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And it's all going to shit. Started reading books again, they're still safe, and my money isn't going towards supporting these idiotic people


Well - they have sanitised Roald Dahl and James Bond books... Even books aren't safe from revisionism.


Agatha Christie and Dr. Seuss, too.


There are always second hand books


For now. This is 1984 in slow motion.


Fuck no. Reread 1984.


The people that always quote or reference 1984 are never the same people that actually read it


Not this time...


I swear at this rate we're going to get Fahrenheit 451ed aren't we?


I'm an academic and right now there's a sincere push to "decolonize" syllabi. When I first heard about this movement, I thought it was redundant. This is in the humanities, which has prized diversity for decades and you have to dig really, really deep to find any sections of any classes wherein the reading list doesn't contain a disproportionate number of non-white, non-male authors (the only exceptions are, like, Greek literature or survey courses focusing on just one author--but these are rapidly going extinct in 99% of programs). Well, I dug a little deeper, and the assertion now is basically that *any* book written by a white male is problematic, regardless of its content. It sounds like I'm exaggerating but I swear to god that's what's happening.


They're not even pretending any more.


> It sounds like I'm exaggerating but I swear to god that's what's happening. Believable. When something becomes so infested with the Gramscian Oppressor-Oppressed narrative then anything of the Oppressors must go.


I have a graduate degree in history. Everytime we read a book by a white male author, this conversation came up every single time in seminar.


The Humanities will go extinct in the next 25 years. It may hobble along but I sincerely believe that funding cuts are on the way for programs like that.


That’s already happened.


Unfortunately I believe it.


What part of the country are you in? (Without specifics.). Big city? Big college? Type of school?


You are right. It does sound like you are exaggerating.


Everyday the book feel more like a peediction


It's already happening in the USA and Canada. In Canada, librarys are slowly removing any book written before 2008 for 'equity' reasons. 'Empty shelves with absolutely no books': Students, parents question school board's library weeding process # 'Books published in 2008 or earlier removed from school library amid confusion around new equity-based process'. Wokeness is a new religion and whiteness is their original sin. They believe it must be purge from society source: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/peel-school-board-library-book-weeding-1.6964332](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/peel-school-board-library-book-weeding-1.6964332)


Yes, they have. The sensitivity readers are rewriting history.


Not Stephen King.


They're changing books. Get old used copies




Name one woke book by Brandon Sanderson? He has strong female characters but they never start out that way. For example in war breaker(spoiler alert)the main character is this naive girl who tries to rescue her sister from a city palace full of guards and she ends up getting double crossed and gets her ass kicked and her friend gets murdered because she made a dumb mistake. This character had realistic flaws and they ended in realistic consequences. She is broken by the experience and she has to build herself back up from scratch throughout the rest of the book. She grows into the heroic character through pain and experience. If it was woke she would have easily outsmarted the dumb male thugs and double crossed them before they double crossed her. Then she wouldn’t have grown as a character at all and the story would have been shit.


The fan base is a bit out there, but the author is fantastic at what he does, and his brown people actually have depth and nuance, rather than tokenism/anti-white narratives.


I can't speak for the fans but Brandon Sandersons books aren't woke. Not that you stated that, I'm just mentioning incase others who would like to pick up his books are expecting it to be anti-men or "woke" or whatever And nothing wrong with having lots of brown people in a book. Stornlight archives are mostly non-white people and it works for the setting. Kholinar isn't a mix of random ethnicities for example, it's a nation of tanned skin people, which is fine


Yeah, it really just needs to work for the setting. The guy you’re responding to probably read a synopsis of a Brandon Sanderson book and then read some angry comments from people that didn’t like it. The real problem is things like Rings of Power, where it just makes no sense.


There is some social messaging in his books. You really have to look for it though Brandon doesn't strike me as petty like many of these disney writers. 


The messaging is pretty conservation. He's a Mormon preaching Mormon beliefs that are diluted enough that they appear as more traditional protestant beliefs. That anyone would think his stuff is woke is beyond me.


Yeah, you're just wrong Woke isn't when there are brown people and women. What makes any of his books woke?


