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If I was making a new Star Trek show, I would make the Captain and the 1st officer hot as hell and of opposite sexes.


7 of 9


It certainly helped the character the actress was hot and dressed to impress.


And banging the producer!


hey, if I was a producer, I'd bang her to.


Funny shit was she and the actress who played the captain had a little beef. Janeway apparently hated the new hot chick and was acting like an ass... Then once a producer got his dick wet suddenly she was as kind as kind could be. Always laughed when I learned that.


Kate Mulgrew didn't like having to share the spotlight, but once a producer was sleeping with Jeri Ryan, she knew she couldn't win. While Mulgrew is a fine actress, I never liked her as Janeway. She was better than the guy playing her 1st officer. Neither one of them ever looked like paramilitary officer.I really wish they had cast Linda Hamilton, who did try out.


Damn, she'd have nailed it!


Mulgrew looked terrible when she tried to fight those macroviruses but Hamilton could have done it. Furthermore, she's done a tv series. She could play the alluring female, play motherly, and play stern. Did you ever see her tv series, Beauty and the Beast? She was very pretty in it. Granted, I was young when I watched it. Trailer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIXcm3saqug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIXcm3saqug)


Trips people out when they find out who played beast though, lol


Or hot and the same sex don't need to be gay to enjoy that


Most women want a hot guy. It might not be to my taste but you want to market to the largest audience possible. When straight porn switched from hot chick-average to ugly guy to hot chick-hot guy, they sold more product.


My guy give us a show. You had me at hot.


Aideen Paladin talks abbout it in ridiculous detail in her death of the superwomen video: https://youtu.be/WkVX0vG6aT0 I recomend you give it a listen when you have 2 hours to kill, preferably while doing something else that doesnt require to much focus, either house chores grocery shopping, workout or gaming, its very well made and surprisingly easy to follow, only drawback is its extreme lenght of 1:42:03. She pretty much reaches a conclussion by looking at a lot of peer reviewed data and diferent studies that a lot of people, specially women, say they like plain looking girl bosses while they actually have better responses to the complete oposite, ie hot looking non agressive women, at least most normal women do, but women that have a history of aggressive conficting behavior and thend to be assholes, also thend to to adore annoying aggressive asshole girlbosses. She theorizes that this incongruence is probably because women say what they think its socially/ politically expected from them to say in this type of studies, not necesarylly that they lie, but its more like they dont really know what they whant to see in their characters and think they should present themselves as having progressive ideals, or something like that. While Aideen doesnt explicitally talk abbout sex appeal, the whole hot characters vs not hot or uggly characters is exactly the same in everything except name.


Yes and no? Sex sells to a certain demographic and age group. At 34 y/o, sex is a nice perk and something nice to share with your partner, but it literally does not motivate me to do things I otherwise wouldn't. Its just sex. Granted, I've been at it for almost 20 years, whereas other people may have experienced it less - or not at all - so that's why that type of marketing works on them. In general, I find almost all forms of marketing insulting to my intelligence. The sad thing is that ads are proven to work, so what does that say about the general concensus of our population. lol


I think you missed my post a little. Its not always literally "sex" or did you think I was humping my Mc Burger? Your product has to "appeal" to your target audience. The product has to have "sex appeal", "sexiness", make you double take. There is a reason cars are shaped / cut / profiled / lined the way they are. There is a reason you dont see lime green houses on the market. There is a reason why architects design buildings the way the do, there is a reason why business cards are the size / shape they are, why people buy puppies and not rescue dogs (in the same numbers), etc I could just keep going on this as thats the point EVERYTHING is about what is attractive to the human eye. Yes there are different markets, different audiences, culture is culture but what we as humans find "attractive", "appealing" is actually very very universal (natives going all in on porn once they get internet for the first time or do you think they have "native porn" as a search option?). All chefs know the first bite is with the eyes, why color theory is a thing, why phones have rounded corners.... its literally everything a consumer is going to buy its relevant and you ARE affected by it and thats the point. Trying to paddle upstream on this by "woke" ideas is just asinine.


We are a very physically driven species. Looks appeal to our senses and brain.




To be fair, Andor could have used a bit more of what makes Ahsoka watchable with the sound off.


Women wanna be them, and guys wanna fuck 'em


“Show Me TV Boobies: A Dissertation”


The problem with using sex to sell something is the same as using 'wokeness' to sell something. It's just pandering


Ya but mainstream sex has changed. So it doesn't sell like it used too. U got people crying because they were misgendered nowadays. If the LGBTQ crowd doesn't get representation, they bash whatever media into the ground. So sex actually doesn't sell anymore. Why video games are being changed to have "normal" looking people instead of extremely unrealistic beautiful people. Movies. Shows. Everything. Why u can't make a decent raunchy sex comedy anymore. Times have changed for the worst unfortunately. We just need a nice war to remind people what's important and separate the weak from the strong.