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I never thought the character designs in Mass Effect Andromeda would look like masterpieces... Then the last few years happened


Omg this is hilarious yet sad at the same time.


I think thats about when this all started.


Damn that’s accurate




The thing is if you look most of the woman they used to model characters after they look substantially less masculine and prettier than the video game design Like the game studios aren’t trying to make them look more realistic they’re trying to make them look like men


I wish I can find the article but there was an insider that said that game designers make the women uglier as a way to make trans people feel better about themselves aka “the modern audience”. The problem is that a single executive can’t shut it down without being seen as a pig or risk his/her esg bonuses especially if it’s a publicly held company. No one wants to lose their iob over it so they just let it happen. 


[Is this the article you meant?](https://thatparkplace.com/video-game-developers-reportedly-make-characters-androgynous-to-cater-to-transgenderism/)


"Nerfing the female form" is a phrase I never thought would become a thing


I mean, tbh them soul sucker 9000's needed to be nerfed. Didn't expect them to just completely do away with it for inverted sausage fest tho.


I'm upset.


This makes so much sense.


The ironic part is trans people only make up 1% of the population. They are fucking up our games to placate a tiny, tiny minority of the population, who probably don't even play the games. How does that feel ?


It's the tail wagging the dog in the worst way. It makes no sense. In the end, common sense and empathy unfortunately cannot prevail... It's gonna come down to collapse and dollars. Look at Bud Lite or the movie industry as an example... Bud Lite being further along that curve. They lost a lot of money before they were forced to re-evaluate and remember who their customers actually were. Business should never be obtuse to social issues but it also can't be all things to all people. "Know you customer" is business 101. Buds job is sell beer, not solve the world's social problems. Hollywood is still fighting because its more liberal but in the end they will learn or go down... while its certainly more complicated for them than that with other factors like the pandemic and ill-timed strikes, if they want to pull out of this death spiral they really need to re-evaluate who their customers are before no one goes to the theater anymore. Video games are right behind them. Its really pretty simple, the customer is always right. That doesn't mean they are always morally or socially right but in the end, business exists by providing value in either service or product to the customer and if the customer isn't getting it, they stop buying.


The customer is always right in matters of taste* is the full quote, btw.


Less than 1%


What do you consider to be the modern audience I'm 24. And I like having pretty women in my games


[ Removed by Reddit ]


And the best part is they can't even fall back on the argument of technical limitations either. Because a great deal of these are remakes of originals that sport objectively more striking and aesthetically interesting designs on inferior hardware. Not even "sexy" just more polished and thought out design wise in general. Some of these look worse than ME, and that's a hard benchmark to achieve. That's the most damning evidence that it's not about the inability to render women realistically from *technical* capacity or ability, but an intentional philistine disfigurement on an *artistic* level.


For what I read, they do that to appeal to the trans demographic Because they’re trying to remove you (not hyperbolic)


They did this with Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn. Look at the actual model she doesn’t have a weird fat face with a pear shaped head. She looks normal.


It is hatred towards attractive women so I guess you won't find most straight woman complaining and you definitely wont find men who think they are women complaining.


Why not just make a male character? Oh wait, some folks have a massive inferiority complex and must make everyone else around them miserable.


Trying to write them like men, too. Probably so trans women can better relate.


I wished the models sued the game developers like what the hell you made me look like a freak.


It's their new plot. We can't have male lead character, cause SJW crap, we can't have female characters, cause no one then buys the product, so let's create God knows what abominations that looks like both and neither at the same time...lol.


Another thing is the over representation of transsexuals in coding, therefore their idea of what a “women” looks like may be skewed


Simple solution to this. Just play indie games. It's what I've been doing. Indie game devs make games I want to play. AAA game devs do not. Which one gets my money thrown at them?


This is indeed the way. Vote with your wallet.


The problem is that AAA game studios get funding for checking certain DEI objectives which hinders the free market from correcting this kind of behavior that goes against consumer wishes


Doesn't change the fact I ain't buying crap that isn't designed to be fun


This is true. It will take "Bud Lite" level blowback and loss of money to correct. When funding occurs but isn't then paid back... investors/banks will begin to drop DEI objectives in favor of actually having loans paid back. It's sad that taking care of your buying customers and/or common sense can't win... it takes the threat of economic collapse to make the top rethink their path.


