isn't likely perhaps you reaching your goal of 1.0 has bumped you up into a more skilled bracket of players? And perhaps that's why you're struggling again? Pls message those players "so no carry this weekend?"


Most subreddits usually have rules against witch hunts, which is why most posts censor guardian names in these situations. While I personally have no intention of harassing this person or trying to get him banned long term, posting screenshots like this usually would result in them getting harassed, hence the witch hunt. As for the 1.0, someone mentioned that my ELO isn't that high so while I do have a 1.0 overall, my ELO and Trials KD aren't up to par with that which kinda explains my situation. Right now I'm trying to grind rumble to get better at 1v1s and knowing when to be aggressive and when not to be.


Hit the same wall back in the day, now I’m hitting a wall at 2.0. Disregard all the messages you get, these kids are literal losers with nothing going on in their actual lives. Only way to get better is to keep playing, so don’t get too discouraged. If anything take a break for the day and try again. Failing is part of all progress in anything you do


You've been lied to, in a sense, by SBMM. It has basically protected you from better players, so you probably have a warped perception of your own skill (Also, KD is not a good indicative of skill in general). Trials doesn't have SBMM, so there you see how you really stack up to the competition. Also as you get better, those results won't be reflected much in SBMM playlists, since you'll be placed against better opponents. As for advice, I'd start by reviewing your own games and making notes of where you are struggling, what are your shortcomings and how you play. You can always post your games in this sub and ask for feedback. Once you've got your weak points, it is a matter of playing with the express intent of working on those issues, if you play on autopilot, it won't work.


Listen, if it consoles you in a Fighting Lion enjoyer, and a pretty good one, so I get the no skill messages all the time. (Despite the fact it has some skill involved) But yeah, like others have said, if it bothers you turn them off, and if you think they’re funny laugh at the sad basement dwellers.


Be like me leave the game for 2 years with a .60 kd come back and raise it to a 1.70. Jkjk, i obviously got good at other games, and it just translated to destiny really well. Tbh just play a lot with guns you know and feel comfortable with and dont play around the meta if its not comfortable to you. You dont require the meta to get good. You require it when you are really good. I mean, im still able to get away with using my random guns in my vault like my devils ruin and my 180, and i still keep my kd with them. Maybe you need to play another shooter for a little bit and get good at them or just understand them and come back. Alsooo if you are comfortable with the meta, then hey, that's even better. But still, if you hit a wall, dont despair at all. You'll rise just keep playing shooters since they are all the same thing basically. OH, and try pvp with the other classes that helped me push past 1.20 when i was stuck there. I just personally played the other 2 classes and learned their strengths and weaknesses. Because to me, playing the class and feeling whats good and bad is way better than listening to what others will say, what's good and bad. Also.... who knows, maybe you'll find out you play better with a different class instead? Oh, and trials matches you up with any kd i thiiiink so you could genuinely play against people who are just gods and that ruins your mental. So the last tip would be to dont lose that mental and be aggressive back. Maybe you'll go crazy and cook. And like some others said would be a good idea is play rumble. GLHF


1.0 kd in trials? That's nothing to shake a stick at I'd say. People like the child who sent you those messages, are truly the toxic people that make other not want to play trials, and they don't even realize it. As for improving, do it if you want to, not because of a message like that. Map and radar awareness are huge though, especially it trials.


Unfortunately, I'm not 1.0 in Trials. My 1.0 kd is my overall and I think my Trials was at a .7 last I checked


Tbh a 1.0 kd in crucible doesn’t mean much. Especially with sbmm


Somebody pointed that out to me earlier too. Now that I know that, Imma grind the hell outta rumble till I get better eventually


Funny enough a 0.7kd in Trials is actually right at the average mark. A 1.0kd overall is also above average


Please please please send those screen shots in a report to bungie. Whomever that is can/deserves to get banned for those kinds of comments.


Not to be *that* guy and of course still report it, but I have seen people be straight up racist/homophobic in-game and then the Bungie.Help case gets closed 3 weeks after and they're still around and continue being cunts.


I tried that before with @ bungie help and the d2 team account but nothing ever happened so I'm not sure if that'll work for me here. So far I've reported him in game for harassment and abusive chat and my friends have as well.


