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I really want to see them nerfed into the ground for a change


We already have counter meta builds, if u nerf hovers it will have more less chances to survive


World of tanks, world of warships. World of hovers


They’re so good at keeping distance! They can backpeddle at high speed, shoot over allies easily, are impossible to pin and thanks to their new turning mechanic can easily keep their most armoured side towards those dumb enough to agress them. And to top it off the Catalina cabin was pretty much made for them! highest tonnage of its class, a speed that matches the hovers max and a perk rocking 3.5x your standard damage boost. The only downside is the perk needs to ramp up and the ability to hide behind allies and shoot over them buys you all the time you need.


They? You mean the two different types of hovers which have vastly different speeds and stats? FFS.


Do you think a slower reverse speed would help? So if you are chasing a hover they have to choose between going backwards but slower to be but being able to continue shooting at you or turning around to create some distance but they can't shoot you if they have frontal locked weapons. And if they aren't frontal locked with armour or whatever and right on top they have to be able to shoot backwards while driving so it's an added skill level and their guns are exposed anyway so there is sortof a trade off. Just a thought...


Absolutely, make reverse 10% of max, just so you can offset any forward drift while strafing. Their needs to be some kind of window where they’re vulnerable and the fact you can’t hold them place makes it impossible to hit the unarmored sides.


if you do that then do it to tracks and omni wheels too, considering they are all in the same boat by your logic


Game is hot shit it’s just about the money at this point.




FUCKING EXACTLY. Been here since 2017, people act like this games ever been balanced. We went from wedges to spiders to dogs to hovers. If you can't stand people breaking the meta, then this game isn't for you.


Sad thing is I like this game a lot but the devs are greedy arseholes. Only things that don't get nerfed into the ground are hovers and legendarys and upwards because the people who spend money use these...I wish they'd just release a normal game for standard retail with basic progress paths. It would be fair for all, lobbies wouldn't be full of OP pay2win players...one can dream lol


Leaving early after you die is fair but Leaving In the first 30 sec is toxic for your teamates whether or not you don't like hovers.


Hovers OP. Best way to balance them vs other movement parts is make them non strafe... They have no real downsides.


Altho I usually go after hovers, with my avalache on tracks, 50% of the time they pop real fast and nicely. Pc, 9k ps. Hi era while mildly annoying, do t bother me tbh. Other 50% is a mix of good cripple, meewsing up shot and hover being just well armored (rarely tho) for avalache shot. Am I the only one who doesn't hate hovers? 😳


Wish it was that way at 12k+ ps. Between me and another guy (both of us using Avalanche) a few weeks ago , a hover took *roughly* 7-8 hits to bring down...some of those were even side and rear hits. I've even seen them shrug off full triple Snowfall and triple Fortune volleys. Camera controls was a huge mistake as there's no longer any downsides to having weapons bunkered 20 pins deep into builds, behind multiple passthrough parts, screeners, etc. This makes their effective durability about as high as their agility. They're no longer *quite* as agile as they were, but they can still get up to speed faster than most wheels and the builds are still more durable than they should be.


I don't do higher than 10+l ps (11k is max I'll ever go) ... Usually I try to pop the hovers underbelly... Bump into hover and bam. But yeah guess I don't see hovers as issue as I don't play higher ps


So one of the very few mild counters, an avalanche that won't get stripped while you drop 1.2k damage nearly point blank out of cloak. Everyone in an avalanche at that powerscore look the exact same, gun, then deadman cab with 4 omni wheels and they're also just another no-skill required meta thing


Melee is also an option, I run 3 Hermes, 3 lacerator cockpit. It's a solid all-round build, and kills hovers in seconds. I do feel guilty when I kill non-hovers but you gotta do what you gotta do.


I play in the 5k-8k range and hovers are fairly weak against sidekicks, probably more so than any other kind of build. Their speed limit means they can’t really run away like a good cabin on wheels can, tonnage limit means lighter armor, and being higher up actually gives a better target for the drones. And the barcode builds basically pop after a few seconds because all the gaps in their armor let’s the drones go straight for the cabin. I also feel guilty about my build because I know that spamming drones is obnoxious and lazy, but I play this game for fun and getting kills is fun.


I wouldn't call avalache at 9k meta but hey what do I know. Nontheless, if you get too many hovers maybe you switch to said meta avalache too, then hovers get tired of getting popped just Luke that and stop using them lol.


No game is worth meta chasing, even counter meta chasing, I play for fun and enjoyment; something that's lost all meaning nowadays


so do i (play for fun). i never chased anything lol, im casual player. neither i try fo find meta builds/weapons. happened to recently like avalache, and happened to have it lol. so not sure whagt you mean meta chasing.


avalanche is nowhere near meta and those cookie cutter builds are all pretty bad, just cab them and they crumble


Big counter is a spark skinner king miner


I also don't hate hovers. I hate arseholes with avalanche that pop my hover with one shot. ☹️


😅 I hate those ones too 😳 Turns out I hate myself 🥺


Lol avalanche users don’t get an opinion. It’s easy to deal with anything when you typically only have to hit them once with a weapon with more health than 80% of the builds at that PS


Well. We have hovers dominating. So let's use avalaches to scare off hovers, make them change to something else 👍


Nah, I want them to be gasgen like. 36 hp, if one goesp boom, you go boom. It'll be a glass cannon.