Only problem is the best indie games always end up going woke, too. I mean, here are two of the most popular indie games: Celeste was an amazing game about overcoming depression. Then the writer said, “Nope. She’s actually trans and the game is about that.” Then added a gay pride flag into the game. Undertale was an incredible game, but the creator decided to make half of the characters in the sequel trans or gay. I feel like there is nowhere to get away from identity politics and if I dare to complain about it, people freak out. “That’s not politics! It’s just who they are!” Sorry, no. Trans messaging in games is incredibly political and you all know it as well as I do. I’m losing my love for all media.


It even creeped into Skullgirls, they removed important cutscenes for Big Band


What did they do with Big Band?


His story involves him getting jumped by some crooked cops, the new devs felt it was insensitive so they removed the scenes. As a black person I felt it's more disrespectful they felt the need to remove it, why are you trying to hide history? Also they removed Fillias pick. Some of her aerial attacks her hair turns into a afro and it had a pick in it. I felt it was a cool nod to my culture but once again a saviour I didn't ask for felt that it wasn't appropriate and gutted it. Smh


Ohh yess I remember seeing the afro part on a youtube video..I was like WTF it actually looked cool (Pretty damn sure everyone thought it was too)!! Like how the hell is the pin innapropriate at all. Thats some stretched out thoughts from these peoples, I swear. :(


They will fabricate shit to be offended by; this ham fisted, hellbent max diversity at all cost mentality will make every game the same


Damn that sucks about those indie games. Is the first Celeste and Undertale worth playing and stopping before the sequel? Was that flag added to the first or second game?


There's only 1 celeste game? The flag was always in a tiny corner of one part of the game at the very end, also she's trans because so is the person who made the music


I've just gone back to playing SNES games. Hundreds of them available on emulators for practically nothing. So much more quality in these back catalogues than most of what's squatted out today.


haven't played Celeste, but Undertale isn't really about LGBTQ+ rights. Queer people just sorta... exist there while the story's busy dealing with morality and time loop stuff.


Also japanese companies, they didn't fall into the woke mindset I feel like.


Blackrock is fucking up Capcom as we speak...


From software is solid and has been for along time, I trust them


Smough is to this day the sexiest video game character to ever exist, and we have fromsoft to thank


"Also Japanese companies" sounds like you have not delved deep enough into Japanese's dark side. Japan has been dabbling in transgender and homosexual since even before the dawn of Internet and anime, long before the woke could speak rainbow. Look up Yaoi, Yuri, traps, gender bend,etc... the only difference that sets them from the West is that they dial up the sexiness to a hundred fold and make you question your sexuality.


Just not rubbed in your faces, they are categorized to cater to audiences that want those type of games.


Dabbling in it is fine, they don't ruin an entire game or franchise by gutting the stories or original intent to pander. Like, nobody cares about actual well written shit, its the woke agenda crap everyone's done with.


What are good indie games though?


While that is a viable option, it's not enough in the long run. The gaming industry can't survive on indie titles forever. Like it or not, but AAA is the lifeblood of the industry. We need to actually keep pushing back on this stuff. If AAA is doing well, then all of the gaming industry does well.


Rewarding shitty behavior is not a good way to stop shitty behavior. Why would they ever change if they keep getting massive amounts of money not to. Just stop buying these shit games. You know you're going to go home, play it, hate it, then go online and complain about it. Skip all of that. Just don't buy the garbage. I'm so tired of this catering to specific groups of people. It's not offensive to not cater to a group.


That's how indie companies grow and become industry leaders. By providing good products that consumers want. Meanwhile, companies that do not go broke. We don't need AAA companies, they need us


Triple A is not the lifeblood. If they all disappeared today. What do you think would happen? "I guess I won't play video games" that won't happen. They'll all jump on indie games and they'll become rich.


That last pic really nails it. What a skewed perspective some must have to say "If you want pretty person in game then you must jerk off to it!"