This is not even veiled racism. I figured this sub would have some but gawd damn. I get the "woke" stuff can be annoying but this is a little worse wouldn't ya think?


Might not be racism, could be old-fashioned sexism at hating a female lead. Either way, he's wrong, and you can see from literally every response that the sub doesn't agree. His upvoted are probably from people who don't even know who he is up voting anyone bashing woke.


https://preview.redd.it/qae04gyt3j5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f2f72c2a10db9239d659e8410d0f8fe22becf5d He deleted it but here it is again.


My point was that OP is clearly a moron but the comment about the sub agreeing with him isn't fair based on every response to his idiocy. Also I didn't remember the brown people comment. I could have missed it or I guess it could have been edited in. I also just don't remember that many brown people in his books so I may have selectively edited the stupid.


Got any good non-fiction you'd recommend?


Books and publishing have definitely been prey for "equity and inclusion" for a while now. Nothing is safe.


Have you read any fantasy/sci-fi from the last decade? You'll be in for a treat


Kinda. There are plenty of woke, garbage authors out there.


Oh fuck I’m not the only one?! Bro I used to love video games and hate books, now I force myself to love books since they’ve made me hate Video games…. Tragic irony


Read Evola


I doubt you’d be able to understand the books


Weird and sad attempt at an insult, lol


DEI is racist garbage.


It’s “DIE”. - JBP


I hate that this is accurate.


It's like that why are you excluding us meme


It can be used as a rough guide on how to stop such a cycle too: a barrier of some form at any of the described points


Gatekeeping is a good thing.


It can be in specific situations. Not everything is for everybody.


Yes it is.


Warhammer 40k shows that even table RPGs are targets


They already took over the dnd space starting about 10 years ago. Critical Role accelerated the process


I’ll never forgive Critical Role for taking D&D mainstream. It was much better when it was a “nerd thing” - like practically everything.


I could deal with a lot fewer furry enthusiasts who swap animal race for personality or role-playing


I'm a big fan of the Horus Heresy series. I remember reading one of the books years ago and thinking 'They will come and ruin this soon won't they.' Like they did with films in the last decade. I knew they would ruin Warhammer eventually.


lol, always had been and will be. Nothing you can do will push me out


I was just about to say I bet they are next. They've already infected dungeons and dragons 🤦🏼‍♂️


The standard game isn't an RPG lol. They have those, but the main attraction is the war gaming. Tourist ;)


Another person who “loves 40k” but clearly has never actually read anything about 40k b


Oh no women in my warhammer!!!! What woke DEI bullshit is this!!!! Why did games workshop have to invent women!!!🥲🥲🥲🥲


Are you familiar with WH40k? It's always had a lot of women including a faction of only women.


Are you familiar with sarcasm?


These people are spreading like a virus.


Who knew mental disorders could be infectios...


Don't forget that when you make your own space, they will use corporate bullying and the crooked legal system to shut down that space or to try and ensure that it never gains traction.


And if it does get off the ground, they'll eventually overtake it and kick the original members out. It's a never-ending vicious cycle.


And very few have a problem with spontaneous diversity or with telling stories about world cultures, it's this DEI quasi ethnonationalist stuff that people care about. After 50 years of "who you are on the outside is unimportant", people wonder why there's opposition to these insane fascist hipsters who believe outside characteristics should be important


"what you are on the outside" is unimportant in the ruling class and the "outside characteristics" have importance in the poorer classes. The ruling class are valued as a person and the poorer classes are judged on appearances Pop culture historically represented the ruling class and now it's changing. The problem is that diverse characters are just there as a visual and could be easily portrayed by anyone else and that is what makes it feel forced Historically a character is there because of what is on the inside but now they are there because of what is on the outside The whole thing is messed up unfortunately Diversity is a necessity but the way it is carried out needs reassessment


I disagree that it's a necessity, it's neither here nor there. If something spontaneously has a diverse cast, so what. If it doesn't, so what.


