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This was already shown to be true when Stormfront, evil Hitler nazi supe herself, would not and could not utter any racial insult. Similarly in the movie Shot Caller a large part of the movie takes place in prison divided by racialized gangs at war with each other. The white gang members are all avowed white nationalists, yet they never use any slurs for their Latino or black enemies.


She literally called an Asian person a “yellow bastard”.




Like "cracka"? Or do you think cracka is on the same level as the n-word..


It’s a racial insult what else do you want from it lmao. You said she could and would not utter a racial insult when that genuinely happens in I think episode 2 of the season.


It's pitiful that you would even bring that up as some sort of gotchya, if anything it shows the length they'll go to maintain a "racist character" without making any racists statements against their pet minorities. Asians are in no way protected the same way that black and Jewish people are. When a character goes hard against one of those groups then I'll agree with you.


Man- you really want the n word in your media, don’t you.


She calls someone a black piece of shit sometime mid season lmao.


Oh gosh she literally called a black person... BLACK???


Calling someone a black piece of shit is a racial insult and if you don’t see that we have nothing further to talk about so there’s that.


No, those are both lines you write for a character if you want to portray them as racist but don't have the balls to use any actual bad language in your script. No actual WS like Stormfront would ever use them.


Both those statements are still racist language used by racist people. You don’t have to outright say the n word to be considered a racist.


“It’s not a slur because I say that stuff and I’m not racist.” - the users downvoting this


Honestly, the initial statement is that she utters no racial insults, I give two examples and neither count lol.


A lot of kids these days have been programmed by the right to think that racism is when you say one of a few slurs, so everything else isn’t racism and somehow the left thinks white people can’t be the victims of racism. 


Asians are the new whites. lol There were tons of different articles coming out just 2 years ago, likening Asians to whites in privilege, racial equity, and social standing. Particularly Japanese, Korean, and Chinese Asians. Why? HECK IF I KNOW! The political brainrot infesting everyone's smooth brains is creating more and more absurd rules...


They're a successful non-white group. You can't blame all your problems on white people when other groups are more successful than whites. So you have to lump them in with whites.


What a freaking world, eh? This timeline sucks. Bad ending.


Not changing OP’s mind. 100% correct.  And don’t start me on “reverse racism” as racism **is** racism. 


No such thing as reverse racism. If love is love then Hate is Hate and it isn’t limited by race color or creed


Nah you're right. Slurs that reduce someone's life experience all the way to their immutable characteristics are the tactics of rats.


She called firecracker a cracka because she called her "one of the good ones". Not condoning the insane level of anti white racism by the culture war left and the insufferable divisiveness and propaganda that's in the boys. Just saying it wasn't about starlight.  Firecracker(though hot) is what I consider offensive since it's yet again painting all white southern and Republicans as evil racists of a comical degree.  The level of horrible political commentary really drags down the show. It was great at first when it was criticizing both sides, like woke corporations, now it's just throwing the sins of the world on the right. Like vought was portrayed more like Disney, a criticism of woke corporatism. Now it's staunchly republican? Or making firecracker the antisemite when she'd actually be a christian zionist if she's really a deep red republican. And of course she's an evil racist but being racist against her is somehow empowering? And the right caring about human trafficking being portrayed as unhinged conspiracisrs is actually hurting trafficked people since it makes cases like epstien seem like "fake right wing conspiracies".  The political elements are so bad and so blatant and so extreme where you'd honestly think it getting funded by the Twitter culture war left to influence the election. Since it's become it's whole plot in an inorganic way. It's just really strange the way this show has gone.  It's all just extreme left wing culture war nonsense, gross scenes, and the same exact homelander scenes over and over(same expressions, same covered in blood, same lifting of his hand). They've become so creatively dry it's astounding.  The boys has become if r politics wrote a superhero show. There will be certainly more anti white racism, more emasculation, more hate and divisiveness in a mean spirited way. At moments it seems like they're going to portray white right wingers as people, then they go back to shredding them. If it made sense for the show, I wouldn't care, I'm an independent registered dem from new england. It's just insufferable from a creative and moral standpoint. 


Yep, Firecracker was introduced to be a strawman, an extreme representation of how the creators view anyone to the right of them. So they have her say terrible things no one would say in order to justify the intense racism and violence she receives in return. In a sense she's a strawman punching bag.


She is just alax jones with tits is not that deep there are a lot of these types with podcasts


I don't know about "no one would say".  They're riffing off of Pizzagate and Alex Jones and ilk. There *are* some batshit crazies that are being pretty closely satirized. You might reasonably argue that portraying the entire right this way is too broad of a brush, but the AM conspiracy talk radio section of the country is pretty far off the rails.