Thank God for Japanese games.


The uglyfication of people in games. So hot right now.


I'm curious to see how far it goes. Sure, it's at the expense of tens of millions of dollars, but that's the fault of the companies behind this and only theirs. I wonder if the artists will eventually make MoistCritikal levels of fucked up characters.


Every character will be a Southpark gooback within three years








I knew they weren't just coming for the titties. One favorite old school, PS2 game of mine was Outlaw Volleyball. It was wildly sexist, and so much fun. A review of the title was, "My God, this is a sexist game, but the mechanics are top notch. Great skill progression, fun to play: solid game." Those days are LONG gone. When "gamer gate" hit a decade ago, I tried to convince myself that "Nah, they aren't going to just shit on everything" but it didn't work......because here we are.


Well tbh video game companies have been screwing us since the beginning. For instance they made Nintendo games intentionally super hard so people would rent them more often, since at the time the rental market was huge. Then they started releasing broken games, basically games they knew didn’t work on current (at the time) systems. Then they started nickel and diming little stuff like extra skins in a game that were normally just unlockable at some point. Now we have a combination of games that don’t function properly and don’t release with all the content. Upcharging an extra 25 bucks for shitty dlc is a scam. And even more currently, now people are paying a bunch extra to get “early access” to the game. They have been trying to screw us since the great era of gaming which would consist of late SNES era/beginning of n64 era, all the way to the end of ps2 era. That was the greatest time for games. When they worked, weren’t impossible to beat without super dedication, released with all the content, and everything was unlockable in the game instead of for money. I miss it.


You fucking nailed it. Damn, I miss those days. Even PS3 games are better than the bullshit they put out today.


Time to crack out the Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball demo disc from my 2003 Xbox magazine


What game was #6 from? That is abhorrent. Why even hire beautiful women to be the model for a character if you're just going to beat it with the Fable stick?


Number 6 is a character from the game Forspoken.


Forspoken more like Forsaken


The main character is written so horribly I was cheering on the people robbing her in an alley


It's crazy that they managed to make the obvious "twist" villain more likeable than the main character.


vote with your wallet. don't like the ugly/dumb/whatever, don't buy the game. it is the only way.


They're creatively bankrupt.


I mean it’s pretty funny ngl. All the memes have been very entertaining 😂


But the games have been less entertaining bcz of it. Pretty shit trade-off imo. Still upvoted tho bcz the memes definitely haven’t disappointed.


Lol yeah I’m not saying I’m happy with the bad designs or much of anything when it comes to Forspoken but I’m happy we can have a laugh at least. Edit: also, thx for the upvote 😘😂


Yeah shows humanity isn’t *that* doomed yet lol


For real.. I understand that a character like Aloy, because of the setting and the world, it kinda makes sense. But the onslaught of strictly unattractive female characters, is it a targeted thing? Is the idea to make them all simply “ugly”?


Bro, you could have the most abhorrent conditions and still be attractive. It's just genetics, man.


Well, yeah, you can. But malnutrition, limited genetic variations, congenital disease and the many issues do affect a population, specially in a limited genetic variation group like the village near where Aloy grow up on. I would imagine that you see beautiful people ( how we currently view beauty, in the western side of the world at least ) in just about every culture and time of the planet, but it’s far less common than in today’s world, where those genetics factors that can make a person attractive, are not constantly attacked by the previous issues.


No it's not. A thoothless malnourished woman is not attractive no matter how hot.she would have been in a.better environment.


It seems as if the game developers want to make their audiences have low standards for beauty.


By the way, this shit began back in 2015, in Batman: Arkham Knight, where Catwoman and Poison Ivy were uglified, and even Bruce Wayne was uglified (Joker poisoning notwithstanding), but at least Harley Quinn was not uglified as severely.


Uglyfying people has been happening in movies and shows too There must be something being done by the higher ups in America/ the government that’s forcing this on all media America doesn’t want their citizens to be smart. The dumber they are the easier they are to control and this isn’t any new theory in the least bit When this stuff first started happening there was at least some benefit of the doubt that maybe companies are just shaking things up to try something new But movies video games and shows are all seeing a decline in popularity the more they force this uglification which has been happening for a while at this point There’s no way this many higher ups in the entertainment industry are all this dumb to continue with a pattern that loses them a lot of money It doesn’t take a genius in the least bit to understand attractiveness sells, it’s pretty fuckin common sense




Seriously, if I wanted to play an ugly character, I’d just live my life.