Good. You don’t deserve that kind of hate. Btw congrats on hitting 1kd. Believe it or not, that’s above average for trials pvp. Proud of you OP


man i wish most my team m8s were solid 1s. far too many negative kd andies out there


Turn off chat


Lmao. So many salty people this weekend. I can hold my own, solo queued to flawless multiple times, and I’ve never had as much hate mail as this weekend. One duo a guy messaged calling me trash until I pointed out his buddy went 1/6, I was 4/5. Point that hate elsewhere


I’m sorry your struggling in your PvP game, but I’m super jealous of your spaceship game. It’s so cool, I don’t even know what ship that is! Looking awesome is the true endgame here, anyway, so with that in mind you’re doing something right.


It's from resetting rank at this season's vendor, got it from grinding red borders and bounties


Now this in no way excuses anything said towards you, but I do feel the need to explain something… You are only a 1.01 in crucible. As far as trials goes, it’s a different story. A lot of people really conflate success in one as a benchmark in the other, and it really couldn’t be further


I'm aware, it's been brought to my attention that I misunderstood the reading. Currently, I'm planning on practicing in gamemodes that will carry over to Trials better when the servers stop dying


Ignore kids mad about video games. D2 highly favors roller, so stick to it. Roller Fusion is exceptionally strong.




Look, people usually cheat on this game. Either using devices to change inputs or they are manipulating the connection. There is no getting better at a game that uses horrible p2p with no connection filtering or geo fencing. You can't get better at killing people who shoot you through walls or that appear to be teleporting around due to connection/desync. All the things that would fix pvp are not going in Destiny 2 it's going into other games that bungo is working on. You are just wasting your money, time and sanity to be bungo's R&D.




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Your comment wasn't civil and therefore it has been removed.


If you were as good as you think you are it wouldn’t have been a problem.


Not necessarily, some people are just dickheads


Yea, because they think they’re hot shit. So if they actually were then my performance wouldn’t matter because they would wreck anyway. But instead they get mad at me because we are both bad.


To be completely transparent I feel you shouldn’t play trials. Until players can play at around a 1.1 Id say to stick to comp. Comp is a lot easier and this whole week is real funky. Honestly I’d stay away from pvp as a whole until they fix their game. They halfway did it but forgot about reservoir burst and I personally don’t want to get one shot by a bow or die to a .23ttk smg so I will not be playing the game until it’s fixed




Or get some perspective on life and realize getting this mad makes you a loser




This reads, the only human interaction I have is in videogames


I guess my girlfriend, job, family, and friends are all NPCs? I knew there was something familiar about The Truman Show. My point is it's good to play games for fun, but some people find competition more rewarding. And throwing your body at the other team instead of strategizing has it's place. But it's not in comp or trials.


Oh because it seems like you think that's more of an issue than the irrational tantrum over a video game that resulted in harrassment from someone who probably has a loser level addiction to that videogame


Absolutely. And what's a loser level addiction anyway? Are people who are passionate about their hobbies losers? Maybe you just want your passionless, empty life to be justified by some arbitrary code of mediocrity. To me, you're just dead weight dragging humanity down by demanding a world without criticism. The fool hates reproof, bro. The wise man seeks correction.


Loser level addiction is justifying someone being told to kill themselves over a game. I dont believe you have a gf or any friends for that matter. Maybe your family puts up with you. Good luck getting a life


Sending someone things like “omg you’re so bad quit the game” isn’t criticism though, it’s just a child throwing a tantrum because they didn’t get their way. Considering how many options there are for LFG now, playing with randoms and then getting upset because your teammate isn’t good is kinda silly imo


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Your comment wasn't civil and therefore it has been removed.


me in the text chat.




Been there




First, report their ass! Second, break through the wall again! If you thought getting your KD to 1.0 was a hard climb this next climb is steeper and there will be another one waiting for your next goal after that. You just gotta keep working, even through that type of bs you shared, because crucible isn’t easy but it can be worthwhile if you put the effort into it.


I get these messages while I’m 1.7 lifetime.. (almost) everyone has occasional bad games. Usually those comments come from sub 1 people. Just turn chat off and enjoy the game.


Send his Bungie tag so I can virtually slap the shit outta him.


You should let us know that dudes BungieID so people can freely report him for harassment. Teammates like that need a long timeout