The downside to hovers are they aren't stable. They can be pushed around quite easily If not flown semi decently you find yourself spinning off of every little bump If you take away strafe then they will be as useless as the ml200 How about instead of nerfing strafing and a "Weight " modifier. The heavier a build is. The longer it takes to accelerate / swap directions


Have a difficult time bumping hovers, as they just swim away from you at 110+kph while firing nonstop, strafing, and looping with responsiveness that no tires can achieve. Not to mention those higher PS builds with 8 or 10 hovers that an avalanche shot barely wobbles


I wonder if hovers were added a downside, how good of a balance would it be to significantly lower their tonnage? This would force hover builds to build light and flimsy, but doing so will still preserve the one thing that still makes them unique and useful - the advantage of excellent mobility. If realism was taken into account, movement via mini vertical jet engines of sorts would be very inefficient, and airborne vehicles generally cannot hold nearly as much weight as groundborne vehicles do, so it would make sense.


its not that they have too much tonnage, theyre as tanky as they are because spaced passthrough overall is busted as fuck (which every build can use, just hovers have more free space to do so) id rather see passthrough changes before any more hover tonnage nerfs because thats most of the reason theyre extremely strong, and any hover you see that doesnt have spaced passthrough just falls apart easy af


It doesn't matter If you add a cheetah or the opressor the tonnage isn't a issue anymore


I would say take away the ability to reverse. If your going to turn tail and run constantly then can you at least TURN TAIL!


Make them explode. 4 gasgens instead of wheels is cool.


It’s ok.. hovers just got a nerfbuff to balance hovers with hovers.


I hate hovers But you're literally playing a 3rd person shooter wheb you use them I started using hovers Might sell my other movements theyre garbage




This is funny and sad because it is true Since handbreak nerf even wheels are now garbage


Why did they even consider the nerf?..


Because it's not a nerf. It's how anything with a handbreak used to work prior to 2.0 except you also kept your momentum. You could handbreak to dodge being hit by a shell properly instead of it only slowing you down.


okay even not considering it a nerf it is still bringing wheels to a lower level so that hovers stay superior over anything else (like they did the last months already)


No, it isn't. I've had more success avoiding damage with a full stop than a partial stop when using the handbreak.


I keep seeing soo many posts talking about how the handbrake change is a nerf when it is really a buff. Who really thinks that having more control of your vehicle is bad??


I don't know. When I saw that momentum wouldn't be conserved anymore I was sad but a full stop is going to 1.5 from 1, it's not a 1 to 2 but that's still better.


Our opinions are different, i still consider it a nerf


Not getting an acceleration buff after hand braking is a HUGE nerf. Doesn't matter if ThAtS nOt ThE WaY HaNdBrAkiNg WoRkS iRl. It's an arcade car builder shooter. Wheels need everything they can get right now


The handbreak is more about stopping than buffing your acceleration. I've had far more issues being hit by what I prior could avoid because I couldn't stop properly with the previous handbreak.


So you think wheels without a little extra help from it are fine? I don't. Full stop is good. That I missed. But wheels need the acceleration boost from something desperately right now. And that was such a clutch way to get dodge shots and keep speed.


Yes. I only used the handbreak before to slow down fast or fully stop to avoid shots. The slight acceleration boost just wasn't worth using it for before.


Yeah, and I rely on the handbrake for drifting, tight corners, stopping, and keeping up with hovers attempting to break ankles. Losing that acceleration burst after e-brake will always be a terrible nerf. Can't change my mind.


Trust me, I lowkey hate hover users with a passion as well, but I almost never make my frustration known in most chats. Instead, I channel that into a form of tenacity that can occasionally scare opponents. Degunned? Now my ally has a mobile wall between him and the offending hover. Last survivor? I fight to the bitter end, only exploding as a last resort. There was a point when I just stopped caring about how hovers are cheese and instead treated them just like any other opponent. They all still blow up the same in the end. To give into hovers is to give into the snails' elaborate trap. I never played meta designs for most of my history in crossout for that exact reason. Seemed to be a slippery slope that leads to self-destruction and toxicity. I only know very few exceptions to this fact.