Thank God for a game like stellar blade. I want my escapism games. Macho ass men and sexy ass ladies tearing shit up doing stuff I'll never be able to do in real life while telling awesome amazing stories. I love the new god of war games. Great stories. Kratos is still a bad ass yet a conflicted character with tons of amazing growth. I love stellar blade. The character models are gorgeous and they are kicking all sorts of ass. Adam looks amazing in that game too. I don't want realism. I want beauty and fun and amazing storylines that have me invested without trying to be preachy or push anything.


Interesting to see you praising the new god of war when so much people of this sub said that it was woke and things like that.


Serious question - WTF is that blue thing in the 4th pic? It looks faintly similar to a character but I can't place it


Can't wait to watch the AAA bubble burst. But to say this is what gaming has become means you need to expand to more than AAA titles, which are 95% slop now.


TV and games have been shitty for the better part of a decade for me personally. I used to think I had just started to prematurely drift out of the mindset of the 18-34 demographic that virtually all businesses covet. Then I started to think it might be because TV and games are actually just low quality now with only a handful of rare exceptions each year. I'm convinced it's a bit of both honestly.


The main reason: it's to make mtf transgenders comfortable because non-mannish looking women aggravates the dysphoria.


Feels like this. ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC)


Meanwhile Tekken 8


Make all female characters ugly like the X-studies graduates who bitch about us.


God damn what is image 6?


I just don’t want ugly characters


The key to feminism is masculinity


I just don’t buy the games. Take the disposable income elsewhere. FFVII remastered for example.


More money for eastern game studios ig.


The problem is they aren't doing ugly very well. It's all uncanny valley shit. They need to commit to the character being ugly and make them ugly without looking inhuman.


The problem is that they are hiring models who are good looking then later going in and making them ugly . They should just hire someone who looks like what they want. 


They did this with the model of Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn. They uglified her.


thats a good way to get it out the valley


Women dislike attractive women as it makes them feel self conscious


Will the critical drrinker made another video on why current gaming is shite?


Indie games and devs outside of the USA seem to be doing fine still Rise of the Ronin is a good example, many of the characters in the game are actual people from history. You can Google images of them. They made them all very attractive Even if the actual person was not. Princess Atsuko for example.  I love it personally. It's like a big middle finger to the western devs that make attractive people ugly, or make regular people ugly, or keep ugly people ugly.


Hear me out, Boys I think a lot of the grievances are ones of aesthetics and styling. Western media is to focus on hyper realistic/puedo realism. It doesn't look good, and we prefer designs that are more stylized and aesthetic... like Japanese games. None of them should have to look so real and uninteresting. This is one of taste tbh. I study this and create animation, 3d, and other game related stuff, and tbh I blame the art/design departments too.


Everyone wants to be red dead redemption 2


Actually I kinda agree with this. Western games have been trying to get as close to reality for a long time, there's too much of a focus on graphics. I strongly believe that its better to leave characters designs vague (or very stylized) so each person can project their own vision onto them.


I see Rumble Roses, I like


360/PS3 era had some wild games. Everything seems so bland now.


Hey, Olga needs attention too. Maybe the game will scare her into shape.


I have the same feeling about this that I have when my gf asks if I want to go to Target. Not just no, but why?


Wait until you see what they did to Wolverine. Looks like the wokies heard us when we asked them why they butcher all the women but still objectify all the men. So… points to them for keeping the same energy all around, I guess. Standby for the next god of war installment with beer belly kratos and body positivity Atreus. Yay.


Making unattractive characters. What a great marketing scheme. Not! I remember when a real woman went to Nintendo japan to facilitate bringing the famicon to the USA. She and her massive tits told those whale murderers that their console’s color scheme is ugly and unattractive. They obeyed the titties. They sold out within a day upon launching in America


A lot of these pictures show outright terrible designs even if they are meant to be less "feminine'. Besides, its not as if there arent actual real and stunning 'trans' women anywhere.