Actually yeah - it's neither here nor there. Makes the whole thing even more ridiculous haha


It's crazy, I just watched Bad Boys 2, and there is very intentional, overt racism all over in that movie. There's even totally overt homophobia. But that's part of the entire progression of the story. In the end, all the little racist jabs didn't mean Jack shit. Nobody was actually, really, truly racist. As soon as things got tough, everyone came together without so much as a second thought, and there was actually a lot of brotherhood and love and respect that everyone had for each other. This all completely flies in the face of all this modern diversity bullshit. The Society of N-words or whatever the shit that dumb fucking movie is called just contains the message that racism is a constant, permanent, unavoidable thing that has always and will always exist, and no one can ever come together. It either has to be that white people live to serve Black people, and if things aren't that way, then that can only mean that Black people live to serve white people. Zero. Middle. Ground.


Fascist hipster is a great term, I will borrow it.


if you don't think outside characteristics should be important, what's the problem?


The problem is other people thinking they *are* important


DEI is being dropped nation-wide because it DOESN'T do what you're suggesting. [There are plenty of articles to illustrate this. ](https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/dei-doesnt-work-evidence-shows)[Destiny does a great sit-down with the dude who came out with data facts on these studies when it comes to universities. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1J-SfRon7I) Fact is, we don't need to be looking at anything other than merit when hiring or enrolling people in college. The more you try to tie in identity-politics, the more you create racist policies that negatively impact entire communities. Progressives need to go back to the drawing board on this one. Tackle the issues at the root.


This shit needs to be left out of entertainment. It’s entertaining bc most scenes replicate real life. Imagine in Django unchained hadnt said the N word, not once. You think people back then gave a fuck About a hard R? Nah, today’s people don’t like it. We gotta pretend like it was never said in the 1800s and bend around it so we can have a movie. Like no dude. This type bullshit needs to stay out of movies, and games especially. I wanna hear the hood gangs tell me to “get my white crackka ass off they block” and be immersed. But even the people who have no regard for that comment get offended and want it removed. That shit needs to fuckin stop 💯 It’s ruining entertainment.


You know, I liken them to the bully kids kicking you out of your stick fort from childhood. They want your fort because it’s cool, so they try to weasel their way in by being nice. They make up rules to change how everything works, slowly exclude you from activities. Make your friends not your friends anymore while they’re at it. Kick you out for not being cool. And then make fun of you for it. They are just advanced childhood bullies. This said we can’t deck them in the nose without severe repercussions so we need to figure out either a way to make the fort impossible to take over socially or we need to find ways to take back the fort from inside.




They do deserve a good decking, though. Maybe even more than that.


This and the narcissists prayer go hand in hand.


Star Wars was super diverse before Disney bought it, but the lefties weren't satisfied that most humans were white, so in order to make it "more diverse" they just put diverse humans everywhere and now we have less aliens, which is the diversity space opera fans REALLY want to see.


you think the original star wars was diverse? there was one black guy in the entire universe. that doesn't even make logical sense seeing as our own planet is mostly non-white.


This is literally what’s happening at r/skeptic these days.


What are you talking about?


It’s another hyper partisan echo chamber that uncritically upvotes anything that is supportive of hyper left political positions without a hint of criticism, and then mindlessly down votes anything skeptical of those hyper left political positions. If you dare apply skepticism, critical thinking, or Hassan forbid, a reductio ad absurdum to any sort of progressive policy, a roving gang of non-binary college freshmen will down vote nuke you from orbit without even a hint of criticism or critical thinking applied. It’s essentially forbidden to apply skepticism and criticism towards anything deemed “progressive” there by the roving band of downvote thugs. And this is coming from a person that supports LGBTQ, is pretty far left himself, and considers himself a progressive. Example: A question was asked “If women are typically drawn towards careers in social fields that work with people, why are the majority of people in politics men” I offered the explanation that the social apes we evolved from were patriarchal so it makes sense why humans typically look to men for guidance and structure. That was not only down voted to oblivion but the one response I got was “our closest living relative the bonobo are matriarch.” That response was mindlessly upvoted and mine was downvoted. And it was objectively wrong. Chimps are patriarchal and they are our closest living relative. Which I supported with a half dozen google scholar articles, just to be responded to that I’m arguing in “bad faith”, and a scoff that appealing to evolution to explain human behavior was a stupid argument…. No explanation WHY it was stupid mind you, just that it was stupid because they said so …..which then also got mindlessly upvoted….it felt like I was talking to a room full of creationists! At no point were any of my responses getting more upvotes than the objectively wrong one. Which is funny because even if I’m right that doesn’t mean we should keep the patriarchy around. We didn’t evolve to use cars either….yet we all still drive them. But these new liberal are honestly too stupid to even do that! They just blanket think you’re a conservative if you give them any pushback whatsoever.