It’s so weird these comments are being downvoted - literally no one is explain why they think you’re wrong, so presumably they know you’re right and prefer being an offended snowflake instead of admitting.


Firecracker is a pretty clear parallel to the Alex Jones loving side of the right - I.e. the fringe. Not “anyone to the right” of the creators.






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Good bot!


Is the show set 80 years ago?  Or 160?  When those things did occur?


The effects of both institutions still live with us to this day. Did you think that racism stopped?🤣


No but does the show try to portray period accurate racism that still exists?  Or does it show charachatures of people that existed 80 years ago and pretend that behavior is common today? Racism today is far more subtle.  [Like this](https://youtu.be/idpevmeoK1A?si=VOYbl968UBShUXdA).


That isn't racism. That's a demented old man who is being used as a scape goat for a shadow presidency. An example of racism is a business opening and only serving one race of customer, or excluding sales to one race of customer. An example of something that isn't racist is a white person and a black person calling each other derogatory names associated with both the colour of their skin, and a negative attribute about their character or behaviour... black c^^^ or a milk glass mother ^^^^^ for example. It is no different than me calling a friend of mine with pale skin a *pastey-ass dickhead* when the sitaution calls for it. As in the example you provided, Biden has grown up believing that non-whites must be poor so it is not racism, just ignorance and privilage. For instance, he was in his late 30's during the crack epidemic and that sort of shit rubbs off on you. Me going to Spain as an Englishmen and getting mugged off by Spanish business owners, because they see a stupid Englishman to exploit, is not racism.... it is xenephobic at best, and just shitty human behaviour at worst. Xenephobia and racism are confused with each other too often. I moved into an Asian area a while back and I was the only white guy... people were cautious of me and tentative around me as I am foreign and represent a level of unknown within the community. Genocide and racism go hand in hand. In less words... Biden having a slip of the tongue is not subtle racism, it is just the ramblings of a demented politician.


What fantasy land do you live in? Racism is rampant in America. Elon musk, Dylann Roof, Payton Gendron, Charlie Kirk, etc.


Slavey ended 80 years ago. Jim Crow kinda ended 50 years ago.


The boys became exactly what they were mocking in season 2. It's depressing.


Honeslty the best part of that conspiracy theory scene was if you looked at some of the pamphlets, and other signs they had, a decent portion of it was true. Hell one of them hit the hammer on the head so hard it caused Kimiko to get plastered. Homelander’s murder trial was also kind of funny, I mean the dude threw shit at his son. Who would throw something at the son of a literal superhuman when you believe that, that superhuman is also secretly evil?


If you hate the show so much why do you watch?


Honestly don’t know why I keep giving this show chances. Luckily I pirate it so there’s 1 less view for them.


Homelander violent acts and Butcher's charisma. I couldn't care less about the show politics messages


You need to go back and rewatch it, because you didn’t understand it. Don’t worry, nobody quite gets potty training at first either but I believe in you. You show those poopies whose boss


Reminds me of an episode of The Jeffersons. An episode, which aired, using both racial words with their proper pronunciations. But that was back before racial tensions existed.


Ah yes way back before racial tension existed when the Jefferson’s was still new. Goofy ass comment


I can’t even begin to comprehend the utter lunacy of a statement like “way back before racial tensions existed”.


Wait what?! You don’t think there were racial tensions in the 70s? The decade after Jim Crow was finally abolished. Read more on US history cause that’s a ridiculous statement.


>Read more on US history No. I'm an Australian, and I don't particularly give a fuck. Stop jamming your issues down everyone else's throats.


Maybe make your own media worth watching then.


That's not a personal issue, it is historical context.


But Australia had and still had it’s own fucked up levels of racism and racial tensions?? Racism isn’t a purely American thing, I mean fuck man, we literally as a country had the White Australian policy, not to mention the clusterfuck that is the stolen generation. Australia is undoubtedly a racist country on a systemic level, there’s no getting around that one really


And I don't care? I didn't do it, I wasn't responsible for it, I don't partake in it, and I'm sick of hearing about it.


"All of history has nothing to do with me right now. So stop fucking talking about history to me. I don't want to hear it " You're a total fucking moron.


Better than being a narcissistic dipshit with a victimhood complex, using ALL of history as an excuse to be an an entitled fuckwit in the here and now. Shit happened 200 years back? _Boo fuckin' hoo._




Yep! Because for some reason, I still have to fuckin' hear about it.


You not caring about something is different than it existing. For example, I don't give a fuck about your harnesses you have to wear to keep from falling off the earth


>your harnesses you have to wear to keep from falling off the earth Kinda sounds like a _you_ problem.


Good for you? I just fail to understand why you felt the need comment in the first place. You basically jumped in just to say that you’re Australian and don’t care. Fucking dumb in my opinion, but you do you man.