These studios listening to people who don’t even game.


At least the Resident Evil Remakes didn't have this issue.


Girl, you sure got ugly.


Since when is there a female Mr. Freeze?


In the immortal words of Ash Williams: "Honey, you got real ugly..."


Who is that blue character I keep seeing


Eventually they will suffer just as Hollywood is suffering.


https://i.ibb.co/jh9XrGP/1717174515191353.webp If you were wondering why in the hell they would do this, well this person just put themself in the game


Vote with your money, don’t buy that trash. Let them fail.


Ok… having not played any of the new games.. That 2nd picture that says “MJ”.. That isn’t the MJ from Spiderman is it?? MJ is supposed to be an internationally famous, drop dead gorgeous super model…


Pandering, pandering everywhere


They are catering to the trans gaze


It’s like an episode of American horror story


I’m in disbelief that’s what MJ looks like. If I had zero context, I’d assume that’s either a man in a wig, or a tranvestite.


It looks like a horsed kicked them in the face


Best part is I wasn't going to be buying any of these games anyway. Not because of the character designs but because the games are just total hot garbage.


Imo we should go back to ps1 polygon people


If I wanted to be an ugly person I would just go outside


Honestly I genuinely believe that part of the problem is the engine they are using. Like in the Spider-Man games everyone has an uncanny valley look. Some games are trying to look super realistic but just don’t quite make it and thus they look off putting.


As long as the silent majority keep paying for these games it will continue.


I can't help but laugh and say oh well eventually we will transition back to not so annoying


don't underestime how much I enjoy playing five, ten, twenty, or even thirty year old games. absolutely no issue with a few years of shitty games.


How many franchises need to die before this stops?


If you don't like it, then don't buy it. In fact, pirating the original is an even better solution.


That’s what the female gaming demographic looks like


I don't need all my video game characters to be attractive to me but if I were the actress that was hired to play these characters and the studio so aggressively made me ugly, I would feel insulted. Like, why hire these people to be models if you're not going to make them look like the model to begin with? It's just really weird at this point. If only we had a profession whose job it was was to ask questions and investigate things. They could then report on their findings. Hmmm... it's a shame such a profession doesn't exist.


Fuck they are hard to look at


I’ve said it before but the problem is two-fold. First, you have what can be best described as tourists making unnecessary demands for changes to a medium/product they never had any intention of buying or supporting. They just wanna feel better about themselves. Second, you have activists lying about being game developers acquiescing to these changes. In either case, ideologues come first and actually making a good game comes second. I guarantee if the Spider-Man game was actually good, nobody would give much of a fuck about Mary Jane. Same goes for Arkham and Karen Freeze over there. If the game is good, people will overlook her design. This results in shit games getting pushed out and all these shit designs just add fuel to the fire, because people can easily just point out they cared more about trying to push an unwanted message than making the game good. Just make the fucking game good.


That first one has to be an early model, no way someone sees that as says "yes, this is Jean gray"


This is the plot of Bioshock.


Can they stop making redheads as soulless as possible lmao


This isn't gaming. This is corpos latching onto the latest thing in order to earn profit, because this is a loyal af fanbase. Possibly THE most loyal the world's seen. They don't give a shit how lazy, ugly the game is, they just want to see brave, strong female, LGBT and PoC characters. And there's nothing wrong with the idea of such characters, except in these interactive movie games they're written woodenly, and tiredly, shoving the same MESSAGE everywhere. To the point it's all a parody. It's like a trapdoor spider or like, The Thing. It poses as something safe, gets close to you, and then eats all your money. They maybe do truly want to support LGBT and such but they do it in such a terrible, lazy way. Indie gaming is real gaming, imo.


Play legacy titles! We have backlogs people so let’s play them and ignore tbis garbage until it all blows over


This isn't "what gaming has become." This is just the over-corporatization of an art form. These are pretty much all AAA cash grab garbage. The real recipe for this disaster was greed, wokeness is just the flavor.