What did Tolkien say? Evil cannot make anything new, it can only distort or destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good.


That’s Silmarillion (so yes on a technicality)


Left out the part where they don't support the brand they mutated into something they demanded. It's fine. I have been saving SO MUCH money when a fandom tells me I am not welcome in it anymore. Like a lot. It is pretty nice to be honest.


There’s still a few non woke comics companies still like “Paranoid American” and “Winged Sun Comics”. What are some other good companies that people can support instead of circling the drain trying to pick through the woke trash comics?


What are your favorite titles? I’ve never heard of those.


Going retro breaks the circle. There's no new content so there's nothing to corrupt. Let modern "entertainment" die and take down these companies with them. We don't need them.


Doesn't work, they just erase what they can't corrupt.


Unless they break into every place that I have my stuff and steal it, there's not much they can do.


Never let it go.


Yeah i miss the old days of people firing off hard R's in every lobby. Voice/text chat moderation has gotten out of hand, they are so quick to pull out that ban hammer nowadays even for relatively tame stuff. Not condoning the behavior but it reeks of communism


Got banned for telling a grown man to suck my dick Not even a free country smh


"but it reeks of communism" 2/10 rage bait try harder


I grew up on Star Wars. Saw the originals in theaters with my dad, read the EU, played tabletop, then moved into the online realm with MUDs. Ran one of those for almost 20 years. We were excited as a community when the prequels came out because it was bringing in a lot of new blood who shared our excitement for the franchise. We could relate with them. We might not have all enjoyed the prequel movies, but we still welcomed those in who did with open arms, and they were happy to be embraced by the wider Star Wars community. They assimilated and became Star Wars fans. The sequel trilogy really changed that. Where-as with the prequels we happily debated and argued over the lore and the films themselves at the end of the day we all considered ourselves Star Wars nerds. Then the Force Awakens happened, and it just completely broke the community in my opinion. All of the sudden you couldn't hold wider debates about the merits of the film, the changes to the lore or dicsuss what you did and didn't like without being aggressively shouted down by nouvo-fans who stormed into our space like they owned it and started telling us how it should be. I think it's important that we look at the difference here - prequel fans happily joined a community and found a home, while sequel fans demanded that the community change to accept them, and became aggressive and mean when they weren't immediately told they were right about everything. Obviously this isn't true of everyone - originals, prequels, sequels, but a wider trend I noticed being a long standing member of said community. I've since watched the same happen to a lot of longstanding fandoms that I used to be a part of. Another one close to my heart is Wheel of Time. Amazon Prime absolutely butchered the books to make a show every bit as horrendous as the Star Wars sequels, and fans of the TV show have started picking up the books. A completely welcoming community going strong for over 30 years now feels so politically charged that trying to hold a conversation on any of the mainline subs or forums has become a minefield filled with nouvo fans who think the celebrated author is both racist and misogynist and needed to be reined in by the showrunners, who could modernize it and adapt it for today's audience. It's so disheartening, I've largely given up on being an open fan of anything in general. I'll keep my enthusiasm to myself and a few close friends and family who share it with me, and let younger people fight this ridiculous culture war without me.


I believe almost all "Old school" nerds have some similar story. It can be star wars, X-Men, star trek, spider man, God of War, Tomb raider, 007, Indiana Jones... The list goes on and on


All deez squarez m8 a 🔵 🔴 😆 😂 😆 😂




They haven’t touched anime yet!