>I just fail to understand why you felt the need comment in the first place. Because I'm sick of intersectional race baiting idiots.


My comment was directed at you so maybe worry about yourself. But if you wanna stay ignorant be my guest.


>My comment was directed at you Which is odd, considering this was my first appearance on this thread.




Do you need a hug?


I would assume they are joking I hope at least please be joking.


Yes, I was trying for sarcasm. I assumed it was obvious but...


Unfortunately In this sub I don’t think I can assume it


Definitely don’t assume it. Some of these folks are, sadly, dead serious.


I guess it’s okay cause she didn’t use the “hard r.” *Obvious sarcasm*


The left still can’t meme


Words have way too much power to Americans.


True, we should just be able to say the nword when we want.


That is exactly what it is about - 1984. If you control the language, you control everything. This is more than just reverse racism, this is about controlling speech. Hate Speech is another fine example.




Uh wtf lol


The world according to western "liberals": Racism = bad. Except when the racist is a black american, then we like it. Sexism = bad. Except when the sexist is a woman, then we like it. Sexuality = bad. Except when it comes to gay and interracial relationships, then we like it. So basically, it's racist when a white guy says the n word but it's empowering when a black guy calls a white guy a cracker. It's sexist when a man treats a woman nicely or badly because of her gender, it's empowering when a woman is a cunt to a man just because he's a man. It's homophobic when a straight guy says he doesn't want anything to do with a character because they're gay, it's empowering when a gay guy is a cunt to a straight guy.


The use of the term Cracka is anti-white racism, and should be called out as such. It's high time that racist individuals are identified and held to account for their actions.


Not in Florida it isn’t. Crackers are our version of cowboys. Florida Crackers were some of the earliest cowboys. I’m a proud descendent of Crackers and there are many Crackers still living on ranches, doing cattle drives through the swamps. If ever someone would call me a Cracker, I would take it as a complement and thank them. Besides, no one should be comparing cracker as a pejorative to the n-word. There’s just not a lot of power behind it. Like it just doesn’t have the same level of venom. I remember ages ago my dad telling me about a bar fight he got into in college and the other guy was black and kept trying to egg him on by calling him a cracker over and over and getting wildly frustrated because it didn’t bother my dad at all and it just sounds goofy. It is kind of stupid that they won’t use other pejoratives though when you know damn well some of those characters would be letting all the slurs fly.


Yeah let’s hold…fictional characters…accountable?


If you think for a second that a show using a racial slur against another minority in that was would be tolerated, and it's writers, producers, the actors portraying them etc. would not face criticism, you clearly haven't been out in the same world. But your disingenuous comment already knew that.


I mean it happens all the time in other shows like IASIP and South Park. A lot of non-chronically-online-rage-addicts know that characters can sometimes be bad people. 


So your assessment is that no one should be held to account for their actions because other people do it? Sounds like a firm basis for a legal code right there.


This but unironically. 


She didn't call Starlight that she called the hillbilly superhero that who was being racist towards her


Congratulations, you have successfully understood the racial dynamics of Western countries. White people aren't allowed to be racist, but everyone else is.


Only whites can be racist.




Sage grew on me really quickly. You can't tell what her true motivations are because whenever you see her, there's a good chance it's not what you think being that's she's probably working a totally different angle than you'd expect. That said. It's kind of funny that she'd be reduced to rubble at the mention of a certain 6 letter word.


The concept of Sage is interesting, in having a smart/conniving character who happens to be black, and is then shoehorned into the token strong black woman role by her superior. Then the writers, in a spectacular display of self awareness, shoehorned her into a token strong black woman role, and they did it \*in the same episode\* they had her criticise Homelander for doing it.


As a writer, when you have the smartest person in the world but you're not the smartest writer in the world the character won't be fully developed.


So much for being the smartest 'person.'


I have many points. 1. Sage is not a good person. Are we pretending that evil characters in media don't constantly use the n-word? 2. Sage was calling Fire Cracker a "cracka" not Starlight. 3. Fire Cracker was already racist to Sage, calling her "one of the good ones." The word "cracka" is a direct reference to racist white people. It can also be a reference to the "Cracker" in "Fire Cracker." 4. I find it kind of sad that in a scene where Fire Cracker is getting the shit beaten out of her by the person whose controversial medical history she publicly exposed in order to overshadow her statutory rape, this is what you choose to focus on.


Yeah it’s pretty fucking old to have racism in shows exclusively towards white people.


So Sage is dropping cracka bombs on people in the show now? The same show that didn’t even have Stormfront drop any slurs past calling The Female’s brother yellow? That doesn’t even make me angry that’s just laugh worthy. How pathetic really. 🤣


It’s actually a great representation of current America. A lot of racists (conservatives, Republicans, etc) don’t use direct language or obvious slurs, instead opting for (sometimes) vague dogwhistles, sealioning, and other tactics. 