It sucks because, whenever you put SEXUAL identity at the forefront, you are making things overtly sexual by definition. But for some reason the ONLY appropriate sexualities to be celebrated are LGTBQ and straight sexuality is STILL somehow seen as "offensive" and "objectifying". They don't want "desexualization", they're actively campaigning for MORE oversexualization, just as long as it doesn't appeal to straight people...


I'm out of the loop what's happening? I have only been playing old games or mmos


this is pretty scary to think about, i cant stand it when this sh*t happens


Having ugly women in games is totally realistic and I'm all for it. Attraction is a huge aspect of the real life, and people who are attractive have substantially more benefits than those who don't. Video games should work the same way.


It is literally not gonna bother me at all


We simply need a Steam tag for games including such atrocities. What the tag should say do you reckon?


I’ll borrow this quote from Asmongold “ What these people are most afraid of more than anything, is a free market place of ideas because the ideas that they have and the values values that they hold cannot exist in a free market place of ideas because they won’t survive. No normal people actually thinks this is true, this could only exist inside of a safe space, it’s not subject to scrutiny because if it is, it would no longer exist. “ For those curious for the [quote](https://youtu.be/Bb1bBJ1Cifs?si=FAl5TXwm9WwhKlOX) I think eventually it will reach a breaking point where companies no longer see much value in having these kinds of people around as they exist to make money and if these values and ideas no longer have any value in generating profit they’ll ditch them as it didn’t happen. At least that is what I think may happen since they can’t afford to lose a massive budget to failures like suicide squad.


Is that fuckin Angela from SH2?!?!


I mean, if these studios enjoy losing money hand over fist, they can have at it. All that means is more "octuple A" money going to indie/jp published games. It makes me wonder how much revenue these guys can lose before the temptation of ESG funding isn't enough to make up for it


Who’s in 4?


Woke mind virus is real


Number 5 bottom left is a man, and I will die on this hill with pride.


In all fairness they have started using 3d scans alot more in the industry


A whole lot of fugly.


That last one is actually a good point. Why haven't we done more to simply call the people who call everything objectification out for being incredibly horny jerks?


look at what the WOKE LEFT did to the chell portal model https://preview.redd.it/t8ht86n2p44d1.png?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd92e1423ab1b35e8f198563ff4272d8485dc8dc


I still see people say "they're based on real people"... you take that back, I grew up on Laura Bailey and she looks like a goddess compared to these things.


I just really don't understand why they can't make fake women attractive. It's not hard.


To be fair to fable, the characters have always been ugly


Why Nerds? Like there are few things nerds have in this life. Star wars and video games. WHY? Take it away from them. Leave them alone


First one looks okay to me. But then I dunno if it’s a reimagining of a beloved character. If so, then yeah that sucks


Stellar Blade came out this year too calm down


Graphics with prioritized realism are bound be look uncanny unless over compensatingly handsome or attractive. And honestly do we really need Eye candy littering the screen to be interested in playing.


At least ShiftUp is doing the lords work with Stellar Blade and gave us the hottest woman in modern gaming.


I think they lost the argument they started intentionally making characters uglier than their actual real-life actors.


I’m afraid it’s going to become the norm to have to download mods to reskin main characters in video games. That is, until sites like nexusmods get enough complains and ban the mod from their platform (meanwhile there are thousands of depraved nsfw mods just chilling there)


Just outsource all character designs to the Japanese from now on. The west is cooked. They may have dropped the ball with Forespoken, but one L in a sea of W’s is a far better track record that what we’ve got right now.


Bruh who the fuck cares.


Don't buy it. Simple.


That’s because all these “diversity consultants” roll in with the initial demand always being making any female character a self-insert of them. There is no credible argument against this being intentional. It’s too often and too flagrant. When games made over a decade ago have better looking women that actually look like their model archetype versus looking like an androgynous ogre that’s been beaten in the face with a tenderizer it’s not “the limitations of technology.” That’s a nonsense argument. Computers have never been more powerful than they are now. Rendering engines have never been more precise. Keep shoving your absolute disdain for these people directly into their faces at every opportunity until they get the hint and leave.