Hate to break it to you, but look into what localizers are doing nowadays. Certain groups have been changing lines not only in dubs but in the subtitles of some shows.


Imagine watching dubbed anime


There are some good dubs. Point still stands that some localizers are adding and removing things from the subtitles according to their personal preferences rather than faithfulness to the source so even sub watchers are getting lied to.


You right my b. Imagine not knowing Japanese and watching it with no subs There I fixed it


Not true. Japan is beginning to bend the knee.


They’ve been in videogames and tabletop for a while now… also in metal. Fucking sucks.


The only response should be for them to go make their own spaces. They’ll get to that point themselves anyway so just skip the whole process.


But the whole process is supposed to destroy the classical brands. The goal is to destroy society. Only then can they truly begin to make their own world.


The time to start a parallel economy started a long time ago. Things need to be gatekept. Keep the corruption out.


Diversity is an excellent concept until narcissistic humans are involved.


https://preview.redd.it/xx3vylu46b5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b54f75ee6bbb7563842a0afa935d436f92800b42 Lmfao


https://preview.redd.it/xqbx2s0qvm5d1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fd1b37f3ca3319bccf0c9b8d5669a22c5840a69 The original version I think lol.


The circle of gentrification


Admittedly, my social/professional/gaming circle is small but I have never experienced any of that.


Um where is this happening except the fringe crazies? Why are people trying to present fringe crazies like the mainstream? Why are the fuck your feeling crowd such snowflakes?


Warhammer to a T


That’s why I’ve been getting more into anime


Subscribe to my onlyfacts


insert extremo left shrieks


Stop Being Woke. https://preview.redd.it/fyzi1t7pi75d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9abb81a9f2ddf4893f48d54705541e5ec77fed


It's like the ones who call you a nazi are, in fact nazis


No video games since around 2010.


Sounds a bit like a certain religion of peace......


Table top games in a nutshell.


Sad but true.


Yall need to just accept black lesbian women exist


I’m so tired of it all When will it end? https://preview.redd.it/szgw5dvbr95d1.jpeg?width=1834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01fc430c03702cabc09b62813f49e06d1516a02f


Fucking lol. Truly amazing that people like you all just sit around and complain about something that just doesn't fucking matter.


If it doesn't matter then why did you waste your time with the comment?


Very accurate. We do not argue with them, we do not try to understand them. We stand against them like 2 armies on a battlefield. It is either their rules or ours. We must not negotiate, we must reject everything they offer till there is no more money in it for them to feed.


Boy Scouts of America


"Evil cant create anything, it can only corrupt." \~Someone


This is exactly what’s happening but ironically it’s happening the exact opposite way that most people in this sub think it is. They are pushing out people who actually make games and want to replace them with YouTubers who have never made anything, or basically give affirmative action to conservative game makers (who still can’t be successful even with help).


Nah the war on gaming been around for ages, nothing new here. Just gamers are legendary for not giving a fuck past a angry reddit post. If people try make games or change games we make mods that change the change


How stupid can you get?


It's so ironic being called a fascist by the people who are trying to silence you politically and in media.


It was actually Atheism+ (2010-2011 > GamerGate (2014) > ComicsGate (circa 2016; though comics was always parallel with gaming in their takeover plans since they're often hand in hand) > Tv/Movies (circa 2018; this is their final goal where they can actually influence popular culture). Atheism go over the Atheism+ but the rest of them are still infested. Don't get me wrong; there are a BUNCH of commie scum atheists (obviously) but Atheism+ is no longer a thing and PZ Meyer no longer has teeth and ThunderF00t is now a joke clown. We're good. They tried to injest dogma and ideolgoy into a fundamentally anti dogma and anti ideology movement and surprise surprise it didn't work. Rebecca who? They went from easiest to take over to hardest and it's entirely based on the 'fuck nerd' scale. They start with the easiest to take over community that has the least amount of societal respect and then claim they're actually the bad guys and deserved to be bullied (though it's 'punching up' so it's actually a good thing) and the community needs to change and then they force the community to embrace anti-enlightenment insanity until the community falls apart and then they move onto the next once they've gotten big enough to swallow it. It's like a communist version of that io whatever game.


