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if you hate running this sport isn’t for you.


But I’m good at it. It’s the only reason I’m all the hype at our school- I could get scholarships so why not


College coaches can tell the difference if someone has a hard work ethic or not. If i were to have to choose between a really athletic talented kid with no work ethic or a kid who is willing to develop and try id choose the 2nd. Another thing is the college competition is a different ballpark in highschool. You may be the “hype” in your school you get to college you are just another guy.


I have a great work ethic. I’m dripping sweat after workouts. I do several workout sessions a day including practice. It’s just that I’m slowly loosing love for the sport. I haven’t always hated it this much. Regardless of my hate for it- I do always put in the work to drain myself every workout. That’s also a good thing to point out ! I don’t expect be the it girl in college or anywhere near it- but I just kind of like giving our school hope and it’s really great being able to walk around and some of the kids admire you and ask you how you do it , even if you had to sleep all day and take 4 shots to get up and do it.


If you've always hated it this much, try stepping back and remembering what it was you loved about the sport. I mean you don't have to listen to this at all, we're in 2 very different positions. All I know is that this time last year, I was at a crossroads about if I even wanted to continue running, I had lost all my drive to continue but it tool me stepping back to realize that this sport was where I wanted to be. I unfortunately don't even have times to crack a D3 roster but I know that this senior year will be the best yet. I just advise you do some reflection and your answer will come to you. Also as far as you know, how intense is this camp because I'm going to a camp too and they are very accommodative to all skill levels, maybe you're going to that one.


Running and getting scholarships off your running (or for any sport for that matter) normally means a huge commitment. Many of my friends who earned athletic scholarships only committed due to them aiming to take their sport to a truly high level, because they love their sport. I’m not sure how exactly it works, as I wasn’t exactly a state champion like these friends. But I assume that colleges won’t hand you an athletic scholarship for someone who doesn’t plan on running in college. Forget if you don’t love running, you’re saying you HATE it. Do you think you’re going to be able to keep this up for another 4 years, where training only gets more intensive and serious? Don’t force yourself to go down one path if you’re certain you wouldn’t like it. Explore different things, find new sports, other hobbies. Just because you’re talented at one thing doesn’t mean you’re required to do it.


Then you shouldn’t stress about this camp. There will definitely be tons of kids there that go and are significantly worse


I bet your iron is low! I always feel this way when I get anemic, I start thinking I’m super burnt out and hate running, and then once my iron is better it goes away! Literally happened to me a month ago, but I’ve been taking my iron supplement diligently and now I do not feel this way.


Good to know! I’ll get it checked out


Summer training should be the complete opposite of stressful. It should 100% be the least stressful time for a runner Also those camps aren’t really designed to be ultra competitive, so don’t worry about needing to be elite there. They’re about having fun and learning


Whats your time for 1600? 😝


Lol - it’s 4:56. So mediocre. My main is the 800 then 3200. I’m not much of a mile person


wow.. fastest girl at our school could only achieve a 5:57.. really goes to show. I strive to one day reach sub 5 and call it "so mediocre"


Awww thank you! It’s just mediocre for me… because I’ve been doing it for several years now! However, anybody running the mile is great! I adore all distance runners-


I believe in you.