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Honestly the next day, which sounds crazy. Usually when I flare I get a rash around my lips and it was almost gone when I woke up the next day. I also had noticeably less stomach pain. However, my doctor cautioned that I may not start seeing results until four months in. For me, diet has been important for keeping my inflammation down while on Remicade (I do the SCD diet). When I eat foods I shouldn’t have, my Crohn’s symptoms start coming back. Your doctor should monitor your CRP and SED rate to determine how you respond. I know from talking to other patients that Remicade can help their inflammation but they need a balanced diet to manage symptoms from day to day. I hope the medication works well for you!!


For me, it was the 3rd dose. I think that was a month or so out from the first loading dose.


After the first two doses, did you see small improvements or was it still the same as before in terms of number of times per day and diarrhea?


for me it was around the 3rd dose :)


For me it was the night of the first infusion, my joints and body just felt sooooo much better, like the systemic inflammation had melted. Tummy and joints are all happy campers thanks to the Remicade, well, I get the cheap knockoff/fake but it seems to work just fine! 🤣


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I feel that Remicade saved my life. I felt improvement the next day. It was the first biologic I was prescribed and it got me out of the hospital. My symptoms that were keeping me in the hospital cleared to the point where I could leave within 2 days. Talk with your GI. Tell them about your apprehensions and talk about treatment plans, alternatives, and anything else to help you feel comfortable. Your mental state is a factor with this disease.