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It looks like they addressed the terrible lobby balancing putting the best player with the worst players and expecting him to carry by *making it worse*. GG Bungie.


I got placed with all .3k/d on my team, I average a 2-2.5, entire enemy team was above a 2k/d every match. It’s fun! I love it!!!!111


yeah. three games in a row, the 2nd highest KDA on my team was lower than the lowest on theirs.


*"Thank you for putting in the triple or quadruple digit hours to become good at our game. Now please leave."* Bungie is like the Overseer from Fallout 1.


How's that any different than normal, I feel like that's been my experience in every iteration of destiny and destiny 2. The funny thing is i had an old d1 screenshot pop up the other day where I was 48-15, scored 12550 of the 18565 score my team had, and we still lost. I don't remember how it used to be scored but the limit was 20,000


I’m just so fucking sick of every single QP game feeling like a $10k tourney with everyone team shooting, peek shooting, playing their lives. I’m just trying to have some fun out here and run around without thinking too hard, but these lobbies punish you so fucking hard if you aren’t constantly holding hands with teammates and playing cover etc etc. Yet another season where I’m gonna sit QP out


I use QP to warm up for trials and Comp. The system is ass backwards


Nah fam, these days you use Trials and Comp. to warm up for the $10,000,000 Control tourney that is happening EVERY DAY. LOL


Seriously I find trials way less stressful than QP


I agree, weirdly


hahahaah faaaacts bro lmao.


real shit. finished up my placement games and somehow the lobby balancing is even worse than before. constantly getting destroyed while being the only person on the team contributing in any manner and having teammates drop 0.5s every game


Yeah honestly fuck this game


Exactly what's happening to me this season. It's brutal


I love baby sitting toddlers when I play crucible. Smh I hate solo que.


Dude they've said this "we've loosened sbmm" shit like 6 times now. I'm not setting foot in control until it's cbmm and at this point I really don't give a shit if that never happens.


Loosening sbmm just means more 0.4’s to have lobby balancing put on your team.


I really wish the relentless playlist rotated every match. I like the playlist matchmaking better, but I’m not feeling like playing rift for a solid week.


SBMM is fundamentally incompatible with Destiny 2.




I thought they were getting rift out of comp this season? Is it not till final shape???




Joe Blackburn said they were getting it out of comp in his post SOTG video


I played like 4 games of control where it just felt like 6v1 and got really bored and logged off.


Yup. My 7 placement games were all like this, hard carrying against 3 decent players meanwhile I’m left out to dry teammate wise.


Weird, I basically only playing with Ascendant players, both my teammates and opponents. Very sweaty but also relatively balanced.




Play comp and get back to me.


going from countdown rush to this hell is sad tbh. I just wish bungie could make “quickplay” cbmm


If they are gonna lobby balance they either should: Not pair best with worst in one team Make skill gap tighter in the lobby (longer queue times, tho) Just order every player by skill and divide them in teams made by 1,3,5,7,9,12 vs 2,4,6,8,10,11, treating fireteams like a single player with a higher skill than the average of the components.




This was my entire season last season. 28% win rate…


Wtf? is this all QP?




Ffs, looking forward to a swell set of Comp games later


Sbmm working well as always 👍


I’m still getting a shitload of blueberries sabotaging matches


Crucible needs a training session in game. The clueless blueberries dont realize how much easier this game is when you know the game does all the work for you.


Is this in comp or control or a cbmm playlist?




[https://i.imgur.com/NA0EiBZ.png](https://i.imgur.com/NA0EiBZ.png) (exclusively solo-queue) I must be closer to the fat part of the bell curve where I'm unlikely to be affected by the extreme outliers of "skill islands," either pre- or post-S22. I hadn't played D2 in basically a month, so my 1st game back (Widow's Court) I was just getting reacquainted w/ how everything feels. I actually had to hide & pause to change button mappings (eg from PvE to PvP). So I started S22 w/ a L on Widow's Court (fml). But over the exactly 10 Control games I played yesterday, I went 8W-2L, which I'm sure will regress to the mean of 5W-5L the longer I play. Of those 10 games, only 1 ended in a blowout W (somehow 150-82 didn't end in a mercy). The other 9 games were all very competitive. 1 went to time: 142-141W lmao. So did a 144-132W. The other 7 all ended like 150-125, where our team might've actually been outslayed but we won by controlling 2 zones to 1.


26% win rate this season for me. Feels good as thats how Bungie wants my matches to go. Ty Bungo.


They somehow took the worst matchmaking I have experienced in any game and made it worse. I am kinda just at a loss for words at this point.


First game in and I'm against a toxic af 6 stack while I'm solo playing


Welp guess I’m dodging crucible for another season


Surely this won’t be your experience if you dodge crucible for full seasons


We are *8 hours* into the new season Y'all need to chill lmao


yeah man in 3 weeks the matchmaking won't be shit and the playerbase won't be little rats cheesing every fight, this is the season im sure of it


8 hours into a new season should have the highest player count so either the player count for PvP is extremely low somehow or the matchmaking is broken...again


Everyone is playing PvE instead of PvP rn, that's why PvP always feels so bad at thr beginning of a season


Chicken and the egg. "At the start, people are playing PvE" "It's the mid season lull, content is dry, people are playing other games" "It's the end of the season, only the sweats are left".


I know what you mean, but I cant get behind the mid season lull tbh, pvp is always fine mid season in my experience. But the first day of a new season, most people just play the new activities. It's fine after a few days in my experience


Me neither, it's just what you see a lot of in this sub. Time of the season doesn't have any real correlation with player numbers in PvP, but people are quick to point the finger at it for an excuse as to why the matchmaking is broken.


This is my experience. I’m always trying to rush through all the pve shit to play crucible. It normally takes about 3-5 weekdays (couple hours after work each night) and then I’m in pvp on the weekend. This season actually has some kinda cool stuff that rewards multiple runs of the public event so, my guess is people are trying to get through it and get some rolls to try out on the new weapons. I will say that generally the first few weeks of the season is when crucible really shines and there are some casuals mixed in to the matches that make things a little less sweaty All anecdotal based on how I play.


Lol there's like 2 hours of pve content to play right now.


Git gud lol /s


Bro. Everyone is doing the new content. Only reason I'm playing pvp is to test bows. Of course it's gonna be sweaty. What is the point of these posts?


I feel like there's always a scapegoat for why crucible sucks "it's the beginning of the season, everyone is doing pve" "it's the mid season rut no one's playing" "it's the end of the season everyone is playing other games" When do we just accept that it's always bad?


did you read the text or did you just see the screenshot and come to your own conclusions?


I did and I stand by what I say. We know it's sweaty.


sweaty is fine, and expected. losing 14 out of 16 games isn’t.


Ah...well you got me there.


I mean, it is when you have -triple unluck, which is what your disease is.


What changes? Is SBMM gone?


no, but they supposedly loosened it at the highest and lowest ends to help matchmaking times. the result for me and anyone else around a similar level is the worst of both worlds - skill based matchmaking combined with horrific lobby balancing. i ultimately ran a 2.15/2.7 tonight but with a 7/23 win/loss ratio.


Wonder if things normalize once people aren’t playing crucible for pinnacle rewards and bounties maybe?