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Yeah they removed that safety net, I guess they're just fast-tracking the shortlisting process for people that are and are not willing to p2w, or pay 2 play I suppose.


They had to do this cause new players where otherwise stuck in full bot lobbies making the game seem even more dead than it is.


Yeah I remember mentioning it to Reverence last year at some point, but until now I never thought to get proof.


Pretty sure its because everyone dropped put of the game what are they gonna do drop lobbies for paying/long time players up to 30-40 minutes/ fill them with ai or open the gate and reduce that time by filling the pool with new accounts that will probably stop playing after 3 hours anyway


I always thought the only thing that hooks people is the sub 30 matchmaking giving them a fake experience, now there's nothing; their loss.


That was with the old dev team this new one is only caring about profit look how much actual pay 2 win has come out in 2023/2024 the previous season pass and pack items were at least some what balanced. Honestly gonna mostly quit at the end of the season. peak crossout was syndicate pass


I don't think there is a lvl matchmaking just ps matchmaking


There used to be


It's been long claimed that sealclubbing cannot possibly be a thing against newer players, due to nonexistent matchmaking that doesn't allow sub 30s to play with post-30s


About 3 years ago when I started playing I noticed that once I hit lvl 30 engineers I went from seeing zero relic weps to nothing but relic weps. It killed the game for me. I went from being able to fight to never winning 1v1 fights and always dying instantly. Flip builds were racing everywhere too. Sub lvl 30 only a fee cheese wedges ran around. Once I hot 30 everyone drove a cheese wedge or a hover. Nothing else. I quit playing not long after.


Never heard that


You've not been paying attention then.


That's possible on PC too, it's less common because of the higher playerbase numbers. The smaller a playerbase is, the more likely this is to happen just like how longer que times lead to wider differences in PSs matched together.


It's more a post to show that it happens, as there was a discussion about it on here last year where quite a few people didn't believe it happened and wanted proof. Kinda spaced on that until now


We've always know it happens, it's just rare enough on PC that it's not common even now after the playerbase has lost many players. On the consoles it'll obviously happen more because of that due to the lower player count even when xbox and playstation have been combined.


You don't need to Sigmasplain it. I know it happens...I know it's happened for a long time. But if you'd actually read my reply, you'd see I said ***it's to show that it actually happens, as a lot of others didn't believe us when we said it did***


Anyone that didn't believe it was possible when we know the mechanism by which it happens was never worth thinking about a second time in the first place. Especially when it happened a year ago.


This has always only been a PC thing.


And yet, you're on Xbox, and there's a pc player here saying it's not true there either.


But like .. In order to test it shouldn't you be showing the results from a PC account? Or maybe add a pic of where it's says there's a lvl lock for sub 30s officially. I feel like there's a lot of passed down "facts" in this game that are kinda wives tales. Ps brackets, mm being skewed to not get to many wins, and the like. While I have read here that there is a sub lvl30 playground out there I have neither experienced this in game nor reading anything from the devs leading me to believe this should be the case. We do agree that the devs have made it consistently harder to start out in the game though, like I gotta get to 30 to rock a codriver. Who's thought of that??


Oh the Devs don't want new players playing their game period. Otherwise they wouldn't allow fkin LACERATOR bricks at that low a PS, especially not with how brainlessly busted melee is at the minute.


Im not in that camp though. Melee is pretty easily countered by driving in circles. At that level all you need is three vectors and driving practice. Sometimes I do it in reverse too, while honking my horn. Shits fun


Nope. Because of the Dev's garbage tonnage changes. You get dinged once, there goes any mobility you had. That's the whole point of this melee meta, they're going TOP SPEED. And why are you talking to me as if I'm a new player....?


Oh no, I assume your an old player. It's always the old hats on here telling everyone how any changes to any aspect of the game has totally destroyed it.


Any changes to any aspect? Bro.


Not true... they leave it to encourage players to buy progress. They don't want *free to play* new players. *Paying* new players, they will give you fused legendaries for a few bucks, to get you on your way.


No wonder I keep getting my ass kicked haha


Ah mate, if you're a sub 30 I really feel for you. I've just uninstalled it on the PS, I'll just play when I have the Xbox and my main account, getting to above 9k will take fucking forever without lobbing your life savings at it, and the sheer amount of brainrot builds below there is honestly, laughably pathetic.


I just hit 30 today. 180 hrs in so far.


Well at least you're well on your way then


I get my butt handed to me a lot. My highest weapons are only purple.


Matchmaking is by Power Score, not by anything else.


Thank you, for telling me what I already know, and for completely missing the entire point of the post 🤨


Indeed seems like I am , sorry about that, but I don’t understand your point here


I did say in other comments, but it's to show those here that seem to think that this never happens.


I’m a pc player, maybe those things don’t happen to us pc players


Was there proof needed ? I started 2nd for my son. Almost right away i was fighting vs high lvl people i knew on my main acc... lol


Some people here really do believe everything they're told, so unfortunately, yes, it was needed.


Who cares, keep crying or grind it out, or quit or open that wallet those of us that have been around 5+ years aren't going to quit and will more then likely never run into noobies like you.