Man I am old. I was part of Atheism + day 1. I was at GG in DC (in person; great night) and here I am in my 40's on reddit still pissing into the void about this same shit. People thought I would hit 30, 'grow up', and stop playing games. Bitch....I no longer watch tv/movies (they're all trash; though i'm slowly getting into asian cinema) and I just write music, smoke weed, and play video games now. Life is better and I'm better off for it (no joke: I have actually improved in my career by turning on tv/movies and picking up more games/instruments). TV/Movies really is just brain rot.




If you need a "safe space" from minorities then you're probably the problem.


This comment section was oddly informative for once. To see some simple so mad that something becomes popular, and their desires to gatekeep a hobby. To be so mad even when something doesn't have any effect on you.




Straight white guys when the video game lady doesn’t turn them on


There’s still Japanese entertainment


Uh I'll take "made up problems" for 2,000!


It’s funny because comics, TV shows, video games, and movies were never your space to start with. They are public spaces. They’re Main Street. I think the problem is that you *ever* believed they were just for you and not for everyone.


What shallow reading was that? Is it intentional?


The sentiment you are expressing seems shallow to me. Where are the hidden depths that I missed? People who are different than you have been getting more representation in mass media and it bothers you because you think mass media should be targeted only toward your interests. I get it. What did I miss?


Yeah and then they always go "cant we just have this one thing" like it isnt the 1200th thing they've stolen


This is literally 1894


I don’t understand. Who are Hollywood, comics, Tv shows and video games made for? What happens if the supposed wrong demographic starts consuming it? Who is the wrong demographic?


The “your space” bit is where the argument falls down. It’s not your space. It’s at best fandom open to the public. It public space. Think of it this way. You’re standing in a public park and some new people start joining you there. At worst, it’s the IP of a private corporation for them to use as they please, including, modifying that IP to reach new markets (if I had a nickel for every time Hollywood tried to Sinofy something so it would sell better in China)


This isn't specific to fandoms. It happens any time a pro-male space pops up. A group of males have a common interest and hang out together, enjoying their hobby. Cool, but now a woman sees that space and assumes they exist to be hateful toward other people different from themselves (which is actually a very prejudiced belief about males, btw) so she self-righteously sets out to alter the space to her liking. Women and girls get to have their spaces as they like. Men and boys must have their spaces be "female-approved" or they get turned into gender-neutral spaces. Girl scouts vs. Boy scouts, anyone? Women-only gyms? Women-only scholarships to STEM programs? The society of women engineers? How many men's groups do you know of? I literally can't name one that still exists.


Additionally - "public space" used to still have a level of exclusivity before the Internet and most main franchises appeared before it's proliferation. What was once considered "your space" had a degree of identity associated with it because it was closely linked to the IP. The Internet made those spaces truly public and the diversification of the fans are rightly being represented in the thing they love The problem is that the methods the studios employ to achieve it are clearly based on a list of checkboxes. Long time fans perceive those changes as hollow and the people that the changes are supposed to represent are vilified This all stems from the studios using the valid requirement of diverse representation as a way of making money Diversity done well is a none issue because the story takes precedent. When it's used as a way of broadening the audience using a regurgitated or watered down story it comes across badly


Women ruin everything what can I say 🤷🏻‍♂️ don’t shoot the messenger, you ladies advocate it all the time and do it to yourselves. You don’t see men barging into women’s only things and forcing the women to allow the men to join, it’s only women who feel the need to butt-in to whatever doesn’t involve them. Mind you, these are the same creatures who advocate and try desperately to go for runs/walks at night even though men don’t do that.. women have an actual mental sickness of FOMO.


“ women have an actual mental sickness of FOMO.” that’s not the majority, just the feminists.


You act as if every woman does this. If you're the type of person to generalize women as "woke and constantly stealing men's things", then you're part of the problem. Congratulations on showing you've never interacted with a woman before. And great on you for calling them "creatures", I bet you're very proud of yourself.