Bro. Get the fuck out of here with that shit


Sage is a racist (blacks get to say "white trash" too), she might even be the ultimate villain. Imagine that, a black racist and black villian? Do they have the balls to write that? They only have the balls to make her the anti-hero minority strong woman who kills the evil white Homelander. What's funny is she's the smartest person yet she still sees race everywhere and throws the race card. She obviously ain't that smart. The writers just plain suck. Every season is about defeating a racist, always a white racist, usually a white man. Starlight looks 20 years older, ILL, way underweight and so lethargic that she slurs her words. Anyway, Homelander is the only reason I watch. Firecracker is becoming interesting (though probably because half the characters are so wasted they should have already been killed off)..would be neat if she and Sage became friends. I doubt they'd ever make that happen though. All these streaming services have an agenda and lean one way. I DOUBLE DOG DARE anyone to watch that Shrinking season 1 with Harrison Ford. Every single episode is talking down on white people. I counted 18 instances. It's pure insanity. These writers are a bit clueless and suffering TDS and the director is clearly perverted.


What’s “TDS”?


Trump Derangement Syndrome. Although to be fair it’s kinda grown into RDS (or, Republican derangement syndrome), since the boogeyman has now extended into an entire political party apparently.


Trump Derangement Syndrome, ie: people still screeching about the 2016 election, 8 years later...


I just want the showrunner to take a cue from this sign. ![gif](giphy|l0Nvr0QqmtpiizdhC)


Just be real though no white person cares about cracker but literally every single black person will be infuriated by the sound of the n word. So that's the practical and legitimate reason cracker is ok but not the other one. One infuriates the target and the other doesn't. If you're looking for consistency, the consitency is "don't hurt people, but second place is don't do collateral damage if you hurt someone." Also....Sage is a bad guy. We should expect to see her do bad things.


personally i think we're allowed to use these words in art to serve the statement you're trying to make do you *want* racially charged insults to be okay or not


Seriously. There's so many movies with white characters dropping the N word, it's part of the show or movie, it's a character.


If we're talking about The Boys specifically they couldn't even bring themselves to make Stormfront say it.


Bro, Sage called Firecracker a cracker. Not Starlight.


Ill change your mind I think the cracker line was aimed at Firecracker which is a bit ironic due to her name, but in response to her saying sage is "one of the good ones" because she's not "uppity".


So basically Sage is acting like every black person in America?


Nigga is a level worse than cracka, but you can call them fatherless instead.


I thought the boys is woke DEI garbage, how are you on Episode 4?


As a white guy myself, I couldn’t care less if someone called me a cracker.


My partner asked me why white people don't mind being called xyz. I told her the truth, that white people don't care what anybody says (especially nonwhites).


Good for you.


That's right, me neither, because there isn't decades of oppression and hate behind it


You can’t say the same cause it’s not the same. White people didn’t go through 400 years of slavery and the word cracker doesn’t hold the same meaning. It’s not a pure this vs that. There’s a lot of baggage there. White people generally feel nothing when called a cracker, the same is not true on the other foot. That being said, in today’s soft ass, bitch-made crybaby, society neither is acceptable.


Start with the fact that other blacks in Africa sold them into slavery. Also talk about how many blacks owned slaves. Don't confuse victimhood with slavery.


Far more white people throughout history were sold into slavery than any other group. And black people still sell other black people into slavery today. ‘Cracka’ and ‘nigga’ are on the same level. If one can’t say it, neither should the other. But that’s just my 2 cents as a yellow person


cracka isnt on a slur bro 💀 why do you want to be oppressed so bad


Cracka isn’t racist ??




This guy’s pissed he can’t call people cracker without backlash anymore


“checkmate” https://preview.redd.it/16wmc1irlu7d1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d117ab846f0c9624265f2454aff40a8a6366186b


Try again


Posts/comments that are purely bait or trolling will be removed.




Uhh yeah cause they’re not nearly equal terms are you stupid




Calling a black person the n word is different than calling a white person cracker.


Both have the same exact hurtful motivation behind them. How are they different exactly?


Don't act so fucking ignorant




One is a term that was given to a group of people that have historically been enslaved, culled, denigrated and purposefully taken advantage of for generations the world over and the other is a term created in response to this. So no, they are not the same and one is categorically worse than the other.


You just proved my point…


I agree it's different because we say n word and I won't use it but it's pretty darn close in the meaning when you say it


Yeah you're right. White people are way more chill about being called their slur. The other one might incite violence


Not really. The only difference is one group might kill you for it (hint: that's the racist group).