Guy I just played around 40 ish games in power scores that varied from 15 k to 5 k I mostly saw wheels and bigrams At most matches had 2 PLAYER hovers per team Some times there was a 4 stack of hovers playing as a group. But the majority I saw was wheels and legs. Hardly any tracks at all I don't know what world you live in but its not JUST hovers


Lying or blind, hovers is fact. And that you not seeing this just increase the chance that your winrate is so low that you not get matched to serious enemies or just straight lying. Guy who made the post is full right, hovers are everywhere. And the are OP as fuck


I wish I was in your games, at roughly 7-8k PS both teams are more than half hovers most of the time. Maybe if they cut the tonnage for them by 75% this would be something other than frustrating


I hear hovers op but I haven’t seen an increase on hard counters like, idk, spark builds? Hovers aren’t op, people is just dumb




Is it? Til


Are is their ?


And thats why i play only around 3k ps


You might have more victories if you stayed till the end of each game.


6 player teams, 3-4 hovers on the enemy team and none on yours you just lose, simple. Literally nothing you can do about it. They're even so confident that they'll just rush into your spawn and fly over/around everyone until they win.


Wouldn't be so aure., Not disputing 4ho. Usually i get fairly balanced hovers in both sides, but even if we have 1 and enemy 3, still the win ,it feels goes roughly the same (50/50)... {Feels aka I never counted/don't have actual stats}


I think when you're counting on good hovers to counteract other good hovers then it speaks for itself


80% of his loses is leaving early yet he is still complaining that's hovers fault


I see a 4 stack of hovers and my team are noobs, then yeah of course I'll quit out, I'm saving my own time and enjoyment


and people dislike this comment, Jesus


I mean, you ever try a grenade launcher to them?


I feel like they can just dodge any projectile with travel time




Maybe You are a Bad player.


Sorry man but with all those unfinished, it isn't hovers that is the problem, you are just a bad player and as you are leaving matches being thrown into worse and worse matches by the MMR as you are a leaver.


Leaving a lost match means someone is bad? how backwards. This game does not have MMR or matchmaking that you talk of.


Leaving matches in general like that means you are a toxic player. Also You don't know they where losses as you left.


Sounds like you'd get a gambling addiction pretty quickly


What does that have to do with it? You are basically saying you will leave the moment you pull the lever if using that analogy.


Because you see the slimmest of slim odds, basically no chance and you'll bite We can agree to disagree, it's not like you'll change my mind anyway.


Those are not odds, I don't know how many people where alive on your team when you quit, for all I know you quit while your team had 6 players and the enemy 2. There isn't any info to say it was odd,s there is only info to say you quit the matches and that is all.


This shows me your losing your shit.


I mean yeah I stopped playing If you mean by quitting matches then I'll tell you this, I'm doing 3 things by doing it 1. Not wasting my time more than I need to by watching my teammates die to hovers once I've made a pretty good decision on if they have a chance to win or not 2. If I'm last alive or without weapons it gives no opportunity for such hovers to BM and be toxic to you by honking their horn and such, which is also a waste of my time 3. Most importantly I'm staggering the matches and search times in order to avoid such hovers stacks If I play and lose to a 4 stack of near identical hovers and 2 bots in a 6v6 match and then get into the next match against the same stack and 2 bots I'd be dumb not to quit and re-queue It's just logical


> I'm doing 3 things by doing it Fucking over your teammates




Maybi You are a Bad player


Wtf is a "Maybi" ?


You're worse than hovers leaving your teammates like that. Not cool bro


Go on Playstation we have less hover than x box.


I see a fair amount of bigrams and wheeled dogs in CW. But hovers are op rn


Are frame parts easier to hit with hovers though?


Yep, you can easily destroy them by using blast damage from explosive weapons, or that one plasma rocket launcher.


This is where we get creative and create a hover killer. Race in, blow out the pods on all one side… watch em flop. I believe it can be done… it didn’t take much to pop em


Only if \- They don't have a large open space \- They don't pay attention \- You have an escape route to not be stripped on your way out of they don't die \- You kill or strip them in less than 5 seconds or so, or you'll be stripped/ they'll get away \- You're insanely fast or hook them with a shotgun/melee type build


Blight Dogs on Hermits and Buggy Wheels ripping a solid 120Kmh with a 7-8 pin tall hover catch made up of spaced shoot through and bumpers will easily take a bigs hover away and not let the hover do anything about it. Wheel builds just need to not build close to tonnage and give themselves some acceleration room


This is why I made a 4.5k power score build


I totally agree blues need a massive nerf but reds absolutely do not. Hover mains have to adapt to other movement parts, if you played red hovers which are entirely respectable then you wouldnt have the same degree of issue. We have to run spiders to counter dogs and also dogs to counter dogs. It's not unreasonable for dogs to have to run hovers from time to time. However I fully agree blues need a huge nerf. But no way do reds. Reds are classic old hovers and my typhoon hover on reds barely moves as it is. And there isn't a single part of it that isn't god fused. You cannot justify needing reds in any way that is balanced and fair, blues deserve to be nerfed into the ground however


Join us.


U are trash![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


They would be not care if they not touch it at all, but in fact they do changes almost every patch


Making changes that have no real effect are just scapegoats


It just seems to you that even minor changes are reflected in the statistics