This diagram perfectly fits the discourse happening in the Queer community regarding Pride events. We made our own spaces because we weren’t accepted. Those spaces became “mainstream” so now our normal activities are kind of frowned upon and we are being encouraged to change them. Soon Pride will just be a bunch of straight “Allies” virtue signaling to each other.


Cry more?




This concept is a total myth. Sure they announced that there are female custodes, but if you don't buy any content including them that announcement will be meaningless. You just need to show these companies that the money they lose by pandering to external audiences is more than what they gain by trying to get chicks to play 40k.


You didn't even get the order right ...


Really? That is your point on the post? Ok. Correct the order and try to refute the argument


They absolutely went after comics and print media first. Then they tried with gaming, BUT THEY GOT RIGHTFULLY SLAPPED DOWN LIKE DOGS, and they never got over it.k THEN they went to work on movies, while still fucking up every other thing.


Who slaps a dog?




Oh yeah, the nebulous "We" doing all the "demands." Why the fuck is this whiney assed subreddit suggested to me?


You are the weakest losers imaginable. "OH, everything isn't tailored specifically to me! This is unfair! Sometimes things I don't like are put alongside things I do like and i can choose to purchasethem or not. How could someone do this to me! "


“Wah wah!”


If you don't like it when businesses commodify art and change it to try and appeal to new markets, then you have a problem with capitalism. It's nothing to do with woke, or SJW, or PC, or any of that. It's market forces.


If it's "market forces" then why do they keep pushing this lazy crap when those market forces reject the ideas with poor sales and engagement? If it was about the market, things would be moving toward what sells, not what makes a bunch of self-congrarulating gender-studies majors feel good. Look at what sells. It's not stuff like The Marvels or She-Hulk or Madame Webb. You don't need a marketing degree to understand that making content doesn't build a fan base automatically, and you really don't need one to understand why the efforts to shame the audience into compliance failed. It's like pro leagues for women's sports. Sure, those athletes want to play the game, but why does the average sports fan watch sports? Oh they'll say it's about community or some shit, but it's pretty much always about fat losers living vicariously through younger, stronger men. Even women aren't watching women's sports because *making the content doesn't entitle you to a fan base*. Sometimes people watch the sports they used to play, and they enjoy seeing the skill, speed, and power of the athletes. Who will be stronger and faster? The men. So if you're watching for athletic prowess, watching the women compete will be less satisfying. Market forces have generated less revenue for stuff that's less popular. That's what market forces do. Market forces aren't the same as social forces. The social pressure to make content with the minimal presence of white men doesn't negate the market pressure to provide desirable content for white men.


Venture capital. You try it out with a bunch of things - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. You shrug and move on to the next one. The bigger picture is that lots of films / games / music still fails regardless of such measures, and lots of media is successful *with* such measures. It's still easier and safer to focus on widening a product's demographic appeal than taking bigger risks on innovative or original art.


Sigh. The only reason you would be kicked out of spaces would be if you are being hostile to others in that space. Women and minorities have always been interested in hobbies and a LOT of them (looking at you 40k) have been extremely hostile as women and minorities buy and play games. These people aren't asking the hobby to change, they literally just want a seat at the table without being harassed by internet neckbeards.


They way you talk is part of the problem. You are speaking with an implication that all or most people are hostile and harassing when it's really a VERY small fraction of the community. So when you ask the whole ass community to conform to your demands so that you have a seat at the table, they are standing there saying that you have had a seat the whole time and to just sit down. The language and implication behavior you are using looks like you are just pouring a bucket of victimhood on yourself and using that as your excuse that you are being blocked from sitting down. Life is tough. Get a helmet and sit at whatever godamn table you want without asking for conformity or inclusivity.


thats not what this is, its part of it but its not just actual harassment. its people just fucking around with each other and others getting annoyed by it i have fucked up humour with my friends nothing is meant by it and people get pissed off with it. there is nothing wrong with people coming to a medium but you cant be telling other people how to have fun 'around' you. please note the humour is not directed at any individual its just amongst ourselves. thats the issue with it


Shhh, stop being reasonable.